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Popcorn Popper

Good day everyone! Honestly, I’m so glad and excited to stand here in front of you for this
opportunity to share inspiring words with the message that I have prepared. First of all I want to
thank God for helping me find ideas in creating this, knowing that I cannot trully make this by my
own but with His divine wisdom and providence. And to our effective teacher Mrs. Ethel Vicente
who gave us this challenging and seldom activity to make a speech.
Who can tell me how do you make popcorns? That’s right! You put those kernels in a popcorn
popper and heat them. When the kernels become very hot, they pop open and become popcorn that
you can eat. Pretend to be a popcorn kernel. You don’t know what’s happening, but someone
throws you into a popcorn popper and turns on the heat. It would not be fun and you might suffer
a bit in that popper. Then someone would have to tell you, “It’s for your own good. You may be
so miserable now, but that heat is going to change you into a good popcorn.” William Morley
Punshon, a preacher said, “ It is the old lesson, a worthy purpose, patient energy for its
accomplishment, a resolution undaunted by difficulties and then success.” It means, if you aim for
success, you need to have that passion for learning. Now these popcorn popper are the ones who
pushes us and throwing us into becoming independent and to be strong enough facing a life that is
not anymore usual for us to enjoy but still enthusiastically dwell with different difficulties while
aiming for that success. According to Winston Churchill, “success is the ability to go from one
failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.”
There are three kinds of popcorn popper: first we have the parents, they are the ones who provide
love and dicipline over their children to grow become great persons they want you to be. According
to David Wikenson a theologian, “Good parents does not always produce good children, but
devoted, dedicated, hardworking mothers and fathers than can weight the balance in favor of
decency and the building of moral character. Every word and deed of a parent is a fiber woven into
the character of a child which ultimately determines how the child fits into the fabric of society.”
At home, we always make a lot of complains. Whenever we make mistakes, there are thousand of
words our parents have, to correct you repeatedly until the're connecting to their past experiences
trying to make you realize that life is not easy. Next is the school teacher, “The teacher has been
defined as an individual who can understand those who are not very good at explaining, and
explaining to those who are not good at undestanding.” Dwight Eisenhower. They are popcorn
poppers who gives us a lot of challenges through quizes, project, research papers, and more
activities that sometimes when it seems so difficult for us to accomplish and comply all those
things, we keep on complaining, “ Ano ba yan, hindi naman tayo robot para pahirapan tayong
gawin ang mga bagay nato.”. Specially in this generation, more advancements they’re expecting
for the students, the are expecting the students’ intelligence guided by the technology as well as
their actual knowledge that even the lessons are more detailed and widen.Teachers are popcorn
poppers who burns us into a developed attitude. Next we have this called failures which causes us
pain, devastation, self-discriminating. When the teacher is seriously conscious and strict when it
comes to time, and when you came just one minute after the allotted time but knowing that she’s
not going to let you in, so you could ever tell yourself, “You’re very slow, you should do better
next time.” And many repeating mistakes whether big or small things that seriously affects and
could cause of blaming ourselves for not doing good.
I know it’s silly to pretend that you’re a popcorn kernel. But in a way we’re all like popcorn
kernels. Sometimes we need the heat turned to change us into better people. We need not to
complain about the negative things that happen but to focus on the positive result behind those
hardships. And as Christians, it is God’s will for us to experience these things for we ourselves
don’t know what lies on our tomorrow. It’s His will that by learning from those not-so-good things
that happen, gradually you can be turning into better and understanding persons. Remember that
kernel cannot be turn into a fluffy popcorn without a popcorn popper.

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