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Chattering Free Sliding Mode Control in Magnetic Levitation System

Jiunshian Phuah∗ Student Member
Jianming Lu∗ Member
Takashi Yahagi∗ Non-member

It is well known that sliding mode control (SMC) is capable of tackling systems with uncertainties. How-
ever, the discontinuous control signal causes a significant problem of chattering. In this paper, a new and
simple approach to chattering free SMC methodology is proposed. The main purpose is to eliminate the
chattering phenomenon. As a result, the chattering is eliminated and error performance of sliding mode
control is improved. The reduction of the chattering of sliding mode control is achieved by using a distance
function which measure the distance between the trajectory of state errors and the sliding surface as the
corrective control term instead of discontinuous sign function. Experimental study carried out on a magnetic
levitation system is presented. Experiments verified that the proposed control has the advantage of less
chattering in SMC.

Keywords: sliding mode control, distance measurement, magnetic levitation, linear system

earity (8) (9) .

1. Introduction In this paper, a new and simple control strategy based
Variable structure control with sliding mode, which is SMC is proposed to deal with the problem of eliminat-
commonly known as sliding mode control (SMC), is a ing the chattering effect. The proposed control strategy
nonlinear control strategy that is well known for its ro- is based on the concept of point to hyperplane distance,
bustness characteristics (1) and has been developed and define a distance function which only need to measure
applied to closed-loop control systems for the last three the distance between the trajectory of state errors and
decades (2) (3) . The main feature of SMC is that it uses the sliding surface to generate the corrective control in-
a high-speed switching control law to drive the system stead of using other function.
states from any initial state onto a user-specified sur- On the other hand, magnetic levitation systems have
face in the state space (the so-called sliding surface), practical importance in many engineering systems such
and to maintain the states on the surface for all subse- as frictionless bearings, levitation of high speed trains,
quent time. This method is well known for its robustness and vibration isolation tables in semiconductor manu-
to disturbance and parameter variations (4)–(6) . Conven- facturing (10) . Therefore, the performance of the pro-
tionally, the SMC is based on the state-space approach. posed control strategy is then demonstrated through ex-
That is, one first constructs a Lyapunov function and perimental studies on a magnetic levitation system. The
then tries to find a control law to make the derivative of experimental results show that this control approach ef-
the Lyapunov function negative definite. fectively suppresses the vibration action of the magnet.
In the design of the SMC law, it is assumed that the This paper is organized as follows: the problem for-
control can be switched from one value to another in- mulation is presented in Section 2. Subsequently, the
finitely fast. However, this is impossible to achieve in explanation of new proposed strategy will be given in
practical systems because finite time delays are present Section 3. Section 4 explains the experimental appa-
for control computation, and limitations exist in the ratus of magnetic levitation system. Then in Section
physical actuators. This nonideal switching results in 5, experimental studies are carried out to demonstrate
a major problem, i.e., the chattering phenomenon (7) (8) . the validity of the proposed control schemes. Finally,
This phenomenon is not only highly undesirable by it- conclusions of the design scheme is given in Section 6.
self but it may also excite the high-frequency unmodeled 2. Problem Formulation
dynamics which could result in unforeseen instability,
and can also cause damage to actuators or the plant. The sliding mode control based on the state-space for-
Hence, it has received considerable attention from the mulation is presented in this section. First let us con-
research community (8) . To reduce the chattering, some sider a linear system that defined as
researchers have proposed to use the saturation func- ẋ(t) = Ax(t) + bu(t) · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · (1)
tion or sigmoid function for replacing the sign nonlin-
Here, x(t) = [x, ẋ, · · · , x(n−1) ]T is the state vector and
∗ Graduate School of Science and Technology, Chiba University. u(t) is the control input. A ∈ Rn×n , b ∈ Rn×1 are ap-
1-33, Yayoi-cho, Inage-ku, Chiba-shi, Chiba 263-8522 propriate matrix and vector. We further assume that

600 IEEJ Trans. EIS, Vol.125, No.4, 2005

Chattering Free SMC in Magnetic Levitation System

the above system (1) is controllable and observable. then

The major steps in the design of a sliding mode con-  −1  T 
troller are (i) to construct a sliding surface that repre- ueq (t) = − cT b c Ax(t) − cT ẋd (t) · · · · (7)
sents a desired system dynamics, and (ii) to develop a
switching control law such that a sliding mode exists on In the approaching phase, where S(t) = 0, in order
every point of the sliding surface, and any states outside to satisfy the reaching condition (5), a corrective con-
the surface is driven to reach the surface in finite time. trol term (the so-called switching function) uc (t) must
The control objective is to determine a control law be added.
u(t) such that the state vector x(t) asymptotically First, let the Lyapunov function be selected as below
tracks a given bounded desired state vector xd (t) =
(n−1) T
[xd , ẋd , · · · , xd ] . V (t) = · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · (8)
To begin with, let the tracking error be defined as
e(t) = xd (t) − x(t), and the tracking error vector be It can be noted that this function is positive definite. It
defined as is aimed that the derivative of the Lyapunov function is
 T negative definite. This can be assured if one can assure
e(t) = xd (t) − x(t) = e, ė, · · · , e(n−1) · · · · · (2) that

Then a sliding surface in the space of the error state can Ṡ(t) = −ksign(S(t)) · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · (9)
be defined as
where k is positive gain constant, and sign(S(t)) is de-
S(t) = c1 e + c2 ė + · · · + cn−1 e(n−2) + cn e(n−1) fined as
= cT e(t) · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · (3) ⎧
⎨ +1, if S(t) > 0
where c = [c1 , c2 , · · · , cn−1 , cn ] is chosen such that sign(S(t)) = 0, if S(t) = 0 · · · · · · · · · · (10)

cn = 1 and the coefficients c1 , · · · , cn−1 are describing −1, if S(t) < 0
the dynamics of the sliding surface S(t) = 0. Any states
that reach this surface will then remain on it for all sub- Taking the derivative of (8) and substitude (9) into it,
sequent time, and a sliding mode or sliding motion is the following equation is obtained
said to occur.
When a system is in the sliding mode, its dynamics V̇ (t) = S(t)Ṡ(t)
is solely governed by the dynamics of the sliding sur- = S(t) [−ksign(S(t))]
face. Thus, the coefficients c1 , · · · , cn−1 have to be cho- = −kS(t)sign(S(t)) · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · (11)
sen such that the system in a sliding motion produces
the desired behavior. This can be done by ensuring the Furthermore, when k ≥ η is chosen, the reaching condi-
roots of the characteristic polynomial (Hurwitz polyno- tion (5) is satisfied.
mial) describing the sliding surface Again, the time derivative of (3) can be represented
p(λ) = λn−1 + cn−1 λn−2 + · · · + c1 · · · · · · · · · · (4)
where λ denotes the complex variable, have negative real Ṡ(t) = cT ẋd (t) − cT Ax(t) − cT bu(t) · · · · · · · (12)
parts with desirable pole placement.
Then substitude (12) into the right hand side of (9) and
On the other hand, the process of SMC can be di-
the control input signal can be written as
vided into two phases, i.e., the approaching phase with
S(t) = 0 and the sliding phase with S(t) = 0. A suffi-  −1  T 
cient condition to guarantee that the trajectory of the er- u(t) = − cT b c Ax(t) − cT ẋd (t)
ror vector e(t) will translate from the approaching phase + cT b ksign(S(t))
to the sliding phase is to select the control strategy such = ueq (t) + uc (t) · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · (13)
S(t)Ṡ(t) ≤ −η |S(t)|· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · (5) where
where η is a small positive constant, and (5) is called  −1
uc (t) = cT b ksign(S(t)) · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · (14)
reaching condition (7) . Corresponding to two phases, two
types of control law can be derived separately. In the is the corrective control. Putting
sliding phase, we have S(t) = 0 and Ṡ(t) = 0, then
the equivalent control ueq (t) which will force the system K = cT b k
dynamics to stay on the sliding surface is chosen such
that then the final form of corrective control can be rewritten
Ṡ(t) = cT ė(t) as
= cT [ẋd (t) − ẋ(t)]
uc (t) = Ksign(S(t)) · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · (15)
= cT ẋd (t) − cT Ax(t) − cT bueq (t) = 0
· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · (6) Here, K is called as switching gain.

電学論 C,125 巻 4 号,2005 年 601

|n · v|
3. Chattering Elimination H=
The controller of (13) exhibits high frequency oscil- |n1 p1 + n2 p2 + n3 p3 − k3 |
lations in its output, causing a problem known as the =
· · · · · · · · · · · · · (19)
chattering phenomenon. Chattering is highly undesir- n21 + n22 + n23
able because it can excite the high frequency dynamics Consequently, when considering m-dimensional hyper-
of the system and can also cause damage to actuators plane, the distance function can be rewritten as below
or the plant. For its elimination, it is suggested to use
a saturation or a shifted sigmoid function instead of the |n · p − km |
h(p, α) =
sign function. |n|
In this section, a new and simple control method using |n1 p1 + n2 p2 + · · · + nm pm − km |
the concept of point to hyperplane distance is proposed =

n21 + n22 + · · · + n2m

to suppress the chattering phenomenon. This alterna-
· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · (20)
tive is to define a distance function h(t) for calculate the
distance between the trajectory of state errors and the where α express the hyperplane, and this time n =
sliding surface to generate the corrective control instead [n1 , n2 , · · · , nm ]T , p = [p1 , p2 , · · · , pm ]T are represented.
of the other functions. Hence, according to (2) and (3), the distance function
For preliminary, we first discuss the concept of point that we use in this paper can be expressed as
to hyperplane distance.
From Fig. 1, given a plane c1 e(t) + c2 ė(t) + · · · + cn e(n−1) (t)
h(t) =

c21 + c22 + · · · + c2n

n1 z1 + n2 z2 + n3 z3 = k3 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · (16)
· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · (21)
and a point p(p1 , p2 , p3 ), the normal to the plane is given
by and this (21) is to measure the distance of state error
trajectories to sliding surface S(t) = 0 (Fig. 2).
n = [n1 , n2 , n3 ]T · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · (17) Dropping the absolute value signs gives the signed dis-
and a vector from the plane to the point is given by c1 e(t) + c2 ė(t) + · · · + cn e(n−1) (t)
h̄(t) =
· · · · (22)
v = −[z1 − p1 , z2 − p2 , z3 − p3 ]T · · · · · · · · · · (18) c21 + c22 + · · · + c2n

Projecting v onto n gives the distance H from the point which is negative if trajectory of e(t) is on the side
to the plane as S(t) < 0 and positive if it is on the opposite side
S(t) > 0.
Consequently, (22) also can be expressed as follow
h̄(t) = h(t)sign(S(t)) · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · (23)
Let the proposed corrective control be defined as
uc (t) = Kh h̄(t)
= Kh h(t)sign(S(t)) · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · (24)
Kh = (cT b)−1 kh · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·(25)
is defined and kh is a positive constant which defined
as weight of distance function for improving the con-
trol effect. Moreover, Kh h(t) can be considered as the
Fig. 1. Distance between a point and a plane.
switching gain of the proposed corrective control in here.
e(t ) Meanwhile, consider the Lyapunov candidate function as
V (t) = · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · (26)
S (t ) = 0 2
Thus, the time derivative of V (t) by means of (7), (12),
e (t ) (24) and (25) becomes
V̇ (t) = S(t)Ṡ(t)
distance = S(t) cT ẋd (t) − cT Ax(t) − cT bu(t)
= S(t) cT ẋd (t) − cT Ax(t) − cT b[ueq (t) + uc (t)]
Fig. 2. Distance of state error trajectory to sliding = S(t) [−kh h(t)sign(S(t))]
surface S(t) = 0. = −kh h(t)S(t)sign(S(t)) · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · (27)

602 IEEJ Trans. EIS, Vol.125, No.4, 2005

Chattering Free SMC in Magnetic Levitation System

If kh h(t) ≥ η is chosen, then

−kh h(t)S(t)sign(S(t)) ≤ −η |S(t)|· · · · · · · · · · (28)
and the reaching condition (5) is satisfied.
In this paper, for the chattering elimination, (24) is
utilized. Intuitively, using this presented method, the
switching gain becomes small when the state error tra-
jectories approach to the sliding surface, and when the
state error trajectories reach the surface, the distance
becomes zero i.e. the switching gain becomes zero. Thus
the chattering phenomenon can be avoided.
4. Experimental Apparatus and Control
The experimental apparatus, shown in Fig. 3, consists Fig. 3. Schematic diagram of magnetic levitation
of upper and lower drive coils that produce a magnetic system (11) .
field in response to a DC current. One or two magnets
travel along a precision glass guide rod. By energizing
the lower coil, a single magnet is levitated through a re-
pulsive magnetic force. As current in the coil increases,
the field strength increases and the levitated magnet
height is increased. For the upper coil, the levitating
force is attractive. Two magnets may be controlled si-
multaneously by stacking them on the glass rod. Two
laser-based sensors measure the magnet positions. The
lower sensor is typically used to measure a given mag-
net’s position in proximity to the lower coil, and the
upper one for proximity to the upper coil.
In this paper, we only consider using the lower drive
coil to control one magnet as we consider to use single-
input single-output plant for our experimental studies. Fig. 4. The practical hardware structure of the ex-
Consequently from Fig. 3, the following equation of mo- perimental system.
tion for the levitation system can be simply yield ac-
cording to force balance analysis in the vertical plane be modeled as being linear. Hence, above system can
be simply linearized at the equilibrium operating point
mÿ1 = Fu − mg · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · (29)
y = 2 cm magnet height as following state-space repre-
where m is the mass of the levitation magnet in kilo- sentation (see Appendix)
grams, y1 is the distance of the levitation magnet in me-
ẋ(t) = Ax(t) + bu(t) · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · (32)
ters, g is gravity, and Fu is the magnetic control force in
newtons. The magnetic force term is modeled as having where
the following form.
y1∗ 0 1 0
i1 x(t) = ,A = ,b =
ẏ1∗ −478.54 0 6.5456
Fu = · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · (30)
a1 (y1 + a2 )N
The essential components for the real-time control sys-
where a1 , a2 , and N are constants. Typically 3 < N < tem are a M56000 processor family’s DSP board, a host
4.5. i1 is current of coil. PC, a magnetic levitation apparatus, servo/actuator in-
Here, we replace the coil current i1 to the more gen- terfaces, servo amplifiers, and auxiliary power supplies.
eral term, denoted as u1 . The general term may be a The DSP is capable of executing control laws at high
digital word, voltage, or current and is presumed to be sampling rate of 1.1kHz allowing the implementation to
linearly proportional to the coil current. The coefficient be modeled as being in continuous or discrete time. The
a1 must of course be consistently scaled with the units 16-bit dual-channel A/D and D/A acquistition systems
of u1 . In this paper, we consider u1 to be a voltage, are mounted on the system board. The Fig. 4 is the prac-
therefore (30) are redefined as tical hardware structure of the experimental system.
u1 5. Experimental studies
Fu = · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · (31)
a1 (y1 + a2 )N
The magnetic levitation system which introduced in
and a1 = 27926, a2 = 0.062, N = 4 can be determined previous section is used to verify the effectiveness of the
by numerical modeling of the magnetic configuration. proposed SMC control strategy. The system is tested us-
On the other hand, for small motions, the system may ing the proposed control strategy and compared with the

電学論 C,125 巻 4 号,2005 年 603

3.5 3.5
y (t) y (t)
d d
1 1
3 y (t) 3 y (t)
1 1

2.5 2.5
Height (cm)

Height (cm)
2 2

1.5 1.5

1 1

0.5 0.5
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
Time (sec) Time (sec)
Fig. 5. System output for SMC using sign func- Fig. 7. System output for SMC using distance
tion: K = 2. function: Kh = 350.

3.5 3.5
yd (t) y (t)
1 d
3 y (t) 3
1 y (t)
Height (cm)


Height (cm)
2 2

1.5 1.5

1 1

0.5 0.5
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
Time (sec) Time (sec)
Fig. 6. System output for SMC using sign func- Fig. 8. System output for SMC using distance
tion: K = 0.5. function: Kh = 400.

other two control strategies, i.e., conventional method

when switching gain K = 2 is set. Highly chattering ac-
which using sign function and shifted sigmoid function.
tion occurs especially at the period from 2s to 3s, which
The three controllers that implemented are defined as
is highly undesirable. The result showed a highly os-
Proposed corrective control:
cillatory response when a high switching gain of 2 is
uc (t) = Kh h(t)sign(S(t)) used. The chattering problem can be improved by using
a lower switching gain K = 0.5 where shown in Fig. 6.
Corrective control with sign function: However, from Fig. 6 slow convergent speed of system
output to desired output can be observed at every step
uc (t) = Ksign(S(t))
Corrective control with shifted sigmoid function: The results obtained using the proposed control strat-
egy are shown in Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 where the respective
2K values of Kh are set as Kh = 350 and Kh = 400. The
uc (t) = −K
1 + e−µS(t) system response showed perfect tracking with no any
respectively, where µ is the gradient of shifted sigmoid oscillations. Comparing the results to that of the pro-
function. posed control strategy, it can be said that the proposed
During the experiment, the sliding surface parameters, control strategy gave the better performance than using
c1 = 50, c2 = 1 were used, where the sliding function is the conventional method sign function. Notice that, the
expressed as value of Kh is extremely large compared to K. It is be-
cause the distance function h(t) generates a very small
S(t) = c1 e1 (t) + c2 e2 (t) value due to the unit of state error e(t) is in meters.
e1 (t) = yd1 (t) − y1 (t), e2 (t) = ẏd1 (t) − ẏ1 (t) Other result is shown in Fig. 9 where a larger Kh =
1000 is set. Oscillations can be observed at the period
All these controllers are implemented at a sampling rate of 2s till 3s. From these results, a appropriate value of
of 0.565kHz. Kh must be selected such as 400 for this experimental
The results of using the conventional method sign study when using the proposed control method.
function are shown in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 with differ- Figure 10 shows the result of using shifted sigmoid
ent value of switching gain K, where the dotted line function when switching gain K = 2 and µ = 10 is
shows the desired output. Figure 5 shows the result set. According to Fig. 10, the chattering phenomenon is

604 IEEJ Trans. EIS, Vol.125, No.4, 2005

Chattering Free SMC in Magnetic Levitation System

3.5 function is utilized. For the proposed control strategy

y (t)
(distance function), only Kh is necessary to consider.
3 y (t)
1 6. Conclusions
Height (cm)

In this paper, a new contribution to the solution to

2 the chattering elimination problem in SMC is presented.
The proposed algorithm is simple, only need to use a
1.5 defined distance function which to measure the distance
between the trajectory of state errors and the sliding
surface as the corrective control term instead of the con-
0.5 ventional method sign function.
0 1 2 3 4 Experimental comparison between a classical con-
Time (sec)
troller: sign switching function/shifted sigmoid function
Fig. 9. System output for SMC using distance and the proposed controller: distance switching function
function: Kh = 1000.
for controlling a magnetic levitation system was inves-
tigated. The experimental results show that this con-
trol approach effectively suppresses the chattering phe-
yd (t) nomenon.
1 In this research, we have considered the design of SMC
y (t)
1 on continuous time. Since PC is utilized to operate the
2.5 designed controller, we will deal with discrete time de-
Height (cm)

sign in the future work.

(Manuscript received June 17, 2004,
1.5 revised Dec. 20, 2004)
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3 y (t)
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Height (cm)

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influence the control performance when shifted sigmoid system is given as

電学論 C,125 巻 4 号,2005 年 605

mÿ1 = Fu − mg · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · (A1) Jiunshian Phuah (Student Member) received the B.E., and
u1 M.S. degrees from Chiba University, Japan, in
Fu = · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · (A2) 2000 and 2002. In April 2002, he joined the
a1 (y1 + a2 )4
Graduate School of Science and Technology of
When the nonlinear term (right hand side) of (A1) is Chiba University, Japan, as a Ph.D. student.
His current research interests are in adaptive
presented as α(y1 , u1 , t), we have control and computer control theory.
mÿ1 = α(y1 , u1 , t) = Fu − mg · · · · · · · · · · · · · (A3)
Then the linearized equation of motion is found by cal-
α(y1 , u1 , t) − α(y10 , u10 , t)

= (y1 − y10 ) Jianming Lu (Member) received the M.S., and Ph.D. de-
∂y1 y10 ,u10 grees from Chiba University, Japan, in 1990

∂α and 1993, respectively. In 1993, he joined
+ (u1 − u10 ) · · · · · · · · · · (A4)
∂u1 y10 ,u10
Chiba University, Chiba, Japan, as an Asso-
ciate in the Department of Information and
Computer Sciences. Since 1994 he has been
where y10 , u10 are the magnet position and control ef- with the Graduate School of Science and Tech-
fort that define the operating point. For the purposes nology, Chiba University, and in 1998 he was
of control design, we shall choose the operating point to promoted to Associate Professor in the Grad-
be at an equilibrium so that uate School of Science and Technology, Chiba
University. His current research interests are in the theory and
α(y10 , u10 , t) = Fu − mg|y10 ,u10 = 0 · · · · · · · · (A5) applications of digital signal processing and control theory. Dr.
Lu is a member of IEEE(USA), IEICE(Japan), SICE(Japan),
Evaluating (A4) and using (A5) we have IEEJ(Japan) and JSME(Japan).

mÿ1 = − (y1 − y10 )
a1 (y10 + a2 )5
+ (u1 − u10 ) · · · · · · · · · · (A6) Takashi Yahagi (Non-member) received the B.S., M.S., and
a1 (y10 + a2 )4 Ph.D. degrees in electronics engineering from
the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo,
which may be rewritten as Japan, in 1966, 1968, and 1971, respectively.
In 1971, he joined Chiba University, Chiba,
mÿ1∗ + k1 y1∗ = k2 u∗1 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · (A7) Japan, as a Lecturer in the Department of
Electronics Engineering. From 1974 to 1984 he
where was an Associate Professor, and in 1984 he was
y1∗ = y1 − y10 , u∗1 = u1 − u10
promoted to Professor in the Department of
Electrical Engineering. From 1989 to 1998, he
4u10 1
k1 = , k2 = was with the Department of Information and Computer Sciences.
a1 (y10 + a2 ) 5 a1 (y10 + a2 )4 Since 1998, he has been with the Graduate School of Science and
Technology, Chiba University. His current research interests are in
From (A5) we may solve for the equilibrium control the theory and applications of digital signal processing and other
input values as related areas. He is the author of “Theory of Digital Signal Pro-
cessing”, Vols. 1-3 (1985, 1985, 1986), “Digital Signal Processing
u10 = a1 mg(y10 + a2 )4 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · (A8) and Basic Theory” (1996), and “Digital Filters and Signal Pro-
cessing” (2001), and the co-author of “Digital Signal Processing
Hence, according to the values of a1 = 27926, a2 = of Speech and Images” (1996), “VLSI and Digital Signal Process-
0.062, y10 = 0.02m, m = 0.121kg, g = 9.81ms−2 ing” (1997), “Multimedia and Digital Signal Processing” (1997),
“Neural Network and Fuzzy Signal Processing” (1998), “Commu-
∗ ∗
ẏ1 0 1 y1 nications and Digital Signal Processing” (1999), and “Fast Algo-
= rithms and Parallel Signal Processing” (2000) (Corona Pub. Co.,
ÿ1∗ −478.54 0 ẏ1∗
Ltd., Tokyo, Japan). Since 1997, he has been the President of
0 the Research Institute of Signal Processing, Japan, and also the
+ u∗1 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · (A9) Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Signal Processing. Prof. Ya-
hagi is a member of IEEE (USA), IEICE (Japan), and Research
can be obtained. Institute of Signal Processing (Japan).

606 IEEJ Trans. EIS, Vol.125, No.4, 2005

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