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Electric Power Industry 5tandards of the People's Republic of China


Technical Code for Anticorrosion of

Metal Structures in Hydroelectric
and Hydraulic Engineering

DL/T 5358-2006

施行日期 2007 年 5 月 1 日




Implementation Date: March 1, 2007

Approved: National Development and Reform Commission, P. R. China
Drafted: Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute
Translated: Hydrochina Huadong Engineering Corporation


1. Scope.......................................................................................................................... 1
2. Normative Documents ................................................................................................ 2
3. Terminology and Definitions ...................................................................................... 3
4. General Provisions ...................................................................................................... 5
5. Surface Preparation..................................................................................................... 6
6. Paint Coatings............................................................................................................. 8
7. Thermal Spray Metal Coatings.................................................................................... 11
8. Cathodic Protection Systems (CPSs) ........................................................................... 14

Appendix A (Informative) Calculation of dew-point ................................................... 18

Appendix B (Normative) Cleanliness Grade of Steel Surface .................................. 19
Appendix C (Normative) Surface Roughness of Reference Sample ......................... 20
Appendix D (Informative) Paint adaptability between coats ........................................ 21
Appendix E (Informative) Coat System in Open Air ................................................... 22
Appendix F (Informative) Coat System at Water Fluctuation Zone and Underwater
Zone. ………………………………………………………27
Appendix G (Informative) Wear-resistant Coat System .............................................. 30
Appendix H (Informative) Coat System for Drinking Water Conveyance
Equipment.... ……………………………………….31
Appendix I (Normative) Coating adhesion test by cross-cut method........................ 32
Appendix J (Normative) Coating adhesion test by pull-off method ......................... 34
Appendix K (Normative) Thickness of Thermal Spray Coating ................................ 35
Appendix L (Normative) Bonding Strength Test Method for Thermal Spray Coating.. 36
Appendix M (Normative) Parameters and Applicable Environment of Common
Reference Electrodes .......................................................... 37
Appendix N (Informative) Common Protective Current Density Values of Steel
without Coat and Calculation of Protective Current
Density for Steel with Coat ................................................. 37
Appendix O (Informative) Calculation Formula for Cathodic Protection Design ......... 38
Appendix P (Informative) Material Performance of Common Impressed Current
Anodes. ………………………………………………..41
1. Scope

This standard specifies the criteria and technical requirements relevant to the surface
preparation, paint coatings, thermal spray metal coatings and cathodic protection against
corrosion ofmetal structures ofhydropower and water conservancy protects.
This standard applies to the anticorrosion design, construction, acceptance, operation and
maintenance of metal structures of hydropower and water conse凹ancy protects.


2. Normative Documents

The provisions of the following standards referenced in the text herein constitute
provls lOns of this standard. For the standards marked with dates , the revision sheets
(excluding corrections) and the revised editions issued thereafter shall not be applicable;
however, parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the
possibili句T of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below. For the
undated reference standards, the latest edition thereof is applicable.
GB/T4948 Sacrificial anode of AI-Zn-In series alloy
GB/T4950 Sacrificial anode of Zn-AI-Cd alloy
GB/T7387 Technical requirements for marine reference electrode
GB 8923 Rust grades and preparation grades of steel surfaces before application of
paints and related products
GB/T9286 Paints and vamishes--Cross cut test for films
GB 11375 Metallic and other inorganic coatings… Thermal spraying--Safe practices
GB/T13288 Assessment of pro fi1 e grades of steel surface before application of paint
and related products--Comparator
GB/T17731 Magnesium alloy sacrificial anode
GB/T17848 Test methods for elec仕ochemical properties of sacrificial anodes
GB/T17850 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related
products--Specifications for non-metallic blast-cleaning abrasives
GB/T18838 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related
products--Specifications for metallic blast-cleaning abrasives


3. Terminology and Definitions
The following terms are applicable to this standard:
3.0.1 Surface preparation
A measure of treating the base metal surface by mechanical or chemical method before
coating for enhancing the bonding force between the coating and base metal and the
anti-corrosion effect, so as to meet the requirement of applying coatings.
3.0 .2 Paint coatings
A method of applying paint on base metal surfaces to form solid coatings that may serve
the protective and decorative functions or other special effects , such as insulation,
anti-corrosion, marking , etc.
3.0.3 Thermal spray metal coatings
A method to melt, incompletely melt or soften a metal material by a thermal source , then,
spray it onto the surface ofbase metal at certaìn velocity to form coatings.
3.0 .4 Cathodic protection
A technique to control electrochemical corrosion on metals by cathodic polarization.
The cathodic protection can be realized by sacrificial anode method and impressed
current method.
3.0.5 Blast-deaning abrasive
The solid materials to be sprayed on the surface ofbase meta1.
3.0.6 Compressed-air blast c1eaning
A technologic,al process in which the surface of base metal is c1eaned and roughened by
blasting effect ofhigh-speed blast- c1eaning abrasives under compressed同air flow.
3.0.7 Hand-tool c1 eaning
A technological process in which the rust on the surface of base metal is removed by
using hand tools.
3.0.8 Power-tool c1 eaning
A technological process in which the rust on the surface of base metal is removed by
using power (pneumatic or e1ectric) tools.
3.0.9 Adhesion
The bonding firmness of a paint film to a coated surface (by means of physical and
chemical effect).
3.0)0 Flame spraying
A thermal spraying method taking flame as source of heat, the flame is produced by
mixing fu e1 gas and combustion-supporting gas.
3.0.11 Arc spraying; e1ec仕ic spraying
A thermal spraying method in which a coating layer produced by two consumable
elec仕ode wires that become coating material while producing electric arc as heat source
and an additional consumable elec仕ode wires m e1ted by the heat source, is sprayed onto
the base metal in atomizing manner by compressive air.
3.0.12 Coat sealer
A material used to fill and seal the voids in coatings of thermal spray meta1.
3.0.13 Minimumpartial thickness
The minimum value of thickness measured at various spots of the main surface of a


3.0.14 Bonding force
The firmness of thennal spray metal coatings bonding to a base metal.
3.0.15 Impressed current
It is also known as additional current, which is applied for cathodic protection by
extemal power source.
3.0.16 Sacrificial anode
The metal or alloy that offers cathodic protective current by increase of self-corrosion.
3.0.17 Reference electrode
The electrode that has stable potential and is used to measure the potential of other
electrode, in case that they are measured in the same condition.
3.0.18 Maximum protection potential
The pennissible negative potential with max. absolute value in cathodic protection
3.0.19 IR drop
The voltage drop caused by the resistance when current passes though the medium.
3.0.20 Stray current
The current the specified or design circuit.
3.0.21 Impressed current anode
The electrode connected with the positive pole of the power source of impressed current
and used for providing current only.
3.0.22 Water connection resistance
The underwater interface resistance of anodes in the cathodic protection system.
3.0.23 Natural potential
The corrosion potential of metal in media when no extemal current intervenes.
3.0.24 Working potential
The potential of sacrificial anodes when there is outflow of protection current.
3.0.25 Driving voltage
The difference between the potential of sacrificial anode and that of the polarized

3.0.26 Practical current capability

The measured electricity produced by the unit mass consumed by anode.


4. General Provisions
4.0.1 The metal structures , including steel gates , hoists , penstocks , trash-racks and cleaners
for hydropower and water conservancy projects shall be protected with anti-corrosion
4.0 .2 The anti-corrosion measures shall be proposed in the metal structure design of
hydropower and water conservancy project. The anti-corrosion measures shall be
selected in consideration of the following conditions: service life, maintenance,
corrosion environment and cost. The anti-corrosion measures shall be reasonable ,
advanced and economic.
4.0 .3 The metal structures are mostly set in open air, at water-fluctuated area and underwater.
The coating protection or thermal spray metal should be adopted for those set in the
open air and at water-fluctuated area, and the coating protection, thermal spray metal as
well as combination of cathodic protection and coatings (paint coatings or thermal
spraying metal coating) may be used for those set underwater. The metal structures in
seawater and polluting media should be protected with combination of cathodic
protection and coatings (p aint coatings or thermal spray metal coatings).
4.0 .4 The profiles of metal structures shall be designed as simple as possible to avoid
corrosion factors due to design scheme.
4.0.5 The anti-corrosion application shall be implemented by certified contractors. The
operators shall have been trained and obtained work license.
4.0.6 The materials and equipment for anti-corrosion works shall be qualified with quality
certificates or quality test reports. For the materials and equipment, quality recheck may
be made.
4.0.7 The process control shall be stressed in construction of anti-corrosion works , and the
quali句r acceptance shall be made before take-over of the works , and the works can be
put into service only a丘er it is qualified.
4.0.8 The instruments and devices for quali句r examination and test shall be periodically
calibrated, and used within the valid examination period specified.
4.0.9 The following technical data shall be submitted at the completion acceptance of the
anti-corrosion works: design reports and design modifications , ex-factory certificates ,
examination and test reports of materials and equipment, construction records , accident
records , test and measurement records , etc.
4.0.10 In addition to the specifications mentioned herein, the anti-corrosion design,
construction, acceptance, operation and maintenance shall follow the relevant state
standards or professional codes currently in force.


5. Surface Preparation
5.1 General requirement
5. 1. 1 The metal structures shall be subject ωsurface prep缸础on before applying paint
coatings and thermal spray coatings. The quality requirements of surface preparation
shal1 be stipulated c1 ear1y in 由e design documents.
5.1 .2 The surface preparation inc1udes mainly degreasing, impurity removal and descaling.
Descaling may be categorized into compressed-air blast c1eaning, hand-tool c1eaning
and power-tool c1 eaning.
5. 1. 3 The examination of descaling quality covers two items, i.e., surface c1eanliness and
surf注ce roughness.

5.2 Surface preparation method

5.2.1 Degreasing and impurity removal
The weld dregs and splashings shall be care臼lly c1 eaned away before descaling, and
visible grease and other po l1utants on the surface shall be removed by one of the
fo l1owing methods:
1. Wi也 solvent: Use solvent such as gasoline to scrub the surface, and the solvent and rag
shal1 be frequent1y replaced.
2. With alkalic c1eaning agent: Use the solutions of sodium hydroxide , sodium phosphate ,
sodium carbonate and sodium silicate, to scrub or spray onto the surface, which is , then ,
fo l1owed by flushing with 企esh water.
3. With emulsion: Use emulsified solution made of organic solution mlxmg with
intensified emulsion and humectant to c1ean the surface, and then, use c1 ean fresh water
to flush.
5.2.2 Compressed-air blast c1eaning
The compressed-air blast c1eaning is applicable to the surface preparation of metal
structures to be protected by paint coatings or thermal spray metal coatings.
1. Requirement
1) After compressed-air blast c1eaning, the surf注ce c1 eanliness shall not be lower than
Sa2~ specified in GB8923; when thermal spray aluminum or aluminum alloy is
adopted, the surface c1eanliness shall reach Sa3.
2) After compressed-air blast c1eaning, the surface roughness shall be determined by 由c
coating system, usually, not exceeding 1 甩出e total coating thickness and should be
within 40μm~、-100μm. The surface roughness may be selected as per Table 5.2.2 for
differeilt coating systems.
Table 5.2.2 Surface r'Oughness requirement for dif岛rent coatingsystem_s_(μm)
Coating system Conventional anticorrosive paint Anticorrosive build paint Thennal spray metal
Roughness Rz 40~70 60~100 60~100

Note: Rz means the height difference between the highest and lowest points on the surface within the
sampled length.
2. Selection ofblast- c1eaning abrasive


1) The blast-cleaning abrasive for compressed-air blast cleaning shall be clean and dry.
The type and grain size of the abrasive shall be selected in light of the primitive surface
corrosiveness , descaling method and surface roughness required.
2) The metalIic abrasive shall meet the rules ofGB/TI8838.
3) The non-metallic abrasive shall meet the rules ofGB/TI7850.
5.2.3 Hand-tool and power-tool cleaning
The hand-tool and power-tool cleaning are applicable for the metal structures in small
size or with short service life, and for those with local coating defects needed to be
repaired, and for those compressed-air blast cleaning cannot be applied. The surface
cleanliness shall reach St3 specified in GB8923.
5.3 Application of compressed-air blast cleaning
5.3.1 The compressed-air blast cleaning covers dry and wet methods.
5.3 .2 The compressed air for blast cleaning shall be treated by means of cooling device and
oil/water separator. The oil/water separator shall be cleaned regularly.
5.3.3 The blasting direction should be at 150~30o included angle to the normal ofbase metal
surface, and the distance between the blasting nozzle and the surface should be
100mm ~ 300 mm. The blasting nozzle should be replaced when its inner diameter is
enlarged by 25% due to wearing.
5.3 .4 After descaling, floating dusts and chippings shall be cleared off with dust catcher or
with dry and oil-仕ee compressed-air, and the cleaned surface shall be prevented 仕om
secondary pollution.
5 .3 .5 After descaling, the cleaned surface shall be kept 由y; if it is rusted again , the surface
shall be re-treated until the required surface cleanliness is achieved.
5.3.6 The compressed-air blast cleaning shall be done on the conditions of relative air
humidity lower than 85% and the base metal surface tempera阳re 30 C higher than dew
point at least (unless otherwise specified by the coating manufacturer); or otherwise ,
the effective measures shall be adopted, such as indoor operation or heating the surface,
so as to meet the requirements of working environment. The operation shall be stopped
if the above requirements cannot be satisfied. Refer to Appendix A for the calculation
method of dew point.
5.4 Quality examination
5 .4 .1 After the surface preparation, the surface cleanliness and roughness shall be examined
and recorded.
5 .4.2 The examination of the surface cleanliness and roughness shall be performed under
proper i1lumination condition.
5.4 .3In assessm


6. Paint Coatings
6.1 General requirement
6. 1. 1 The protective coating system shal1 be designed in consideration of the purpose,
service life , environmental conditions and economic factors of the metal structures.
6.1.2 The design of protective coating system shal1 inc1ude the option of coating 可pe, coat
thickness , coat compatib i1ity, surface preparation and coating techniques.
6.1.3 The service life of coating system shal1 be determined based on the service life, cost
and maintenance condition of the protected objects, and is normal1y categorized as
the short te口丑 of 5 years or less , the mid-term of 5 ~ 10 years and the long-term of
10 ~ 20 years.
6.1 .4 The coating material with proven excel1ent performance shal1 be selected, and new
material may also be adopted provided it is proved meeting the design requirement
through test or justification.
6.2 Coating compatibility and selection
6.2.1 Coating compatibility
Good compatibility and adhesion shal1 be provided between the coats (primer,
intermediate and finish coats). The subsequent coat shal1 have no under-cut to the
previous one, and the heat expansion coefficient of the coats shal1 be the same or
simi1 ar. Refer to Table D1 in Appendix D for compatibility ofvarious coats.
6.2.2 Selection of coating system
1. For metal structures exposed in atmospheric air, the coating system shal1 be selected on
the service life requirement and has the favorable durab i1ity against photoinduced
ageing, salt fog, acid rain, wet- and heat-induced ageing. Refer to Tables El and E2 in
2. For metal structures exposed in water f1uctuation zone, the coating system shal1 be
selected on the service life requirement, and has favorable durab i1ity against salt mist,
light ageing, water erosion, wet- and heat-induced ageing, altemation of drying and
wetting. Refer to Table F 1 in Appendix F.
3. For metal structures underwater, the coating system with good water resistance and
anti-bioerosion ability shal1 be se1 ected. Refer to Table F2 in Appendix-F.
4. For metal structures with wear-resisting requirement, such as penstocks and sluice
gates at f1 00d tunn e1, the anticorrosive coating system with good water resistance and
wearing resistance ability shal1 be selected. Refer to Table G 1 in Appendix G for
5. For drinking water supply equipment, the coating system with good water resistance
and innocuous to water quality shal1 be selected. Refer to Table Hl in Appendix H.
6.3 Coa


rolling-painting and spraying are all practical, the spraying is preferred.
6.3.3 Where painting in workshop and at site are both practical, the former is preferred.
6.3 .4 When relative humidity is over 85% and the surface temperature of the base surface is
3 C below the dew point, the painting shall not be carried out. Unless otherwise
stipulated in the manual of paints, the painting shall follow the stipulations.
6.3.5 The environment of coating application shall be clean so as to prevent the undried coat
企om dust pollution.

6.3.6 Before coating application, the coating material shall subject to visual inspection, to
check ifthere is surface crust an d/or un-convertible sediment.
6.3.7 Before coating application, the quality inspection shall be performed on the surface
preparation, and the application shall not be started until the surface is qualified.
6.3.8 The appearance of the previous paint coat shall be inspected, and any defect such as
holiday, tlux deposits and wrinkles , shall be treated before application ofthe next coat.
6.3.9 During coating application, the wet film thickness gauge should be used to measure the
wet film thickness timely in order to control the thickness of the dry film.
6.3.10 The paint coat shall be well cured. It shall be prevented from raindrops, insolating
and 仕eading before solidified and the damaged coating shall be repaired with original
coating material.
6.3.11 Every change in coating position, coating method and coating requirement shall be
reported to the project owner and the supervisory engineer for approval, and be
6 .3 .12 The appearance inspection of coatings shall be carried out after coating application.
The coat surface shall be even, consistent and 仕ee of defects such as tlux deposits,
wrinkles, blisters, pin holes and cracks.
6.4 Quality inspection
6.4 .1 The following items shall be checked or inspected before coating application.
1. Product manual, product batch number, quality certificate and examination data,
physical proper马r indicators of coating materials, technological parameters, production
date and storage life;
2. Requirements of the paints on surface preparation grade , coating application
environment and coating method;
3. Mix proportion of multi-component coating material, directive explanation on
application period of the mixed coating material, and additional explanation on the
paints with special functions.
6.4.2 The dry film thic


performed at unimportant positions of the workpiece; and the position tested shall be
repaired after detection as soon as possible.
1. Cross-cut test
1) The cross-cut test is not applicable for the coatings with a thickness over 250μm, and
nor for the coatings with textures. Refer to Appendix 1 for specific detection steps.
2) The transp缸ent and pressure-sensitive sticking tape , with a width of 25 mm and
bonding force (1 0土 1) N/2 5mm, or determined through discussion, is used for adhesion
inspection. Refer to GB/T9286 for requirements of sampling, cutting tool and test
3) The cutting 旺ea of the coating shall be care臼lly inspected in the condition of good
illumination with normal or rectified vision, or with 2- or 3-multiple magnifier as may
be decided joint1y by the two concerned parties. The test sample shall be turned about
or the direction of observation shal1 be changed so that the inspection of the test sample
surface is not 1imited in only one direction. The similar way of inspection is also
effective to check the bonding tape.
4) The test sample surface is graded by referring to Fig. 1. 1 in Appendix 1. In the general
cases , the first three grades are effective; and the first three grades may be adopted for
judging whether the coating is qualified or no t.
5) If the test results are different, each test result shal1 be reported. In the case of
multi-layer coatings, the break-off position (between coats or between coat and base
metal surface) shal1 be reported.
2. Pul1 -offtest
1) The pull-off test is a quantitative test method for adhesion inspection and is applicable
for coats with different thickness. Refer to Appendix J for specific application steps.
2) The adhesion between the coat and base metal surface shal1 be determined as agreed by
the two parties concerned.
6.4.4 The pin-hole instrument shall be used to check the coat of build paint, and if any pin
hole exists , it shal1 be repaired after polishing.


7. Thermal Spray Metal Coatings
7.1 General requirements
7.1.1 The service life of therrnal spray metal coatings shall be designed in consideration of
the service life and maintenance conditions of the metal structures, and be categorized
as long terrn of 10 20 years and extra-long terrn ofmore than 20 years.

7.1.2 Thesurface of therrnal spray metal coatings shall be sealed with coat sealer and coated
with paint.
7.1 .3 The safety of therrnal spraying application shall sati均 the requirements as stated in
7.2 Selection and requirement ofthermal spray metal materials
7 .2 .1 Zinc, aluminum, zinc alloy and aluminum alloy may be taken as the therrnal spray
metal materials
7 .2.2 For the metal structures exposed in rural atmosphere and in fresh water, therrnally
sprayed zinc, aluminum, zinc alloy and aluminum alloy should be chosen; for the metal
structures exposed in marine atmosphere , industrial atmosphere and seawater as well as
polluted fresh water, therrnally sprayed aluminum, zinc alloy (zinc-aluminum alloy)
and aluminum alloy should be chosen.
7 .2 .3 The therrnal spray metal materials shall sati均 the following requirements:
The zinc content of zinc wire shall be no less than 99.99%;
The aluminum content ofaluminum wire shall be no less than 99.50%;
The zinc content of zinc-aluminum wire shall be 84% r--.. 86% and aluminum content
14% 16%; and

The perrnissible deviation of metal content in alloy is within 土 1% unless otherwise

stipulated elsewhere.
The surface oftherrnal spray metal wire shall be smooth without corrosion, burr, crack,
cavity, over1 ap, scale or shrinkage, and free of foreign matters that affect the property
of therrnal spray materials or the property of therrnal spray coatings.
7.3 Sealing and painting material selection
7.3.1 Se1ection of sealer and painting materials shall consider the compatibility with the
various metal coatings.
7.3.2 The epoxy zinc chrome yellow paint or epoxy zinc phosphate paint may be used as
sealer if the epoxy paints is used for the top coating of therrnal spray metal coating, the
polyurethane zinc chrome yellow paint or polyurethane zinc phosphorous paint may be
used as sealer if polyurethane paints is used, and the diluted epoxy and polyurethane
vamish or paint may also be used as sealer. The viscosity of sealer should be low and
easy for penetration and dry film thickness ofthe sealer should not be over 30μffi.
7.3 .3 For selecting the top coating oftherrnal spray metal coating, the operati


7 .4 Recommended Minimum Partial Thickness of Thermal Spray Metal Coatings
In conditions of rural atmosphere , marine atmosphere (industrial atmosphere) , fresh
water or seawater environment, the minimum partial thickness of the thermal-sprayed
zinc and aluminum coatings is recommended in Table 7 .4, and the minimum partial
thickness of the thermal-sprayed zinc alloy and aluminum alloy coatings may be
selected in reference to Table 7 .4.
Table 7 .4 Recommended minimum partial thickn fthermal metal coatings
Min. partial
Time to the first maintenance Type of coating thickness
environment (μm)

Thermal sprayed zinc 160

Extra-long term (over 20 years)
Rural Thermal sprayed aluminum 160
atmosphere íThermal sprayed zinc 120
Long term (1 0 ~20 years)
íT hermal sprayed aluminum 120
Thermal sprayed zinc 200
Marine Extra-long term (over 20 years)
atmosphere Thermal sprayed aluminum 160
(industrial IThermal sprayed zinc 160
atmosphere) Long term (1 0 ~20 years)
~1 120
~hermal sprayed zinc 200
Extra-long term (over 20 years)
Thermal sprayed aluminum 160
Fresh water
Thermal sprayed zinc 160
Long term (1 0 ~20 years)
~hermal spr町ed aluminum 120
~1 300
Extra-long term (over 20 years)
Thermal sprayed aluminum 200
Thermal sprayed zinc 200
Long term (10 ~20 years)
Thermal sprayed aluminum 160

7.5 Requirement for thermal spraying

7.5.1 The ambient temperature for thermal spraying shall be over 5 C or the surface

temperature of the base metal shall be at least 3 C higher than the dew point.
7.5.2 The thermal spraying shall be carried out as early as possible after completion of
surface preparation, usually not over 8h in the normal environment condition and not
over 2h in moist or salt atmosphere.
7.5.3 The thermal-sprayed coat shall be even in thickness , and be applied vertically or
obliquely to the previous coat in case of 2 coats or more , and the thickness of each
single coat not exceeding 100μm.
7.5 .4 The zinc and zinc alloy coats may be applied by f1 ame spraying or electric arc spraying
and the aluminum and aluminum alloy coats should be made by electric arc spraying.
7.5.5 After thermal spraying, the sealer shall be timely adopted for sealing treatment.
7.5.6 The coating application shall be performed in conformance with Clause 6.3.
7.6 Quality control and inspection
7.6.1 The quality of surface preparation shall be inspected before thermal spraying, and


thermal spraying operation may be carried out only after the preparation is qualified.
7.6.2 The spraying equipment, surroundings and materials shall be checked before thermal
spraying to see if they meet the related technical requirements.
7.6.3 The quality inspection ofthe thermal spray coatings shall be carried out before sealing,
and the contents and requirements ofinspection are as follows:
1. Coating appearance inspection: The surface of thermal-sprayed coating shall be even
and consistent, without air holes, exposed spots, fusing metal pellets or defects
affecting service life and coating function.
2. Coating thickness detection: The measurement shal1 be made based on Appendix K
and the coating thickness shall satis命 the requirement of minimum partial thickness.
3. Detection of bonding strength between coats: Perform the inspection in conformance
with Appendix L or Appendix J.
7.6.4 The damaged coating shall be repaired with the original technique. When the condition
is not ready, the rich-zinc primer may be used to repair the thermal sprayed zinc
coatings and zinc alloy coatings, and the aluminum powder primer may be used to
repair the thermal sprayed aluminum and aluminum alloy coatings. The original paint
shal1 be used for repairing the paint coatings.
7.6.5 After completion of coating, the total thickness of coatings (thermal spray metal 十
paint coating) shall be measured, which shal1. meet the total thickness stated in the
design document.
7.6.6 The quality inspection ofpaint coating shall fo l1ow Clause 6.4.


8. Cathodic Protection Systems (CPSs)
8.1 General requirements
8. 1. 1 The cathodic protection systems can be one of two types , sacrificial anode or
impressed current, which can be used individually or joint1y.
8.1 .2 The design service life of a CPS shall be determined based on the service life or
maintenance cyc1e of the metal structures , and can be short term of less than 10 years ,
long term of 10 ~ 20 years and extra-long term of over 20 years.
8. 1. 3 The metal structures with CPS shall be of electrical continuity. The e1ectrical
continuity shall be realized by direct welding , w e1ding rebars or cables; the welding
area shall be larger than the sectional area of rebars or cable cores , and the connection
resistance not larger than O.OU2..
8. 1.4 The metal s位uctures with CPS shall be electrically insulated from other metal
structures in water, and if e1 ectric insulation is not available, the impact of other metal
structures on CPS shall be considered. The disturbance of CPS to the structures nearby
shall be avoided as far as possible.
8.2 Cathodic protection criteria and potential measurement
8.2 .1 Cathodic protection criteria
1. When the metal structures are made of carbon steel or low alloy steel, the protection
potential in oxygen air environment shall reach -0.85V or lower (versus a CU-CUS04
reference electrode, same as b e1 ow); the protection potential in oxygen-lack
environment shall reach -0.95V or lower.
2. When the metal structures are made of different metal materials , the protection
potential shall be decided by the protection potential of most-anodic metal, but not
exceeding the max. protection potential of any metal component thereo f.
3. The max. protection potential shall be selected to assure the coatings of metal structure
仕ee of damage.
8.2 .2 Potential measuring method
1. The natural potential and protective potential shall be measured on the representative
points of surface of metal structures. The potentials at the points farthest and c10sest to
the anode shall be measured, and the impact by IR drop in the e1 ectrolyte shall also be
2. The reference electrode shall be se1ected according to the service environment of metal
structures , and the technical condition of reference electrode shall meet the
requirements in GB/T7387.
3. Refer to Appendix M for main par创neters and applicable environment of reference
e1 ectrodes.
8.3 Basic design information
8.3.1 The following information shall be avai1ab


temperature, f1 0w velocity and tide level;
5. Impact of stray-current on metal structures
8.3.2 The design of a CPS shall determine , for the metal s仕uctures, the protective current
density for initial stage polarization, mean protective current density for maintaining
polarization and protective current density for fmal phase polarization.
8.3 .3 The protective current density may be determined by relevant empirical data or through
test. Refer to Appendix N for computation of initial protective current density for
coated or uncoated steels.
8.3 .4 The protective area of metal structures shall cover that in water (including water level
f1uctuation zone) and in mud, and the consideration shall also be given to the area of
other structure that affects the CPS. In computing the protective current, a factor of
1.1 ~ 1.2 shall be taken into account.
8.4 Sacrificial anode CPSs
8.4 .1 Design of sacrificial anode CPS
1. Material and size of sacrificial anode
1) Zinc- , aluminum- and magnesium-based alloys are the common materials for sacrificial
anodes. Zinc alloy is applicable to seawater, weak seawater and sea mud environment;
aluminum alloy to seawater and weak-seawater environment and magnesium alloy to
fresh water and weak-seawater environment with higher resistivity.
2) The performance of sacrificial anodes shall be in conformance with GB/T 4948 , GB/T
4950 and GB/T1773 1.
3) The electrochemical performance of sacrificial anodes shall be tested in light of
GB/T17731 and GB/T17848.
4) The size and weight of sacrificial anodes shall be selected in light of type , protective
current and service life ofthe metal structures , or designed and computed individually.
2. Computation of sacrificial anode
Refer to Appendix 0.1 for computation method of sacrificial anodes.
3. Arrangement and installation of sacrificial anodes
1) The sacrificial anodes shall not be installed on the high stress and high fatigue zones of
metal structures.
2) The sacrificial anodes shall be short circuited with metal structures through iron cores.
The connection should be made by welding , and cable connection, and mechanical
connection are also applicable.
8.4 .2 Construction, quality control and acceptance of CPSs
1. Before construction of a CPS , the natural potential of metal structures shall be
measured to confirm that the site environmental conditions as well as the materials
used are in compliance with the design.
2. Construction of a CPS s


4. The protective potential of metal structures shall be measured before the delivery of
CPS to confirm the all of protective potentials accord with the requirements in Clause
8.2 herein. If the requirements are not satisfied, the number and arrangement of
sacrificial anodes shall be a司justed.
8.4 .3 Operation and maintenance of CPSs
1. Perform inspection and maintenance regular1y for the equipment and parts of the CPS
to ensure effective operation in design service life.
2. Measure and record the protective potential of the metal structures regular1y. If the
requirement in Clause 8.2 is not satisfied, find out the reason and take remedy
8.5 Impressed current CPSs
8.5.1 Design ofCPSs
1. Power source and power supply device
1} The power source shall satis命 the requirements of uninterrupted power supply, and
shall be equipped with standby power source or uninterrupted power supply device if
the power supply is not reliable.
2} The power supply device shall be excellent in reliabi1i守, convenient in maintenance ,
with adjustable output current and voltage, and shall serve the 臼nctions of
anti-over1 oad, lightening-proof, interference rejection and fault protective. The power
supply device may be arranged centrally or separately.
3} The power supply device may be equipped with rectifier or potentiostat. When the
output current change is consideiable, the potentiostat shall be used.
4} Refer to Appendix 0.2 for computation ofthe power ofpower supply device.
2. Impressed current anodes
1} Refer to Appendix P for selection of impressed current anode materials. The impressed
current anodes of new types may also be selected if they have passed the technical
2} The size of impressed current anode shall be designed according to structural style of
the metal structures, and permissible working current density, output current and
service life of the anodes.
3} Refer to Appendix 0 .2 for calculation of required quantity of impressed current
4} In order to improve the potential dis仕ibution of metal structures, the shielding layer of
anode may be installed. Refer to Appendix 0 .4 for the calculation method.
3. Reference electrodes
1} In case of controlling by constant potential, each power supply device shall be at least
equipped with one controlling reference electrode, and in case of controlling by
constant current, each power supply device shall be at least equipped with one
reference elec


control cable for reference electrodes shall be of shielded type. The sectional area of
cables shall be determined by the permissible voltage drop and mechanical strength.
8.5 .2 Construction and quality con位。lofCPSs
1. Before construction of CPSs , the natural potential of metal s仕uctures shall be measured
to confirm the site environmental conditions as well as the material used are in
conformance with the design.
2. Construction of CPSs shall meet the design and the following requirements:
1) In case of adopting the centralized arrangement, the power supply device shall be
installed at a clean location with good ventilation, and in case of adopting the outdoor
dis仕ibuted arrangement, the power supply device shall be provided with dustproof and
waterproof shield.
2) The impressed current anodes shall be securely installed and prevented 仕om short
circuiting with the metal s仕uctures to be protected.
3) The connectors of the cables with the impressed current anode , reference electrode or
the metal structures shall be subject to watertight 位eatment. The connectors between
cables shall be subject to watertight treatment and should not be placed in water.
4) The cables shall not be shared by both cathodes and measurement pu甲ose.
8.5 .3 Debugging ofCPSs
1. Before debugging , the CPS shall be inspected to see whether the installation is in
conformity to the design and to confirm that all connections of cables to the equipment
IS correc t.
2. The stepped polarization shall be adopted to apply the cathodic protective current until
the protective potential of the metal structures reach the requirements set forth in
Clause 8.2 herein. The output voltage and the output current of the power supply
device shall be recorded during debugging and confirmed not exceeding the capacity of
the device.
3. The protective potential of the metal structures shall be measured some time after the
metal structures being energized. When the protective potential does not meet the
requirements in Clause 8.2 herein, the CPS shall be a司justed.
8.5.4 Acceptance ofCPSs
The CPS shall be accepted a仕er being debugged and the protection potential of the
metal structures meeting the requirements in Clause 8.2 herein.
8.5.5 Operation and maintenance ofCPSs
1. The CPS equipment and parts shall be inspected and maintained regularly to ensure the
effective operation. The reference elec仕ode shall be calibrated and replaced regularly.
2. The output voltage and out


Appendix A (Informative)
Calculation of dew-point
A.l. The dew-point td at different air temperature t and relative humidityφis calculated
according to formula A. l (it is effective when 应 OOC ).

(234.175 + t) (1 nO.Ol + Inψ+ 17.08085t

td~34.175X __ _ _ _____ __ _ _ _ A. l
234.175x x 17.08085 - (234.175 + t)(InO.Ol + Inψ)

A .2 Table A. l shows a part of the calculated values for dew-point at different air tempera阳re t
and relative humidity <p.
Table A. l List of Calculated Dew-point

an阜thi\direi比\yt m\日F℃
b\h\E \mtur\e\ O 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

95 -0.7 4-3 9-2 14.2 19.2 24 .1 29 .1 34 .1 39.0 44.0

90 -1. 4 3.5 8.4 13 .4 18.3 23.2 28.2 33 .1 38.0 43.0
85 -2.2 27 7.6 12.5 17 .4 22 .3 27 .2 32 .1 37.0 4 1. 9
80 -3.0 1. 9 6.7 11. 6 16 .4 2 1. 3 26.2 3 1. 0 35.9 40.7
75 -3.9 1. 0 5.8 10.6 15 .4 20 .3 25.1 29.9 34.7 39.5
70 -4.8 0.0 4.8 9.6 14 .4 19 .1 23.9 28.7 33 .5 38 .2
65 -5.8 -1. 0 3.7 8.5 13 .2 18.0 22.7 27 .4 32 .1 36.9
60 -6.8 -2.1 2.6 7-3 12.0 16.7 2 1.4 26 .1 30.7 35 .4
55 -7.9 -3.3 1.4 6.1 10.7 15.3 20.0 24.6 29.2 33.8
50 -9.1 -4.5 0.1 4.7 9.3 13.9 18 .4 23.0 27.6 32.1
45 -10.5 -5.9 -1. 3 312 7.7 12 .3 16.8 2 1. 3 25.8 30.3
40 -1 1. 9 -7 .4 -2.9 1. 5 6.0 10.5 14.9 19 .4 23.8 28.2
35 -13.6 -9.1 -4.7 -0.3 4.1 8.5 12.9 17 .2 2 1.6 25.9
30 -15 .4 -1 1.1 -6.7 -2 .4 1. 9 6.2 10.5 14.8 19.1 23 .4


Appendix B (N ormative)
Cleanliness Grade of Steel Surface
B.l The cleanliness grade of steel surface 仕eated by different rust removal methods is shown
in Table B.1.
Table B 1. Cleanliness Grade of Steel Surface

Rust removal method Grade Requirement of surface cleanliness

Rust shall be removed almost completely by hand-tool and

power-tool, so that the surface of steel have no visible grease or
dirt, nor attachments such as loosen oxide skin, rust, paint coat,
etc.. See Photographs BSt2, CSt2 and DSt2 in GB8923.

Hand-tool and power-tool

Rust shall be removed completely by hand-tool and power-tool,
so that the surf注ce of steel material have no visible grease or
dirt, nor attachments such as loosen oxide skin, rust, paint coat,
St3 etc. The rust should be removed more thoroughly as
compared with St2, and the exposed surface of the base
metal shall have metallic glossiness. See Photographs BSt3,
CSt3 and DS t3 in GB8923.
Rust shall be removed by slight compressed-air blast or ejection
cleaning, which shall be such that: the surface of steel material
Sal have no visible grease or di扰, nor a伽chm削s such as loosen I
oxide skin, rust, paint coating, etc. See Photographs BSal, CSal
and DSal in GB 8923.

Rust shall be nremcleoavneidnga,lmwhoiscthcsohmapllletely by compressed-air

blast or ejection cleaning, which shall be such that: the surface
of steel material have no evident grease or dirt; and the
attachments such as loosen oxide skin, rust, paint coating are
basically cleaned off, and any residue shall be fitmly attached.
Compressed-air blast See Photographs BSa2, CSa2 and DSa2 in GB 8923.
cleaning Rust shall be removed completely by compressed-air blast or
ejection cleaning, which shall be such that the surface of steel
material have no evident grease or dirt, nor attachments such as
loosen oxide skin, rust, paint coat, etc. Any residue trace shall
be only in the form of a light color spot or stripe. See
Photographs ASa2, BSa2Yz,CSa2 Yz and DSa2Yz in GB8923.
Rust on the steel surf注ce shall be removed by cömpressed-air
blast or ejection cleaning, which shall be such that the surface
of steel material have no evident grease or dirt, nor attachments
such as loosen oxide skin, rust, paint coat, etc., and the surface
shall be with even metal glossiness. See Photographs ASa3,
BSa3 , CSa3 and DSa3 in GB8923.


Appendix C (Normative)
Surface Roughness of Reference Sample
C.l Surface roughness of reference sarnple is shown in Table C.l.

Table Cl Surface Roughness of Reference Sarnpl

Surface roughness Rz of sample S Surface roughness Rz of sample G
N ominal value IAllowable tolerance Nominal value 民llowable tolerance

25 3 25 3

2 40 5 60 10

3 70 10 100 15

4 100 15 150 20

Note 1: Sample S is used to assess the surface roughness after the surface is treated by
blast- c1 eaning with palletized or mixed abrasives:
Note 2: Sample G is used to 翩翩也 e surface roughness aft自由e surface is treated by
blast- c1 eaning with angular or mixed abrasives.


Appendix D (Informative)

Paint adaptability between coats

D.1 The paint adaptability between coats is shown in Table D .1.

Table D.1 Paint Adaptab i1ity between Coats

Paint for top coat

Long- Organ- Paint of

Inorgan同 Oily ChlorÏ- Paint of
Paint for term lC MIO Al句rd PF ethy- Epoxy Tar
lC zmc- rust-res nated pol严rre-
base coat phos- zmc- epoxy resm resm lene resm epoxy
rich lstmg rubber thane
phate rich paint pamt pamt resm pamt pamt
pnmer pamt paint type
pnmer pnme type
phosphate O X X A O O O O O A A A
zinc-rich O O O O X A A O O O O O
zinc-rich O X O O X A A O O O O O
MIO epoxy
rust-reslstm X X X X O O O X X X X X

PF resin

rubber paint
Paint of
ethylene X X X X X X X X O X X X
resm type

Tar epoxy
Paint of
pol沪rre也ane X X X X X A A A O O A O
Note: 0- al1owed; x- not al1owed; /:;.- al10wed under certain condition.


Appendix E (Informative)
Coat System in Open Air
E.l Selection of coat system in rural atmosphere can be referred to Table E. l.
Table E. l Coat System in Rural Atmosphere
Designed Mean coat
Coat Painting passes
service life
for a coat thickness μm
恒ase coat Epoxy rust-resisting paint 1~2 80
~ntermediate coat Epoxy resin paint 1~2 80 :
Irop coat Polyurethane paint 1~2 80
Epoxy resin rust-resistant
恒ase coat 160
2 build paint
Top coat Acrylic resin paint 40
Epoxy resin rust-resistant
Base coat 160
3 build paint
rrop coat Polyurethane paint 40
Base coat Organic zinc-rich paint 40
4 ntermediate coat Epoxy resin paint 1~2 80
Top coat Polyurethane paint 1~2 80
1O ~20 Base coat Inorganic zinc-rich paint 80
5 ntermediate coat Epoxy resin paint 40
Top coat Polyurethane paint 1~2 80
Base coat Organic zinc-rich paint 1 40
ntermediate coat Epoxy resin paint 1~2 80
6 Acrylic resin paint,
chlorinated-rubber paint, 1~2
rrop coat 80
and high chloride
polyethylene resin paint
回ase coat Inorganic zinc-rich paint 80
ntermediate coat Epoxy resin paint l 40
7 Acrylic resin paint,
chlorinated-rubber paint, 1~2
Top coat 80
and high chloride
polyethylene resin paint

(to be continued)


Designed service Painting passes Mean coat
life (a) for a coat thickness μm
Base coat Epoxy rust-resisting paint 1~2 80
Top coat Epoxy resin paint 1~2 80
2 Base coat Epoxy rust-resisting paint 1~2 80
Top coat Polyurethane paint 1~2 80
3 Base coat Organic zinc-rich paint 40
Interrnediate coat Epoxy resin paint 1 40
Top coat AClγlic resin paint 1~2 80
Base coat Organic zinc-rich paint 40
4 Interrnediate coat Epoxy resin paint 40
Top coat Chlorinated-rubber paint 1~2 80
Base coat Organic zinc-rich paint l 40
Interrnediate coat Epoxy resin paint 40
5 High chloride polyethylene
Top coat 1~2 80
esm paint
5~ 1O
Base coat Inorganic zinc-rich paint 1~2 80
6 Interrnediate coat Epoxy resin paint 40
Top coat Acrylic resin paint 1~2 40
Base coat Inorganic zinc-rich paint 1~2 80
7 Interrnediate coat Epoxy resin paint 40
Top coat Chlorinated-rubber paint 1~2 40
Base coat Inorganic zinc-rich paint 1~2 80
8 Interrnediate coat Epoxy resin paint I 40
High chloride polyethylene
Top coat 1~2 40
þsin paint
Base coat Alkyd rust-resisting paint 2 80
Top coat Alkyd paint 1 40
Acrylic resin rust-resisting
Base coat 2 80
<5 amt
2 Top coat Acrylic resin paint 2 80
Base coat 2 80
llst-resisting pamt
Top coat Chlorinated-rubber paint 2 80
Base coat olyethylene resin rust-resisting 2 80
3 amt
Top coat
olyethylene resin paint 2 80
High chlorinated polyethylene
Base coat 2 80
llst-reslstmg pamt
<5 High chlorinated polyethylene
Top coat
~sm pamt 2 80
Epoxy resin rust-resisting
Base coat
amt 1~2 80
A问rd resin paint, acry1ic resin
5 aint, ch10rinated rubber paint,
Top coat þ.loros叫.phonated po1yethy1ene resin 40
Jaint, high ch10rinated po1yethy1ene
þsin paint, and epoxy resin pajnt


O灿 The 凯
ssu伽e c1e臼a缸
圳nliness 岱
i sS毗 岛
for川the 由d缸臼s咿ed 盹阳rvice lifì

f0e ωof5~ ω
川 y创 and 1O ~2
Sa2 or St3 at the designed service life less than 5 years;
Note 2: Forpolyurethanepaintin 也is table , the fat句T polyurethane paint shall be adopted if it has requirements Oll
color and glossiness.

E .2 Selection of coat system in industrial, urban and marine atmosphere can be referred to
Table E .2.

Table E. 2 Coat system in industrial, urban and marine atmosphere

Industrial and
Marine atmosphere
Designed urban atmosphere
service life Coat Painting Mean coat Painting Mean coat
(a) passes for a thickness passes for thickness
coat μm one coat μm

Organic or
Base coat inorganic zinc-rich 1~2 80 1~2 80
lP aint
Interme- 1~2 1~2
Epoxy resin paint 120 120
diate coat
Top coat Polyurethane paint 1~2 80 2~3 120
Organic or
Base coat norganic zinc-rich 1~2 80 1~2 80
Epoxy resin paint 1~2 120 1~2 120
diate coat
Top coat Fluororesin paint 1~2 80 2~3 120
Organic or
Base coat inorganic zinc-rich 1~2 80 1~2 80
lP aint
3 Intermediate
Epoxy resin paint 1~2 120 1~2 120
Modified acrylic 1~2 2~3
Top coat 80 120
or只anic silicon paint

Epoxyresin 2~3 2~3
Base coat 120 120
lrust-resisting paint
Intermediate 1~2 2~3
Epoxy resin paint 100 120
4 Modified acrylic
organic silicon
Top coat
lPai时, fluororesin 1~2 80 2~3 120
lP aint or
lP olyurethane paint


Technica1 atmosphere
Sea atmosphere
Designed Urban atmosphere
service life Coat Painting Mean coat Painting Mean coat
(a) passes thickness passes 岛r thickness
for a coat μm one coat μm

Base coat Organic zinc-rich paint 40 1~2 80

Intermediate 1~2 1~2
Epoxy resin paint 80 80
Top coat Po1yurethane paint 1~2 80 1~2 80
Inorganic zinc-rich
Base coat 80 1 80
2 Intermediate 1~2
Epoxy resin paint 40 80
Top coat Po1yurethane paint 1~2 80 1~2 80
Base coat Organic zinc-rich paint 40 1~2 80
Epoxy resin paint 1~2 80 I~2 80
3 Acry1ic resin paint,
ch1orinated-rubber paint, 1~2 1~2
5~ 1O Top coat 80 80
and high ch10ride
Ipo1yethy1ene resin paint
Inorganic zinc-rich 1~2 1~2
Base coat 80 80
Intermediate 1~2
Epoxy resin paint l 40 80
Acry1ic resin paint ,
Top coat ch1orinated-rubber paint,
and high ch10ride 1~2 80 1~2 80
po1yethy1ene resin paint
Epoxy resin 1~2 2~3
Base coat 80 120
rust-resístíng paínt
5 Intermediate 1~2 1~2
Epoxy resin paint 80 80
Top coat Po1yurethane paint 1~2 80 1~2 80
Base coat Organic zinc-rich paint 40 1~2 80

Intermediate Epoxy resin paint 40 40

Top coat Po1yurethane paint 1~2 80 1~2 80
<5 Base coat
Inorganic zinc-rich 80 1 80
2 Intermediate Epoxy resin paint 40 1~2 80
Top coat Po1yurethane paint l 40 40


Table E .2 (continued)

Technical atmosphere Sea atmosphere

Designed Urban atmosphere
service life Coat Painting Mean coat Painting Mean coat
(a) passes thickness passes thickness
for a coat μm for a coat μm

回 ase coat Organic zinc-rich paint 1 40 1~2 80

~poxy resin paint 40 40
3 fA crylic resin paint,
Top coat 1~2
and high chloride 1~2 80 80
tpolyethylene resin paint
lB ase coat Inorganic zinc-rich paint 80 80
~poxy resi叼aint 40 1~2 80
4 民crylic resin paint
Top coat
and high chloride 40 1 40
1P0lyethylene resin paint
阻poxy resin rust-resisting
lB ase coat 1~2 80 1~2 80
5 Intermediate
阻poxy resi叼aint 40 1~2 80
厅op coat /p olyurethane paint 1~2 80 1~2 80
lB ase coat 田igh epoxy resin
rust-reslstlllg paínt
160 1 160
<5 6
Acrylic resin paint,
chlorinated-rubber paint,
性op coat 40 1~2 80
and high chloride
polyethylene resin paint
回ase coat Al kyd rust-resisting paint 1~2 80 1~2 80
Intermediate 1~2
7 Alkydpaint l 40 80
厅op coat Alkydpaint 1~2 80 1~2 80
Acrylic resin rust- resisting
paint, chlorinated- rubber
国ase coat rust-resisting paint, and 1~2 80 1~2 80
~igh chloride polyethylene
eSlll rust- reslstíng palllt
Acrylic resin paint,
8 ~ntermediate 1~2
and high chloride 40 80
tpolyethylene resin
Acrylic resin paint,
1T0p coat chlorinated-rubber
and high chloride
1~2 80 1~2 80
tpolyethylene resin paint
Note 1: The surface cleanliness grade is sa2 Y2;
N ote 2: F or polyurethane and fluororesin paint in the Table , the paint of fat type shall be adopted if it
is required to keep color and glossiness.


Appendix F (lnformative)

Coat System at Water Fluctuation Zone and Underwater Zone

F.1 Refer to Table F.1 for selection of coat systern at water fluctuation zone.
Tabl~ F.1 Coat Systern at Water Fluctuation Zone
Designed Mean coat
Coat passes for one
service 1ife (a) thickness μm
Organic or inorganic zinc-rich
lB ase coat pamt
2~3 120
Paint of epoxy resin type 2~3 120
Top coat Paint of epoxy resin type 3~4 160
Organic or inorganic zinc-rich
lB ase coat 2~3 120
2 ntermediate
Paint of epoxy resin type 3~4 160
rrop coat Paint of polyurethane type 2~3 120
1O ~20
Epoxy resin rust-resisting bui1d
lB ase coat 1~2 360
Paint of chlorinated-rubber type ,
epoxy resin type , polyurethane 1~2
Top coat 80
type, and organic silicon acrylic
田ase coat Epoxy coal-tar asphalt bui1d paint 200
4 Epoxy coal-tar asphalt build pain
Top coat 1~2
or polyurethane coal-tar asphal 240
build paint
Organic or inorganic zinc-rich
回 ase coat 1~2 80
Paint of epoxy resin type 2~3 120
Paint of chlorinated-rubber type
厅op coat and, polyurethane type , and 1~2 80
5~ 1O
acrylic resin paint
Organic or inorganic zinc-rich
~ase coat 1~2 80
Paint of polyurethane type 2~3 120
2 k: oat
Paint of chlorinated-rubber 勾'P e
Top coat and polyurethane type , and 1~2 80
acrylic resin paint


Designed Mean coat
Painting passes
service life Coat thickness
for one coat
(a) μm

Base coat Organic or inorganic zinc-rich paint 1~2 80

Paint of chlorinated-rubber type or
3 nterτnediate coat high chloride polyethylene paint 2~3 120
Paint of chlorinated-rubber type or
Top coat 1~2 80
high chloride polyethylene pai型
Epoxy resin rust-resisting build
Base coat 1~2 240
I paint
Chlorinated-rubber paint, paint of
epoxy resin type and polyurethane
Top coat 2~3 120
type , organic acrylic resin paint,
and acrylic resin paint
5~ 1O
Chlorinated-rubber rust-resisting
Base coat 1~2 240
build paint
5 Paint of chlorinated-rubber type ,
Top coat and high chloride polyethylene
2~3 120
I paint
6 田ase coat Epoxy coal-tar asphalt build paint 200
Top coat Epoxy coal-tar asphalt build paint 200
Polyurethane coal-tar asphalt build
回ase coat 200
7 pamt
Polyurethane coal-tar asphalt build
Top coat 200
I paint
Base coat Epoxy resin rust-resisting paint 1~2 80
~nterrnediate co低 Paint of epoxy resin type 1~2 80
Paint of epoxy resin type and
chlorinated-rubber type , high
Top coat chloride polyethylene resin paint 1~2 80
and acrylic resin paint, and paint of
polyurethane resin type
回 ase coat Epoxy resin coal-tar asphalt paint 1~2 120
Top coat Epoxy resin coal-tar asphalt paint 1~2 120
田ase coat Polyurethane coal-tar asphalt paint 1~2 120
Top coat Polyurethane coal-tar asphalt paint 1~2 120
回 ase coat Organic or inorganic zinc-rich paint 40
~nterrnediate coat Paint of epoxy resin type 80
Paint of epoxy resin type and
4 chlorinated-rubber type , high
Top coat
chloride polyethylene resin paint 1~2 80
and acrylic resin paint, and paint of
polyurethane resin type

lNote: The surface c1 eanliness grade is Sa2 Yz.


F .2 Refer to Table F .2 for selection ofunderwater coat system.

Table F .2 Underwater coat

Designed Coat Painting Mean coat
service life passes for a thickness
(a) coat μm

Base coat Organic or inorganic zinc-rich paint 1~2 80

Top coat Epoxy resin coal-tar asphalt paint 3~4 440
Base coat Organic or inorganic zinc-rich paint 1~2 80
Top coat Polyurethane coal-tar asphalt paint 3~4 440
Base coat Epoxy resin rust-resisting paint 1~2 80
Top coat Solvent-仕ee epoxy resin mastic 400
Base coat Epoxy coal-tar asphalt rust-resisting paint 120
Top coat Epoxy coal-tar asphalt paint 3 360
5 Same kind Solvent-仕ee epoxy resin mastic 1~2 600
for both base Epoxy coal-tar asphalt build paint or 500~
6 and top coat 1
solvent-free epoxy coal-tar asphalt paint 800
Base coat Organic or Inorganic zinc-rich paint 1~2 80
Intermediate 1~2
Paint of epoxy resin type 80
Paint of epoxy resin type , and 2~4
Top coat 200
polyurethane type
Base coat Epoxy resin rust-resisting paint 1~2 80
Top coat Epoxy coal-tar asphalt paint 3~4 280
Base coat Epoxy resin rust-resisting paint 1~2 80
Paint of epoxy resin type 1~2 80
'3 coat
5~ 1O Paint of epoxy resin type and
Top coat 2~4
polyurethane type 200
Base coat Chlorinated-rubber rust-resisting paint 1~2 80
Top coat Paint of chlorinated-rubber type 3~4 280
High chloride polyethylene resin 1~2
Base coat 80
5 rust-resls t1ng pamt
Top coat High chloride polyethylene resin paint 3~4 280
Base coat Epoxy coal-tar asphalt paint 120
Top coat Epoxy coal-tar asphalt paint 2 240
Base coat Polyurethane coal-tar asphalt paint 200
Top coat Polyurethane coal-tar asphalt paint 200
Chlorinated-rubber paint 2~4 220
2 Same quality High chloride polyethylene resin paint 2~4 220
<5 ←一一一一 base and top
3 Epoxy coal-tar asphalt paint 2~4 260
4 Polyurethane coal-tar asphalt paint 2~4 260

Note: The surface cleanliness grade is Sa2 Yz.


Appendix G (Informative)
Wear-resistant Coat System
G.l Selection ofwear-resistant coat system is referred to Table G. 1.
Table G.l We Coat System

Designed Mean coat

Painting passes
service life Coat thickness
for a coat
(a) μm

Coal-tar scaled epoxy glass build paint 2~4 700

2 Same Coal-tar epoxy carborundum paint 2~4 700
5~10 •--3 quality
base and Wear-resistant build paint of epoxy resin 2~4 700
top coat type
Wear-resistant build paint of
4 2~4 700
polyurethane type
Scaled epoxy glass build paint 1~2 400
2 quality Epoxy carborundum build paint 1~2 400
base and
3 Epoxy coal-t在r asphalt build paint 1~2 400
top coat
4 Polyurethane coal-tar asphalt build paint 1~2 400

Note: The surface c1 eanliness grade is Sa2 Yz.


Appendix H (Informative)
Coat System for Drinking Water Conveyance Equipment
H.l Selection of coat system for drinking water conveyance equipment is shown in Table
TableH .1 Coat 坦白山forDri他mg Water C 国uipment

Designed Painting Mean coat

service life Coat passes thickness
a for a coat μm

回ase coat Epoxy resin rust-resisting paint 1~2 80

厅op coat Solvent-free epoxy resin mastic l 400
1O ~20
Same quality f01
2 Solvent-企ee epoxy resin mastic 1~2 600
Ibase and top coat
回 ase coat Organic or inorganic zinc-rich paint 1~2 80
~ntermediate layer Paint of epoxy resin type 1~2 80
Paint of epoxy resin type and
厅op coat 2~4 200
polyurethane type
回 ase coat Epoxy resin rust-resisting paint 1~2 80
2 b阳mediate layer Paint of epoxy resin type 1~2 80
5~ 1O Paint of epoxy resin type and 2~4
rrop coat 200
polyurethane type
3 lB ase coat Chlorinated-rubber rust-resisting paint 1~2 80
rrop coat Chlorinated-rubber type paint 3~4 280
High chloride polyethylene resin
4 lB ase coat rust-resísting pamt
1~2 80

rrop coat High chloride polyethylene resin paint 3~4 280

Same quality for Chlorinated-rubber paint 220
<5 ←-一一
2 base and top coat High chloride polyethylene resin paint 2~4 220
Note: The surface c1 eanliness grade is Sa2 Yz for the designed service life of 5~ 10 year and 1O ~20
year, and is Sa2 or St3 for the designed service life less than 5 years.


Appendix 1 (N ormative)

Coating adhesion test by cross-cut method

1.1 General
1. 1.1 The test shall be carried out on a sample plate, with three different test positions at least,
and the spacing ofthe adjacent two positions and between each position and the sample edge
shall not be less than 5mm. If the test results at three positions are not consistent and the
difference is more than one grade , the above-mentioned test shall be repeated at other three
positions or more , or other sample plate shall be used for test (if necessary) , and all the test
results shall be recorded.
1. 1.2. Unless otherwise specified, the sample plate shall be kept at the specific condition for
16h before testing. The ambient condition is allowed for the site test.
1. 1.3 The cutting quantity for each direction of the cu忧ing pattem shall be 6.
1. 1.4 The cutting clearance in each direction shall be equal, and depends on the coating
thickness and type of the base metal,
The clearance shall be lmm, 2mm and 3mm for the coating thickness of 0μm~60μm,
61μm~120μm and 121μm~250μm, respectively.

1.2. Coating Cutting by Hand Tool

1. 2.1 The sample plate shall be placed on a hard and flat object. Before test, the blade of
cutter shall be checked and be kept in a good condition by sharpening or replacing the blade.
1. 2.2 The cutter shall be held with uniform force and vertical to the sample plate surface, the
proper clearance-guiding device shall be adopted, and the specified cutting lines are formed
on the coating by the blade at uniform cutting speed. All cutting shall be down to the base
metal surface. The test shall be regarded as failure if the coating is too hard to be cut down to
the base metal surface , which shall be recorded as it is.
1.2.3 By repeating the above-mentioned operation, the parallel cutting lines in same quantity
are made crossing the previous cutting lines at 90 0 to form a grid of cutting lines.
1. 2.4 Each diagonalline of the grid is cleaned by a soft brush moving forward and backward
for several times.
1. 2.5 A certain length of adhesive tape is pulled off with a uniform rate , the front section of
which is cut off, and a length of75mm long is taken. The tape is placed with its center on the
grid and parallel to one group of the cutting lines , then, pressed onto the grid by finger. The
length of adhesive tape shall be 20mm more than that of the grid.
The adhesive tape shall be pressed by finger tip forcibly so as to keep a good contact of
the adhesive tape to the coating. The effective adhesion shall be obtained by contacting the
tape with t


1. 2.6 The adhesive tape may be kept on a 仕ansparency film for reference later on.
1.3 Coating Cutting by Motor-Driven Cutter
If the cu忧er is driven by electric motor, the cutting operation shall follow the
procedures as specified for the coating cutting by hand tool , particularly the cutting clearance
and test times.
1.4. Grading of test results
Table 1. 1 Grad坦K of Te~1 Result
Surface appearances of cross
Grade Description
cutting-area with peel-off

O The cutting edge is smooth, without peel-off at any grid.

There are few peel-offs of the coating at cross points , but
the affected area is not more than 5% the cross-cutting area.

There are some peel-off at cross points and/or along the
2 cutting edge , the affected area is more than 5% the cross-
cutting area, but not more than 15%.

There are large pieces of peel-off at part of or most of coat

along the cutting edge an d/ or at different position of the
grid, the affected area is more than 15% the cross
cutting-area, but not more than 35%.

There are large pieces of peel-off of the coat along the

cutting edge , and/or part or all coat at cross position, the
affected area is more than 35% the cross-cutting area but
not more than 65%. 整黠
5 The peel-off is more than the above mentioned Grade-4.


Appendix J (Normative)

Coating adhesion test by pull-off method

J.l This test is to measure adhesion of a coating by separating the coating from the base
metal with pull-off method.
J.2 The test adopts pulling-type coat adhesion instrument.
J.3 Three test points are randomly taken for each 100m2 area, about 30mm x 30mm for each
point. The coating surface at each test point shall be grinded with No.O abrasive paper, and
degreased with solvents such as acetone or alcohol , etc. The botlom surface of the rivet-type
A-alloy disk base of the adhesion instrument shall also be grinded and degreased. The disk
base shall be bonded on the treated coating by bonding agent.
J.4 After hardening of the bonding agent for 24h, the disk base shall be separated from the
coat around it by the sleeve-type cu忧er of the instrument.
J.5 The disk base is looped by the steel ring supporting gasket ofthe instrument and the hand
wheel of the instrument is tumed counterclockwise , so as to have the claw of the instrument
loosened and inserted into A-alloy-rivet type disk base and have the three supporting poles of
the instrument standing on the steel-ring supporting gasket; then, the instrument pointer is
set to "0" and the hand wheel is tumed clockwise till the coat is pulled off. The reading of
the pointer is recorded.
J.6 After testing , the coat remaining on the alloy-rivet type disk base shall be observed, the
test data will be e旺ective if more than 75% the base botlom area is bonded with the coat.
Otherwise , the adhesion test shall be carried out again near that measuring point if the area
bonded with the coat is less than 75% the base botlom area and the adhesive force is less
than specified value.


Appendix K (N ormative)

Thickness of Thermal Spray Coating

K. l Determination of size and number for reference surfaces.

Kl.l If the effective surface 缸ea of a thermal spray metal is more than 1m2, each reference
surface area for measuring the local thickness shall be 10cm x 10cm.
K. l .2 Determination of number and position of the reference surfaces: The number of the
reference surfaces shall be determined according to the requirement that the total area of the
reference surfaces is not be less than 5% of the effective surface area. The reference surfaces
shall be evenly distributed over the whole effective surface.
K. 2 Measurement of local thickness
Within the selected reference surfaces , 10 times of measurement shall be conducted at 9
points, and the first and the tenth measurement shall be at the coincident surface. See
Fig. K. l.

① ①


① 。

Note: 0 is measuring point, and the nurnber in 0 is the measuring sequence.

Fig. K. l Ten Measurements at Nine Points

K. 3 Test results
The mean thickness , and min. or max. local thickness of thermal spray coating can be
provided according to different requirements.
If not specially required, the thickness of the thermal spray coating shall be the min.
local thickness measured on the effective surface.


Appendix L (N ormative)

Bonding Strength Test Method for Thermal Spray Coating

L. l Principle
Cut the coat down to the base metal and make the cutting lines to fOfI丑 a square grid in
specific size , in this case , no peel-off ofthe coat shall occur 仕om the base metal.
L. 2 Device
The cutting tool with hard blade shall be used , the shape of which shall be as shown in Fig.

Fig. L. l Cutting Tool

L. 30peration
To cut out the square grid in the size specified in Table L. l by cutting tool as in Fig.
L- 1.
The cutting depth is down ωthe base metal.
After the grid forrned on the metal by cutting, the suitable adhesive tape agreed-on both
the seller and the buyer shall be pressed tightly on the coat by a roller with 5N load applied,
and then the tape is quickly peeled off in the direction vertical to the coat surface.
If this method cannot be adopted, the other method of measuring coat bonding strength
shall be agreed by both the seller and the buyer.

Table L.l Grid 8ize

nob kue uHU nob n

Approximate surface of covered grid I Coat thickness

puv puv

mm) (μm

15X 15ζ200
25X25 >200 5

L .4 Test result
The coating is qualified when there is no coat peeled off from the base metal or when a
part of coat in each grid still adhered on the base metal and the damage occurs between coat
layers , not between the coat and the base metal.


Appendix M (N ormative)

Parameters and Applicable Environment of Common Reference Electrodes

M.l The main parameters and applicable environment of the common reference electrodes
are shown in Table M.l.
Table M.l Parameters and Applicable Environment of Common Reference Electrodes

Electric potential (Re1ative

Electrode Common Applicable
Name to standard hydrogen
structure symbol Environment
electrode) , V
Saturated calomel Hg / HgCl / Sea water,
EHg, EsCE 十 0.25
electrode saturated KCl fresh water
Copper / saturated
Cu / saturated
copper sulfate Ec.EcSE 十 0 .3 2 Fresh water, soil
Silver / silver Ag/AgCl / sea
E Ag +0 .2 5 Sea water
chloride e1 ectrode water
Zinc and zinc alloy Sea water,
Zn and Zn alloy EZn -0.78
electrode fresh water

Appendix N (Informative)

Common Protective Current Density Values of Steel without Coat and

Calculation of Protective Current Density for Steel with Coat
N.l Common protective current density values of steel without coat are shown in Table N.l.
Ambient medium Protective Current Density, mA / m2
Rest 20~55

Fresh water Flowing 45~70

Flowing in high velocity 50~160

Rest 80~120
Sea water
F10wing 100~150

N .2 The calculation ofprotective current density for steel with coat

The protective current density for steel with coat is calculated as per formula N.l.
ic=ibXfc (N.l)
Where: ic-一- protective current density of steel with coat, mA / m

ib- - protective current density of steel without coat, mA / m 2 ;

fc一一- failure coefficient of coat, O<fc三 1.
The initial coat failure coefficient for the common paint is: 1% "'-'2 % in water, and 25
% "'-' 50 % in soil. The increase rate of coat failure is 1 % "'-'3 % per year.


Appendix 0 (Informative)
Calculation Formula for Cathodic Protection Design
0.1 Ca1cu1ation for sacrificia1 anode design
0.1.1 Output current of sacrificia1 anode:

I 一生互 一 (0 .1)
Where: Ia-- output current ofsacrificia1 anode , A;
ô. V - slaving vo 1tage of sacrificia1 anode, V;
R 一一- tota1 resistance of 100p, n. In genera1 condition, its va1ue is approximate1y
equa1 to water-connection resistance of the sacrificia1 anode , it can be ca1cu1ated
as per Appendix 0.3.
0. 1. 2 Quantity of sacrificia1 anodes

N=L (0 .2)
Where: N - - quantity of sacrificia1 anodes;
I 一一- protective current of meta1 structures, A;
Ia-一一 output current of sing1e sacrificia1 anode , A.
0. 1. 3 Tota1 net mass ofsacrificia1 anodes
W -= 8760I m t (0.3)
Where: W-一→ the tota1 net mass of sacrificia1 anodes , kg;
Im-一- mean protective current of meta1 structures, A;
I 一一- designed service 1ife of sacrificia1 anode , a;
q 一一- actua1 capacitance of sacrificia1 anode ,(Ah)/kg;
k 一一- safe coefficient, it takes 1.1 ~1.2 in normal.
0.1 .4 Service 1ife check for sacrificia1 anode
t= WJ (0 .4)
Where: t 一-service life of sacrificia1 anode , a:
吭一二-net mass of sing1e sacrificia1 anode , kg;
EE E一-consumption rate ofsacrificia1 anode , kg/(A.a);
I; 一-mean output current of sacrificia1 anode within service 1ife, A;
f 一一-uti1ization coefficient of sacrificia1 anode , the following va1ues may be used:
Strip-shaped sacrificia1 anode: O.90~O.95;

Ring-shaped sacrificia1 anode: O.75~O.80;


Sacrificial anode of other shapes: 0.75'"'-'0.90.

0 .2 Calculation for impressed current design

0 .2 .1 Power ofpower equipment:
- (0.5)
V = I(R a + R L + Rc ) (0.6)
Where: P 一一-output power of power equipment, W;
I 一一-output current of power equipment, A;
Y 一→一output voltage of power equipment, V;
η 一一-efficiency ofpower equipment, it takes 0.7 in normal;
Ra 一一-water connection resistance of impressed current anode , n , calculated as per
Appendix 0.3;
R L --conductor resistance , n;
Rc 一一-cathodic transition resistance , n.
0 .2.2 Quantity ofimpressed current anode:

N= 三 (0.7)
Where: N --quanti句T of impressed current anode;
I 一一-protective current of metal structures , A;
1a --output current of single impressed current anode , A.
0.2.3 Total net mass ofimpressedcurrent anodes:
W = KE1mt <(0.8)
Where: W--total net mass ofimpressed current anodes , kg;
K 一一-safety coefficient, it takes 1.1'"'-' 1.5 in normal;
E 一一-consumption rate ofimpressed current anode , kg/(A.a);
1m 一一-mean protective current of metal structures , A;
t-一-service life of impressed current anode , a.
0.3 Water connection resistance of anode
0 .3 .1 Strip-shaped anode:
If L~4r,
ρ 1 1-( 4L ì 1 1
R 二一一 1
ln •=-
2trL 1 ~ r )
1-11 (0.9)

if L< 衔,

R 斗n[2:[1品了Jl吐一月1




0.3.2 Plate-shaped anode:

R~ ::::;1三 (0.11 )
0 .3 .3 An ode of other shapes:

R 二 0.315 P ( 0.12)
-J A
Ra 一一- water connection resistance of anode , n;
ρ 一一-specific resistance of media, n .cm;
L 一一-anode length, cm;

r 一一→一→c叫甲
L己 1π

sectional perimeter of anode , cm;

S 一-arithmetical mean value of anode length and width, cm;
A 一-exposed area of anode , cm2 .
0 .4 Shielding layer of anode
0 .4 .1 Circular-shaped anode:
D 二 VaP)/[π(Eo-E)] (0.13)
D 一一-diameter ofthe anode shielding layer, m;
1a --output current of anode , A;
ρ 一一-specific resistance of media, n .m;
E。一一-protective potential of the s仕ucture, V;
E 一一-potential ofthe structure at a distance of D 12 to the anode center, V , which
depends on the cathode-resistant potential value of the coat.
0 .4.2 Strip-shaped anode:
De = 2LI exp[l + JZL(E o- E)/(ρÞlJ] (0.14)
Where: De 一一-the min. distance 仕om the anode shielding layer edge to the anode edge
with length L , m;
L 一一-anode length, m;
E 一一-potential ofthe structure at De to the anode edge , V , which depends on the
cathode-resistant potential value of coat;
Eo , Ia and ρ 一一- same as described in 0 .4.1.


Appendix P (Informative)

Material Performance of Common Impressed Current Anodes

P.l The material performance of common impressed current anodes is shown in Table P .1.
Table P.l Material Performance of Common 1些pressed Current An ode
Max. current density Consumption rate
An ode material Operation environment 2 potential
A/m Kg/(A. a)

Sea water 40 1.1

Fresh water 2.7 0.5~ 1.1

Sea water,企esh water,

High-silicon iron 1O ~30 0.25~0.5
and earth

Lead and silver alloy Sea water 50~300 0.1 2.0

Lead and silver alloy

with microcontent of Sea water 50~1000 8X 10-3 2.2

P1atinized titanium Sea water :::;;1250 6X 10-6 2.3

Platinum and titanium

Sea water :::;;1500 6X10-6 2.5
P1atinum and niobium
Sea water 三三 2000 6XIO-6 2.5
Titanium-base meta1 Sea water, fresh water, 5X 10-6
三三 600 1. 9
oxide and seamud
~ote: Polarization potentia1 means the constant-current po1a由ation potential at the rated working curren



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