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Digital Story Telling

Name : Dimas Arifin

NPM : 152122101

Subject : Digital Story Telling

Class : 5-C

Lecturer : Santiana, S.S., M.Pd.


I. Write a general reflection of what has happened in your lesson. Use the following form to
help you systematize and concretize your thoughts.


1. Content (What) What have I learnt from DST Class?
The things that I have learnt is the knowledge and experiences of the
new invention of technology in education especially the way how to
transforming a story into digital content. I also learnt about the
development of technology itself started from the old technology like
writing in a rock until the newest technology that makes the worlds
looks very closer and everything are easier to reach with effective time.
In this 21st century when the technology are very integrated with daily
life of human being, it is needed the will of adapting with current
development. This course is one of the solution for that situation which
I learnt about how interesting the learning is if it integrated with
technology. I also learn about several kind of software that can be used
to make a digital storytelling and the way how to use it
2. . What do I like most?
From the class activity, I like when the teacher comparing video profile
from the different university, it’s exiting.
From the software, maybe it’s toontastic because it’s a simple one to
use and has a many cute feature that can let me explore my own story
and fill it to the digital storytelling content.
3. Process ( How) How did I learn it?
I learnt it by paying attention to my friends presentation about the
software, learn by downloading and trying the DST software by myself,
the additional explanation from the lecturer, also the most memorable
is the way we create the project of DST.
4. Reason (Why) Why did I learn it?
Because it is necessary to make an interesting teaching learning process
with more effective way in learning, so integrated learning with
technology is very important especially if we want to be the 21st teacher.
5. Academic And Professional How does this learning experience contribute to my academic and
Development (What for) professional development? This learning experience contribute to my
self-experiences in processing a digital media in many kind of current
learning activity and it help also for media in teaching a language.
6. Difficulty What problems did I face?
The difficulties that I face are lack of media that help me in learning DST
(laptop, smartphone, internet connection) that make me hard to
explore more or engaged well in the learning process, also the
responsibility to be member of organization that has so many important
schedules makes me a bit hard to manage my time. Also the group
presentation not running or held well that sometimes I feel didn’t get
anything from that class presentation.
7. Suggestion What do you want to suggest for this class?
My suggestion are to giving more attention to class to make sure the
class is effective as possible, also I hope there will be a big project that
not only let us done it for our own sake or for fulfill the class assignment,
but also can be continued even the class ended, like making a profile of
Siliwangi university with english version, telling everything that unique
about UnSil so that it can also help the university to be known more in
the universal level.
8. What do you want to learn more?
I want to find out a newest and the most suitable way to learn the digital
storytelling, not limited by using a software or application just like
making a power point, but hope it can be more than that, different
perspective, different point of view, out of the box that the most
commonly student learn about DST itself.

II. A. What kind of application did you use the most?

I mostly used Photostory to complete my project.

B. Why did you use that application and what is it for?

Since I lack of media to do my project it is light enough to use in old laptop and also had known
well by me. It is used to make a story through photo that you can give it several kind of additional content
like audio, video, and your own recording of the story.

Here is link of my DST Final Project :

And here is also link of my another project in DST:

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