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TopSolid’WoodCam processes operators

Value field of a variable

The field accepts the following equation operators:

- ‘-‘ : subtraction
- ‘+’ : addition
- ‘/’ : division
- ‘*’ : multiplication
- ‘^’ : power

The field evaluates the following equation functions:

- ‘sin(x)’ : sine of an angle

- ‘asin(x)’ : angle from cosecant
- ‘cos(x)’: cosine of an angle
- ‘acos(x)’ : angle from secant
- ‘tan(x)’ : tangent of an angle
- ‘atan(x)’ : angle from cotangent
- ‘sqrt(x)’ : square root of a number
- ‘log(x)’ : logarithm of a number
- ‘round(x,decimal)’ : round a number
- ‘int(x)’ : whole value of a float number
- ‘abs(x)’ : absolute value of a number
- ‘sgn(x)’ : sign of a number

The field accepts conditions:

- ‘?’ : ‘then’ if the condition is true

- ‘:’ : ‘else’ if the condition is false


The field accepts the following comparison operators:

- ‘<’ : less than

- ‘<=’ : less than or equal to
- ‘>’ : greater than
- ‘>=’ : greater than or equal to
- ‘==’ : equal to
- ‘ !=’ : not equal to

The field (or part of the field) could be evaluated as a string:

- ‘&value&’ : transforms ‘value’ to a string. ‘value’ could be a number, an equation, a condition …

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