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Available / given data & assumptions

JCB model 2DX
Bucket Capacity 0.32
Dumper capacity 12
Quantity to excavate 100

Bank Qty
common earth
soft murrum
soft rock
Angle of swing
Productivity factory 9site layout and job condition
time duration to compete work
capacity of dumper in cum
dumper fill factor based on type
distance to haul the work
avg. speed of dumper while going
avg. speed of dumper while returning

actual out put in 1 cycle

for common earth
for soft murrum
soft rock

total dumpers required considering 1 buffer dumper 3

actual no.of dumpers requied for 1 jcb 3
for common earth

bank to loose volume
ratio Loose vol. bucket fill factor Cycle time sec.

time(min) required to
fill 1 dumper

3 2

for sift murrum for hard murrum

Problem on excavation using JCB
model Buket capacity soil type
2DX 0.32 sand and
3DX 0.5
4DX 0.65
5DX 0.7

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