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Deus Vult is a project that was written to facilitate the old Bretonnian kingdoms
and bring them up to speed in the more modern Age of Sigmar game. This
involved some points tweaks as well as some rules updates to existing warscrolls
and the addition of the Faith system.
Care was taken to reference the old 5th and 6th edition Bretonnian army books as
well as to borrow heavily from imagery rooted in the Arthurian legends.
This army is a hard-hitting cavalry charging army, just as the Bretonnian army of
old was, and is based around historical looking models that can be obtained from
pretty much anywhere. As such, it is an army designed for historical players to
involve themselves in Age of Sigmar with their historical armies, though as you
will find there is still a bit of the
fantastical that can be found here to
add enough of the fantasy realm to
the aesthetic such as demigryph
cavalry and the hippogriff riding
King Louen.
This new faction, based on the
ancient legends of the Times of
Myth, worship their goddess The
Lady of the Lake, and from that
worship springs their battle cry
Deus Vult or “God wills!”.

There are two primary orders that make up the Circle of Deus Vult. The first step
of creating your army is to identify what order your force represents. The order
that your force represents will determine the Battleline troops that you have
available to you as well as what Virtues your general can select from.
The Order of the Knights Hospitaller – Defenders of the weak
and protectors of the faithful, the Knights Hospitallers patrol
the mortal planes and safeguard those people traveling from
marauding orruks, blood thirsty marauders, or any other
number of enemies that call the planes their home.
If your force represents the Order of the Hospitaller then your force is comprised
mostly of peasantry and pilgrims. All units of Pilgrims, Men-At-Arms, Peasant
Bowmen, and Knights Errant count as Battleline.

The Order of Breton – Descendants of the ancient Breton

line and followers of the old (some would say very old) ways.
The Order of Breton recognizes their King and twelve
Marshalls that seat upon a circular table of stone to discuss
kingdom affairs.
Each Marshall and the King himself rules over a small
province, and are considered politically equals though all Marshalls defer to the
King for overall commands.
These knights also command peasant armies in times of war, though are
more renowned for their glittering cavalry charges and massed ranks of
armored steel.
All units of Men-At-Arms, Peasant Bowmen, Knights Errant, and
Knights of the Realm count as Battleline.

Every unit and warscroll battalion in Warhammer Age of Sigmar owes allegiance
to one of the Grand Alliances of Order, Chaos, Death, or Destruction. Many
units and warscroll battalions also have more specific allegiances – for example,
Deus Vult or Paladins. If all the starting units and warscroll battalions in your
army are Deus Vult then it has the Deus Vult allegiance. A Deus Vult army can
use the abilities found on the following pages.

Battle Traits
Armies with the Deus Vult allegiance may have the following abilities:
Blessings of the Lady – The army is blessed by the Lady of the Lake and receives a
special 5+ save against any ranged missile attacks. This save is taken after failed
saves, and cannot be affected by Rend. Additionally, these saves may be taken
even against Mortal Wounds.
God Wills! – Knights of Deus Vult are devastating on the charge. On any turn
that any mounted unit or character charges, any to-wound roll of 6 or more counts
the damage inflicted as Mortal Wounds.

The Lady’s Favor – The army is blessed
supernaturally by the Lady of the Lake,
not only in her blessings (above) but in
great feats and deeds. The army starts the
game with D6 Faith Tokens, which can be
represented by anything you wish (tokens,
write them down, etc)
The army can utilize Faith Tokens by
spending one on a unit, warmachine, hero,
or monster before that entity takes an
action. Only one faith token can be spent
on one entity at a time, though multiple
faith tokens can be spent in a turn.
Using Faith Tokens allows the unit,
warmachine, hero, or monster a bonus that
the player chooses from the following list
• When charging, the unit may roll 3D6 and take the two highest values
• The unit may re-roll any missed to-hit rolls in that turn
• If the unit counted as charging, each model gains +1 additional attack on
one of their melee weapons (not the steed’s)
• The unit may re-roll any failed saves in that turn
• The unit may both run and charge in that turn
• The unit may re-roll Battleshock checks against it
Additional Faith Tokens may be generated during the battle in the following ways:
• Gain a Faith Token if a hero is a part of a melee combat and an enemy unit
that he is facing is destroyed
• Gain D3 Faith Tokens if a hero slays an enemy Hero or Monster

In addition to their command abilities, if they are a Hero, the general of a Deus
Vult army can take a Command Virtue from the list below. Pick the virtue that
best suits your general’s personality, or alternatively you can roll the virtue
randomly. Named characters may not choose a Command Virtue.

Knights Hospitaller Virtues

D6 Command Virtue
1 Virtue of the Blade – the general gains +1 Attack on all melee weapon
2 Guardian’s Virtue – the general gains +1 to all Saves
3 Virtue of Duty - any combat that the general is a part of, all Deus Vult
units within that combat gain +1 to their Bravery
4 Virtue of Stealth – the general must be on foot. He and D3 units gain the
Ambush special rule (refer to the Rangers warscroll in this documentfor
these rules)
5 Righteous Zeal – the army generates an additional Favor Token at the
beginning of the game
6 Virtue of Noble Disdain – the general hates any units with missile weapon
profiles. In melee combat he may re-roll any misses on the first round of
combat against those units. Additionally, any Deus Vult unit within 3” of
him is immune to the Battleshock effects of missile weapons (meaning
they do not count the casualties inflicted by missile weapons toward their
Battleshock rolls)

The following virtues are for the Order of Breton heroes.

Order of Breton
D6 Command Virtue
1 Virtue of Knightly Temper – the general may generate an additional
attack for every one of his attacks that both hit and wound successfully.
These additional attacks do not generate further attacks.
2 Virtue of Heroism – the general inflicts double damage against any enemy
3 Virtue of Duty - any combat that the general is a part of, all Deus Vult
units within that combat gain +1 to their Bravery
4 Virtue of the Ideal – the general gains an additional melee attack and all
melee attacks he rolls are +1 to hit. Additionally, enemy units engaged in
a melee involving the general are at -1 to their Bravery
5 Virtue of the Impetuous – the general and a unit within 3” of him may roll
3D6 when charging
6 Virtue of the Joust – the general may re-roll any hits when charging with
any lance weapon

These artefacts of legend have been carried over from knight to knight for
generations. Some of them are whispered to have origins in the Time of Myths
and Legend. These can be blessed weapons, magical armour, or trinkets and
standards. All are powerful tools in the hands of the Order.
Two of your Heroes may choose an artefact of legend. No one hero may have
more than one artefact. The artefact should fit the appearance of the model, or the
heroic backstory you have given them. Alternatively, you may randomly select one.
Knightly Heroes may wield Weapons, Armour, Trinkets, or Standards. Damsels
may wield Mystic Talismans. Named characters may not choose anything here.
MAGIC WEAPONS – any Deus Vult hero may take a weapon. The weapon
picked takes the profile of the melee weapon that the hero is carrying (pick one)
and augments it as noted. This cannot be a weapon used by a mount.
1 Sword of Absolution – this 4 Sword of Heroes – against
weapon is blessed with potent monsters/behemoths this weapon
anti-death runes and hails from does D6 damage
the Times of Legend. All
Death units within 3” of the
hero take a mortal wound
during the Hero’s Hero Phase.
The weapon does +1 damage
to any Death model.
2 Silver Lance of the Blessed – 5 Heartwood Lance – the bearer
this lance receives +1 to wound may re-roll all failed to-wound
on the charge and all attacks rolls
automatically hit.
3 Sword of the Quest – Rending 6 Birth Sword of Antiquity –
value of this weapon is -3. enemies wounded must re-roll
any successful saves

ENCHANTED ARMOUR – any Deus Vult knightly-hero may take enchanted
armour. The armour chosen replaces the Save value given for the hero’s warscroll
as indicated. Any shield bonuses that the warscroll may have are added in addition
to the armor given here unless otherwise noted. If the item is not a normal piece
of armor (a helmet for example) then use the warscroll’s save as normal.
1 Gilded Cuirass – This armor 4 Duaradin Great Helm – the hero
grants the character a 4+ save. may re-roll any failed saves.

Additionally, the hero

regenerates a wound at the
beginning of their Hero Phase.
2 Armor of the Midsummer Sun 5 Armour of the White Knight –
– this plate armor grants the this armor and shield
character a 4+ save. combination confers a 3+ save to
Opponents suffer a -1 penalty the hero. The shield must always
on all to-hit rolls vs the wearer be used, so the hero cannot use a
and his mount with missile two-handed weapon.
weapons and in melee combat
as it magnifies the light of the The hero’s melee weapon profiles
sun and reflects into the are adjusted so that the To-Hit
enemies’ faces. values are 2+ (the mount’s profile
attacks are not affected)
3 The Shield of the Lady – this 6 Hospitaller’s Shield – this shield
shield adds +1 to the save of provides a +1 save bonus.
the wearer (replacing any Additionally, this shield overrides
shields that the wearer has). the Lady’s Blessing and confers a
This increases the special save 5+ special save that the hero may
of the Blessings of the Lady by take after failed saving throws.
+1 for that character. This 5+ cannot be modified by
rend and can be taken even
against Mortal Wounds.

LEGENDARY TRINKETS – any Deus Vult Hero may take a Legendary
Trinket. These take the form of small items or potions.
1 Hunting Horn – This horn 4 Antlers of the Great Hunt – any
may be used once in the game. enemy unit engaged in melee
Sound the horn in the Hero involving the Hero must roll two
phase. Until the beginning of dice for Battleshock and choose
your next hero phase, no the highest result.
enemy unit may fly. They are
forced to use ground
2 Blessed Icon of the Lady – this 5 Tress of the Legendary Mistress
revered and ancient item grants – from antiquity this ancient
protection against the arcane. braid of hair is imbued with
If a magical spell ever targets wrathful enchantments. The
the Hero or a unit within 3” of bearer may choose one enemy
the Hero, the Hero may roll model at the beginning of each
2D6 to dispel it even if they are melee. That model is hit by the
not a spellcaster. If the Hero is hero on a 2+ regardless of other
a spellcaster, they may roll 3D6 modifiers.
to dispel it. This allows for
multiple dispel attempts,
overriding the base rules that
only allow spellcasters a certain
number of attempts per turn.
Additionally, no line of sight is
required to the enemy caster.
3 The Ruby Goblet – once the 6 Gauntlet of the Duel – the hero
hero has been wounded for the may issue a challenge to any
first time, he may never be enemy hero. That challenge must
wounded on better than a 4+ be accepted and no other enemy
from any source. models may target the Hero
while this duel is ongoing.

MYSTIC TALISMANS – Deus Vult Damsels may select an item from the
Mystic Talismans list.
1 The Silver Mirror – this item 4 Prayer Icon of the Lady – this
may be used once per battle. item can be used once per battle.
This item will automatically Use before a spell is attempted to
dispel an enemy spell without be cast. The spell does not
the need for rolling. require to be rolled for to cast,
and no enemy caster can attempt
The normal qualifiers for being to dispel it.
able to dispel a spell are still
required (distance and line of

Additionally, the enemy caster

that cast the spell suffers D3
mortal wounds.
2 Sacrament of the Lady – these 5 Chalice of Malfleur – Before the
thin wafers have been blessed caster attempts to dispel an
by the Lady herself. The enemy spell, she may sip from the
damsel may cast an additional chalice. On the roll of a 1, she
spell in their Hero phase. suffers D3 mortal wounds. On
the roll of a 2-6 she may roll 3D6
and discard the lowest when
3 The Verdant Heart – any wood 6 Potion of Healing – the caster
or forest the caster is standing may drink this in their Hero
within grants +2 cover to the phase. They recover D6 wounds.
caster. Additionally the caster
gains +1 to cast while standing
within a wood or forest terrain.

MAGICAL STANDARDS – Standard Bearer Heroes may select a magical
standard from this list
1 Banner of the Lady – all enemy 4 Twilight Banner – the Hero and
units engaged in melee with any one unit within 3” of him
the bearer of this banner suffer may move through impassable
-D3 to their Bravery (roll for terrain, buildings, etc as if they
each unit) for that turn. were Flying. They may not end
their turn on impassable terrain
or within a building.
2 Valorous Standard – all 5 Standard of Steel – one unit
friendly units within 12” of the within 3” of the Hero takes
Hero may roll 2D6 when Battleshock with no negative
rolling Battleshock and discard values applied.
the highest result.
3 Banner of Defense – all 6 Banner of the Chalons – enemy
friendly units within 12” of the units in melee contact with this
Hero add +1 to any saves. unit may not fire ranged weapons
whilst engaged in melee.

The ancient spellcasting techniques of the times long past are still practiced by the
damsels within the Deus Vult orders. The powers granted by the Lady of the
Lake are tied to the natural order and to the lands itself, and the damsels can turn
the environment against their enemies.
Each Damsel in a Deus Vult army may choose to generate an additional spell from
this chart in addition to the spells that she already may know. Pick one that best
matches the backstory of the model. Alternatively, you can roll a dice and
randomly assign the power to your damsel.
Each spell cast from this table heals the caster of a wound suffered.
1 Summon Wind – Cast on a 5+. 4 Nature’s Wrath – cast on a 7+
Choose a unit (friend or and cast on a terrain feature
enemy). Roll a D6. On a 1 within 18” of the caster. Any
nothing happens. On a 2-5 the enemy units within 6” of the
unit is driven away from the terrain suffer D6 mortal wounds
caster D3+1”. On a 6 the unit as the land lashes out against the
is driven away D6+2”. This enemy.
cannot remove a unit from the
2 Entanglement – Cast on a 6+. 5 Ossify – cast on an 8+. Target
Choose an enemy unit within friendly unit within 18” gains +2
18”. That enemy moves, runs, to their Save rolls until the
and charges at half speed beginning of the caster’s next
(round down). If the spell is Hero phase.
cast on a 10+ the unit may not
move at all until the beginning
of the caster’s next Hero phase.
3 Guide – Cast on a 6+. Choose 6 Regrow – cast on a 9+. Target
a friendly missile unit within friendly unit recovers D3+1
18”. That unit gains +1 to hit wounds worth of models slain.
on their turn of shooting.

The warscrolls listed on these pages are largely lifted straight from the Bretonnian
or Empire / Free Peoples warscrolls with some minor adjustments here and there
to a few of them.
All Deus Vult warscrolls presented here keep their Order tag, but lose any
Bretonnian or Empire or Free People tag. Instead, they gain the Deus Vult tag.
Any other keywords are kept.

Blessed Lake
A Blessed Lake is a terrain feature that the Deus Vult player may purchase for 100
points in their army. This should be roughly 12”-14” in diameter and counts as
Impassable Terrain. It grants the following benefits:
• The Blessing of the Lady is increased to 4+ for the Deus Vult models on the
table. Note that this is useless if the army does not have the Deus Vult
• Damsels within 12” of the lake gain a +1 to cast and dispel attempts

King Louen counts as a Leader and a Behemoth and costs 380 points to include in your force.

The Fey Enchantress counts as a Leader and costs 160 points to field

The Green Knight counts as a Leader and costs 200 points to field

A Breton Marhsall counts as a Leader and costs 140 points to field

A Paladin costs 80 points to field, and a Paladin BSB costs 100 points to field

Damsels cost 100 points to Field.

Men-At-Arms cost 70 points for 10 and can be fielded in a max unit of 50 models.

Peasant Bowmen cost 130 points for 10 and can be fielded in a max unit of 50 models

Battle Pilgrims cost 65 points for 5 and can be fielded in a max unit of 30 models

Mounted Yeomen cost 100 points for 5 and can be fielded in a max unit of 20

Knights Errant cost 200 points for 8 and can be fielded in a max size of 24

Knights of the Realm cost 220 points for 8 and can be fielded in a max unit of 24

Questing Knights cost 180 points for 5 and can be fielded in a max unit of 20

Grail Knights cost 200 points for 5 and can be fielded in a max unit of 20

Pegasus Knights cost 200 points for 3 and can be fielded in a max unit of 12

Demigryph Knights cost 200 points for 3 and can have a max unit of 12

Field Trebuchets count as Artillery and cost 220 points

Foot Knights cost 160 points for 10 with a max unit size of 30

Woodsmen cost 75 points for 5 with a max Unit Size of 15


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