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atna Jyoti: Benefits of Rudraksha

Rudraksha can nullify the effects of malefic planets to a great extent. Shastras say rudraksha of nay mukhis can never do any harm to the wearer unlike navratnas. Which have
to be carefully chosen. No other necklace or bead is auspicious & powerful as rudraksha.

Use: · Those, who are sinners or who indulge in evil acts, become free from sins if they wear this Rudraksha. · A person, who wears it, becomes ambitious and all his plannings
and projects are accomplished. · All the gods and goddesses become propitiated with the person and fulfill all his desires.

Rudraksha is formed by association of two words, “Rudra” & “Akash” Rudra is the name of lord Shiva. Akash means “Tear”. It is said that the planet of Rudraksha is originated
from the tear drops of lord Shiva. As per the Vedic.

Rudraksha can nullify the effects of malefic planets to a great extent. Shastras say rudraksha of nay mukhis can never do any harm to the wearer unlike navratnas. Which have
to be carefully chosen. No other necklace or bead is auspicious & powerful as rudraksha

Rudraksha came in different mukhis or the clefts or furrows on the surface. Shastras speak of 1 to 14 mukhis rudraksha are used for astrological benefits. Each bead has a
different effect on you, depending on the number of mukhis it has. Each rudraksha is very individualistic & has to be carefully matched with one’s horoscope for it to be

Tantra, Yantra, Mantra has a very important place for rudraksha. Vedas have given special weightage to rudraksha. As it is belived that rudraksha has originated from the tears
of lord Shiva.

Rudraksha have tremendous energy & power. Rudraksha is best known for its biomedical properties & in controlling stress, hypertension & blood pressure.

Rudraksha chain of 108 beads or 54 beads if worn or worshiped provides all types of benefits. Therefore, it is important that Rudraksha should be always respected & keeps
pure. One should not touch with dirty hands & must be removed before entering the toilets. It is blessing to mankind.

Rudraksha one who wear on their bodies it is believed that can not be affected by sins. Even if one wear Rudraksha on his body, without doing worship & saying the sacred
mantra does not get near any sinful deed or thought.

Rudraksha are worn for their specific benefits. These are much more powerful and can help to achieve wonders, if energized & empowered the write way.

Rudraksha of different mukhis pleases the corresponding planets. It may be sufficient to go in for only those mukhis who ruling planets, cause malefic effects.

How Rudraksha Healing Works

Rudraksha beads, botanically known as Elaeocarpus Ganitrus Roxb, are the seeds of the fruit from Rudraksha trees. Rudraksha trees are found mainly in Indonesia, Nepal, and
India. There are clefts on the surface of the beads which are used to characterize the beads. For example, a five facet Rudraksha bead has five clefts on it (shown below on the
left). A ten facet Rudraksha bead has ten clefts on it (shown below on the right).

Rudraksha beads are available with 1 to 38 facets. Beads with 1 and 15 to 38 facets are rare. The 5 facet bead is commonly available and thus the most popular due to its
effectiveness and economical cost. Yogis wear necklaces called malas (Sanskrit for garland) which typically consist of 108 five facet Rudraksha beads and a larger meru bead.
The tassled meru bead is symbolic of the transcended state, and indicates the beginning and end of a cycle. Malas consist of 108 Rudraksha beads because according to Vedic
literature, Brahmand (the universe) is made up of 108 elements.

The beneficial powers of Rudraksha beads have been known in Asia for ages and are well documented in traditional and contemporary literature. Due to increasing popularity of
Rudraksha malas with the general populace in India, scientific studies have been undertaken in recent years to determine just how Rudraksha Healing works. One of the best
known research papers was published by Dr. Suhas Roy of the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology in Banaras, India.

Dr. Roys research confirmed that the healing powers of Rudraksha beads flow from their electro-magnetic properties. When Rudraksha beads are placed over the heart, they
act to stabilize the heart beat. Similar to magnets, the beads work on the principle of Dynamic Polarity. Blood circulation and heart beat automatically induce a magnetic field
around the body and particularly the heart region. Depending on the polarity and intensity of this induced magnetic field, Rudraksha beads transmit subtle electrical and
inductive impulses with opposing polarity and intensity. Accordingly, a proportionate balancing force is exerted on the heart to regulate it if it starts beating above or below
normal rates. This action helps to ensure ideal blood circulation in the body.

The human body is a complex bio-electronic circuit comprised of the Central Nervous System and the organs and functions it regulates.

Rough Pattern of current induced by magnetic field in the body. Red shows highest induced currents, Blue the lowest. Rough Pattern of current induced by electric field in the
body. Streamlined blood flow has a powerful rejuvenating impact on this circuit and serves to prevent stress-related disorders caused by the damaging effects of excess energy
on neurons and neurotransmitters. In essence, Rudraksha beads help bring about the well-known relaxation response which is the ultimate goal of meditation, yoga, tai chi,
biofeedback, and countless other Alternative Medicine methodologies.

For thousands of years in India, yogis have worn Rudraksha Beads to experience the deep tranquility and concentration which are vital for meditation and control of mind and
body. Under the power of Rudraksha's positive influence, vast amounts of Vedic literature were studied and memorized in ancient India by disciples of spiritual knowledge. In
China, Rudraksha is used to enhance the flow of Chi life energy in the body and balance Yin & Yang. The Zen Buddhist sect in Japan uses Rudraksha beads to induce deeper
states of meditation.

In recent years, the general populace in India has taken to wearing Rudraksha beads to combat the effects of stress: hypertension, depression, and high blood pressure.
Without the harmful side-effects and addictive nature of tranquilizers, anti-depressants, and beta blockers, men and women experience heightened energy levels, stamina, and
peace of mind within a few hours of placing Rudraksha beads in direct contact of their chest region. In the long term, Rudraksha beads reverse the effects of stress, alleviate
depression, eliminate anxiety and other mood disorders, improve concentration, enhance relaxation, and exhibit anti-aging properties.
Rudraksha Lab Test Report Is Must For Rudraksha
Naturality.(Donot Trust A Honest Face Demand A Lab
Test Repost/ Certificate)
Rudraksha is mainly available in Nepal, India (Himalaya) & Malaysia.

Legend of Rudraksha Rudraksha is actually two words Rudr meaning lord shiva in a wrathful form and Aksha means eyes The story of Rudraksha is as unique as the divine
seed itself Shiva Purana describe Rudraksha s origin as Lord Shiva`s tears. He had been meditating for many years for the welfare of all creatures. On opening the eyes, hot
drops of tears rolled down and the mother earth gave birth to Rudraksha trees. Lord Lord Siva is responsible for creation, evolamesution and dissolution. Lord Siva dances
creation out of existence at the end of time and then after an appropriate time He destroys the silence itself by dancing and the activity of His dance gives rise to the appearance
of Narayana and causes creation Siva we are able to come to a state where we stop identifying with the Relative aspect of ourselves again. Siva has many aspects indicated by
His 1,008 names Through the grace of Lord and come to know our true identity as one with the Absolute.

This is the death of death itself. This is immortality. It is the total destruction of all limitation and all sorrow in our lives and this miracle can only be brought about by the power of
Lord Siva. That is why He is called Lord Siva the Auspicious One.Humans as you know are always in trouble because of there past karmic deeds The lure for the material things
also causes more and more miseries to human beings Mind body and the soul all suffer due to this particular lust for material gains He destroys our limitations and our fears. He
is the very embodiment of total kindness. He is the Lord of Yogis presiding over Transcendental Knowledge Rudraksha has inherent and immense power to resolve these
problems if worn with reverence and complete faith in Lord Shiva .Om Nama Sivaya. Lord Siva is also known as Rudra and the Lord of Tears. The meaning of the name Rudra
is traceable to the Vedas and said to be derived from rud (dravayita) he who drives away sin or suffering.Lord shiva explained the exemplary benefits of Rudraksha which was
passed to the mankind for there benefits

Eight different aspects of nature are the direct manifestations of Rudra and they are Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Space, The Sun, The Moon and the Life Force. Anything good and
auspicious, anything that keeps us healthy and happy and anything that helps us attain freedom from pain and misery is Rudra. The medicalvalue of Rudraksha enormous and
has been a great boon to natural herbalists It bestows the wearer with spiritual knowledge

Importance of Rudraksha `Mlechkhho Vaapi chandalo Yukto Va sarvapaatakai, Rudraksha Dharayedyastu Sa Rudra Natra sanshaya`. ---The men who are Mlechchha,chandaal
(impious and inhumane) or he who is full of all kinds of vices get the form of Lord Rudra. There is no suspicion about it.

`Dhyaan dharan Heenoapi Rudraksham Dharaya Budhah, Sarvapaap Vinirmukto sa yaati, Paramam gatim. --- A man with meditation and perseverance and a wise man who
wears Rudraksha gets rid of all the sins and attains the supreme goal of the human life.

`Shiva Poojayam Asya Mala Dharana ma vashyakam` --- It means that Rudraksha mala must be worn at the time of worshipping Lord Shiva

`Rudraksha Kewalam Waapi Yatra Kutra Mahamate, Sumantrakam Wa Mantren Rahitam Bhava Varjitam``Yo Wa ko Wa naro Bhaktya Dharyellajjayaapi Wa, Sarvapaap
Vinirmukta Samyagjnanam An Wapnuyaat` --- Rudraksha can be worn by chanting mantra or without chanting it, with reverence or without it, with devotion or without it, i.e. with
whatsoever procedure a man who wears Rudraksha gets rid of all kinds of sins and gets knowledge well.

`Shiva bhaktya shantaya dadyadrudrakshashuttaman, Tasya Punyaphal syantam nacha ha vaktumats the Dhritrudraksha kanthaya yastvanna sam pryachchhatitri Saptakula
mudadhritya Rudraalokam sa gachchhati.`--- A Shiv bhakta i.e. devotee of Lord Shiva wears Rudraksha for peace. If the wearer of the Rudraksha dies, he does not take
another birth, he reaches the kingdom of Rudra after providing salvation to all orders of his ancestors.

A man who wears Rudraksha with Pearls, Coral, Crystal, Silver, Gold or other precious stone, takes the form of Lord Shiva. The devotee, who worships Lord Shiva in the form
of Rudraksha devotedly, becomes a king in spite of being poor.

`A rudrakshadharo Bhootwa yadyat Karmach Vaidikam, Karoti Japahomaadi tat sarwe nisphalam bhavet` --- A man who perform Vedic rituals, chanting mantras, yajnas etc
without wearing Rudraksha, gets no virtue or fruit.

`Snane dane jape home vaishvadeva surarchne, Prayashchite tatha shraadhde deeksha kaale visheshatah, Arudraksha Dharo Bhootwa yat kimchit karma vaidikim, Kurvan
viprastu Mohen NarakepatatiDhruwam.` --- Failing to wear Rudraksha , a man who performs religious deeds/bathing, worshipping god Vishwadeva and performing shraadhda
karmas (deeds for bygone souls) , at initiation, falls prey to innocence and worldly attachment and at last falls into hell i.e. his down-fall comes. It is the reason why a man
should wear Rudraksha while performing religious activities.

The wearer of Rudraksha not only makes Lord Shiva happy but pleases Lord Brahma and Lord Vishnu, Ganesh, Kaartikey, Durga, Indra, Aditya and the ruling deities of the
nine planets. No men, seers and scholars are tired of describing the importance of Rudraksha. Rudraksha is very much dear to Lord Shiva. No body can imagine the image of
Lord Shiva without Rudraksha. Seeing, chanting and worshipping Rudraksha burns all the sins to ashes. A man can feel unlimited pleasure only by seeing Rudraksha. The
wishers of devotion and salvation should wear it after purifying themselves. Mainly the devotees of Lord Shiva must wear it because it removes their numerous pains, sorrows,
and calamities. Rudraksha fulfills all the wishes. It is the dearest ornament to Lord Shiva. If an innocent, un devoted and immoral man wears Rudraksha with love and faith, he
gets rid of all sins and attains the supreme goal. As long as a man keeps wearing Rudraksha, he does not fear untimely death. He cannot die without completing his span of life.
At the time of death he gets the true knowledge of Lord Shiva and His abode too. One should wear Rudraksha by all bits of efforts. Rudraksha Beads have been worn by
mankind for thousands of years for good health, religious attainment through Japa and Shakti (power) and for the fearless life.

Wherever Rudraksha is worshipped the Goddess of wealth always stays there.

One can escape from untimely death by wearing Rudraksha.

Rudraksha assists in awakening of Kundilini (the self pleasure point).

Rudraksha is helpful for worldly and heavenly attainments.

Rudraksha can make the whole family live together in peace and harmony.

Rudraksha is best known for its biomedical properties and in controlling stress, hypertension and blood pressure.

Rudraksha help increase Self power and invoke Self love. They also enhance the Charisma of the wearer.

Rudraksha can cure various dangerous diseases like small pox, epilepsy, whooping cough etc.and heal the most poisonous wounds, if used as a prescription, in a specified
br/> It gives peace of mind to the wearer, stimulates the mind and sharpens the intellect.

Biomedical Biological Properties of Rudraksha

The beneficial powers of Rudraksha are by virtue of its Electrical and Magnetic Biological Properties

1. Electric Biological Properties - Rudraksha beads act as dielectric (i.e.) as a storage of electrical energy. This property of Rudraksha makes it capable in stabilizing and
anchoring the Bioelectric current. The values are measured in units of Farad. This property is very helpful in controlling hyperactivity, palpitations of heart, streamlining heartbeat
etc. Due to stress when there is increased physical activity heart beats faster and the overall activity of hormones and nervous system increases. This causes increased energy
levels or increase in potential difference. As a result of this the magnitude of the Bioelectric Current increases. Rudraksha beads acting as Dielectric stores this excess
Bioelectric Energy, thereby streamlining the overall activity to Normalcy. There is a third element to the Body and Brain that is Bio Electronic circuit Interface, that of the mind.
Any activity that can produce stress or maladjustment can throw the streamlined activity, the Electronic circuit of the Body& Mind out of gear. Human beings and all living beings
are prone to stress continuously in the continuous fight for survival and prosperity and resistance. Rudraksha beads of particular Mukhis or Facets have a definitive Factor of
Resistance. It is measured in Ohms. When these beads resist the flow of bioelectrical impulses to a specific or a particular brain chemical, thereby by effecting specific positive
changes in personality. It is well proven that the state of mind and our personality is governed almost completely by the Brain; it’s functioning and that of Central Nervous
System. There is continuous and subtle flow of bioelectrical signal throughout the body due to potential difference between parts of the Body. When these beads resist the flow
of bioelectrical impulses a specific ampere of current flow is generated depending on the factor of resistance. This acts in tandem with heartbeat, streamlining it and sending out
specific impulses to brain. These impulses stimulate certain positive brain chemicals. Making us feel better, more confidents, poised and more energetic.

2. Capacitance or the Dielectric Biological Properties - Rudraksha beads act as dielectric (i.e.) as a storage of electrical energy. This property of Rudraksha makes it
capable in stabilizing and anchoring the Bioelectric current. The values are measured in units of Farad. This property is very helpful in controlling hyperactivity, palpitations of
heart, streamlining heartbeat etc. Due to stress when there is increased physical activity heart beats faster and the overall activity of hormones and nervous system increases.
This causes increased energy levels or increase in potential difference. As a result of this the magnitude of the Bioelectric Current increases and Rudraksha beads act as
Dielect. In modern age with intense competition the Stress levels have increased tremendously. Almost every individual has problems of Stress and Stress related ailments like
insomnia, alcoholism, depression, Maladjustments, heart diseases, skin diseases etc. Any Doctor will confirm that almost 95% of the ailments are Psychosomatic or Stress
related (i.e.) originating from Mind. When there is Stress or Maladjustment corresponding Stress signals are sent to the Central Nervous systems, there is an increased activity
or abnormality of Neurons and Neuro transmitters. The magnitude of change will depend on the cause and specific case. When such a thing occurs and it occurs continuously,
streamlined flow of electrical signals throughout the Mind-Body interface is disrupted and it makes us feel uncomfortable and we are not able to act with our full efficiency. Our
Blood circulation becomes Non-ideal and we feel various illnesses. Unfortunately this happens all the time. As long as the flow of Bioelectricity is smooth the body functions
normally and we have the feeling of being in control. As long as the flow of Bioelectricity is smooth the body functions normally and we have the feeling of being in control.

3. Inductance - Rudraksha beads by it have permanent magnetic Biological Properties. They have been observed to send out Inductive vibrations with frequencies measured in
units of Henry (Volt Seconds/Ampere). This perhaps is the reason why people have felt better even when Rudraksha beads do not touch them physically. Magnetic Biological
Properties -Rudraksha beads have Both Paramagnetic and Diamagnetic with the most important property of Dynamic Polarity. We all are most probably aware of the beneficial
healing Biological Properties of magnets. Magnetic Healing is becoming extremely popular off late and everyone who have been using magnets for healing have been getting
the benefits and found overall betterment and rejuvenation. Rudraksha beads retain most of the Biological Properties of Magnets but it is unparallel in one aspect, that of the
ability to change it`s polarity or the Property of Dynamic Polarity. The basic way of healing is based on the fact that when the passage of arteries and veins which carry blood to
and from Heart to all the parts of the body is blocked or reduced due to variety of reasons, various illnesses creep. Blood carries oxygen and energy to various parts of the body
and cleanses it off waste materials. Any disruption of the smooth flow of Blood circulation is bound to cause illnesses. As long as the flow of Bioelectricity is smooth the body
functions normally and we have the feeling of being in control.

Rudraksha beads act as a Stabilizing Anchor.

We experience pain and uneasiness due to improper blood circulation. Every cell in the blood as well as the Arteries and veins are charged either positively or negatively.
Magnets have the poles Positive (+) and Negative (-).

When magnets are passed on various parts of the body the opposite poles of the magnets and that of cells get attracted and there is an expansion of the passage .The Arteries
and veins open up to facilitate streamlined blood circulation. When there is a streamlining of blood circulation most of the illnesses get automatically healed and we feel better
and rejuvenated.

But with magnets the polarity is fixed. When magnets are brought near a particular part of the body it opens up only those sections of veins and arteries where there is a
matching of polarities hence complete healing and streamlining of blood circulation cannot be ensured. We experience healing and feel better but we can still go much further
with Dynamic Polarity of Rudraksha beads.

Rudraksha has the ability to Change its polarity-The property of Dynamic Polarity. This in turn is by virtue of its property, Diamagnetism. Diamagnetism is termed as the ability of
any material to acquire temporary magnetic property in presence of an external magnetic field. The polarity of the charge induced is opposite to that of the external field inducing
the charge. Blood circulation and heart beat automatically induces a magnetic field around the body and particularly the heart Region. Bioelectricity automatically gives raise to
Biomagnetism Depending on the polarity of the Induced magnetic field. Rudraksha bead acquires a polarity that is opposite of the inducing field. As a result of this the opening
up the passages of Arteries and Veins are far better than that of magnets. Much better healing and rejuvenation is experienced.

Various Literatures mention of powerful Anti Ageing Biological Properties of Rudraksha beads This is mainly because of the Dynamic Polarity of the Rudraksha bead thus the
healing powers of Rudraksha are far superior to that of Magnets. In some sense Rudraksha beads can be termed to have some additional life or Intelligence as against

The wearer of Rudraksha not only makes Lord Shiva happy but pleases Lord Brahma and Lord Vishnu, Ganesh, Kaartikey, Durga, Indra, Aditya and the ruling deities of the
nine planets. No men, seers and scholars are tired of describing the importance of Rudraksha. Rudraksha is very much dear to Lord Shiva. No body can imagine the image of
Lord Shiva
without Rudraksha. Seeing, chanting and worshipping Rudraksha burns all the sins to ashes. A man can feel unlimited pleasure only by seeing Rudraksha. The wishers of
devotion and salvation should wear it after purifying themselves.
Mainly the devotees of Lord Shiva must wear it because it removes their numerous pains, sorrows, and calamities. Rudraksha fulfills all the wishes. It is the dearest ornament to
Lord Shiva. If an innocent,un devoted and immoral man wears Rudraksha with love and faith, he gets rid of all sins and attains the supreme goal. As long as a man keeps
Rudraksha, he does not fear untimely death. He cannot die without completing his span of life. At the time of death he gets the true knowledge of Lord Shivaand His abode too.
One should wear Rudraksha by all bits of efforts. Rudraksha Beads have been worn by mankind for thousands of years for good health, religious attainment through Japa and
Shakti (power) and for the fearless life.
Electric Biological Properties - Rudraksha beads act as dielectric (i.e.) as a storage of electrical energy. This property of Rudraksha makes it capable in stabilizing and
anchoring the Bioelectric current. The values are measured in units of Farad. This property is very helpful in controlling hyperactivity, palpitations of heart, streamlining heartbeat
etc. Due to
stress when there is increased physical activity heart beats faster and the overall activity of hormones and nervous system increases. This causes increased energy levels or
increase in potential difference. As a result of this the magnitude of the Bioelectric Current increases. Rudraksha beads acting as Dielectric stores this excess Bioelectric
Energy, therebystreamlining the overall activity to Normalcy. There is a third element to the Body and Brain that is Bio Electronic circuit Interface, that of the mind. Any activity
that can produce stress or maladjustment can throw the streamlined activity, theElectronic circuit of the Body& Mind out of gear. Human beings and all living beings are prone to
stress continuously in the continuous fight for survival and prosperity and resistance. Rudraksha beads of particular Mukhis or Facets have a definitive Factor of Resistance. It is
measured in Ohms. When these beads resist the flow of bioelectrical impulses to a specific or a particular brain chemical, thereby by effecting specific positive changes in
personality.It is well proven that the state of mind and our personality is governed almost completely by the Brain; it’s functioning and that of Central Nervous System. There is
continuous and subtle flow of bioelectrical signal throughout the body due to potential difference between parts of the Body. When these beads resist the flow of bioelectrical
impulses a specific ampere of current flow is generated depending on the factor of resistance. This acts in tandem with heartbeat, streamlining it and sending out specific
impulses to brain. These impulses stimulate certain positive brain chemicals. Making us feel better, more confidents, poised and more energetic.Capacitance or the Dielectric
Biological Properties - Rudraksha beads act as dielectric (i.e.) as a storage of electrical energy. This property of Rudraksha makes it capable in stabilizing and anchoring the
Bioelectric current. The values are measured in units of Farad. This property is very helpful in controlling hyperactivity, palpitations of heart, streamlining heartbeat etc. Due to
stress when there is increased physical activity heart beats faster and the overall activity of hormones
and nervous system increases. This causes increased energy levels or increase in potential difference. As a result of this the magnitude of the Bioelectric Current increases and
Rudraksha beads act as Dielect. In modern age with intense competition the Stress levels have increased tremendously.Almost every individual has problems of Stress and
Stress related ailments like insomnia, alcoholism, depression, Maladjustments, heart diseases, SKIN DISEASES etc. AnyDoctor will confirm that almost 95% of the ailments are
Psychosomatic or Stress related (i.e.) originating from Mind. When there is Stress or Maladjustment corresponding Stress signals are sent to the Central Nervous systems,
there is an increased activity or abnormality of Neurons and Neuro transmitters. The magnitude of change will depend on the cause and specific case. When such a thing
occurs and it occurs continuously, streamlined flow of electrical signals throughout
the Mind-Body interface is disrupted and it makes us feel uncomfortable and we are not able to act with our full efficiency. Our Blood circulation becomes Non-ideal and we feel
various illnesses. Unfortunately this happens all the time. As long as the flow of Bioelectricity is smooth the body functions normally and we have the feeling of being in control.
As long as the flow of Bioelectricity is smooth the body functions normally and we have the feeling of being in control.

Information and Benefits about this One Face Rudraksha:-

The Ek Mukhi Rudraksha (one faced Rudraksha) is the most auspicious in its existence. It is the symbol of Godhood the God of Supreme Truth. The One Mukhi Rudraksha is
itself Lord Shiva, the god who has created the entire world, the creator of language, dance, music and Ayurveda and Lord of love and for the cycle of birth and death. It is the
among all Rudrakshas of all faces.According to the mythological books peace and pleasure abide in the house where one faced Rudraksha is worshiped. There is no fear of
untimely death. Its wearer himself is fortunate by himself. One who gets it and worships it obtains not only all the worldly pleasures during his life span but also remains
unaffected by them.It is an ideal thing for the doctors. It helps them to diagnose the disease and gives them success in surgery too.As per scriptures and
PuranasSrimaddevibhagavat 11th Skand Chapter V verses 25 and 26 it is stated "According to Jabala instinct for wearing
Rudraksha results only after attaining the perfection of Vedas and blessings of Lord Siva during preceding births" In Chapter VII verse 23 it is stated "Rudrakshas infused with
Bija mantras should be worn. One Mukhi Rudraksha helps envisioning the Partattva"
Padma Purana Chapter 57 Translated by Bhatta 1989 it is stated in verse 38 to 39 "The Rudraksha of one mouth is virtually Shiva It removes the all kinds of sins. Therefore one
should wear it for the destruction of all (ones) sins. He would go to Shiva's heaven and rejoice with Shiva. O Kartikeya a man would obtain a Rudraksha of one mouth due
to great religious merit and due to Shiva's favour and would also obtain Kailasha".
Other Details
Symbol of : Lord Shiva
Ruling Planet : Sun
Ruling God: Omkar
Day of wearing : Monday
Recommended for : Diseases of Heart, Blood, Veins, Headache, Heart Disease and Right Eye Defect.Influence on body organ: Pineal, Pituitary, Optic chiasma, Hypothalamus
Properties: It is believed that it washes away the sins as serious as killing of Brahmin (Brahman Hatya). Wearer acquires Brahma Gyani.e. win over all his senses. It gives
eternal bliss to the wearer and moksha after death.People's experience: Wearing one mukhi helps to overcome from the habits like smoking, drinking, drug abuse tobacco
chewing overeating, excessive talking.
"Om Hreem Namah" (Shiva Puran),"Om Rudra" (Padma Puran),"Om Om Drushaan Namah" (Mantra Maharnava)
"Mahamrityunjai Mantra" (Brahajjalopanishad),"OM. Tryambakam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushti-Vardhanam Urvarukamiva Bandhanan Mrityor Mukshiya Mamritat","Om
Namah Shivaya"

Way of Wearing
Ek mukhi Rudraksha should be capped with GOLD or silver and should be worn round the neck or be placed at the worshiping place, chanting the mantra. Getting up in the
morning the devotee should salute the one faced Rudraksha first, pronouncing mantra.
BenefitsThis fulfills desires and cuts down the problems and impediments created by the Government or superiors. It raises a person level to a very high level and leadership
qualities are developed by its constant use. In astrology it is also used to removes the malefic effects of Sun.

Who should wear?

Worn by all adult people. Any person who requires the favoring of Sun as a planet or to remove its malevolent effects or
those seeking devotion to God, minimizing attachments to the worldly things and hoping to attain mokshshya.

Information and Benefits about this Two Faced Rudraksha :-

A two Mukhi Rudraksha has two natural lines or facets on its surface. The ruling deity of this Rudraksha is Lord Ardh Nareeshwar , a combined image of Lord Shiva and
Goddess Parvati. Therefore, it is also known as the UNITY Rudraksha as it brings about unity for its wearer. This Rudraksha helps in harmonizing relations between two
individuals (Husband-Wife, Father-Son and Friends etc.) thereby making happier and lasting relations. A 2 mukhi Rudraksha frees a person from even the sin of a cow
slaughter. It gives a blessing of happy family, improved relationships with all people around as well as getting a suitable match.
Variants of this Rudraksha
Please note that there are 2 variants of Two Mukhi Rudraksha available with us. You may select the variant of your choice by clicking the Radio Button Provided on the top.
2 Mukhi Rudraksha Haridwar variety :This variety of 2 mukhi Rudraksha is oval in shape and a rough surface with slightly flatter appearance. 2 Mukhi Rudraksha Nepalese
variety :The 2 mukhi Nepalese Rudraksha is also slightly flatter with tapered and with a smoother & hard surface.
Ruling Diety :-Lord Ardh Nareeshwar which is a combined form of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati
Ruling Planet Planet :-Moon ,Beej Mantra :-Om Namaha ,
Positive Effects( Benefits ) :-The The wearer of two Mukhi Rudraksha is bestowed with better relations with his Family, Friends and Clients.A Two Mukhi Rudraksha helps in
stabilizing the mind and improves decision making ability by pacifying the planet MOON.As per Ancient Vedic Texts, A Two Mukhi Rudraksha helps to overcome Stress,
Anxiety, Depression and Negative Thoughts by strengthening the planet Moon.Life of the wearer becomes more peaceful due to better relations with people all round him.As
per Ancient Vedic Texts, this Rudraksha is said to help in the diseases of left eye, fluid systems of body, kidney problems and intestinal problems.

Powers of 2 Mukhi Rudraksha :-As per Ancient Hindu Texts, Lord Brahma blesses Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati that they will be so close that they will literally melt into
each other. Hence, a combined form of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati came into existence in which the half body of the right hand side is that of Lord Shiva while the
remaining half body on the left hand side is that of Goddess Parvati. This combined form is known as Ardh Nareeshwar and it represents the ultimate unity of Shiva ( Male
energy ) and Shakti ( Female energy ) which is responsible for the entire creation.
A 2 mukhi Rudraksha represents this unified form of Shiva and Shakti and hence, a person is blessed with good relations all around.Planetary Powers of 2 Mukhi Rudraksha.
The representing deity is Ardh Nareeshwar (The sum total of male and female energies). It leads to the harmonizing of energies between two individuals and thereby making
happy and lasting attachments. Excellent bead for improving relationships.Two mukhi Rudraksha cures the malefic effects of Moon.It helps in stabilizing the mind, making a
person purposeful, making a person to complete a task before moving onto the
next one. It is also helpful in the diseases of the left eye, fluid system of the body (the body is 75% water and water is represented by the moon-tide effect), renal failure and the
intestinal system. As per the ancient vedic texts, this beadcures stress, anxiety, depression and negative thoughts. It is specially useful for individuals who have EYE
PROBLEMS and who have an history of hysteria.Who should wear this Rudraksha :-A person seeking good relationships with friends as well as a better family life with
peaceful relationship within family, relatives and co-workers as well as bigger circle of friends. A person who is desirous of getting good and suitable match as well as those
couples who are trying to have kids but are unable to do due to strained relations between them.Diseases cured by 2 mukhi As per Ancient Hindu Vedic Texts, a 2 mukhi
Rudraksha works miraculously for the treatment of diseases like impotency, lack of concentration, renal failure, stress, anxiety, depression, negative thinking, EYE PROBLEMS,
mental chaos, hysteria, intestinal disorder etc.

How to Wear a 2 Mukhi Rudraksha :-A 2 Mukhi Rudraksha can be worn around the neck as a Pendant or alternately it can be worn as a Bracelet around wrist or kept in the
place of worship.
Puja of Rudraksha :-Please note that all the Rudrakshas are already Energized as per ancient Hindu Rituals ( A PranPratishtha Puja is performed by our learned Guruji )
before being sent to our clients.

Information and Benefits about this Three Faced Rudraksha :-

The three Mukhi Rudraksha has three natural lines or Mukhas on its surface .Three Mukhi Rudraksha represents Agni, i.e. fire that burns and consumes everything. This
Rudraksha helps the wearer to fight with all kinds of situation and win over them.
As per scriptures and Puranas:-
SHIVA PURANA Vidyesvara Samhita Suta said Rudraksha is a favourite bead of Shiva. It is highly sanctifying. It removes all sins by sight, contact and Japa SHIVA said If a
man is not liberated after Meditation and acquisition of Knowledge, he shall wear Rudraksha. He shall be freed from all sins and attain the highest goal. A Rudraksha of 3 Faces
always bestows means of enjoyment. Daughter of king of mountains thus I have explained to you the different types of Rudraksha based on the number of faces. Please listen
to the mantras with devotion.Klim...Obeisance...3 Faced Rudraksha Bead, PADMA PURANA Chapter 57, THE LORD Said: The one with three mouths is Fire Himself; the sin
earned in the past births of him on whom it remains is burnt as fire burns fuel. A wise man obtains that fruit which is obtained by worshiping Fire or by rites of honouring Fire or
by OFFERING the oblation of ghee; and also obtains heaven. He who wears a Rudraksha of three mouths on his body is like Brahma on the earth. It would burn all the sins due
to wicked deeds collected in birth after birth. There would be not disease in his belly; he would not be sick. He is never defeated, and his house is not burnt by fire. These and
other fruits are obtained and destructive weapons also are warded off. Nothing inauspicious happens due to wearing of Rudraksha of three mouths i.e. when a Rudraksha of
three mouths is worn on one's person. The one with three faces is Fire Himself, which on wearing pleases all the three Fire deities.
Other Details:---Symbol of : Agni , Ruling Planet : Mars , Ruling God: Three Deva.

Day of wearing : Monday

Recommended for : Children with frequent fever, Diseases of Liver and Gall Bladder, Stress and Depression, for BP ControlInfluence on body organ: Throat and Celica plexus
Properties: It is believed that it purifies a person from all sins committed in the past.
As per Shrimad Devi Bhagwat this Rudraksha condones the sin of performing abortion. Also it makes the soul pure and enables one to live a life without guilt.People's
experience: Wearing three mukhi helps to overcome from all types of diseases and also counters the ill effects of Mars like land disputes, blood poisoning and accidents.
"Om kleem Namah" (Shiva Puran),"Om Om Namah" (Padma Puran),"Om Dhum Dhum Namah" (Skand Puran)
"Mahamrityunjai Mantra" (Brahajjalopanishad),"OM. Tryambakam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushti-Vardhanam
Urvarukamiva Bandhanan Mrityor Mukshiya Mamritat","Om Namah Shivaya"
Way of Wearing:-----------------
Taking the bead of the three faced Rudraksha, wash them with the Ganga Jal and unboiled milk, chanting the mantra wear them in the neck.
Benefits:-Three Mukhi Rudraksha curtails the destructive forces within a person and evolves his creativity and removes the malefic and bad effects of Mars.
Who should wear?
Worn by all those people suffering from any disease, weakness, laziness or inferiority complex. Also effective against skin diseases, stomach disorders or defects of eyes and
controlling stress and gaining self confidence.

Information and Benefits about this Four faced Rudraksha :---

Four faced Rudraksha has four natural lines from head to bottom at equal distance. This Rudraksha is blessed by Lord Brahma who is responsible for creation of whole
Universe. In this Rudraksha power of Brahma exists in its whole effectiveness and Divinity. Being influenced by the creative wisdom of the four headed Lord Brahma, it gives the
wearer the creative power and provides him learning and knowledge and all the four results Dharma, Aurth, Kam, Moksha.As per scriptures and PuranasAs per Mahabharta,
One who wears four mukhi Rudraksha attains the level of Dwij, and transforms himself
to a totally new personality and assumes a new and better role in life.

Other Details
Symbol of : Lord Brahma
Ruling Planet : Jupiter
Ruling God: Lord Brahma (Prajapati, Hiranyagarbh, Brahnaspati or vishwakarma)
Day of wearing : Monday
Recommended for: Disorders of Kidney, Thyroid, Disorders of Brain with Psychiatric Symptoms, Stammering, Memory Lapse.Influence on body organ: Adrenal and Heart.
Properties: This Rudraksha absolves the person from various sins including sins like killing of humans or animals. Also purify the mind and create consciousness and make
person truly for the mistakes.
People's experience: Wearing four mukhi Rudraksha constantly upgrade the mental setup. It makes the voice of the wearer sweet.
"Om Hreem Namah" (Shiva Puran)
"Om Hreem" (Padma Puran)
"Om Hreem Hoom Namah" (Skand Puran)
"Mahamrityunjai Mantra" (Brahajjalopanishad)
"OM. Tryambakam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushti-Vardhanam
Urvarukamiva Bandhanan Mrityor Mukshiya Mamritat"
"Om Namah Shivaya"

Way of Wearing
Taking one bead of four faced Rudraksha fasten them in a red thread, wash it with the Ganga water and unboiled milk and wear it chanting the mantra.

It gives results in all the four dimensions of human Life; i.e., Dharm, Arth, Kama and Moksha. Woring this helps to reduce mental problems. It increases power of creativity,
logical, positive thinking, memory power of intelligence.

Who should wear?

Worn by all those who are engaged in mental work like students teachers, intellectuals, researchers. Also used by children below six years.

Information and Benefits about this five Faced Rudraksha :---

The most common Rudraksha is five mukhi Rudraksha. A five mukhi Rudraksha have five natural lines fromhead to bottom. It is blessed by lord Shiva. According to Padma
Puran wearer rules out over all types of living beings.This five mukhi is blessed by the five forms of Lord Shiva -- Saddyojat, Tatpurush, Aghor, Vamdev and Isshan. It gives
protection from all kind of diseases and provide mental peace and happiness.As per scriptures and PuranasIts ruling planet is Jupiter. It is the form of Rudra named Kaalagni.
This represents Lord Shiva, the symbol of auspiciousness. The wearer of five Mukhi mala gains health and peace. Five Mukhi Rudraksha monitors blood pressure and cardiac
ailments. Five Mukhi mala is also used for Japa. By wearing the mala the wearer-s mind remains peaceful. There is no suspicion about the fact that the wearer of Five Faced
Rudraksha mala never gets untimely death. Malefic effect of Jupiter is considered to cause lack of peace of
mind, utter poverty, lack of harmony, diseases of fat, Kidney, thigh, ear, DIABETES etc. Five Mukhi is therefore suggested to sublimate the malefic effects of Jupiter. Agni (fire)
purifies the metals and similarly five faced Rudraksha rectifies all the vices and faults of Jeeva and makes him pure and Jeeva gains the form of Pashupati i.e. the Lord of all
creatures after becoming free from the animal instincts. By wearing its mala the wearer?s mind remains peaceful. A mala of five face Rudraksha is also worn. It keeps the blood
pressure normal.And the fear of untimely death disappears. If three beads of Five faced Rudraksha are dipped overnight in water in a glass and THE WATER drank in the
morning on empty stomach, then the person gets free from blood pressure and related illnesses.

Other Details
Symbol of : Lord Shiva , Ruling Planet : Jupiter , Ruling God : Lord Shiva.

Day of wearing : Monday

Recommended for : Bone marrow, Liver, Kidney, Feet, Thigh, Ear, Diseases of Fat and DIABETES.
Influence on body organ : All major chakra points.
Properties : This Rudraksha removes the person from various sins committed through forbidden acts in case of eating or in sex life.
People's experience : Wearing five mukhi Rudraksha avoid accidental death.
"Om Hreem Namah" (Shiva Puran) , "Om Hoom Hreem" (Padma Puran) ,
"Om Hreem Hoom Namah" (Skand Puran) , Mahamrityunjai Mantra" (Brahajjalopanishad)
"OM. Tryambakam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushti-Vardhanam
Urvarukamiva Bandhanan Mrityor Mukshiya Mamritat" , "Om Namah Shivaya"
Way of Wearing
Take three beads of 5 Faced Rudraksha equal to the size of Amla, and string in red thread.
It should be worn after touching it to a Shivalinga and chanting the mantra.BenefitsIt gives fame and mental peace. With respect to its medicinal values, it is widely used to
control blood pressure and DIABETES. It is also used for diseases of the ears, thighs and kidney.

Who should wear?

Worn by any person looking for spirituality, good health and mental peace.

Information and Benefits about this Six Faced Rudraksha :---

Six mukhi Rudraksha is a low priced Rudraksha and it can easily be found. A six mukhi Rudraksha is same as five mukhi but the major difference is it has six line originated
from top to bottom. As per Shrimad Bhagwat six mukhi Rudraksha assigned to Kartikeya elder son of Lord Shiva and Nirnaya Sindhu meaning hidden knowledge.As per
Jablopnishad six mukhi is blessed jointly by Kartikeya and Ganesha both sons of Lord Shiva.This Rudraksha improves artistic qualities, expression power and makes the
wearer good orator.As per scriptures and PuranasThe ruling planet of 6 mukhi Rudraksha is Venus. Six faced Rudraksha is the center of the power of Lord Shiva?s second son,
Kumar Kaartikeya. It gives learning, wisdom and knowledge and increases will power. Moreover, it saves us from the worldly sorrows. A combination of four face Rudraksha
and six
face Rudraksha increases the mental power of the wearer amazingly. It is very good for company managers, businessmen, journalists and editors etc. Also Six Mukhi
Rudraksha governs Genital organs.

Other Details
Symbol of : Lord Shiva's second Son Kartikeya
Ruling Planet : Venus
Ruling God: Kartikeya and Ganesha
Day of wearing : Monday
Recommended for: Eyes, Sexual Diseases, Diseases of Mouth Urinary Disorder, Neck Diseases and Dropsy.
Influence on body organ: Root chakra, Prostrate and other Reproductive Organs.
Properties: This Rudraksha purifies a person from various sins committed. It refines wisdom, improves the power of expression and also increases will power.
People's experience: Wearing six mukhi Rudraksha cures all types of mental diseases.
"Om Hreem Hoom Namah" (Shiva Puran) ,"Om Hoom Namah" (Mantra Maharanava)
"Om Hreem Namah" (Skand Puran),"Mahamrityunjai Mantra" (Brahajjalopanishad)
"OM. Tryambakam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushti-Vardhanam
Urvarukamiva Bandhanan Mrityor Mukshiya Mamritat","Om Namah Shivaya"

Way of Wearing
Take three beads of six faced Rudraksha and string in red thread and touch it with the lord Kartikeya and chant the mantras properly and then wore it.
It gives fame, wealth, health and happiness. And also provide luxury pleasure comfort in life. With respect to its medicinal values, it is widely used to control sexual diseases,
diseases of mouth, urinary problems, neck related diseases and dropsy.
Who should wear?
Worn by any persons engaged in learning and mental work like scientists, writers, artists, writers, students. Not only students or teachers but it should also give benefits to those
who perform or give speeches like leaders or celebrities.In South India Six mukhi rudraksha is worned by Lingyats Priests and Young age persons.

Information and Benefits about this Seven Faced Rudraksha :---

Seven mukhi Rudraksha is found nearly round in shape. This rudraksha represents Mahalaxmi the goddess of wealth .This Rudraksha is blessed with good health and wealth.
This Rudraksha also assigns to sapta matrikas i.e seven mothers .These seven mothers are Brahmi, Maheshwari, Kaumaari, Vaishnavee,Vaaraahee, Indraanee and
Chamunda. As it is is blessed with several powerful gods and goddesses this Rudraksha brings fame, wealth , progress in life,and also removes bad luck.As per Brahm Puran
seven Mukhi Rudraksha assigns to Annanta meaning the supreme lord Brahma who is dimensionless. And to seven Martrikas (seven mother) Sun, Sapta rishis (seven great
sages), Mahasen
(Kartikeya), Anang (Kamdeva), Ananta (Vasuki), Nagrata (Nagraja).This connotation of Annanta that is given to seven mukhi Rudraksha means that it is very useful bead
OFFERING several powers to the wearer.As per scriptures and PuranasThis Mukhi governs Saturn. This Mukhi sublimates the malefic effects of Shani such as Diseases &
occurring suddenly without any cause, impotency, cold, obstruction, hopelessness, despair, delay in achievements, long time disease, scarcity, worry etc.,Its ruling planet is
Saturn (Shani). Seven faced Rudraksha is the symbol of Anang Shiva. Seven faced Rudraksha is saptmatradhi Daivat, saptashyadevat and saptmuni Daivat. It represents
Goddess Mahalaxmi.Good health and wealth is blesses to him who wears Seven Faced Rudraksha. Those who are suffering from miseries pertaining to body, finance and
set-up should wear it. He does not desire for more and runs each and every work in his available resources. This Rudraksha provides such an immense knowledge to the
wearer that he proves incomparable in group discussions in the meeting. He remains firm on his wordings and speaks always the Truth.

Other Details
Symbol of : Goddess Mahalaxmi, Seven Mother goddess, or seven sages (Sapta Rishi)
Ruling Planet : Saturn , Ruling God: Goddess Mahalaxmi , Day of wearing : Monday
Recommended for: Sexual Diseases, Heart problems, Throat Diseases and Leukemia, Stress and Depression, also effective against Muscular pain.Influence on body organ:
Optic chiasma and Pancreas.
Properties: Wearer not get affected by any kind of poisoning, It removes sins resulting from committing crimes like theft, adultery and drug abuse.
People's experience: Wearing Seven mukhi rudraksha helps in controlling pain caused by arthritis.

"Om Hun Namah" (Shiva Puran) , "Om Hrah" (Padma Puran),"Om Hreem Namah" (Skand Puran)
"Om Hreem Shreem Kreem Soam","Mahamrityunjai Mantra" (Brahajjalopanishad)
"OM. Tryambakam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushti-Vardhanam,Urvarukamiva Bandhanan Mrityor Mukshiya Mamritat"
"Om Namah Shivaya"

Way of Wearing:-Take two beads of seven faced Rudraksha strung in a thread and wear it by chanting the mantras.
Benefits:-It OFFERS several powers to the wearer. A person wearing this rudraksha can find hidden treasure get increased attention from opposite sex and destroy enemies.
Who should wear?
Worn by all those persons engaged in all type of professions or businesses to gain wealth and prosperity.

Information and Benefits about this Eight Faced Rudraksha :---

Eight mukhi Rudraksha is a rare bead and is found in rare in numbers. This Rudraksha is blessed by lord Ganesha, the younger son of lord Shiva and manas putra of Goddess
Parvati. This Rudraksha removes the obstacles and brings success. This Rudraksha also pacifies the planet Rahu.As per Rudrakshajabalopnishad it is a form of eight mother
goddess, eight Vasus and Ganga all three give their blessings to the wearer. It removes the obstacles and improves intelligence and health.As per scriptures and Puranas
Its ruling planet is Rahu.Hence helpful in sublimating the malefic effects of Rahu. It's malefic effects are similar to that of Shani or Saturn as in 7 mukhi. It is held responsible for
causing sudden effects, diseases of lung, feet skin, eye catarrhisis, hydrocel, airtracia etc. Snake bites are also the result of malefic effects of Rahu. The wearer of 8 faced
rudraksha keeps a check on the malefic effects of the planet Rahu. They are a
long life assets.
Other Details:-------------------------
Symbol of : Lord Ganesha , Ruling Planet : Rahu , Ruling God: Lord Ganesha and Kartikeya
Day of wearing : Monday
Recommended for: Curing the diseases of Nervous System, Prostrate and Gall Bladder and Insommnia.
Influence on body organ: Optic chiasma and Pancreas.
Properties: Sins committed while telling lies get condoned by wearing this.
People's experience: It gives wearer an analytical mind, great understanding and good writing skills.

"Om Hun Namah" (Shiva Puran) , "Om Sah Hoom Namah" (Padma Puran),
"Om kam vam Namah" (Skand Puran) , "Om Hreem Shreem Kreem Soam "
"Mahamrityunjai Mantra" (Brahajjalopanishad) , "OM. Tryambakam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushti-Vardhanam
Urvarukamiva Bandhanan Mrityor Mukshiya Mamritat"
"Om Hreem Greem Leem","Aam Shreem"
"Om Namah Shivaya"

Way of Wearing
Only one bead of eight Mukhi Rudraksha is enough to be worn. It should be strung in red thread and worn by chanting the mantras.
It brings the wearer in fame, excellence in art, leadership qualities and prosperity.
Who should wear?Worn by all those persons who confront obstacles in life and get failures. Also worn with seven mukhi by people having Shani Dhosha.

Information and Benefits about this Nine Faced Rudraksha :---

Nine mukhi Rudraksha is a rare bead and is found in rare numbers. Basically this Rudraksha is oval in shape. This Rudraksha is blessed by Goddess Durga, the Goddess
known as Shakti i.e. Power. In Hindu mythology it is believed that She had nine incarnations or She took birth on earth nine times in different forms to protect and save the lives
of Her followers.These nine incarnations or Goddesses are -- Shailputri, Brahmacharni, Chandraghanta, Kushmanda, Skandmata, Katyayni, Kalratri, Mahagauri and Siddhidatri.
These all incarnations or goddess are worshiped each day by their followers in Navratri.As per scriptures and PuranasAs per Shrimad Devibhagwat and Padma puran, Lord
Bhairav blesses this Rudraksha.Its ruling planet is Ketu, which is a shadow planet like Rahu. 9 Mukhi is beneficial to sublimate the ill effects of Ketu.
Ketu inflicts the diseases of lung, fever, eye-pain, bowel pain, skin disease, body pain etc.
Wearing 9 mukhi rudraksha keeps a check on the malefic effects of planet ketu and prevents the wearer from any body and health related problems. It is ideal to be worn on left
hand or right arm.9 Mukhi also helps in removing the Kaal Sarp Yoga effect.

Other Details:-------------------------------------
Symbol of : Goddess Durga , Ruling Planet : Ketu , Ruling God : Nav Durga.

Day of wearing : Monday

Recommended for : Body pain/Backache
Influence on body organ : Hypothalamus, Limbic system
Properties : It condones all the sins committed by a person and makes one's conscience purified through fire.
People's experience : It makes a person fearless and stress free, and also make the person self confident.

"Om Hreem Namah" (Shiva Puran) , "Om Hun Namah" (Mantra Maharnava)
"Om Sum" (Padma Puran) , "Om Hreem Veing Yun"
"Raim Liam" , "Mahamrityunjai Mantra" (Brahajjalopanishad)
"OM. Tryambakam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushti-Vardhanam
Urvarukamiva Bandhanan Mrityor Mukshiya Mamritat" , "Om Namah Shivaya"

Way of Wearing
Taking one bead of nine faced Rudraksha, get it capped in GOLD or silver and string in red thread. It should be worn chanting the mantra.
Benefits:-It protects the wearer from untimely death and removes the fear and tension from the mind.
Who should wear?
Worn by all those persons having fear of any kind and including fear of death. Also worn by housewives who remain tensed due to family problems and tension related to
husband and children.

Rudraksha---------Uses in Various Diseases

Ayurveda considers rudraksha a great medicine. It is warm and nonacid tic as well as humid in temperament; some persons regard it cold also. It tastes bitter. It is used not only
to wear on different parts of the body, but it can also be used as Oral medicine and for besmearing externally. Many doctors, Vaidyas, scientists and ascetics use it.

It destroys worms and it gives brilliancy to the body. It cures tri dosha namely Vaat (air), Pitta (bile) and cough automatically. Rudraksha is a good medicine for skin diseases. In
leprosy of both the kinds it can be used. It effects as a medicine to cure sores, ringworm, pimples, boils and it is useful in burns also. It is also useful for women in pregnancy.

Rudraksha is the most useful for the persons having blood pressure. It does not let it go up or down. It keeps the B.P. normal. For this Rudraksha rosary should be worn so
close that it should touch the heart. It is sure that its wearer can never fall prey to a sudden heart attack, shrinking of heart or brain hemorrhage. The patient of blood pressure
should keep the five faced Rudraksha in water filled in a glass vessel throughout the night and should drink it as soon as he gets up in the morning. By doing so the person
would have normal Blood pressure. Put a rudraksha in a copper pot filled with water at night to drink in the morning to benefit against heart troubles and constipation. It cures
ulcers if applied in paste made after scrubbing in water.

The children, who are mostly sick with fever, should wear three faced Rudraksha. In Chechak (typhus) Rudraksha and black pepper having equal weight should be ground and
sieved through a cloth-sieve. This powder should be drunk with stale water to cure chechak.

Cough is cured fully if the powder of ten faced Rudraksha is rubbed and licked with milk thrice a day.

Hysteria, Coma, Leucorrhoea and female diseases related to genital organs can be cured by wearing 3 (three) beads of six faced Rudraksha. All the diseases relating to the
mind and brain are cured by drinking milk that is boiled with four faced Rudraksha. It helps enhance the memory also. It is useful in all phlegm and wind related disorders.

Rudraksha*********Wearing Rudraksha for the first time

Wearing rudraksha as per Padma Purana, it should be bathed in Panchgavya i.e. five produces of cow – milk, urine, dung, curd and ghee. Panchamrit i.e. cow milk, curd, ghee,
honey and sugar .The panchgavya can be dispensed with but not panchamrit. Then chant the following pran pratitha hymn at least nine times or for the better 108 times. Om
trayambkam yajamahe sugandhim pushtivardhanam urvarukamiv bandhanamrityormukshiya mamritat om haum aghore ghore hum ghortare hum om him Sri Sarvatah sarvadig
namaste rudrarupe hum It should followed by own hymn of the specific mukhi rudraksha beads at least nine times.

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