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S.Y. 2018-2019
Chapter 1

This chapter includes the Introduction, Purpose of the study, Background of the

study, Statement of the problem, Significance of the study, Scope and delimitation,

Hypothesis and Definition of terms that will be the guide for the readers.


In today's hectic world, most people rely heavily on sharing information, resulting

in greater emphasis being placed on having good communication skills. Good verbal

and written communication skills are essential in order to deliver and understand

information quickly and accurately. Being able to communicate effectively is a vital life

skill and should not be overlooked. Communication skills are needed to speak

appropriately with a wide variety of people whilst maintaining good eye contact,

demonstrate a varied vocabulary and tailor your language to your audience, listen

effectively, present your ideas appropriately, write clearly and concisely, and work well

in a group. Many of these are essential business skills that employers seek. Many jobs

require strong communication skills.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to enhance and to develop the communication skills

of grade 12 ABM students in SEAITT, for them to have a confidence to communicate

with other people and to develop their communication skills because the communication

is an eminent part of our personality.

1.1 Background of the Study

Developing communication skills can help many aspects of our life, from

professional career, to social gathering and to the family life. Developing

Communication skills have played an important part of the people's existing knowledge

and beliefs. People can learn to speak in public by first having conversations, then by

answering questions and then by expressing their opinions. People learn to write by first

learning to read, then by writing and learning to think critically. Good communication

skills help people to absorb information and express their ideas in a clear, concise and

meaningful way. Developing communication skills are fundamental to success in many

aspects of life. Many jobs require strong communication skills. People with good

communication skills also usually enjoy better interpersonal relationships with friends

and family.

The most successful Organizations understand that if they are to be successful in

today’s business world, good communication at all levels is essential. The ability to

communicate effectively with clients, colleagues and managers is essential, whatever

sector the people work in. Good communication improves teams, inspires high

performance and enhances the workplace culture. By teaching oneself on how to

communicate more effectively, people interact in a more constructive and productively.

Speaking is one of the important parts in Communication skills that should be mastered
by students besides of reading, writing and listening. The function of communication

skill are to express an idea about someone's feeling, thought by expressing it orally.

Speaking is one of the language art of talk as communication interaction with someone,

and it is very difficult to master. Speaking skill have a close relationship with listening

skill, in speaking act, the students must listen and speak because speaking is not only

remembering and memorizing the sentences in written but speaking is spontaneous to

show the students idea by orally manner, making the workplace a positive and thriving


The practice of development communication but widespread application came

about after World War II. The advent of communication sciences in the 1950s included

recognition of the field as an academic discipline, led by Daniel Lerner, Wilbur

Schramm and Everett Rogers. Both Childers and Quebral stressed that DC includes all

means of communication, ranging from mass media from people to people. Learning

how communication skills are valued in the workplace, in demand by businesses, help

your career progression, enhance your professional image, influence how you learn and

more (Hinsdale, 1981). A Developing communication skills can help many aspects of

your life, from your professional career, to social gatherings, to your family life. In

today's hectic world, we rely heavily on sharing information, resulting in greater

emphasis being placed on having good communication skills. Good verbal and written

communication skills are essential in order to deliver and understand information quickly

and accurately. Being able to communicate effectively is a vital life skill and should not

be overlook. Communication is a "Planned and systematic application of

communication resources, channels, approaches and strategies to support the goals of

socio-economic, political and cultural development” (Bessette, 2006)

The researcher choose this topic because many students lack of communication

skills and they are struggling to improve. This research sought develop their

communication skills in a fundamental way for the reader to success in many aspects of

life. Many jobs require strong communication skills. People with good communication

skills also usually enjoy better interpersonal relationships.

Theoretical Framework

Development Communication Theory. The underlying fact behind the

genesis of this theory was that there can be no development without communication.

Under the four classical theories, capitalism was legitimized, but under

the Development communication theory, or Development Support Communication as

it is otherwise called, the media undertook the role of carrying out positive

developmental programs, accepting restrictions and instructions from the State. The

media subordinated themselves to political, economic, social and cultural needs.

Hence the stress on "development communication" and "development

journalism". There was tacit support from the UNESCO for this theory. The weakness

of this theory is that "development" is often equated with government propaganda.

Media Dependency Theory. Developed by Ball-Rokeach and DeFluer, the key

idea behind this theory is that audiences depend on media information to meet needs

and reach goals, and social institutions and media systems interact with audiences to
create needs, interests, and motives in the person. The degree of dependence is

influenced by the number and centrality of information functions and social stability

Cultivation Theory. George Gerbner tried to determine the influence of

television on viewers" ideas of the environment they lived in. He found that dominance

of TV created a common view of the world and that it homogenized different

cultures. TV portrayed the society as a bad place to live in leading to people becoming

distrustful of the world. Over time, particular symbols, images, messages, meanings

become dominant and are absorbed as the truth. Cultural stereotypes, ways of

assessing value and hierarchies are established.

Conceptual Model

1. Demographic Profile:
a. Name (optional)
b. Age
c. Sex
2. Statement of the problem

1. Questionnaire
2. Survey
3. Statistical Treatment

1. To determine the effect of good
communication skills to the ABM
students in South east Asia Institute
of Trade and Technology.
2. The different perceptions and view
point of ABM students of using good
communication skills in selling.
1.2 Statement of the Problem

This study seeks to interpret and analyze the communication skills of Grade 12

ABM students by using their own marketing strategies in seller and consumer in


This research sought to answer the following question:

1. Demographic profile of the respondents.

a. Name (optional)

b. Age

c. Gender

2. How ABM students use their communication skills?

3. How communication skills affect the ABM students in selling?

4. What are the different perceptions and viewpoints of ABM students in terms of

using their communication skills in selling?

1.3 Significance of the study

This study sought to develop the communication skills of Grade 12 ABM students

by using their own marketing strategies in selling products in SEAITT. This study will be

beneficial to the following groups:

To the students. Developing Communication skills can help them to listen,

understand the point of view of teachers in the class. After listening and understanding

what teachers are speaking about students can ask better questions with confidence

and it will help them to gain more knowledge. And it will help them into the near future.

To the respondents. This study will give them an idea on how can Develop their

communication skills when they are encounter the business industry.

To the researchers. Researchers communication skills researchers need to

enable them to publish in international journals. Apply for funding to national and

international bodies; communicate with the wider public and policy-makers; and build

international collaborations to further their research.

To the sellers and consumers. When it comes to good communication skills

the seller is easy in communicating, and in this way shows customers that you

understand what they actually mean. And if ABM students develop the communication

skills it is easy to clearly discuss the sellers products, policies, and other aspects of your

products or companies and the consumer will be assured about buying your products or

investing without regrets. Also developed or good communication skills with each other

will lead to a long lasting relationship with the customer/ consumer.

1.4 Scope and Delimitations

This study was focused on what is the most reliable sources of developing

communication skills of Grade 12 ABM students by using their own marketing strategies

in selling products in SEAITT.

This study focuses on developing the vocabulary or communication skills of an

ABM Grade 12 student in SEA ITT. This research is all about on how an ABM student

will face the situation in being a better seller in its costumer and it stated here in this

research about the ABM students on how to improve their communication skills in

selling and in communicating with costumers.

It delimits that the study may not be include the persons who are not working

and only staying inside their houses and depending on their parents.

1.5 Hypothesis

The null hypothesis of this research are; the ABM students might still fail selling

their product because they lack on communication skills since they can't apply this

research on themselves that easily. Also, the researchers does not have any ability and

audacity to make the respondents apply the research on themselves. Confidence is a

choice, the researchers does not have any hold on the respondents choices about

making their selves confident to communicate with other people especially when it

comes to business.

The alternative hypothesis of this research is that 90% of our respondents will

gain more information about developing communication skills. For those students who

don't have enough knowledge, they can develop their own communications skills by

gaining further information through this research. In order to achieve that, respondents

must ensure that they have marketing strategy to introduce their product to the public.
1.6 Definition of terms

Communication. Is simply the act of transferring information from one place,

person or group to another.

Invention. The action of inventing something, typically a process or device.

Colleagues. A person with whom one works in a profession or business.

Spontaneously. Having an open, natural, and uninhabited manner or the act

of spontaneity is preformed or occurring as a result of sudden inner impulse or

inclination and without premeditated or external stimulus.

Hectic. Full of incessant or frantic activity.

Systematic. A process used to determine the viability of a project or procedure

based on the experiential application of clearly defined and repeatable steps and an

evaluation of the outcomes.

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literatures and Studies

Review of Related Local Literature

In the Philippines communication is one of the major importance that is needed

to transfer or receive information to a person. It includes thoughts, ideas, and emotion. It

is the connection of two or more individuals that have a conversation in reaching out

what they want to tell. Communication is the beginning of ideas, knowledge, something

that people want to express, and some information people want to share. They say that

Filipino are good in communication skills. Why? Because many Filipino can immediately

learn some different language faster than any other foreigner. Communication is the

way how people express their feeling to a person. It is the way that people tell

everything through communication so that they could understand each other. If people

have a good communication skill every country, every nation, and everyone could have

an understanding and respect to each and everyone because of they express well what

they really want and what they really meant.

In order to get the most out of dealings with colleagues and clients, professionals

need more than just technical expertise or job skills. Effective and confident
communication is needed to get the point across. Communicators need to overcome

barriers that cause conflict and misunderstanding – without being passive or

aggressive. In short, professionals need to be assertive. With Guthrie-

Jensen’s Communication Assertiveness seminar, people will be able to assess the way

of communicating and determine changes to be made to attain assertiveness, they

could avoid passive or aggressive communication, they can choose their words

carefully to obtain the best results in every interpersonal situation, speak and act

assertively, project an image of assertiveness by maximizing the communication tools of

words, voice and body language, begin, carry and end conversations with style, get and

keep positive attention, participate more actively and positively in group activities, use

tact and diplomacy to overcome rude communication and they can learn to say “no”


Working in a results-driven, competitive and fast-paced environment

requires professionals to communicate anytime and anywhere with anyone. They

are expected to communicate quickly but meaningfully. They must think fast,

share ideas, recommend solutions, and answer questions at the spur of the

moment. Not everything is prepared and scripted. Spontaneity is not easy. When asked

to speak spontaneously, professionals double their anxiety – whether in meetings,

presentations, telephone calls, and face-to-face conversations. There is too little time or

no time at all to prepare. Techniques in quick thinking, smart speaking and recovering

gracefully in unprepared situations help lessen the pressure. Using tools when caught

off guard will boost confidence.

Review of Related Foreign Literature

The ability to communicate effectively with superiors, colleagues, and staff is

essential, no matter what industry you work in. Workers in the digital age must know

how to effectively convey and receive messages in person as well as via phone, email,

and social media. Being a good listener is one of the best ways to be a good

communicator. One's body language, eye contact, hand gestures, and tone of voice are

all color the message they are trying to convey. It is important to be confident in

interactions with others. Confidence shows to the co-workers the belief in what

someone is saying and will follow through. Also, exuding confidence can be as simple

as making eye contact or using a firm but friendly tone.

Effective communication is about more than just exchanging information. It’s

about understanding the emotion and intentions behind the information. As well as

being able to clearly convey a message, people need to also listen in a way that gains

the full meaning of what’s being said and makes the other person feel heard and

understood. Effective communication sounds like it should be instinctive. But all too

often, when someone try to communicate with others something goes astray. People

say one thing, the other person hears something else, and misunderstandings,

frustration, and conflicts ensue. This can cause problems in their home, school, and

work relationships. For many people, communicating more clearly and effectively

requires learning some important skills. Whether someone is trying to improve

communication with their spouse, kids, boss, or coworkers, learning these skills can

deepen their connections to others, build greater trust and respect, and improve

teamwork, problem solving, and their overall social and emotional health.
Communication skills can be defined as a set of skills that enable a person to

communicate properly. According to Hymes, the creator of this concept, effective

communication skills consist of knowing “when to speak, when not, and what to talk

about, with whom, when, where, in what form“. People interact constantly with other

people and they can’t stop expressing their selves. Therefore, mastering these skills is

fundamental to one's personal and social development. People use them

when speaking, listening, reading and writing.

Review of Related Local Studies

According to a 2018 report by EF’s English Proficiency Index, the Philippines

ranks at No. 14 among the non-native English speaking countries around the world. It’s

no surprise that with their command of the language, Filipinos are leveraging on their

ability to read, write, and speak English. This skill serves as a strategic business

advantage for foreign investors. If someone is planning to start a business in the

Philippines, there are some impressive statistics that will convince someone to kick start

your operations in the country. Having an excellent command for the English language

serves as a competitive edge for Filipinos, especially those in the customer service

industry. As such, foreign investors are encouraged to take their offshore operations to

the Philippines where they can hire English proficient workers who can easily adapt to

cross-cultural demands. Meanwhile, there’s also a growing number of enterprises that

outsource employees from the country.  

According to the study of Department of Liberal Arts and Behavioral Sciences,

Visayas State, Oral examination is an assessment used in many schools and institution
to measure aspects of competence which are not tapped in written examinations. Oral

examination provides the speakers an incentive to explore topics and give them the

chance to interact one on one with examiners. Oral examination as an assessment tool

enables the instructors to test the students on all five cognitive domains of Bloom’s

Taxonomy (knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation)


According to the study of College of Accountancy University of Santo Thomas,

Philippines, Communication plays a critical role in business practice, particularly in the

analysis and reporting of useful financial information to stakeholders. Following the

accounting process but not being able to communicate the accounting information

effectively, for instance, is counterproductive. This explains why employers expect

accounting graduates in particular and business-degree graduates in general to be

competent in both technical and nontechnical skills, including communication (Kermis &

Kermis, 2010). Several studies, however, report employers concern over university

graduates deficient oral communication skills. This skills gap is largely perceived as a

critical accountability of the education system (Cappelli, 2015), especially in universities

and colleges.

Review of Related Foreign Studies

According to an article titled “Self-Esteem and Effective Communication Skills” published

by Live Strong, studies suggest that people who are good communicators also tend to be mainly

extroverted. The article says a 2001 study published in the “Journal of Research in Personality
says,” extroverted people tend to have higher self-esteem. Extraversion can make it easier for

people to approach strangers, talk in large groups and appear friendly. This can cause others to

perceive extroverts more positively, potentially further boosting their self-esteem. People with

low self-esteem may be anxious about talking to unfamiliar people and more uncomfortable in

group settings.

This study suggests that education of communication in the media can help people to

stop and consider the sources, and evaluate the visual artistic messages being portrayed by the

media source. According to the study findings, the second section [of this paper] explains how

understanding society and institutions will help the individual viewer to create the necessary

standards for the recognition and evaluation of moving images, particularly television images.

The final section stresses the importance of the viewers’ knowledge of the technical and artistic

aspects of any given visual communication medium in the creation of the criteria for evaluating

its messages.

An article titled “Parent-Child Communication Programs” published by Advocates for

Youth says studies show that young people who feel a lack of parental warmth, love or care

were more likely to report emotional distress, school problems, drug use and sexual risk

behavior. Young people also report less depression and anxiety and more self-reliance and self-

esteem than other peers who discuss sex with their parents.

Synthesis of Related Literatures

Synthesis of Related Studies

Chapter 3

Research Methodology

This chapter includes the methods of research used, the population, sample size,

sampling technique, the description of the respondents, research instrument, data

gathering procedure and lastly, the statistical treatment used for data analysis.

Research Design

This research used a descriptive method research design to gain an in depth

understanding of the research it is the blueprint that is followed to complete the study

(Kinnear & Taylor,1996). This research is a quantitative study that was administered

with survey questionnaires and open ended interview questionnaires to determine how

communication skills is needed and affects ABM students of South East Asia Institute of

Trade and Technology.

Population and Sampling Design

The researchers used Stratified sampling technique in gathering data from the

respondents who are competent in the requirements who's set by the researchers. The

Stratified sampling technique is a non-probability sampling which is a method of

sampling that involves the division of a population into smaller groups known as strata.

The respondents of this research are the of South East Asia Institute of Trade and

Technology whose population of 373 as of 2019. Researchers used Slovin’s formula to

get 193 total number of respondents, in every section, researchers used 18

respondents as the representation of the total population of grade 12 HUMSS


Description of the Respondents

The researchers set the following requirements on how the participants would be


1. Must be a Grade 12 HUMSS student of South East Asia Institute of Trade

and Technology.

2. Must be willing to participate, since the topic of this study is quite sensitive.

Data-Gathering Procedure

The researchers followed procedures to gather data and information that are

highly needed for this study. The procedures are the following:

1. The researchers released a request letter noted by the Department

Coordinator/head and with supervision of the adviser in the subject course

“Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion” to conduct a survey and an interview to

selected grade 12 HUMSS students of South East Asia Institute of Trade and


2. The researchers created a questionnaire and had it checked and validated by

the validators that include statistician and grammarian.

3. Using purposive sampling technique, researchers gathered different participants

who are qualified in set criteria.

4. The data gathered by the researchers will be classify, tabulate, compute and

interpret using statistical tools.

Statistical Treatment of Data

Sufficient and distinctive presentation of data is substantial to give clear analysis

of data.

The following statistical method was used in this study:

1. Slovins’s formula. It is the formula used by the researchers to get the total

number of respondent by having a computation of population size and the margin error

that denotes the allowed probability of committing an error in selecting a number of

representatives in every room.

2. The Frequency and Percentage. It is itemized summation of the percentage

of the frequency of response for each question based on the arithmetical percentage of

the frequency distribution to the total number of responses. It was used to categorize
the respondents with their age and gender among the selected respondents of South

East Asia Institute of Trade and Technology.

3. Weighted Mean. This statistical formula was used as part of the computation

of the validity of the gathered data.

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