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Efforts to lower the figure Drop-Out K4 examination ANC (Antenatal Care)

by a factor of pregnant women, therapeutic communication and interactive
communications in PHC Central Lombok

Health development aims to increase awareness, willingness and ability to

live a healthy life for every resident in order to realize a high degree of health. In
other words that the community is expected to act as agents of development in the
health sector, maintain and improve the health of their own and play an active role
in creating public health. The increasing number of drop-out visits (K1-K4)
examination of pregnant women on average more than 10% of the specified
tolerance limit <10% in 2010, 2011 and 2012 at the Health Center of Central
Lombok into the background of this research is done. While the purpose of this
study was to develop recommendations through measures to reduce Figures Drop-
Out K4 examination ANC (Antenatal Care).
By a factor of pregnant women, therapeutic communication and interactive
communications in PHC Central Lombok. This research is obesrvasional studies
using cross-sectional design because it is done in a certain period of time. The unit
of analysis in this study were mothers with infants less than 3 months. This
research was carried out on 1 to 30 November 2013. The samples used were 30
mothers with infants less than 3 months. Sampling is a multistage sampling
method. The analysis technique used in this study is the use of frequency
distributions and cross tabulation table.
The conclusion of this study is the existence of factors that influence
customers to visit pregnant women include low maternal education, reference
ANC and maternity by parents / in-laws, customs maternity communities in non-
health facilities, low motivation and lack of perception of pregnant women, the
level of confidence low, low levels of learning in the examination of the ANC and
the low level of knowledge about the ANC in PHC Kopang Aikmual and Muncan
in 2013. the influence of environmental factors include the lack of knowledge and
acceptance of pregnant women against Jamkesmas, residence distance away from
the health center, and the presence of competitors (hospitals, private midwives,
maternity .klinik). K4 visit ANC examination also influenced therapeutic
communication and interactive communication between midwives and pregnant
women in the implementation of the ANC. Therapeutic communication include
lack of attending skills, respect, response. and empathy midwives and lack of
interactive communication includes informing, persuading, and reminding
midwife in the execution of the ANC.
Recommendations that can be given is a strategy submission of
information to the respondents about the purpose, benefits, ANC schedule
adjusted with low education, if necessary, using language daerah.sosialisasi health
education not only in pregnant women, but also on society and the family,
especially the parents / in-laws women. Need to pay a visit to the clinic associated
ANC, assistance to pregnant women cadres in the ANC examination, improving
the ability of health centers in attracting people to always utilize health center

health checks and delivery, socialization with high intensity of the administering
body and health workers about health insurance, health office need to provide
effective communication training, therapeutic and interactive communication to
health workers. Health workers need to be given the principle of balance and
strengthening personal capacity among health practices and opportunities to
increase knowledge applied in the field of health. The point is policy-led health
center that promotes an increase in the capacity of science, skills, and ethical and
moral health officers., Increased competence for health personnel, both general
skills, with increasing health problems

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