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In rotating machinery is an intricate part in many mechanical systems. Many different industries
utilize rotating machinery. For example, oil refining, the aerospace industry, the automotive industry,
the cell phone industry, and the chemical production industry all use rotating machinery in the form of
engines, turbines, compressors, and pumps. The aerospace industry in particular uses large turbines to
create thrust for jet engines to propel aircraft. Since the turbine rotates with such high RPM’s, the
design of the turbine blade must be statically and dynamically balanced to prevent unwanted
vibrations. In rotating machinery, vibrations are unwelcomed. Vibrations can be hazardous and can
make a pump or compressor perform inefficiently. In some industries, vibrations are wanted. For
instance, in regards to cell phone production; in today’s times most phones have a vibrate feature.
These vibrations must be carefully calibrated to determine the best amount to get the right amount of
vibrating force with using the least amount of energy since the battery life of most cellular phones
needs to be conserved. A vibration is known as a mechanical phenomenon in which movement or
oscillation occurs around a certain equilibrium point. Vibrations are usually periodic oscillations of
motion. The reason vibrations occur is because weight is not symmetrically distributed around a
rotating part. This difference causes the mass rotating about the center of the equilibrium point to have
uneven forces acting on that center point. Most rotating machines are calibrated to the highest degree
to minimize vibrations, but wear on certain parts of the systems can cause vibrations to occur. For
example, bearing wear is a major component to producing vibrations. Therefore, the balancing of
high-speed equipment is especially important to decrease the vibrations. The condition of unbalance
of a rotating body may be classified as static or dynamic unbalance. In the case of static unbalance,
the unbalance appears in a single axial plane. In the case of dynamic unbalance, the unbalance can be
in different axial planes. As a result, while in rotation, the two unbalanced forces form a couple,
which rocks the axis of rotation and causes undesirable vibration of the rotor, mounted in its
bearings.So, a machine already in operation will need re-balancing or a new machine when assembled
at its permanent location will need balancing so that any damage at the machine or incident can be


The system of balancing discussed in this experiment was developed to satisfy the need to perform
field balancing of equipment easily and accurately. Although there are many possible causes of
vibration in rotating equipment, this technique will deal only with that component of vibration, which
occurs at running speed and is caused by a mass unbalance in the rotor. Let us now consider a single
rigid rotating mass mounted in two supporting bearings and assume that the axis of rotation is
horizontal. It can be shown that for the correct balance of such a rotor, two weights placed in different
radial planes of the rotor are necessary and sufficient to balance the rotor. The vibratory motion of
either bearing may be represented by three components, the horizontal and vertical radial components
and the axial component. The purpose of balancing at running speed of the rotor is to reduce the
greatest of these three components to a practical minimum. The other two components will be reduced
to negligible amounts from their original magnitudes by this technique. Assume in this example that
the radial component is the greatest. Therefore, only this component will be measured and analyzed in
this technique. It follows that if the vertical components of vibration of two points, one chosen on
each bearing, are reduced to zero or near zero, the purpose of balancing has been accomplished and no
vibration will be transmitted to the support structure. There are four variables to be dealt with when
balancing any rigid rotor. They are the amount and position of the two correction weights required to
balance the rotor. Each correction weight is located in one of the arbitrary chosen radial reference
planes on the rotor. These reference planes are usually placed near the support bearings. In general,
the farther apart the radial reference planes are located, the smaller the required correction weight.
This technique deals with these four variables simultaneously as the amount and position of the
correction weight in the other reference plane. The data is very necessary to determine the magnitudes
and position (angle) of the two correction weights are obtained by test runs, all at the same speed by
measuring the vibration amplitude and phase angle at each bearing. Some commercial equipment
allows measurement of the vibration amplitude and phase relative to a geometric trigger reference
point on the rotor. Lacking the instrumentation to measure the phase angle, this technique will obtain
data to allow calculation of the phase angle. An important assumption made by this technique is that
the system follows linear relationships such as the vibration amplitude is proportional to the force
producing the vibration. This assumption is reasonably valid. Most simple rotors can be balanced by
applying this technique iteratively.


1. TM102 static and dynamic balancing apparatus.

2. Steel balls.
3. Belt.
4. Pulley.
5. Weight bucket.

4.1 Experiment 1: Static Balance

1.The Perspex dome and shaft drive belt was removed.

2. The discs was removed from the four rectangular blocks using the smaller hexagon key.

3. The extension pulley was unclipped and was inserted it in the pulley end of the motor driven shaft.

4. The Wr of the blocks was measured (one block at a time) using the steel balls and weight bucket by
recording the number of steel balls it takes to rotate a block 90°.

5. The demonstrator gave the positions of three of the blocks to be mounted on the shaft.

6. Using the calculation or drawing method, the position of the fourth block for the shaft to be in static
balance was determined.

7. The shaft was verified has achieved static balance by mounting the fourth block on the shaft
according to your calculations/drawing.

4.2 Experiment 2: Dynamic

4.2.1 Experimental Determination of Wr Values

1.The Perspex dome and shaft drive belt. Was removed.

2.The extension pulley was unclipped and inserted it in the pulley end of the motor driven shaft.

3.The apparatus was moved to the edge of the table or bench. There was ensured are no obstructions
to the movement of the weight buckets.

4. The eccentric disc was inserted with the smallest hole into one of the rectangular blocks. The block
was clamped to the shaft such that the protractor scale reading is 0°. This was called block 1.

5. The steel balls was gradually added to one of the weight buckets until the block has moved through
90°. This is proportional to the out-of-balance moment of the block (Wr). An eccentric disc was fit to
each block and the above procedure was repeated for each block in turn. The results were entered in a
table similar to Table 1.

6. The extension shaft was removed and replaced it in its mounting clip.


Static Balancing.

The steel balls gradually added to one of the weight buckets until the block has moved through 90°.
This is proportional to the out-of-balance moment of the block (Wr). The results were filled in a table
Table 1.

Table 1: Experimental results

90 85 78 67

Table 2 presents the results for the static balancing of the system. The vector diagrams produced are
also shown below

Block Number Wr (balls) Angular Position (degrees)

1 90 0
2 85 135
3 78 210.5
4 67 222.8
Table 2. Results from vector diagram for static balancing

Using the calculation or drawing method, the position of the fourth block for the shaft to be in static
balance was determined As previously noted, the equations are simplified considerably by taking
moments about the first mass. The appropriate equations for a four-mass system are:

Horizontal moments about mass 1

−𝑎2 𝐹2 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑎2 + 𝑎3 𝐹3 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑎3 + 𝑎4 𝐹4 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑎4 = 0

−117𝑥85𝑥𝑐𝑜𝑠(180 − 135) + 5𝑥78𝑥𝑐𝑜𝑠(270 − 210.5) + 139𝑥67𝑥𝑐𝑜𝑠(360 − 𝑎4 ) = 0

−7032.17 + 197.93 + 9313 cos(360 − 𝑎4 ) = 0

𝑎4 = 222.79
Weight 3

Weight 2 222.7°
Weight 4

Weight 1

Figure 7. Vector Diagram of block arrangement

Dynamic Balancing.

Following the rearrangement of the block, so that the shaft was statically balanced, there was a
noticeable difference in the behaviour of the system. It was tested to determine the degree
improvement of balance by eye and applying a force and moving the position of the shaft by hand.
Before the eccentric masses were moved the system was also tested using this method.

The unbalanced system would not remain in any position placed and after being moved to a new
position rotated quickly following release, eventually returning to the same position of rest. Only a
slight displacement was required to cause the system to rotate. The force required to rotate the shaft
was relatively large meaning that the shaft felt ‘heavy’.

Once the masses had been rearranged into a statically balanced orientation, the shaft rotated slowly
when a force was applied by hand and soon came to rest. The system would also remain at any angle
to which it was placed, the system was generally easier to move and seemed ‘lighter’.

Table 3 below shows the results calculated for the dynamic balancing of the system using table
provided in the manual and less vibration obtained using below configuration.

Angular Position Axial Position (mm)

Mass Number Wr (balls) (degrees)
1 90 0 5
2 85 150 105
3 78 190 25
4 67 333 142


The four-mass system was successfully achieve the balance state. This is because from our
observation the system stay static when we rotate the rotor. From this experiment the four blocks have
their own mass and we arrange it in specific distance on the rotor. To achieve the balance state we
must get the right angle for each block with some reference from the lab manual. After arrange the
block according to the references we successful get the balance four-mass system where static in any
direction when it rotating. Static balance refers to the ability of a stationary on object to its balance.
This happens when the objects center of gravity is on the axis of rotation. Whereas dynamic balance is
the ability of an object to balance whilst in motion or when switching between positions.

For the dynamically balance test we also get that the four-mass system have achieve it
balance state. We said that because when we run the TM102 static and dynamic balancing apparatus
we observe that less vibration on the machine. This prove that the arrangement of the four blocks on
the four-mass system well balanced. A rotating system of mass is in dynamic balance when the
rotation does not produce any resultant centrifugal force or couple. The system rotates without
requiring the application of any external force or couple, other than that required to support its weight.

There are few reasons to an unbalanced rotating machinery. They are mainly due to uneven
distribution of mass either of the material itself or the whole assembly. Other than that, the shape of
the rotating parts can also affect the balancing. An unbalanced rotating machinery will create a lot of
consequences such as shorter lifespan, energy consumption and failure of parts. Balancing can also
involves shifting the center of gravity towards the center of rotation. Dynamic balancing is when the
rotating system doesn’t yield any other force or couple. Other than the force that is needed the system
will rotate without the need for any additional external force or pressure to be applied. Finally ,to
avoid the machine or the apparatus vibrates we must make sure the load or masses are in stable or
balanced which this is the main factor of the vibration.

7.0 References


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