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Write an article about the school cleaning day that had just happened at your school based on the
words given below in not less than 120 words.

 gotong-royong - clean - school

 group - work - drain - leaves - bag
 clear - cheerful - food - thanked
How to write:


1. Introduce school activity
2. Introduce the participants
3. How the jobs were given?
4. What was the work done?
5. Moral values

The School Cleaning Day

Last Sunday, our school had held a gotong-royong for the School Cleaning Day. The aim
of this the program was to clean up the school surrounding compound. The gotong-
royong started began at 8 in the morning.

The students were divided into a few some groups. One of groups cleared up the rubbish left
around in the school compound. The other groups were set to work, cleaning and washing the drains.
Some of them were cleaning away all dried dead leaves and put in theplastic bags.

The school was soon begin beginning to look clear and cheerful. By the time thegotong-
royong ended, the students gathered at in the school canteen as food had provided by the teachers. A
special thank thanked for the students for their time and cooperation.

Article: How To Beautify Our School

It is the cleanliness week in your school. You are asked by your teacher to write an article for your
school newsletter. The title of your article is "How to beautify our school". With the help of the notes
below, write out your article.
In classroom

 sweep - mop- floor

 clean - dust - windows
 rearrange desks - chairs - furniture
 set up reading corner
 paint walls
School Compound
 paint murals - walls
 decorate - notice boards
 plant - flowers - herbal plants
 clear clogged drains
 put up - slogans , motivational phrases
When writing your article:
 you may use all the points given
 elaborate on the given notes to make it more interesting
 make sure it is not less than 120 words

Model Essay
A clean and beautiful school is very important. This is to ensure that teaching and learning will take
place. Students can relax and enjoy the activities carried out in school. They can also feel comfortable
with the clean and beautiful environment. There are many ways to beautify our school.
First of all, we have to clean the classrooms by sweeping and mopping the floor. We should also
clean the dust on the window panes. We can use a feather duster or a wet cloth to clean the windows.
To make sure that everyone takes part in cleaning the class, we should prepare a duty roster. This is
because we can divide the jobs equally.
Secondly, we should also beautify our class. All the chairs and desks should be arranged properly
so that our class looks neat and tidy. A reading corner with variety of reading materials will be very
useful. If we have extra fund, we can paint the walls of our class. This will make our class more
cheerful and conducive.
We should also keep our school compound clean. We must clear the clogged drains so that the
water can flow smoothly and there will be no unpleasant smell. We can also beautify our school by
painting murals on the wall and decorate the notice boards with information about school or
cocurricular activities.
Planting flowers and herbal plants can make our school environment fresh and beautiful.
Motivational phrases and slogans around the school compound can create positive atmosphere thus
encourage learning.
Finally, we should encourage everyone to keep the school clean and beautiful. We should all take
part and be responsible in keeping our school clean and beautiful.

On 26 February this year, the Teen Club conducted a gotong royong at Kampung
Melor playground. The main aim of the gotong-royong was to clean and beautify the
compound of the playground. About fifty of the members with two club advisors,
showed up and gathered at the playground at 8.30 am.

The playground was in bad condition. The grass was very long. There was
rubbish everywhere. There was rubbish even on the slides and under the swings. We
divided our duties systematically and got to work. Members were divided into a few
groups. We mowed the grass. We trimmed the bushes and cleared away all dead
leaves and branches. Then, we swept and cleaned the grounds. One group painted
the swings, slides and see-saws with bright and cheerful colours. Our advisors helped

At 1.30 pm, we all took a break and had our lunch. The residents of Kampung
Melor generously sponsored our meal for that day. We had a mouth – watering nasi
beriani with refreshing ice – tea to quench our thirst.
After that, we fixed some new large litter bins at the playground. Another
group planted pretty plants and flowering shrubs along the sides of the field. Finally,
we fixed a large sign at the edge of the playground. The sign read, ‘Keep Our
Playground Clean’.

We finished our work by 5.30 pm. By that time, all of us were worn out.
However, it was a worthy effort as the playground looked pretty, neat and tidy. A
sense of satisfaction filled our heart. We had done a good job and a good deed for
the community. We really hope that the community especially the residents of
Kampung Melor will do their parts to maintain the playground by not littering.

The picture below shows a gotong-royong activity that your school recently organised.
Based on the picture, write a recount of the event.

Last week, my school organised a gotong-royong in conjunction with Cleanliness and

Health Week. All the classes had to clean and decorate their own classrooms and also help
clean up the school compound.
My classmates and I came up with a roster and delegated tasks to everyone. We
wiped the windows and scrub the floors. Broken chairs and tables were replaced and fresh
flowers were put in the classroom to brighten up the atmosphere. Later in the afternoon, we
and the rest of the school went around the school compound to collect rubbish. The school
pond was cleaned and the dustbins in the canteen area were cleared as well.
Everyone was very happy to be able to beautify the school. Although everyone was
tired, the effort was well worth it and we made a pledge to have a gotong-royong every
month to keep our school clean.

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