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Lesson Objective : Introduction to the scalar product of Vectors

Summary of the lesson :

One of the ways in which two vectors can be combined is known as the scalar product. When
we calculate the scalar product of two vectors the result, as the name suggests is a scalar, rather
than a vector.
In this unit you will learn how to calculate the scalar product and meet some geometrical
Experiments, simulations and visual representations are effective methods for developing the
understanding of scalar products. Real-world applications of scalar products allow students to
make connections between classroom experiences and their daily lives
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this lesson, the student should be able to:
- Define the scalar product of two vectors
- State and apply the commutative property of scalar products
- State and apply the distributive property over addition of scalar products
- State and prove that the scalar product of two perpendicular vectors is always zero
- Find the scalar product of two vectors given in the cartesian form

Synopsis of the Lesson / Chronological order:

We’ll use the following steps of learning for Instructional purposes in this lesson:

● Step 1: Gain Attention: Present a real life problem/ game to grab learner’s attention.
● Step 2: Inform learner of the objective: Describe the role of the lesson, state what the
learners will be able to accomplish and how they will be able to use the knowledge
● Step 3: Stimulate recall of previous knowledge: Remind the learners of prior knowledge
relevant to the current lesson in order to provide them with a framework to help learning
and recall.
● Step 4: Present the material :Chunk the information to avoid memory overload. Blend the
information to aid in recall.
● Step 5: Provide Guidance for learning: Provide the best methods and instructions on
How to learn the topic effectively.
● Step 6: Elicit Performance: Create a basic formative assessment at the end of each
Learning outcome that lets the learner use his newly acquired behaviour, skills and
● Step 7: Provide Feedback: Show correctness of the learner’s response and analyze learner’s
behaviour through the errors in Formative assessment. The feedback needs to be specific and
should include the key strength areas as well as key weak areas of each learner.
● Step 8:Assess Performance: Create evaluative tests that determine if the lesson has been
learned or not
● Step 9: Enhance Concept Retention: Create similar problems and situations to provide additional
practice of the lesson

Project type - Storyboard Pages : 4

Tag: Math 011 Scene- Use of Dot Shot no.-1

products in Physics
Title: Use of Dot products in to find the work done

Premise : Design a barn with a sliding door and a man standing outside who
needs to close the door, using a rope attached to the door. Use this character as
the protagonist.

Note: make sure to show a moving door (use a similar image as shown)

Dialogue (Voice over and OST) : Narrator- “Paul, the barn man wants to close
the sliding barn door, so he pulls on a rope with a constant force of 50 pounds at a
constant angle of 60 degrees. Find the work done in moving the door 12 feet to its
closed position! “

End Of Shot: Show the door closing

Tag: Math 011 Scene- Use of Dot Shot no.2
products in Physics
Title: Use of Dot products in to find the work done

Premise : For the solution, mark the magnitude PQ as 12ft and show the force
applied with F. Also, mark ∠QPF as 60°.

Note: make sure to mark all the dimensions with their respective Voice overs
Dialogue : Narrator- “Now, lets calculate the work done by Paul to close the barn
door, using the concept of dot products of vectors “

End Of Shot: Shift the scene to left side to make space for solution

Tag: Math 011 Scene- Use of Dot Shot no.3

products in Physics
Title: Use of Dot products in to find the work done
Premise : For the solution, put the heading solution in the right half of the screen

Note: make sure to move the On-screen text with their respective Voice overs
Dialogue : Narrator- “ The work done (W) by a constant force (F) as its point of
application moves along the vector PQ , is given by W = F dot PQ = F x PQ x cos
Definition of Work
The work done (W) by a constant force (F) as its point of application moves
along the vector PQ , is given by
W = F. PQ
= F x PQ x cos 60°

Tag: Math 011 Scene- Use of Dot Shot no.4

products in Physics
Title: Use of Dot products in to find the work done

Premise : We show the actual calculation of work done by Paul with the values

Note: make sure to move the On-screen text with their respective Voice overs

Dialogue : Narrator- “Hence, Work done by Paul = W = F x PQ x cos 60°

, which is equal to 50 x 12 x ½ as cos 60° = 1/2 , which is 300 foot pounds
Hence, the work done by Paul to close the barn door is 300 foot-pounds”


W = F. PQ
= F x PQ x cos 60°
= 50 x 12 x ½ (as cos 60° = 1/2 )
= 300 foot pounds
Hence, The work done by Paul to close the barn door = 300 Foot Pounds.

Assessment Cycle:
Assessment is arguably the most powerful element in teaching and learning. Quality
assessment can provide information to students, teachers, parents and systems in effective
and useful ways. To be helpful, however, it must be broad ranging, collecting a variety of
information using a range of tasks before, during and after a teaching sequence.

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