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Oleh: Vina Yulia Anhar
Program Studi Kesehatan Masyarakat
Fakultas Kedokteran
Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Banjarmasin, 27 September 2018

Communication has an essential role in any action that aims to
improve health.

It is difficult to imagine how a message could be delivered

to promote healthy choices if we could not communicate.

Communication is a transactional process and in a health

context it is an important part of health promotion work.

The main difference in communicating health is that the

focus is not a general one but one specific to health

In health promotion communication is a planned process

 Clear message  essential
component of a good
communication strategy
 Basic model of communication: a
sender, message & receiver.
 Additional variables: understanding
by receiver; feedeback to the
Communication methods  divided into one of 5 categories:
Content of a message:
 Verbal communication: words,
sentences and phrases used (Minardi
and Reily, 1997)

 Non-verbal communication:
prosodic, paralinguistic, kinesics,
standing features (Ellis and
Beattie, 1986)

 lexical content, body language: the

words can be used positively or
negatively; eye contact (Pechman and
Reibling, 2000)
5 Ws of message design:
1. Why are you communicating? : Is it to inform, invoke an action,
change behavior, change social norms?
2. Who do you need to communicate with? : Be clear on all the
key groups in your communication.
3. Where will you reach the target of your communication? :
Where will you reach people? This will include the technology
used and settings
4. What strategies will you use to communicate?:
a. Have absolute clarity on what your message is: make it consistent,
simple, intuitive
b. Consider: who is best placed to deliver your message; how your
message framing will affect your audience response; the tone and look
of the communication
5. When will you communicate to whom?
Effective Message
• Attractive: present new and interesting idea
• Accessible: clear, logical, and concise;
• Acceptable: relative to community norms;
• Targeted: addressing a specific group; and
• Convincing: so that people are motivated to
Himbauan dalam pesan
 Rasional
 Emosional
 Ketakutan
 Ganjaran
 Motivasional
Beberapa contoh media grafis sebagai media penyampai pesan :
1. Poster: pesan singkat dalam bentuk
gambarmempengaruhi seseorang untuk tertarik pada
suatu hal; jumlah kata yang digunakan terbatas; lebih
cocok kalau diperuntukan sebagai tindak lanjut dari
suatu pesan yang sudah disampaikan beberapa waktu
yang lalu
2. Papan pengumuman: digunakan pada peristiwa-
peristiwa tertentu saja, missal pada waktu pertemuan
besar, hari libur
3. Leaflet: selembar kertas berisi tulisan cetak tentang
suatu hal khusus untuk suatu sasaran dan tujuan
tertentu isi pesan harus bisa ditangkap dengan sekali
See the campaign film at:

1. Suggs, LS, et al. 2015. Communicating Health Messages A Framework to

Increase The Effectiveness of Health Communication Globally. Report of the
WISH Communicating Complex Health Messages Forum 2015. (www.wish.
2. Corcoran N. 2007. Communicating Health: Strategies for Health Promotion
(Chapter 1: Theories and models in communicating health messages).
3. Popescu L & Verman D. 2000. Strategies for Developing a Health Promotion
Campaign. Common Health-Summer.

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