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® 201
13 Specificcation

Compreheensive trainingg in the new 
CADWorx 2013 Speciifications! 

Anthony W. H
CAD Training T
Technologies, LLC    
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012 – All rights reserved         CADWorx® 2013 Specifications Video 1 
Table of Contents

Video i - Getting Setup Video 8

The CADWorx environment Modifying the Catalog
Modifying for Enhanced Mode
Video ii - Setting up Isogen
Project Manager and folders Video 9
Creating a new Spec
Video iii - Using Video Training Adding Components to Spec
Maximizing the videos
Video 10
Testing the Spec
Video 1 Viewing in Enhanced Mode
Setting the Configuration
Creating a Company Catalog Video 11
Creating a Branch Table
Video 2 Adding Branch Components
Modifying the Size Table Checking the Catalog
Viewing the other Tables
Importing Legacy Data Files Video 12
Testing the Branch Table
Video 3
Creating a New Data File Video 13
A New Top works file An in-line User Shape
Testing in CADWorx & Isogen
Video 4
Valve with Special End Types Video 14
3D non-sym User Shape
Video 5 Testing in CADWorx & Isogen
Creating a New Project
Importing Legacy Specs Video 15
Automating Long Desc
Video 6 Adding to the Catalog
Modifying Component Info
Thickness in Long Desc. Video 16
Adding Top works in a Spec Automating Long Desc
Testing Results Using Data Tables and Fields

Video 7 Video 17
Adding Valves to the Spec Automating Long Desc
Testing Results The Cut and Paste Document

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ations Video

1 In the videos that fo

1. ollow, we'll be workingg with the new
CADWo orx® catalog g and specifications exxplorer. The e way we
work witth the data files and co omponent information has
changed d significantly in this ne
ew version. In the passt, CADWorrx
used librraries compposed of text files for its componeent

2 When we
2. w look at whatw we useed before, we
w had thre ee main
folders. We had the e Library_I, the Libraryy_M, and th
Library__MM. Thes se folders eaach containn subfolderss for the
differentt pressure ratings,
r like
e the 150 orr the 300. If I double-
click on 150, we ca an see that in these follders are th
he data filess
that carrried all the measureme ent data forr the compo

3 If I doub
3. ble-click onee of these files, we can
n see this iss where all
the meaasurement data
d was lo
ocated. It's really a texxt file. It had
an openning and clo osing parentheses, and d it had varrious
columnss that conta ained the da
ata. Once wew got used d to working
with thesse, it was a simple maatter to add to them or modify
them as needed. We W built ourr specs, using a spec editor
e to
work witth parts of these
t data files
f as nee
eded, and wew modified d
our desccriptions to suit our pa
articular spe
ec. This worrked well fo or
a numbe er of years.

4 The new
4. w way is sim milar, but things are moore highly organized.
The new w catalogs, which used d to be the Library_I or the other
library fo
olders, are collections of tables now. We'll have
h a size
table; wee'll have a material
m tabble, and so forth. Because we're
now goin ng to be wo orking with tables, we can combin ne fields
from theese tables innto our spe ecs with moore options; we'll have
more fleexibility than
n we had be efore.

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5 With the
5. e new syste em, we'll be able to cre
eate compoonents with
differentt conditions
s very easilyy, which wa
as somethinng that wass
really qu
uite involvedd when we were workking with the e older
version. The new version
v alsoo contains a branch tab
ble. This
will add additional controls
c to how our projects get modeled
m byy
our designers.

6 So at firsst, our new

6. w version miight take a little bit of getting
g used
to, but th
he end resuult is going to be a much improve ed way of
setting up
u our speccifications and
a compon nent data. So S let's take
a look att that now.

7 I have to
7. o Windows Explorer opened, and d I'm in the CADWorx
folder. Here
H is the Plant folde
er. If I doub ble-click Pllant and I
look, noww we don't see the Libbrary_I or other
o libraryy folders.
We do have
h a specc folder, tho
ough, so I'mm going to double-
click tha
at one, and we'll take a look at itss contents.

8 What we
8. e have noww are some sample cattalogs. We e see a
on of specifiic catalogs,, as well as a sample__inch catalo og
and a saample_inch h project. So o now the new
n data sttructure, the
new wayy we're goin ng to put to
ogether our component
ations is go
oing to inclu
ude projectss.

9 One wayy we can sttart the spe

9. ec editor is to
t double click
c this fille
– the CAADWorxSp pecEditor.eexe file. So I'm going to double-
click tha
at file and the spec ed
ditor will sta

1 You can
10. n also start the spec edditor from within
w CADWWorx. If wee
went to CADWorx and a you loo ok on the CADWorx
Plant I tab,
there's a button th hat will sta
art the specc editor. So
S you can
start it frrom within the
t folder, the
t way we just did, orr you can
also starrt it from within CADW Worx itself. One optionn or one
advantage of doing g it the way we just shoowed you, where
w you

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double-cclick CADW WorxSpecEd ditor.exe is it allows yo
ou to run th
spec editor as a staandalone application. So you could copy
these file
es over to machines
m w
where peopple might wo ork on
ations but don't
d necessarily do deesign work.

1 What we're
11. w going to
t do first iss set up ourr new catalog. A
catalog in this syste em is a colllection of ta
ables that are
a the
source files
f for all of
o the comp ponents. In n the past, itt would be
similar to
o working with
w library_ _M or librarry_I. We ca an use the
sample catalogs if we w choose, but if we start
s addingg or
modifyinng it, we’ll changing
c the e source caatalogs. It'ss better to
make ou ur own copiies, and the en keep the e ones that ship with
the systeem separatte.

1 Click th
12. his top buttton and se elect new catalog. Thhere are
several types
t of ca
atalogs: a company
c ca
atalog, an in
catalog, or a globall catalog.

1 If we're an end use

13. er, we woulld make a company
c ca
atalog. If we
were an engineerin ng design firm making a variety of catalogs
for clientts, we migh
ht want to make
m an inddustry catalog. I'm
going to click on company
c catalog. I’ll leave the name
n the
same he ere (Compa any1.cmp)). You can insert your company
name in the field if you want.

1 Next we
14. e’ll tell the system
s wheere our source-file is lo
ocated. If
we go to
o this box with
w dots in it and click,, we can ch hoose one of
the samples that sh hip with the
e system. For
F this exa ample, I'm
going to use the Sample_Me etric_Inch. Why don't you do the e
same for this startin ng example e, and then later you can
c do the
one you like?

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1 After sellecting that, click open

15. n. Next we’’ll set the units.
u Click
the dowwn arrow, and
a choose e the Metric
c/Inch format. Now
things are set as ne

1 The cata
16. alog can bee saved in different
d loccations, if yo
ou want to
locate it in a specific folder. I’ll save this example in n the defaullt
folder annd click OK
K. It's essen ntially a blank catalog at this poinnt.

1 If I double-click th
17. he data tabbles, there's nothing down
d in
them. The
T sample catalog tha at I used for my sourcee is down at
the botto
om of the screen. It's shown as the
t base ca atalog here.

1 If you click the plu

18. us next to size
s table in
n the base catalog at
the botttom, you ca an see therre is a size table in the
e base
catalog. I’ll highlig
ght it and thhen hold down the le eft mouse
button and
a drag itt up and re
elease. It will
w get copied into the
size tablle in the ne
ew companyy catalog.

1 So that''s what we're going to do. We're going to cllick these

tables inn the basee catalog drag them up u into ourr company y
catalog. That way y we can bu uild our cata
alog to matcch the
sample. The reaso on you use this method d is there may
m be somme
ou don't wa
things yo ant to bring in. I’ll copy
y the thickness table
up, and I'll do the same
s with the end ty ype tables. You can
see therre are a varriety of table
es in the ba
ase catalog g.

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2 I’ll click on the butttweld end

20. d type, and then I'll scroll down
while ho olding dow
wn the Shifft key. Thaat selects all of these.
Then drrag them up, and they y’ll be cop
pied into the
e end type
table in the
t compan ny catalog.

2 Now we'll bring in the data ta

21. ables. The ese are all the
measure ement files.. These ussed to be text files in th
he library
folders in earlier ve
ersion. In th
his version they don’t contain
descriptive data, just measure ement data..

2 I’ll come
22. e down and click the plus p t data tables. The
next to
differentt componen e all listed. Holding down the
nt types are
shift key y, I’ll click the first and last one e listed, wh
hich will
select alll of them.

2 Then ho
23. olding dow wn the left button
b of the mouse,, I’ll drag
these up to the co ompany ca atalog and release. They'll
T be
copied from
f the sample catalo og into the company
c catalog. If I
hit the plus next to data tabless in the commpany catallog, I can
see thatt all the info
ormation is in there. Soo why don't you get it tto
this poin
nt, and then n we'll continue from here?

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ations Video
V Tw

1 In the prrevious vide

1. eo we creatted our new w catalog. Now let’s
see howw it's organiz
zed. This is a list of ta
ables that contain
c all
the inforrmation nee
eded to desscribe the components
c s and to
build woorking specifications.

2 Looking at these, we
2. w have a size
s table; we
w have a material,
schedulee, thickness
s, end type
e, and data tables. I'm going to
click the
e plus nexxt to the sizze table, annd I'll double click
Size, an
nd the table opens.

3 I can see now that this catalog

3. g is going to o be able to
o handle
components that ra ange from an
a eighth off an inch all the way up
in size to
o 60 inches s. We can add
a to this table
t or take things ou
if we waant to. It's an
a XML file,, and it's go
oing to behaave similar
to a spreeadsheet.

4 For our example, highlight

4. h th
he three annd a half, or just click in
this squa
are, and theen you can right click k and click to remove e
this row
w. Click "OOK", and it will take thaat size out of the table
You cann see that it’s quite eassy to work with.

5 Click th
5. he plus nex xt to the ma
aterial tablle. Double e click MAT T
and it op
pens the lis
st of materia
als that are available fo
or our
components. We can c see diffferent kindss of specificcations,
grades, compositio ons, and densities. We e can see how
h these
are appllied to vario
ous types of componen nts.

6 There's also a part number asssociated with

6. w each pa articular kind
of materrial. Later, we can use
e these valu
ues to build
d an
automattic part nummber for eacch componeent.
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7 Scrolling
7. g down, you u can see this list is ve
ery extensivve. Here's a
typical entry,
e an A5
53 Grade B. The denssities are go oing to be
used later, along with
w the thickkness table e, to calcula
ate the
weight of
o compone ents.

8 Next, we
8. e’ll take a lo
ook at the schedule
s table. Double click
SCH to open it. Sh hown are thhe various schedules
s t
that are
d in this cata
alog. You can
c alwayss add to theese if you

9 We'll do the same on

9. o the thicckness table. We'll click
c the
plus, an
nd double click
c THK. The syste em shows th he
component thickne
esses. If we
e look at a one-inch
o co
we can see
s how the thicknesss are shown n based on the

1 Go to sc
10. chedule 40 0 columns and expan nd it. The wall
thicknesss on a one-inch sched dule 40 is 3.38.
3 That'ss the value
listed in millimeters
s. If you're working
w in imperial, yo
ou'll have a
decimal inch value. This table e is going to
o contain all the
thicknesss information needed for these components
c s. The
system has
h the ability to map these thickkness value es into the
long desscriptions; there's
t an easy
e processs to make that

1 Next, cliick the plu

11. us next to end
e type ta ables and expand
e it.
There arre a numbe er of end typ ble for use in CADWorrx.
pes availab
It is straight forward
d to create components with diffe erent end
types. ForF example e, we couldd make a gaate valve th
threaded d on one side and flannged on thee other. We e'll do that as
part of our
o exercise es later.

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1 Let’s minimize this

12. s table, and d click the plus next to
t data
tables. Scroll dowwn to Valve es and clicck the pluss. This
shows thhe various types of va alves in the catalog. It’’s similar to
what wee had in earrlier version

1 Click th
13. he plus nex xt to gate valve,
v and we'll
w see the different
e included in this catalog.
gate valvves that are

1 Double click the gate

14. g flangeed 150 (gatt_f_150), an
nd you can
see thatt this file ran
nges from a two-inch up
u to a 30-iinch file.
This file contains all the meassurement da ata. There are no
descriptive data in this, but it has
h all the measureme
m ents that it
needs to o draw the component
c ts.

1 Let's sayy we wante

15. ed to get a larger rangee here. Wh hat if we
wanted gate valves s that went up to 48 inches or somme other
size range? What we need to o do is edit and expand d this range
of sizes.. We could d take a valvve cut shee
et and beginn adding
entries right
r in this table. Ano
other choicee would be to import a
file from somewherre else that has the da ata. Let's se
ee how tha at
is done.

1 To bring
16. g in a legacy
y file, we ne
eed to do a few steps.. Scroll up
to the to
op, and we can see th he name off the cataloog. If I putt
the poinnter on tha
at and rightt click, I ha
ave an optio
on here to
import le
egacy data from files. So you do the same, and the
system will
w display a dialog bo ox for us.

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1 This will let us bring

17. g in some files.
f We caan bring in an individual
file, or we
w can bring g in folders. We can also
a take things out.
I'm going g to click "Add
" Files,," and we can do a seaarch and
find the file to impoort.

1 By defau
18. ult, the systtem will takke you to yo our current location on
your newwest versioon of CADW Worx, probably in the spec folder.
Click onn the C: drive, and we e’ll find the folder or file we want
to bring in.

1 If you ha
19. ave a previoous versionn of CADWo orx on yourr machine
you could go to the e CADWorxx 2012 or CADWorx 20 010 folder
(whatever version youy might have).
h If yo
ou don't havve a
previouss version off CADWorxx on your machine, I’ve e included
the file you’ll
y need in this video
o in the dow wnload filess. There’s a
button called
c “Less
son Files” on the webp page where this video is
being played. You can click itt to downloa ad the files you’ll need
in these exercises.

2 In my ca
20. ase, I'm go oing to go back to CA ADWorx 20 012, since I
have preevious vers sions loadedd on my ma achine. I'll double
click tha
at, and I'll go
g to Plantt and doub ble click it. I'll go to
Library__M, becaus se that's the
e format I'm
m using, and d I'll go to
the 150..

2 Now I’ll look for the

21. e data files that
t I need. What I'm looking forr
is a flangged gate va alve data fille which is set up for la
arger sizess.
It's this one
o right he ere (GAT_F F_L.150). If I I double click it, it
will bringg it into the import dialog box. No ote: If you don’t have a
previouss version off CADWorxx on your machine you u can double e
click thee file in yourr CADWorxx_Lesson_F Files\Speciffications
folder thhat you dow wnloaded. The
T file is named
n GAT T_F_L.150.

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2 Clicking “By Colum

22. mn Name” displays som me column names. If
you clickk “By Colum
mn Count” you'll
y see th
hose. We can
c bring it
in by eith
her one.

2 Click “B
23. By Column n Count.” Iff you double click the
e file name e,
the data
a file will ope
en and you
u can see th
he details. This is a
gate valvve that goees from 18 up
u to 48 incches. So thhis will workk
great forr what we need.

2 In the older version

24. ns, the data
a files includ
ded what manufacture
m er
the valvee data cam me from. Th his informattion in this file
f came
from a Crane
C 55 caatalog. Thee valves usu ually have information
i n
like this given sincee they can vary.
v With fittings, thiss informatio
is usuallly not includ
ded since thhey're going to be con nsistent.

2 We've got this high

25. hlighted. Wee've got a list of data file
f types, so o
we will select
s one that
t matchees the type of file we’ree bringing in.
If we select the Ga ate Valve, Buttweld/F
B Flanged, an nd we clickk
Import, it will import the data file into ourr catalog.

2 Another thing to do
26. o is click onn the View Log File button,
b and
you'll se
ee a record of the different converrsions that you've done
to bring in legacy data
d into your catalog. This is som
mething you
can print out later to have a re ecord of you
ur work.

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2 Now let’s click the

27. e "Close" button.
b Loo
ok down unnder gate
valves anda you’ll seee the file we
w just impoorted. Here
e it is, this
gate flan nge large (G
GAT_F_L_150). If we e double cllick it, the
file will open,
o and we
w can see the data.

2 So that'ss how you can

28. c bring in n legacy da
ata into yourr catalog in
the new version. You
Y might have
h some componentts you built
yourselff from scratc
ch, and youu want to brring them in
n and have
them as part of youur catalog.

2 So you do what we’ve sho

29. own up to
o here, and
d then we
e after that.

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ations Video
V Three

1 We're making
1. m goodd progress. In the prevvious video o, we
importedd a legacy file,
f a file fro
om CADWo orx 2012 orr 2010 that
could drraw large ga ate valves. We saw howh to go ab
importing informatio on into the 2013 syste em from spe ecs and
from datta files that were creatted in earlie
er versions.

2 Now we’ll see how to create data

2. d files fro
om scratch.. We'll
create a couple off new data files in thiis video. This
T is what
o in the future, for exam
you’ll do mple, if youu want to ad
dd a new
type of valve
v into your catalogg.

3 In this exxample I've

3. e got a coupple of cut sheets for soome valvess,
and we'rre going to use those as example es. Anothe er thing we'rre
going to take a lookk at is some
e of the enhhanced mo ode
settingss, which willl show enhhanced gra aphics. In this
t new
version of CADWorrx, if you se et your drawwing mode to
enhance ed, the systtem can dissplay bolt holes in the flanges.

4 Let’s loo
4. ok at flange
es. I’ll expa
and the type
es of Flang
ges, and
click on
n the plus next
n to Flaange Weld Neck, and then I’ll
double click on th he FLG_W_ _150. This opens up the
t data file

5 There arre three things to fill out to get the

5. e enhanced graphics s
to work. They're gooing to be values
v for the bolt holle diameter,
the bolt circle diam
meter, and the bolt ho ole numbe er. Then
when we e’re running
g in enhancced mode we'll
w see the e holes in
the flang
ges get moddeled, base ed on these e values in the
t data

6 We’ll clo
6. ose this forr now. Nexxt we’re going to build some data
files from
m scratch. We'll be addding a couuple of valvees. Scroll
down to o Valves annd click the
e plus nextt to that to expand
e it.
Scroll down
d to Gaate Valve and
a click on n the plus next to thatt.
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7 Hover th
7. he pointer on Gate ValveV and then
t right click
c and we
can addd a data tab
ble. The sysstem will brring up a dia alog box for
us, and we can beg gin to fill this out. So what
w all this one is
we'll ca
GAT_F_ _CMPT_15 50. This will be a data file for a co ompact
flanged gate valve,, 150 pound d rating.

8 In the siize table cllick the box with 3 do

8. ots. Here you
y can
specify the
t sizes th hat you wannt to work with.
w We’ll enter
e an 8””,
10”, andd a 12” valvve. You coould add hoowever man ny sizes youu
wanted tot include.

9 The nexxt step is to set these valves

9. v to ha
ave the sam
me end
n on both ends.
e Click
k the box too Apply to the same
end-typpe on both ends. The w be a flange.
e first end will

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1 For the end type, select

10. s the FLG_gat_ff_150.

1 The parrt number is optional. For this exxample, let''s put in

0055. Fo
or descripttion, we ca
an put in here GATE VALVE,

1 Our data
12. a file for is ready
r for filling out. Click
C in the box
underne eath the hu ub OD diam meter and we'll
w put in some
values. We're goin ng to use 34 42, and thee one underr that will be
406. Th he one unde er that will be
b 482. Th hen we'll go
o over to th he
right forr the lengths, and we e'll enter 29
92, 330, andd 358.
Finally fo
or the weig ght, click in n the field for
f that and enter 281,
399, and d 562. This s will complete the dim mensional innformation
for the valves.

1 Now clic
13. ck the X too close it, and
a save itt. The syste em has a
small ind
dicator next to the namme, but thatt will disapp
pear once
the proje
ect or the catalog is saaved and reeopened. We W now
have thee measurem ment data in n here to drraw this. Next
N we’ll
add somme top work ks for this va

1 Minimizze the valve

14. es and scrroll up to Top Works. Click the e
plus. Click
C the plus next to Wheel. Th his is where
e we’ll add a
Top Works file. Ho
over over Wheel
W and right click
k. Now we
can add
d a top worrks data file
e for the ga
ate valve wee just

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1 The nam
15. me for the top works file will be

1 For Type, click the

16. e down arrrow, and seelect Whee el. Size will
be the same,
s 8, 10
0, and 12. Descriptio
k OK.

1 Now we’ll fill out some data. There’s no

17. ot a lot requuired. Thiss
value wiill be 150, 165,
1 and the
en finally 17
78. The op perator
thicknes ss will be 12, 15, andd 18. The operator
o len
ngth will be
1168, 13
376, and finally 1567.

1 Now clo
18. ose this by clicking thhe X, and save
s it. This is ready
to work now. We have
h one more
m valve too add, but let's
l save itt
for the next
n video. Get this infformation fiilled in as we
w showed,,
and thenn we'll continue on afte
er that.

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ations Video
V Fo

1 In this viideo, we're going to co

1. ontinue add
ding a seco
ond valve.
This valvve will have
e different end
e types ono each endd. This valvve
will be th
hreaded on n one end and
a flanged on the othe er end.

2 We’re in
2. n the spec editor. Click the plu us next to the
t data
tables, scroll
s dowwn to valvess and clickk the plus next
n to it to
expand the list. Click the plu
us next to gate
g valves
s and that
will expa
and. When n we look att the data files, we can
n see our
previouss valve (GA
AT_F_CMPT T_150).

3 If your display
3. d has a small gra aphic next to o the valve we
previoussly entered,, it’s usuallyy not a prob
blem. To cllear it, you
can closse and reoppen the spe ec editor. Another
A wayy is to go
ahead and
a right clic ck on this, and
a go to Properties.
P Under
Properties, add inittials or yourr name und der the "Cre
eated by"
and "Edited by" fiellds. If you then
t close the Propertties dialog iti
should clear
c the ex
xclamation point
p graphhic.

4 Now we
4. e'll add the second vallve. I'm goiing to rightt click on
Gate Va alve, and I'm
m going to add a data a table. This is going tot
be a gatte valve thaat has special end type
es. Push down the ca ap
lock keyy and type GAT_THD_
G _x_FLG. It's a gate va alve
threaded d on one ennd and flanged on the other.
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5 We nee
5. ed to have a size table e available next. If you don't see
it, click the
t down arrrow and just select sizze. We're only o going to
do one entry
e for this example.. Click the e box with the
t dot dot
dot, and d we'll set itt for two inc
ches. Clicck OK once e that’s done

6 This va
6. alve will ha
ave differen
nt starting and endinng
ons. On the previous valve we had
h that boxx checked,
since we
e had flanged on both ends. But for this valve, for the
g end click the down arrow and look for a threaded
gate valvve.

7 Scroll down
7. d and lo
ook for "thre
eaded." Thhen look forr a gate
valve. The
T one listted is "threa aded gate", and it's go
ot an 800
pound raating (THRD_GAT_T_ _C_800).

8 We’ll do something
8. g similar forr the other end
e conditioon. Look fo
d gate", so scroll
s down to "flang ge," and loo
ok for GAT

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9 Listed iss the FLG_ gat_f_150. The part number iss optional but
enter 00
056. The de escription will be GA
E, THD x
FLG. Once
O finishe
ed, click OK

1 We havve one size

10. e valve to fill out. On th
he hub OD D, use 60.3.
For the length,
l entter 178. Fo
or the weigh ht, enter 4.

1 Click th
11. he X in the corner
c of th
he dialog bo
ox to close this and
click Ye
es to save it.

1 The grap
12. phic next too the new file appears. Right clicck here, and d
go to Properties. Enter
E your initials here. In my casse, I'll put
AH, andd I'll do the in the lowerr field, then close it.

1 To clear the graph

13. hic, we’ll clo
ose and reo open the Company
catalog. Click on the
t main bu utton at the top, and cllick on
Sample Inch. Save e the work k when prompted.

1 Open th
14. he Sample Inch catalog. Next, click on th he new
catalog you
y just completed (C Company1.cmp). When it
reopenss, everythingg will come
e in clean. Go
G to Data Tables,
and clic
ck the plus, and come e down to Valves.
V Exppand the
Gate vaalves and you can see e now that the work wee just
completed is there.. So saving and reope ening the ca
atalog will
clear notification sy
ymbols like we just had

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15. The next videos will cover working with specifications. We'll
bring in some legacy specs, and we'll add some records to
them. We'll also use these data files we just completed and
we’ll add them into a spec for use.

16. We've got a few more things to cover, but we're making good

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ations Video
V Five

1 In the prrevious vide

1. eos, we've been workiing with the e catalogs.
We set upu a compa any catalog g, and we organized so ome tables.
So we have
h a lot off data that we
w can beg gin to work with. Whatt
we're gooing to do now
n is organnize that da
ata in specifications.
After tha
at the specs s can be ussed to mode el compone ents in
CADWo orx.

2 The Spe
2. ec Editor is s running. You
Y can cliick the butto on on the
Ribbon to
t start it, or
o you can gog in the follder and do
ouble click
the .exe file to startt it.

3 Click th
3. he top butto on in the sppec editor and
a select "New
project.." Projects are collectiions of specs. It’s how
w they’re
ed in the neew version. Leave the e name as Project1, oro
you can add your own
o name if you like. The system m requires a
source catalog.
c Click the box x with thre
ee dots in it
i to

4 Now just looking att what's liste

4. ed we can see some of o these aree
quite specific. This one, for insstance, is going
g to be for
fiberglasss reinforce
ed pipe in in
nches, in im
mperial sizes. Here's
one thatt's going to be stainlesss steel in in
nches. So this
t is how
they broought some of the old data
d acrosss. They havve them
formatteed the data files and sppec informa ation in this way now.
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5 Toward the end of the list we see some sample

5. s inch
h, sample
metric, sample
s mettric inch cattalogs. The
ese are goin
ng to be
more exxtensive. Th
hese actually are whatt we used too see undeer
LIB_I or LIB_MM oro Lib_M.

6 And we used the Sample_Me

6. S tric_Inch ca
atalog when
n we made
our first catalog, ouur Companyy catalog. SoS let’s go back and
select thhat one, it’s
s going to be
b the Com mpany1.cmp p file, the
Compan ny catalog, and click open.

7 For the bill

7. erial type, leave that as
b of mate a fabricattion.

8 Next are
8. e some optiions for setting up a loong descripttion format
or a partt number foormat. One e option is to
o select certain fields
out of th
he tables, and the system will actu ually put these togethe er
into a string for you
u as a long descriptionn.

9 This is a way to automate desscriptions in

9. n your speccifications.
You cann bring in soome materia al informatiion. You ca an bring in
some thickness info ormation, iff you would d like to include
thicknesss values innto the long description ns. We'll loook at that
closely in a later vid
deo. For no ow, let's lea
ave it blankk.

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1 There iss a similar option

10. o for setting
s up a part number. The
system now
n allows us to bringg in differen
nt fields out of these
tables and put them
m together into a string g that wouldd build a
dynamicc type part number.
n Using this ap pproach, we e can knoww
exactly how
h to ordeer a specificc component.

1 For this project de

11. escription enter
e Test Project. By B default, itt
will save
e it in the CA
ADWorx foolder under Plant, unde er Spec.
You cou uld save thiss elsewhere
e if you wan nted to. I'll just say OK
here and d accept the default. (Note:
( If you
y want to o restrict
access to modifyiing your prrojects and d specifica ations you
can sav ve these in a folder on your nettwork with access

1 Our projject has bee

12. en created.. At this pooint, we couuld add a
spec from scratch oro we could d import onee into our project.
p Wee
have some other options here e. We could d move datta from a
previouss project ov
ver to our ne ew project. For this exxample, let's
import a legacy spe ecification into our Pro
oject. Clickk on the
Import Legacy
L Sppecification n button.

1 Click th
13. he box withh the 3 dots s in it to bro
owse. Brow wse to you
old CADDWorx fold der (if you have
h one). On my ma achine here’s
a CADWWorx 2012 version.
v If you
y have old specs elsewhere on n
your sysstem you ca
an browse to t them and d import the

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1 If there are not leg

14. gacy specss on your machine
m I included
some in n the folder you downlo
oaded with the lessons files in it.
You sho ould have a CADWorx_ _Lessons__Files\Speciifications
folder. If
I we go theere for a mo
oment, you’’ll see there
e is an A10,
B10, C10 spec. So o you can use
u these if you like. I'mm going to
go back to my CAD DWorx 2012 2 and get mine
m there.

1 Select the
15. t A10_M
M spec, and
d click Ope

1 The sysstem requirres a catalo

16. og to link to.. It also needs a size
W select Import and the spec will be imported. A
table. We'll
note herre shows th
hat it came in successffully.

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1 Import the
17. t A10, B10, and C1 10 spec. You
Y can imp port them
from thee CADWorx x_Lesson_F Files\Speciffications folder, or if yo
have some on yourr system yo ou want to import in, yoou can
select th
hem. I'll impport the B10_M and th he C10_M specs.
s Youu
can alsoo bring in anny of the old
d sample specs as we ell, if you
have access to the em. (Note: In the Spe ec folder inn your
latest veersion you u can also import datta from any y of the
catalogs s, projectss, and spec cs in the fo
older. Thes se are new w
versions of the leg gacy specs found in earlier verrsions of
CADWo orx)

1 Complette things as
18. s shown to this point, and we’ll continue
c after

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ations Video
V Six

1 Now let's modify th

1. he spec. I'mm going to double
d clickk the
A10_M, and it will open
o in thee editor. I'll get a list off
components displaying, and th here is a deetail screenn in the lowe
half of th
he screen. This will fill out as I se
elect a com mponent.

2 Let's sayy that we wanted

2. w to modify
m the piipe informaation. I'm
going to click the plus
p next to
t "pipe," and
a I'll look and see
what is in
i our spec, and we haave three entries.
e The
ere's the ha
to inch and
a a half, 2 to 24, and
d here's some pipe nip pples.

3 I'm going
3. g to click on
o the 2 to 24. When I click it, it starts filling
out the bottom
b partt of the scre
een with spec informattion.

4 If I scroll up and lo
4. ook, I'm gooing to channge some th hings. I'm
going to change thhe descripttion. Whatt I'll do is I want
w this too
say Schedule 40 inn this particular spec, so
s I'm goingg to just
type "SCCH 40." Annd then to make
m this co
ome out, I'm
m going to
come ovver here and select fo or the sched dule, 40 forr that. If I
click on another on
ne of these boxes, it'll set
s that.

5 So that part
5. p is set. Let's say now
n that I wanted
w the description
to say PIPE,
A A106 6 GR B, and then alsoo,
whateveer thickness
s it was.
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6 This is where
6. w this Spec
S Editorr gets reallyy nice, becaause there
are thing gs we can dod on a com mponent-byy-componen nt basis.
What I canc do unde er this longg descriptio on area, I can
c click
this box x with 3 doots to do a special
s formmat for this component.
If I click that, what I'll be able to
t do is clic ck the dow wn arrow
and go find
f a thick
kness table e. There arre different fields and
values in n that table

7 What I want
7. w to do is take the main
m thickkness and just have it
d automaticcally as partt of my desccription. So o I'll click
this arro
ow, and it'lll come over to the righ
ht in the dia
alog box.
Now myy description n is going to
o have this typed part first, then a
comma, and then the thicknesss value at the end.

8 To makke this read well I'll clic

8. ck after thaat field value and
press th b and jusst type "THK." Then when
he space bar, w I say
OK, it'll actually
a putt that up in the string. At this poin
nt click OKK,
and it wiill get set. Click
C the box
b with 3 dots again n and we'll
take a loook.

9 Now we
9. e can see how
h the desscription willl read. Latter we’ll tesst
this. Cliick Apply to
t save thesse changess.

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1 Let's do a couple th
10. hings with the
t valves now.
n I'm go
oing to click k
the minus to close e the pipin
ng informattion, and I'll click the
plus nexxt to valve
es. Scroll down, and we'll
w find th he flanged
gate vallves.

1 Select the
11. t gate va alve, 150 po ound flang
ged. The in
fills out in
i the details at the bo
ottom, and we
w want to make some e
changess here.

1 Let's sayy here that we want to

12. o put some Top Workss on this
valve. So
S we'll clicck the dow
wn arrow, and
a we'll sellect our Top
Works fiile. Find Wheel_Gate
W, and we'll
w use tha at

1 Next lett's put a tag

13. g in. We'll click
c in the
e Tag field, and we'll
put C33P for that. So we have some opttions here, some thing gs
that we can do. We can do so ome specia al SKEYs foor Isogen if
we wantt. We can putp it on a certain
c laye
er, and we have
h optionns
to contro
ol the colors

1 Here are
14. e the size ra
anges. If you
y wanted to modify the t size
ranges, you could come
c in and check on
n or check off o some of
these booxes. Depe ending on what
w the da
ata file is, it'll show it.
I'm going
g to click ap
pply to take
e these cha

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1 So why don't we ge
15. et it to here, and what we'll do in a moment is
test this.

1 OK. We
16. e've modifie
ed our specc. Go up here to the main
m button
on the Spec
S Edito
or and click
k Save. Thiis will save all the
changess that we ha
ave made to this pointt.

1 Now let’s test this. I going to minimize th

17. he lower pa
art of the
screen, and go into
o CADWorrx Plant. Start
S a neww drawing
using a metric temmplate.

1 Click Se
18. etup and cllick the spe
ec/size. Click Browse, and
select our
o projectt.

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1 The projject that I have is calle

19. ed Project One.
O If you
u have the
same na
ame, that's good. If no ot, just get yours.
y Click on the
A10_M, and then click
c next to
t 10” unde er Main, annd click
Apply and
a Close.

2 Now we’ll draw a piece

20. p of pipee. If the specview tool palette is
set to “show all commponents”, you possib bly might ha
ave two
kinds of pipe displaayed. On my m screen here's
h the one
o that I
modifiedd. This is th
he one that says Sche edule 40, so
o that lookss
good. Also
A I can se ee that it ha
as my desccription showwing.

2 Click Piipe and clic

21. ck a couple of points s. Now we want to see
how the material is
s being desccribed. If we
w double click
c that
pipe, we
e’ll see wha
at the long description
d says.

2 The sysstem has de

22. escribed it as
a a Sched dule 40, like
e we wanted
Also, it has
h a comm ma, and the en the thickn
ness value with a THK
So it camme out just like we wa

2 You can
23. n see that th
his is very powerful,
p beecause youu can bring
in all kin
nds of inform
mation fromm the data fiiles, and au
building a long des scription with a number of optionss. You can
also builld a part nuumber in a similar
s fashhion. This new
n spec
format gives
g us a lo
ot more verrsatility than
n we had beefore.

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2 OK out of the dialog box, an

24. nd next we'lll bring in a gate valve
Click onn the gate valve
v on th
he specview w tool palettte, and clic
a couple of points s to place it.
i If the pip
ping rules are
a set, we
can just click rightt on the en
nd of this pipe
p and drrag to the
right. You
Y can see e how conn nected to the pipe and placed the e
flange, gasket
g and bolts, becaause those rules were on for
automattic placeme ent. Also it placed the Top Workss.

2 Double
25. e clicking the valve shows the valve
v tag was included
as well.

2 So everyything is wo
26. orking like it should he
ere. Make sure
s you've
got it to here, and then
t we'll go on after this.

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ations Video
V Seven

1 In this viideo, we're going to ad

1. dd some ga ate valves into the
system. I'm in the spec edito or; we havee our Projec ct_1 open,
and I'll double-clic
d ck on the A10_M
A speccification. We're
W going
to add twwo valves innto this spe
ec. So if I put
p the pointer over
the worrd valves and
a right-cllick, I can click
c on Addd. The
bottom area
a of the screen ope ens and is now
n availab
ble to add a
new valvve.

2 The type
2. e of valve we'll
w add is a gate valvve, so click the down
arrow and
a find ga ate. In the data
d table, click
c the do
own arrow to
find the gate valve we’ll be adding. In an earlier videeo, we madde
two neww valve data a files. We made a compact expa anding gate
valve, annd we made a threade ed by flangeed gate valve.

3 First we'll add the compact

3. c expanding gate valve e. I'll click on
d the system
that, and m will read the size ou ut of the datta file that
we made earlier. You Y can see e, it has the
e 8” to 12” setting.
Everythiing else fille
ed out in the
e data is sttandard. Th he system
reads th
he schedule e and the material
m information, an nd fills it outt
for us au
utomatically y.
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4 Let's spe
4. ecify the top works forr this valve. Looking at
a the
e entries, we'll
w set the e top works s to be the
e one that
we creaated. Scroll down and find that. Itt's the wheeel gate
compactt (WHEEL_ _GATE_CM MPT_150_F, so
s that has
now beeen added.

5 This will be an optio

5. onal compo onent. We'll click on the button
to set itt for Option
nal, and forr the description ente
VALVE,, COMPACT EXPAND DING. The tag will be e C33E andd
then clicck Add.

6 Next, we
6. e'll add the other valve
e. Scroll back up to valves,
v and
right-cliick on valvves. Then click
c add, and the sysstem will
open upp another dialog box to o fill out.

7 Scroll down
7. d and select
s gate
e valves.

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8 This one
8. e will be the
e threaded by flanged d gate valvve that we
created earlier. Sccroll down to f and select it.
o the data file
When it’’s selected,, the system
m will show its set for a two-inch
size. Th
he values inn the dialogg box are filled out and
d everythingg
looks go

9 This valvve is an op
9. ptional commponent ass well. Leavve the top
works ouut on this valve for now
w. For des
scription ty
ype GATE
VALVE,, THREADE ED BY FLA ANGED. Fo or the tag use
u G38T.

1 So everyything is filled out well, click Add. One thing

10. g to mentioon
here is we
w made th his an optional compon nent, and what
w that
does forr us is on th
he spec vieww tool palettte, when it lists the
differentt gate valve
es, these that have Op ptional checcked off will
come in shown in blue.
b This indicates th
hey are not the default
gate valvve.

1 Next we
11. e’ll add a co
ouple of conntrol valves, so we can n illustrate
how to do
d that. Sc croll up and d look for control
c vallves. Lookk
under fla
anged, then n control va
alve, 150-poound flange ed. If we
look across, there is
i a CNT_F F_A_150 da ata file whicch contains
the valve
e’s measurrements. This is the sttandard con ntrol valve
d in the speecification. Scroll up to
t valves, where
w you
can righht-click on Valves, an nd click Addd.

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1 We'll add a control valve. Clic

12. ck the dowwn arrow and click on
Control. Now we’lll select one
e to add.

1 Click th
13. he down arrow. The CONTROL_
C _F_A appe ears in the
list. No other oness rated at 15
50 are listed dd some data
d. We’ll ad
file to ou
ur catalogue
e, which will then let us
u bring them into this

1 Click th
14. he top butto
on and clic
ck Save. This
T saves the
t project.

1 Now, we
15. e’ll open ou
ur catalog. Click on th he top buttton, and
click ope
en. Actually, we can come
c over in
i the list if it’s
displayeed and click
k on it. Clic
ck on the Company_1
C 1 catalog. If
you nammed yours differently
d e
earlier click that one.

1 The cata
16. alogue is oppen, expand the Data Tables. Th his area of
the specc editor scre
een works for
f brining in
i data filess from olderr
versionss. It gives us
u a couplee of ways to
o import datta. We can n
bring in legacy dataa from an earlier
e spec or, from a data file tha
we have e elsewhere e on our sysstem.

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1 Click Im
17. mport From m Data File
e, and this brings
b up a dialog boxx
for addin
ng files to bring
b in.

18. Click Add
A Files.

1 The dire
19. e looking in is a legacyy version off CADWorx,
ectory we're
which on
n my machine is CADW Worx 2012. Yours could be a
2010 or a 2009 or whatever.
w If you don'tt have one of these,
rememb ber we inclu
uded the daata files in th
he group off files you
downloaaded earlierr (the CADWWorx_Lesson_Files fo older).

2 Located in this folder are some control va

20. alves. Thesse are the
data files for other kinds of control valvess. Click on the B file,
and hold down the Shift key y and clickk on the K file.
f Click

2 The filess appear in our list to import.


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2 And then
22. n if I click on
o one of the files, I'll be
b given op
ptions for
importing. Click on the control valve button b and click
Import, and the system will brring it in to your catalo og. Do thatt
for each h of these control valves. Now w we have some new
data files that can be b added to
o our speciffication.

2 Save th
23. he catalog and reope en the Project1 project. The
system prompts
p if we
w want to update the
e project fro
om the base
catalogss. Click Yees and then
n double-cclick the A110 spec.

2 Scroll down
24. d to Va
alves and right-click
r o Valves. Click Add
on d.

2 Click th
25. he down arrow for Typ pe and sele ect Controll Valve. Fo or
the Data
a Table youu will see different valvve data filess available..
Hover ovver these and
a you can n see there is a Fisherr Type A, a
Fisher Type
T E, and
d a Fisher Type
T K.

2 Click on
26. n the Type E control valve
v and a dialog boxx appears.
The valu
ues are com
ming from th
he data file.

2 We havve an option
27. n to add a top
t works for
f the valvve. There's a
sample actuator av vailable. Mo ost likely we
w would creeate a top
works fille for this va
alve. Leave this field blank for now.
n Click
on the button
b to set it as an op
ptional com mponent.

2 For description en
28. ol Valve, Fisher E. For the Tag
nter Contro

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value usse CVFE. When
W done,, click Add

2 Scroll up
29. u to Valve
es. Right-c
click and click Add.

3 For Typ
30. pe, use Control Valve

3 For Data
31. a table, sellect the Typ
pe K contro
ol valve. Ag gain, you
can see the informaation from the
t data file
e files out th
he dialog

3 Set the valve

32. v to Op
ptional. Fo
or descriptiion use Co
ontrol Valv
Fischerr K. For Ta
ag use CVFFK. Click Add
A when done.

3 Save th
33. he spec an
nd go back into CADW

3 Start a new drawing, using a Metric te

34. emplate.

3 Click Se
35. etup and cllick to open
n your Proje
ect 1. Sele
ect the A10
spec. Set
S the size
e to 3”, and click Applyy & Close.

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3 If your Spec
36. S View tool palettee is set to sh
how optional
components, you'll start seeinng these optional contrrol valves
ng in the lis
st of components. You u can click
k the
s tab and make
m sure you have the show optional
compon nents butto on checked d.

3 The currrent size th

37. hat you're set
s to contro
ols what ap
ppears in the e
spec vie
ew tool pale ette. That’ss why we se
ee these tw
wo control
valves in
n the list of components. The thrree-inch sizze falls within
the rang
ge of these valves.

3 Scrolling
38. g down, we don't see thet other twwo that weree added (th
compactt expanding g gate valve
e and the th
hreaded byy flanged
gate valvve). This is
s because the
t compacct expandin ng gate valvve
went from eight to 12 inches in size.

3 Set the
39. e size to 8” and the co
ompact exppanding gate valve will
appear, as well as one of the other contrrol valves th
hat is in tha
size range.

4 Set the
40. e size to 2”. That's thee size we had
h for our threaded
t byy
flanged gate valve.. If we scro
oll down, we
e'll see it, so
o let's place
that and
d see how itt appears.

4 Right-c
41. click on Pip
pe, and clic
ck Threade
ed. Click two
t points

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to place
e a piece of
o threaded
d pipe.

4 Click on
42. n the threaaded by flanged gate valve and press
Enter. The
T valve willw connectt automatica ally to the end
e of the
pipe. Ch
heck it to ve
erify it’s con
nnected pro

4 Set the
43. e size to 8”. Place a piece
p of pipe into the drawing.

4 Click on
44. n the Fishe
er Type K control
c valvve and pres
ss Enter. Itt
should connect
c auttomatically. Since the rules have
e been set to
place fla
anges autom
matically, th
he system should pla ace a
flange, gasket andd bolts. .

4 Scroll down
45. d and click on th
he compact expandin ng gate
valve, and
a press Enter.
E The valve shou
uld connectt
automattically. You
u should get prompted for a top works.

4 Check th
46. he descriptions on eacch of your components
c s by double
clicking them. Youu should alsso have Tagg values in them.

So go ahead and test out your component

c ts and verrify they are
workking as exp

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atalog Video
V Eight

1 In this viideo we're going

1. g to loo
ok at severa
al new thing

2 We're go
2. oing to crea
ate a speciffication from
m scratch, and
a we're
also goin
ng to go intto the catalo
og and cha ange some of the
settings. We're going to modiify some of the measu urement files
so that we
w can prod duce graph hics in enhaanced mode e. We'll alsso
set up a minimum anda maximum pipe len ngth.

3 Let's sta
3. art out with our catalog
g. Click on
n the main button, and
open upp the compa any catalog we createdd earlier
(Compa any1.cmp)..

4 Click th
4. he plus nexxt to the da
ata tables and
a scroll down
d to the
flanges and expan nd them (cliick on the + sign). Click
C on the
plus nex xt to Flang
ge Weld Ne eck, and doouble click
k the
FLG_W_ _150. The data fieldss open up and some off the fields
will be changed
c so we can pro
oduce enha anced graphhics when
we model them.
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5 I'm going
5. g to expand d this colum
mn display a little, and we're going
to set up
p the 6 inch
h size here for enhance ed graphicss. If we
hover over
o this fie e raised face diameter.
eld we can see it's the
So we’ll click in that field and
d enter in 215.9
2 (Note: It’s on the
row for the
t 6” size).

6 Next clicck the arrow

6. w and go over and up eld (which is
p. In this fie
the raise
ed face leng
gth) enter 1.52.
1 This is the meassurement fo or
the extension of the
e face.

7 The nexxt one is going to be th

7. he bolt hole
e diameterr, and for this
value ennter in 22.335. Next wiill be the bo
olt circle diameter.
The boltt circle diam
meter will be
e 241.3. Thhe next field
d holes the
bolt holle number.. For that fiield enter in
n 8. The ne ext one will
be the pipe
p inside diameter (the column n is labeled
d PID). Forr
that valu
ue enter 152.4.

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8 This com
8. mpletes the
e flanges. Now
N let's do
o something
g on the
pipe. Minimize the st, and click the plus next to
e flange lis
Pipe. Then
T double e-click the

9 In the ne
9. ew version of CADWo orx we have e a rule thatt allows
setting a pipe minimmum length h and maximmum length h. For the 6
inch sizze, let's putt in 300 forr the minim
mum length h. For the
maximu um length, put 6,000 in that field d.

1 What's this will do is when the

10. e pipe length you’re placing in the
model exceeds 600 00 (6 meterrs) the system will prompt you
asking iff you want tot split the pipe into sh
horter segm
ments. Thiss
can let you
y keep pipe lengths within fabrication guid delines, if
you wan nt to utilize it. Again, here’s
h a neww rule which can assisst
in designn consisten ncy.

1 The ETS
11. S value in the right column has to
o do with co
n. It’s a sys
stem setting
g and not so
omething you’ll
y have to
change. It stands forf Bitwise End Type Placement
P Control.
The num mber will vaary, depending upon th
he type of component.

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1 Scrolling down to valves,

12. v go to
t a gate va
alve and doouble-click k
the GAT T_F_150. You’ll
Y see that these have
h an ETS S of 3. Youu
can placce a valve from
f either end, and yoou can righ
ht-click and
place it using
u a cen
nter insertio
on. So therre are three
e possible
ns, which match
m the ETTS value.

1 Some off the ETS values

13. v get pretty
p involvved. If we look at Tees,
it has an
n ETS of seeven. So th here are a number
n of ways
w you
can inseert a Tee, such as left end to the center, branch first to
the centter, etc.

1 The eassiest thing to

14. o do if you’re creating a new file is
i use the
ETS value in an exxisting file. Typically th w have this
he system will
already done for yo
ou automatically.

1 Get you
15. ur catalog modified
m to here, and we’ll
w continu
ue in the
next vide

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atalog Video
V Nine

1 We've updated ourr catalogue

1. e. Let's go ahead and save it,
and nexxt we'll open
n our proje
ect (Projec

2 What we
2. e're going to
o do in this video is ad
dd a new sp
pec to the

3 The systtem prompts us to upd

3. date the prroject, sincce the base
catalog (Company1 1.cmp) has changed since
s the prroject was
last opened. Click yes to continue and in
nclude the latest

4 You can
4. n create a new n spec a couple of ways.
w One way is to
import in n a legacy spec
s from ana earlier veersion of CA
and mod dify it. I thin
nk that's thee easiest way
w to go ab bout it
because e there are so many co omponents built into th
hese specss.
It’s easieer to take something
s that has beeen done annd modify it,,
than it iss to create something
s from the ve
ery beginninng.

5 But let's say we wa

5. anted to havve a specia
al spec, and
d perhaps
we just wanted
w to have
h a few componentts in it. Herre's how yo
go abouut creating a spec fromm scratch.

6 Click on
6. n the Spec cifications tab,
t click th
he Add buttton. It
brings up a file for us to use fo
or filling outt the new sp
informattion. For thhis examplee name the new spec A20_M.A

7 The com
7. mponent class will be e 150. The e temperatuure rating
will be a 78 C (we''re in metricc units here
e). The pre
rating will
w be 14 BAR.
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8 The size
8. e table willl be Size. For
F this sizee table we’ll remove
some sizzes that willl not be in this
t spec. Click the down
d arrow
and cleaar out size
es up to a half
h inch. ThisT spec will
w start at a
h on and go
o up.

9 I'm going
9. g to take a couple of other
o sizes out. Let’s remove
r thee
3-1/2, an
nd the 5. Next
N take out
o all the larger
l sizes above 24 4.
So we'll take out fro
om 28 up. This will se et our size ranges
r like
we wantt to have foor this particcular specification.

1 Reviewing what’s been

10. b removved, I’ll also
o take out th
he 26 inch

1 The thic
11. ckness table will rema ain the stan
ndard one. The
materiaal table will be
b as well. Later the material
m tab
ble might be
d within the catalog, if we want addditional maaterials and
grades to
t be availa able.

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1 The systtem has an

12. n ability to ta
ake fields out
o of these e various
tables and put them m together into a string g that can automatical
a ly
build a lo
ong descripption. Later we're goin ng to take a really goo
look at how
h that is done. For this examp ple we’ll leave this
description field empty.

1 The systtem can als

13. so build parrt numbers automatica ally. If we
click in the
t part num mber box, each
e field in
n the variouus tables,
has a sh hort part number stringg assigned to it. So if we took this
and clickked on this first field, then held down the Shift S key
and clic cked on the e bottom field, and mapped
m theem across
to the otther side off the dialog box, we wo ould build a long part
number.. This string is unique e for each co omponent, and since
it's all au
utomated, let's just go ahead and d do it this way
w for this
example e.

1 When yo
14. ou use this method, yo
ou can use certain fields, or
separatee them with
h hyphens. You have options on utilizing this

1 Again, since
15. s it's co
ompletely automatic, we’ll
w use it as
a given,
ck OK. So that's done
and clic e.

1 We have
16. e options fo
or the layer name and layer colorr. For this
spec us
se color se

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1 Next we
17. e’ll enter our name. Yo ou put in yo
our name, and I'll type
mine in. The desc cription is Sample
S Test Spec. Click

1 To start adding com

18. mponents, double
d clic
ck the A20_M. This
n up a blank spec. To
will open o add components mo ove the
pointer out into th
he blank arrea of the screen,
s rig
ght click an
say Add d. Then wee'll start sele
ecting our different
d categories forr
our commponents.

1 If we click the dow

19. wn arrow under
u Grou up, we can select pipee.
The Typpe (click the
e down arro
ow) will be pipe.
p The data table
will be PIP_W_ST
P D.

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2 The systtem fills out fields in th

20. he dialog bo
ox, based on
o the
previouss form that we
w set up. We're goin ng to do one more
setting here
h under Schedule anda Materia al.

2 Click the
21. e down arrrow for Sch hedule, and d this will be set to
Schedu ule 40. Whe en this is se
et, the syste
em can look up wall
thicknessses, since the schedu ule determinnes the thicckness of th
pipe. La ater when we
w draw thiss in enhancced mode, the system
will display the pipe
e inside dia

2 For long
22. g description you have e some choiices. You can c click in
the box for long description annd type in any
a kind of description
you wouuld like. That's the trad
ditional wayy of doing itt.

2 We also
23. o have the ability
a in thiss new versiion of CADWWorx to use
data fields from the
e catalog ta ables to autoomate this. This will be
covered in a later video.

2 For this example, we'll

24. w leave thet long de
escription very
v simple
We’ll do the automation later.


25. P DESC CRIPTION, and click Add.
A Now
the pipe has been added
a to ou
ur spec.

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2 Now we're going to

26. o add a few
w more components. I'm m going to
right cliick, and we
e'll say Add
d, and we'll bring in an
n elbow.

2 The Gro
27. oup is goingg to be Elb
bows. The Type
T will be
e a Long
Radius Elbow, and d the Data table will be
b the standard one.
So we'll go find 90L

2 The dialog box fills out. We co

28. ould specifyy specific materials,
which we’ll
w do laterr.

2 For the long

29. l descrription ente
Again, th
his will chan
nge in some subseque
ent videos.

3 On my screen
30. s the short
s desccription nee
eds to be set to 90
Degree. I'll modify that with 90%%D LR ELBOW.

3 Click Ad
31. dd. Now riight click to
o add anotther compo

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3 Next we
32. e’ll add a Fla
ange. The Group will be Flange

3 The type will be the

33. e Flange Weld
W Neck. The data table will be
the FLG
G_W_150. For the lonng descripttion type in
W done, click Add.

3 Next add
34. ded will be Gaskets annd Bolts. Right
R click and add.
The Gro
oup will be Gaskets/BBolts/Weldss. The Typ pe is
Gasket, and the da
ata table is
s GAS_F_2 2_150.

3 The other fields will

35. w be left as
a shown. For the lon
description enter GASKET DESCRIPT
D TION. Clickk Add.

3 Right cllick in the open area to add ano

36. other compoonent. Nexxt
will be fo
or Bolts. Th
he Group will
w be Gask kets/Bolts/W
Welds. Thhe
Type is Stud Bolts s, and the data
d table is BLT_F__150.

3 For the long

37. l descrription ente
ON. Click
Add when done.

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3 Complette your spe

38. ec to this pooint. Then Save
S the Project.
P In
the nextt video we’lll see how Enhanced
Graphics woork.

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ations Video
V Te

1 In the prrevious vide

1. eos we mod dified the co
ompany ca
atalog and
added a new spec.. Now let's go into CA ADWorx and
d we'll bring
in some componen nts. We’ll use the enha anced mod
de for this

2 I have CADWorx
2. C started.
s ou start it if you haven't done so.
Start a new
n drawing using the
e metric tem mplate.

3 On the CADWorx
3. C Plant
P I tab, click the Se
etup buttonn. In the
options for
f the Currrent Drawinng, click on the button to set 3D
Enhanc ced.
m        CADWorx® 2013 Sppecifications Video 110 

4 Click Sp
4. pecification
n/Size and click the Browse buttton.

5 Select Project1
5. P annd click Ope en. Select the A20_M M spec. Nexxt
click on the 6 inch size underr Main. Earrlier, when we w added
size valuues in the flange data file, the 6 innch flange was the on
that we modified. In I an earlier video we set dimenssions for thee
bolt circlle diameterr, bolt holess, and the number
n of bolt
b holes.

6 Click on Piping Ru
6. ules. Set thhe Apply Pipe
P Lengthh Rule to
Show Options.
O Ea
arlier we se
et up a miniimum and a maximum m
length fo
or that.

7 Everythiing else is set

7. s as showwn here; a lot of these rules will be
set to au
utomatic. TheT first parrts, for appllying the sizze and specc
rules willl be set to Show
S Optio
ons. Click Apply
A and Close.

8 Click Piipe (from th

8. he Specview w tool palettte). Click a couple of
points and drag it on
o across and
a come do own. And as a I do it on
my screen, the sys stem interrupts me and d the pipe I placed is

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9 One of the
9. t piping rules is workking. The systems is prompting
that the pipe I drew w is longer than
t the allo
owed maxim mum length h.
It asks iff I want to split
s that pie
ece of pipe,, yes or no. It’s set to
yes by default,
d so I’ll press Ennter to contiinue. The system
s will
split the pipe into twwo segmen nts and thenn I can carry with the
routing of
o more pip pe. I’ll come e over and click and thhen press
Enter to exit.

1 You mayy or may no

10. ot want to in
nvoke this rule,
r but if you
y can will
help with
h maintainin
ng your fabbrication guidelines.

1 Now I want
11. w to look at this from m a 3D viewwpoint. In my
m system,
at the to
op right of my
m screen iss the view cube.
c If I cllick on the
corner I could have e a southw west isomettric view. ThisT versio
of AutoCCAD also ha as a view menu
m right on
o the screen. As I
move the mouse ov ver it, it displays the view controls. I’ll click
Top, theen SW Isom metric.

1 In setting your view

12. w, you can use
u the view w cube for that, or youu
o use the View tab on the ribbon. If you use
can also e that, you
can sele
ect a southwwest isometric view ass shown in the
t video.
Another option is to
o use the menu
m bar accross the to
op of the
screen. You can click View and then 3D D views whe ere you can n
select a southwest isometric view.

1 All of th
13. hese methods produce e the same view. Usin ng the
mouse wheel
w to zo
oom in, we'll see that we're
w in enh
mode. The
T system m is now dra
awing the innside diameeter of the

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1 Click Flange and press Ente

14. er. The flannge will con
automattically, and we can see
e that the syystem is modeling the
holes for the bolts and
a the raissed face of the flange..

1 Click fla
15. ange again n, and pres
ss Enter to connect au utomaticallyy.
Click pipe, press Enter to co
onnect auto omatically and drag it
down an nd click. Press
P Ente
er to exit.

1 Now we’ll shade this. In my system

16. s I can
n go to the top are on
my screen and it will
w display some
s shading options. I’ll set it to
Concepttual. If this is not available, you can
c go to Visual
V Styless,
Concepttual on the view tab on n the ribbonn. You can n also use
the men
nu bar by clicking View w, Visual Styyles, and Conceptual.

1 You can
17. n see how the 3D Enha anced mod de works. Itt might be
something you wou uld want to do for a pre
esentation to a client,
o have yourr drawings look more realistic.
or just to r

1 Make su
18. ure you go through
t the
ese steps, and
a we'll co
ontinue afte

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Speecificatiions Vid
deo Elevven

1 In this viideo we're go

1. oing to buildd a branch taable. On my system, the
spec edittor is running
g. There's a couple of ways
w you cann start it. If
you havee CADWorx open, on thee CADWorxx Plant I tab b you can
click on the
t Spec Ed ditor button. This is an easy way too start the

2 If you use Windows Explorer, yoou can go to the CADWoorx folder annd
go to Plaant. You can
n open up thee spec folderr, and you'll see a list of

3 In the listt is a file callled CADWoorxSpecEdittor.exe. Youu can doublee

click thatt to start the spec editor. This is a way
w you can useu the spec
editor as a standalonee applicationn. You don'tt necessarilyy have to havve
a full liceense of CAD DWorx installled to run itt.

4 In the speec editor, cliick on the button

4. b at thee top left of the screen,
then clickk on Projectt One. This will open our project. If I the catalogg
has been changed, th he system will see that. If
I prompted, click yes too
update thhe project fro
om base cataalog.

5 Double click
5. c the A2
20_M specifiication. Thee spec is now w open for
editing. Looking at the
t screen, down
d towardd the bottom we'll see wee
have a Brranch Table tab. Sometiimes if this gets
g hidden on o the
display, you
y can alwaays adjust thhe task bar att the bottom.
m        CADWorx® 2013 Sppecifications Video 111 

6 You can pull the task

6. k bar down or
o back up, and
a that mayy reveal the
tabs, if yoou don't see them at firstt. Click on the Branch tab, and it
opens upp the branch table
t for ediiting. You can see that thhe size ranges
corresponnd to the sizes that we seet earlier, whhen we set up
u our projecct.
We don'tt have the 3 1/2. We donn't have the 5-inch
5 size. We
W don't
have the 22-inch sizee in the brancch table.

7 Click in the square as shown. This

7. T will be a 12 by 12. The main
size is displayed alonng the left, annd the brancch size alongg the top.
When onne of these sq quares is seleected, and you right clicck, you have
some opttions. The sy ystem will show the types of compoonents you caan
select forr the branch table to use.. Right click k.

8 We'll select the Stra

8. aight Tee. When
W it’s sellected, it will be set for
this size combination n. When youu select a Teee, a Cross iss included.
So this seelection willl allow Tees and Crossess to be used for this size

9 If you doon't want to have

9. h crossess, you can just simply noot have them
in your sppec. That's another wayy to control some
s of this.. Have the
cell highllighted, then
n do a Contrrol-C and theen click on cell
c and
Control--V it. So wee can begin to add some tees across the t branch

1 I’ll pausee the video while

10. w the rest of the squaares for tees and crosses
get filledd in. Then I'lll show you the squares when they are a filled in.
We’ll carrry on in a moment
m afterr this.

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1 We have our tees in the

11. t table noww. I just plaaced them in this outer
row across the branch
h table. Youu do the sam
me. Next I'll click on an
interior square, and
d right on th
he mouse.

1 This cell represents a 12-inch maain and a 100-inch reduced size

combinattion. If I rig ght click in this
t square,, I will be alllowed to putt
in a varieety of fittings. In this branch table, I just want too have the
reducingg tees or red ducing crossses. So that selection geets checked.

1 Now we can Control-C that andd click in anoother space, use

13. u Controll-
V to fill it
i out. So I'll begin to fiill out these reducing teees next. Let
me pausee the video and
a finish thiis step. Thenn you can filll out your
table as shown.

1 Here are the reducing

14. g tees filled out. You geet your brancch table to
look the same. You can see that some of theese extend rigght on up
across a number
n of sq
quares, on thhe smaller annd the largerr size rangess.

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1 Next to get
15. g placed will be the oleets. I'll click
k in one of th hese other
empty ceells, right cllick and seleect olet. Whhat we'll havve to do if yoou
want limmit these to ceertain types of
o olets - perrhaps you onnly want a
weld olett for some off these size combination
c ns - we'll justt have to
restrict thhe sizes with
hin the spec itself.

1 The brannch table is set to allow different

16. d kindds of olets. Depending
on what'ss available in
n your spec, it'll let thosee come in. I'll
I go ahead
and placee these in. You
Y get yourr branch tablle to this poinnt.

1 In the finnished branch

17. h table you can
c see theree's a large raange of sizes
that use olets.
o Now if
i these oletss are available in our speec and in ourr
catalog size ranges, the
t branch taable will alloow them to be b used. Thee
same is trrue of the tees, reducingg tees, or anyy of these commponents thhat
are listedd here.

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1 But if wee try to put in

18. n, for instancce, an 18-incch by one-innch thredolett,
or 18-by--one inch weeldolet, and it doesn't haappen to be inn our catalogg
size rangges or part off our spec, thhen it won't matter.
m It won't come inn
anyway. The system m will just dissplay a messsage that it iss not
availablee. So the braanch table wiill allow it, if
i the compoonents are
actually available
a witthin the sizee ranges in thhe spec and catalog.

1 I'm goingg to click on the Compoonent tab noow. To test the

19. t branch
table let'ss add a coupple of compoonents. Let'ss right click in the blankk
area in the
t top half of the screeen. Select Add.
A Select Tees,
T and foor
the type select
s a stra
aight tee.

2 The data table will bee Tee_W_Sttd. The diallog box will fill out. Forr
the long description use

2 Next willl be a reduciing tee. I'll right

21. r click and
a say Add d. We'll put
in anotheer tee; it's go
oing to be ouur group. Thhe type will be
b reducing.

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2 The dataa table will be

22. b TEE_W__R_150. Loong descripttion will be
D ION. Click
k Add.

2 Next addded will be olets.

23. o Right click in the blank areaa and click
Add. Thhe group willl be olet. The
T type willl be olet.

2 The dataa table is wh

24. here we get specific.
s Forr this entry use
W_STD. Forr long descrription use Weldolet
W Deescription.

2 We’ll addd one more.. Right click in the openn area and click Add.
The grou
up will be ollets. The typ
pe will be oleet. The dataa table will
be TOL__T_30C, wh hich is a Threedolet, 30000 lb. The lon
descriptiion will be Thredolet
Description. Click Add.

2 Now let'ss check the available

26. a sizes for some of these. Cllick on
weldolett. I'll scroll up,
u and we can c see the sizes
s that wee have to worrk
with on a weldolet. TheT weldoleet standard siizes are 1/2-inch, 3, 4, 6,,
8, and 100. These are the sizes off the weldoleet itself. Theese weldoletss
can be welded
w onto larger pipe too make brancches.

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2 So there are certain combinations

27. c s in our cataalog coming from the datta
files that we'll be able to place when
w we actuually start plaacing this
componeent. The bran nch table haas some rangges of sizes, which
w goes
all the waay up to 24 inches.
i But we don't reaally know if some of these
combinattions are avaailable. If thhey're in the catalog, theyy'll be able too
come in according
a o the branch table. But iff they're not part of the
catalog files,
fi then wee won't reallyy know that at this pointt.

2 Let's go take
28. t a quick look at that.. We can cliick on the main
m button
and we can
c save ourr project. Let's
L open up p the Comp pany1
catalog. Now let's taake a look att some of theese data filess.

2 Click thee plus sign next

29. n to dataa tables, andd scroll down n to Tees.
Click thee plus next to
t tees and click the plu us next to teee reducing..
Select th
he TEE_W_ _R_STD. WeW can see thhe size ranges that are
availablee for this.

3 Scrollingg down find a 24-inch teee. The mainn size is 24, and
30. a our
reduced size
s can go from
f 8 all thhe way up to 22. So the catalog
c has
specific size
s combinaations that thhis reduced tee t will workk with. If we
try to select size com
mbinations thhat are not lissted here, wee'll get a
message that it's not available.

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3 Now let'ss take a look

31. k at the olets.. I'm going to
t click the plus next too
O-Lets, and
a again th he plus next to O-Let. We'll
W come down d and
double click
c the WOOL_W_STD D. We can seee that the weld
w olets caan
go from 1/8 up to 10 inches.

3 This coluumn, PSA, stands

32. s for pippe size allow
wance. So iff I expand
that colum
mn we can see
s that for a 2-inch weldd olet, you canc put that on
a combinnation of maiin to reducedd all the wayy up to 14. But
B if we tryy
to put a 2-inch
2 weld olet
o on an 188 inch or a 24 2 inch pipe, it wouldn't
be alloweed. That’s because
b the catalog
c only goes up to 14
1 inches in

3 So if youu wanted to expand

33. e the size ranges out further, you
y would juust
have to add
a to this caatalog. All right.
r I'm goiing to exit th
his, and we'lll
go into CADWorx
C to
o test this. Complete
C yoour branch table before

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Speecificatiions Vid
deo Twelve

1 In this viideo we're go

1. oing to test the
t branch taable we creatted in the
previous video. CAD DWorx is ru unning. Clicck New, andd start a new
drawing, and use a Template,
Metric. In CAADWorx, when
w you starrt
a new draawing, you always
a use a template. Once
O the sysstem starts
click Settup.

2 Click on
2. n the Specifiication/Size,, then click the
t Browse button and
select Prroject1. Clicck on A20_M M spec, andd set the maiin size to bee
6, and thhe reduced size
s to be 3.

3 Check thhe piping rulles and veriffy that the brranch table is set for
Automattic. Click Apply
A and Close.
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pecification 2 
ns Video 12

4 Now we’’ll test the brranch table by

4. b setting a size
s combinaation that thee
branch taable can conttrol. We’ll test
t a 6 Mainn by 3 Reducced. We’ll
also be teesting a 6 by
y 2 ½. Lookiing at the brranch table, a 6 by 3
should foorce a reduciing Tee, or a cross.

5 When wee test the 6 by

5. b 2 ½, 6 on the main, annd 2 ½ on thhe reduced, thhe
branch taable should force
f an olett.

6 In both size combinaations, in the 3 inch reduced, and the 2 ½ reducedd,

there are both reducin ng Ts, and thhredolets or weldolets avvailable in
both of thhose combinnations in thee catalog. Iff we check the
Compan ny1 catalog, and review w the data taables, we cann see which
tees are available
a forr use. Click Tee, Tee Reeducing, an nd double
click TEEE_W_R_ST TD.

7 Looking at the 6” sizze on the maiin size, we can

7. c see theree is a 6 by 3
reducing Tee, and theere's also a six
s by 2 1/2 reducing
r Tee. So the
reducingg T is availa
able in the catalog in booth of those

8 Next we’’ll check the olets. Click

8. k the plus next
n to O-Leets, and clickk
on the pllus next to O-Let.
O Doub ble click thee WOL_W__STD and
verify theere’s a 3 inch
h size and allso a 2 1/2 inch
i size. Exxpand the
PSA colu umn and cheecking under the 3 inch weldolet, that fitting is
availablee in a 6 by 3 weldolet. The
T 2 ½ is allso availablee in a 6 by 2 ½
size. Botth the weldo olets and th
he reducing Tees are avvailable in
both 6 byy 3 and 6 by y 2 ½.

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9 This test will check if

9. i the branchh table actuallly restricts which
w choicee
can be ussed. If not, both
b of thesee fittings willl be availablle. Let's seee
if the braanch table is
i working as a designed..

1 I'm back in CADWorrx in the draawing, and I have main size

10. s set to 6.
I'll click Pipe and I'lll draw a lenggth of pipe, and
a I'll press Enter to
exit routiing. If the pipe is longerr than the alllowed lengthh (according
to the pipping rules) annd the rule for
f pipe splittting is on, thhe system will
prompt forfo splitting. In my case I’ll press Ennter to acceppt that.

1 And whaat I want to do

11. d now is draaw a fitting which
w will show
s how the
branch taable function ns. I'm goingg to bring inn a 3 inch braanch into this,
and I'll brring in a 2 ½ inch branchh as well. SetS the Redu uced size to 3
inches. Next,
N I’ll cliick Pipe andd just click a point and drag
d it up too
the first pipe to form m a branch into it. Forr this I'll use Osnap
perpend dicular into thet pipe that was drawn first.

1 The brannch table, it should

12. s force me into a reeducing Tee right here.
So when n I click Perppendicular into the linee, they systeem shoes
what chooices I can use
u for the branch
b conn nection. It shows
Reducinng Tees, and this is what’s available. When I clicck the listedd
reducing tee it placess it. You do the same to verify this on
o your

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1 So the brranch table didn't

13. d give me
m an option for a weldollet, which is
good. Noow set the main
m size to 2 ½. I’ll rigght-click onn Pipe this
time, andd I'll use socket weld. I''ll pick a point and drag it up and
osnap peerpendicula ar into this 6 inch pipe drawn
d first..

1 Now the system is giiving an opttion to placee an olet forr the branch
14. h
connectiion. The braanch table annd spec (andd catalog) havve both a
threadoleet and a weld mbinations. I'll use a
dolet with thhose size com
weldolet.. You can seee there wass no option for a reduccing Tee. Soo
you can see
s the bran nch table is controlling which typee of fitting
can be used for bran nches.

1 Now set the sizes to 6 by 2 ½. Click

15. C on a reducing Teee, and movee
the cursoor out on th
he 6” pipe. I'll
I do a shifft right-clickk and click
Nearest, and then cllick on this pipe. Presss Enter to acccept the

1 The systeem then prom

16. mpts for the branch direcction, when I drag downn
and clickk, it displays a message that
t says thee componentt size does
not matcch branch ta able. So thee size is avaiilable - its paart of my sizze
ranges inn the catalog, but the braanch table prevented
p m from
placing it.
i The bran nch table worked as it should.

1 You shoould go throu

17. ugh all of theese steps andd verify this works on
your systtem, and then
n we'll contiinue after thaat.

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pecificattions Video
V Th

1 In this viideo, we're going

1. g to buildd a user shappe, a custom
m componentt.
I'm in CAADWorx. Get G that startted, if you doon't have it going
g at this
time. Wee'll click Neww, to start a new drawiing, and wee'll use a
metric teemplate.

2 Next I'll click on the Setup buttoon. Click currrent drawinng and set thee
drawingg mode to 2D D double linne. We’ll use that settingg in this
example.. We’ll creaate a profile for
f an in-linee componentt, and the
system will
w revolve it i around a center line latter. It will also
a create a
3D solid from it as well.

3 You'll see how this works

3. w soon. Next click on
o Specificaation/Size annd
click browse. Selectt Project1, and
a then set the
t spec to A20_M.
A Thee
main size will be 10-inch. Click k Apply & Close.

4 We'll draaw a couple of

4. o flanges thhat we can usse for constrruction lines
to make our
o custom shape.
s I'm going
g to click
k the RFWN N flange.
Place thee face end first and dragg out to the right and click for the
butt weldd end directio
m        CADWorxx® 2013 Sp
pecification 3 
ns Video 13

5 Next I'm going to put another flaange out to thhe right, withh the face off
the flange facing to th he right. Thhere will be a distance off 662 betweeen
them. I’lll click Flan nge, and notiice the promp
mpt. On my system
s I’ll
need to right-click
r foor buttweldd. I’ll do thaat, and then pause
p the
mouse riight on the end e of the first
fi flange, but I'm nott going to
click. Th hen I'll justt move the mouse
m to thee right, and the system
will startt tracking.

6 If you moove the mou

6. use back to thhe first flangge and touchh it, you lose
the trackiing. So makke sure you hover
h right on
o it initiallyy, don't clickk,
and the system acquiires the pointt. Drag outt to the rightt and type
662 and press
p enter.. The buttweeld end of thhe flange getts placed at
that point, and then I'll drag out to the rightt and click. This places
the flange.

7 Now thesse flanges will

7. w serve as thet outline foor the user shhape we’ll be
constructting. Next a polyline wiill be construucted aroundd the edges of
these flannges. Turn off Ortho turn on Polaar. Right click on Polarr
and go too Settings.

8 Verify thhe incrementt angle is sett to 45. Clicck OK to exiit the dialog
box. Typ pe pline to start
s the polyyline commaand. Next I’ll click points
around thhe edge of th
he flange. I’ll click the first
f point on
n the end off
the purpple center lin
ne, and then just go righ ht around th he edge of th
flange. I'll
I be clickiing on thesee endpoints as I go arounnd it.

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9 Then draag out to thee right and type 150. I''m not goingg to click; I'm
9. m
going to just
j drag outt and type 1550 and presss Enter. Froom there
slant up at 45 and tyype 150. Drrag the mou use to the right and typ pe
150, com
me back dow wn at 45 deggrees for 1500, drag overr and click
on the en
nd of that fllange. Fromm there click points righht around th he
edge of the
t second flange,
f click each cornerr and continuuing right onn
down to the
t center linne again.

1 Press En
10. nter to exit th he polyline command.
c N type E and press
Enter for Erase. Crross through h the lower part of the flanges and d
press En nter, and it'lll leave only the
t polyline outline. Thhis is going too
become a flame arresstor. It's goiing to becom me an in-line component
that will have CADW Worx intelliggence and wiill end up as part of our

1 Now thiss will be mad

11. de into a CA ADWorx com mponent. Onn the
CADWoorx Plant I tab
t there's a button here for Create. Click on itt
and the system openss up a dialogg box. This will
w be used to define ouur
new shappe.

1 Under Naame, type in

12. n FLAME_A ARRESTOR. When yoou bring in a
new shappe like this, you
y can brinng in as a bloock. So if yoou have
blocks allready done, you can addd them to CA ADWorx, whhich we’ll
show in the
t next videeo.

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1 In this exxample, I’ll click

13. c the dow
wn arrow, annd click Seleect Polyline..
This is thhe technique to use if youu’re creatingg an in-line component,
which is symmetrical about a cennter line. It works
w very well.
w You
draw andd outline and d the system will build a new CADW Worx object
for you. So it's a graaphical methood, and you don't have to do
programm ming to creaate a new CA ADWorx shaape like this.

1 I’ll click Select, and

14. d then click ono the polylline. Then we w should
notice thee prompt. Itt says, pick insertion
i poiints. Click on
o each end
The systeem then askss what kind of o end condiitions and what
w kind of
connectioons do we want
w to have on each endd?

1 It starts with
15. w the firstt end, and it prompts
p to set
s the end tyype at the
connectioon point. I'lll set it for fllanges. On the
t other endd, it will be
set for fllanges, as weell.

1 Other thiings can be set

16. s in this diaalog box, succh as materials and
densities. Under the weight, I'll enter
e 300. Under
U Descrription, I'm
going to type FLAMME ARREST TOR, MOD DEL 10-35B..

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1 And thenn, finally, I can

17. c set up hoow I want thiis to appear in i ISOGEN..
There's a whole sepaarate set of viideos and lessons on how w to work
with Isoggen, so just use
u what’s shhown to makke this work for this
example.. There are some
s files thhat are storedd in the CAD
DWorx foldeer
that are full
f of ISOGEN referencce informatioon.
(CADWoorx\Plant\Iso ogen|Isogen__Utils\)

1 One of them is called skeys.pdf. It's a PDF file and the name
18. n is
skeys.pdff. It's under the plant, unnder ISOGEEN. It has illlustrations of
all the different skeys that Isogenn can displayy. These skeyys can be
assigned to different CADWorx objects.

1 There's one
19. o in there that has a diiamond shappe, and the skey to makee
this work k is going too be FTFL. What that willw do is prooduce an
Isogen syymbol for a flame
f trap with
w flanges on o each sidee. So we’ll
use this value.
v I’ve added
a some illustrations showing whhere I found
this for your
y referencce informatioon.

2 Click OK and the sy

20. ystem will crreate the new
w custom coomponent, annd
add it to our spec and
d catalog.

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2 To draw it, click on the

21. t entry th hat it created
d and which h appears in n
the specvview tool pa
alette. Clickk two pointss to place it,, and you seee
we have a CADWorx x object placced in our model.

2 If I doub
22. ble click it, I can see thatt it did put inn the weight. It has my
descriptioons and everrything lookks good. Nexxt we'll run itt out throughh
ISOGEN N and see wh hat gets produuced. First, let's take a look
l at it froom
an angle.. I'll click thee top on my screen and click
c on SW Isometric.

2 You can also get a So

23. outhwest isoometric view w by coming down underr
the Vieww tab and find
ding it. Or you
y go up to the View onn the menu
bar, clickk on 3D View
ws and get too it as well.

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2 Next con
24. nvert it to a 3D solid. There’s
T a buttton you can use on the
CADWorx Plant I tabb.

2 Now let'ss place somee componentts on it, and then

25. t we'll haave Isogen
produce and
a isometriic. Click Gaasket, and hover
h near the outside
edge of the
t end circle. Connectt the gaskett to the end of the purple
center lin
ne (make suure you use osnap). Cliick Flange and a press
Enter to connect a flange automaatically to thhe gasket. Next
N click
Pipe andd press Enter to connectt it automaticcally, and drrag it out.

2 Having Ortho
26. O on, drrag out to th d click, and then turn th
he right and he
corner with
w and elbbow and clicck. Press En nter to exit.

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2 On the otther side off the Flame Arrestor,

27. A pllace a gaskeet, a flange,
and a pieece of pipe.

2 Next we’’ll take it thrrough ISOGE

28. EN. Click ISOGEN
I Ou ut. Make
sure that you use a metric
m inch border.
b Agaain, we talk about that inn
the first videos
v coverring set up, so
s see that iff you need too get your
Isogen seet up. Click
k OK.

2 Press En
29. nter, then seelect the objjects, and prress Enter. The system m
will prodduce the ISO OGEN Isomeetric. When we look at it, i we can seee
it will haave a nice graaphic that reepresents thee Flame Arreestor. You caan
see that it
i is piece maarked correcctly. You cann also see thee system
included the bolts an nd gaskets.

3 Looking at the materrial list, we can

30. c see that our
o componeent’s
descriptioon showed up
u well, and also the weiight. So it juust worked
beautifullly. Our new
w custom commponent wennt right throuugh
CADWorx fully intelligent.

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So thhe ease with which you canc create usser shapes annd custom components in i
CAD DWorx has always
a been one of its grreat strengths. It's just soo simple. Yoou
creatte a graphic,, and then yo
ou can store it within thee system. Thhen, in a few w
stepss, you can prroduce a fullly intelligentt CADWorxx component that knows
how to connect to t other commponents andd work well in i ISOGEN..

A lott of other syystems involvve programm ming. Some of them youu have to do
Visuual Basic scripts to createe a componeent, which caan get quite involved.
But CADWorx
C i really easy
is y. If you cann draw it, youu can, typicaally, get it
creatted as a CAD DWorx object.

In thhe next videoo, we're goin mplex shape. We're goingg

ng to look at a more com
to loook at one that is a 3D sh
hape with muultiple conneections on it.

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pecificattions Video
V Foourteen

1 In this viideo we're go

1. oing to creatte a more com mplex user shape.
Previously I created a block. It's a 3D modell, and it's in your
exampless folder. If you
y go to thee
CADWorx_Lesson_F Files/Specifi
fications foldder it’s locateed there. It’s
called Baaffle_Box_L t is the shape we’ll bring into
Layout, and this
CADWorx as a new component.

2 On this 3D
2. 3 shape, thee flanges aree 10 inch flannges. If I hoover over
them, youu can see thaat. These arre set to existting.

3 We'll creeate a user sh

3. hape out of thhis - a custom componennt. Click onn
the Creaate button, and
a we'll go through som me steps to get
g this done..
m         CADWorxx® 2013 Sppecificationns Video 14 

4 We'll givve this the na

4. ame of BAF FFLE_BOX. The type is
i Block.
Click thee Select 3D solid
s button.

5 Cross th
5. hrough the object
o to seleect everythinng and presss Enter. Thhe
system prompts for an
a insertion point.
p Next, zoom in andd select an
nt on the flange centerliine.
end poin

6 Next is more
6. m informaation about the
t connectioons. Click on o the Defin
Connecttions button n. The systemm prompts forf which dirrection is this
going to insert from?? Click on the
t end poin nt of the flaange
ne and drag out away frrom the object, and clicck. This
indicates how connecctions are orriented, like gaskets and flanges.

7 The systeem prompts what kind of end type iss this connecction? Click
7. k
Flanges. The first co
onnection pooint has beenn defined.

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8 Next we’’ll zoom and

8. d click the end
e point for the second d connectionn
on the puurple centerr line. The system
s prom
mpts for direcction, and
using orttho drag aw
way from the object and d click whenn asked whicch
type of end connectiion should be
b used choose flanges.

9 There’s one
9. o more con nnection to specify.
s Cliick on the en
nd of the top p
flange. Drag
D straigh
ht up using ortho and click.
c And I'm
I avoidingg
an extra osnap
o when it asks direcction. I do not
n want to osnap on
another component
c in
nadvertentlyy because it could
c possibbly skew the
orientatioon. So just come
c up awaay from the object
o with ortho
o on andd
click. Th his connectiion will alsoo be flanges.. Press Enteer to finish
the commmand sequen nce.

1 We can add
10. a some infformation foor this new coomponent. Enter
E 600
for the weight.
w For long descrip ption enter BAFFLE BOX.B Leavee
the shortt descriptionn blank at thhis time. Thhe system haas detected
this is a multi-port
m co

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11. N uses a generic symbol for this typee of component. It
illustrates it as a circlle on the isometric, withh different coonnections
coming out
o of the cirrcle. Other things
t we coould add in thhis dialog boox
include notes,
n a tag, or
o other fieldds. Leave th hose empty at this time
and clickk OK. The component
c is now defineed.

1 Close thee Baffle_Bo

12. ox_Layout drawing
d without savingg, since we
don't wannt to change the drawingg. When askked to Save Changes,
answer No.

1 Start a new
13. n drawing g using a metric templaate. If promppted to
update the project answer
a yes.

1 Click on
14. n Setup. Cliick to set thee project, annd set it. Sett the spec too
A20_M, and the sizee to 10”. Cliick Apply. If prompted to update thhe
specificaation becausee it has been change, clicck OK.


1 Set the view

15. v to Soutthwest Isom

1 On the sp
16. pecview tool palette clicck on the baaffle box. We’re
W set to
10 inchess. Click a point
p and drrag to the up
pper right and
a click (iff
promptedd for the rotaation).


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1 Next youu can orient it

17. i up or downn. So the syystem lets yoou roll this
object aroound in diffeerent orientaations.


1 Drag strraight up (w
18. with Ortho on)
o and click
k. Next we'lll place somee
componeents and test it in ISOGE

1 Click on
19. n a gasket. Click
C (usingg Osnap) onn the end poiint of the
purple center line. Place a flannge, a piece of pipe, andd elbow and
another piece of pip
pe (see illustrration).

2 Place a gasket on th
20. he flange on
n the other end.

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2 Add som
21. me pipe and an elbow ass shown.

2 Constru
22. uct some pip pe and an ellbow coming out of the top flange
as in thiss figure. Bee sure and usse osnap whhen you’re pllacing the
gasket onn the flange. Also presss Enter as yoou place thee componen nts
from the gasket on.

2 Run an Isogen of th
23. his componeent.

And we can see it worked well.

w Isogen use
u a genericc skey to shoow it.

Alsoo, when you check the Bill of Materiials you’ll seee that the innformation iss
listedd correctly. We were ab
ble to make a complex coomponent ann intelligent
CAD DWorx objecct quite easilly.

So again, the useer shapes, th

he custom components inn CADWorxx are a
poweerful and eassy to use feaature in this software.

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pecificattions Video
V Fiifteen

1 In this viideo we're go

1. oing to workk with settingg long descriptions in the
Spec Ediitor. In this version
v of CADWorx,
C thhe long desccriptions can
be built automatically
a y by using fields
fi from thhe various taables and thee
catalog. When we pu ut these fieldds together, one
o after anoother, the
result is a good long description that will com me out consiistently. Thiis
is useful,, since over time
t differennt people maay work on setting
s up
specificaations. If you
u want consisstent qualityy and exactneess to your
specs, thiis is a good approach.

2 The first thing we'll do

2. d is modifyy the companny catalog. Then
T we'll seet
up the lonng descriptio ons within a spec. I've created
c a doccument for
you to usse as a workssheet, whichh will get youu off to a good start. Thhe
file is parrt of the filess you downloaded as parrt of this lessson. .

3 It's in thee CADWorx

3. x_Lesson_F Files folder. There’s a su ubfolder
called Sp pecificationss. The file is there, and it’s named Long
Descripttions Workssheet.doc. OpenO that filee and we'll taake a look att

4 This videeo will be baased on a carrbon steel A220 spec. Forr pipe, we'll
use the A106
A Grade B. B Most of the
t fittings will
w be A2344 Grade WPB B.
Flanges and
a some off the fittings, like unions or couplings will be
m         CADWorxx® 2013 Sppecificationns Video 15 

5 Our Longg Descriptio

5. ons Worksheet documentt says to moddify the
catalog and
a add somee new entries in the Scheedule table.

6 Toggle over
6. o to the Sp
pec Editor. Click the Main
M button and open up
the Company1 Cata alog.

7 Click thee Plus next to the Sched

7. dule Table. Double-clicck SCH to
open up the
t table. Right-click
R in
n the open area
a and clicck Add


8 We can see
8. s there are a number off schedules listed
l as partt of the

9 There aree a couple off buttons in the

9. t dialog boox we can usse to add new w
entries innto this tablee. The top onne will add a new value into the tablle
for us, annd the lower one will dellete one. Click the top button and
type 3,0000LB (for pounds).

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1 Click thee top button

10. n again, and type in 1500LB. Click OK.

1 For Part Numbers enter

11. e 0021 annd 0022.

1 Click thee Plus next to

12. t Material Tables and double-click MAT. Thhe
table opeens. Scroll down
d and fin
nd the A234 Grade WPB.

1 The systtem lets us sp

13. pecify whichh componennts can use ceertain
materialss. In the A23
34 Grade WPB
W row, doouble-click the field in
the COMMPTYPES column.


1 A dialog box opens and

14. a we can set
s which fitttings can usee this

1 Add Latterals and Reducers

15. R to this list. Annd later whenn we specifyy
these, wee can choosee this materiaal for these components.
c .

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1 Locate thhe A105 matterial. Doub

16. ble-click in the COMPT
TYPES fieldd
and add Spec Blindss and Coupllings.

1 Right-cliick and Clicck Insert Roow. The systtem will addd a blank row
17. w
at the botttom of the list.
l Type A106
A in the blank
b square,, which will
add this as
a a new maaterial.

1 Enter B for the Grad

18. de value. Foor Composittion enter C.
C Use 0.28330
for the Density.

1 Double click
19. c in the space
s to addd componentts and add Pipe.

2 For Part Number cllick the head

20. ding PTN. It
I sorts the table based on
Part Num

2 Looking at this table, if we checkk the bottom

21. m row, we cann see that the
part num
mber for the last entry is 0367.
0 So theere are 367 entries
e in thiis
table. Cllick in the box
b (field) foor the 106 part numberr and enter in i

2 Click thee PTN head

22. der twice. Itt will sort tw
wice and you’ll see the 1006
in the lasst row.

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23. When you add rows to tables sometimes you’ll see a message that it
already exists. This can be a problem if you want variations of it,
with more than one entry (row) within the table. What you can do in
that case is fill out one of the second or third fields along the row first,
and then enter in the main value (like A106) in the first field. This is
how you can get variations of the same material in your table (maybe
you want an A106 Grade A and an A106 Grade B).

24. Clicking the headers lets you sort these tables in different ways.
Sometimes that can help you find values in them easier.

This is a good point to pause the video. Why don't you get your catalog set
the way we've done in this lesson, and then we'll continue on after that.

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pecificattions Video
V Siixteen

1 In this viideo, we're going

1. g to autoomate how we w bring in loong
descriptioons for our specification
s ns. In the preevious video, we modifieed
the cataloog. So we want to make sure we savve it. Click Save.

2 Open Prroject1.

3 Click Yees to update from catalogg.



4. Double Click the A20
A spec to open
o it.


5 Click thee plus next to

5. t Caps. Select the row of 0.5 to 244. The Caps
open in thhe spec edito or and can now
n be editedd. The Longg Descriptionn
is not fillled out at thiis time.

6 Toggle back
6. b to the Word
W documment (the document menntioned in the
previous video). Loo ok under Caaps. This doocument show ws how the
long desccription was done in prevvious versioon and it show
ws how we
can autommate them in n this currennt version.

7 In the preevious versio

7. ons of CADW Worx, the loong descriptiion for caps
was a string that said
d CAPS, S/ST TD, ASTM A-234 GR WBP. W In thiis
current syystem, we coould do the same
s – but there’s
t a bettter way.

m        CADWorx® 2013 Sppecifications Video 116 

8 One issuee with enteriing in a text string for a long descripption is that it
8. i
can change from persson to personn. Each designer who crreates
specificaations may allter them sligghtly based on
o his personal opinionss.
This can lead to inco onsistency. In this neweer version yoou can build
long desccriptions by putting togeether a sequeence of data fields from
the tabless. Then the system will produce a coonsistent desscription forr
you, baseed on what’ss in the data files. It willl automaticaally fill in
values, annd you’ll ennd up with a good long description
d thhat is
consistennt in its form
mat. The wayy you go aboout doing thiis is really
quite inteeresting.

9 Click thee box with dots

9. d in it topp open a dialog box. Cliick the Dow wn
Arrow and we can th hen see a listt of all the different tablees that are
availablee to us. If you u click one of
o these tablees, you'll be able to see
the fieldss that are insside that table. What we'll be doing is i bringing
some of these
t fields across
a and combining
c thhem. The syystem will puut
them onee after the neext into a striing that wouuld fill out annd become
our long descriptionss. And that'ss what will appear a in ourr bill of

1 Click on
10. n the first table listed, cllick the firstt field and click the
arrow thhat goes acrooss. This willl give us thee first item thhat begins our
long desccription, and
d it's going too say Caps.

1 Where iss shows the format,

11. f clickk after the fieeld name, typpe a comma,
space, annd type S/. This
T will be a user stringg we’re addinng.

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1 Click Scchedule Tab

12. bles. Click the
t first fielld and click the arrow to
move it over
o as part of
o the long description.
d So the long description
will now say CAPS, then whatevver the scheddule value is.

1 In the foormat area, type a comm

13. ma, and a sp
pace, and th
hen ASTM

1 Click th
14. he arrow in the
t list of tabbles and clicck Material Tables.
Click thee second field listed. Cllick the arrow to add thhat into the
long desccription.

1 Click in the
15. t format box at the endd of the strinng and add a space and
GR spacee. Click the arrow to briing it in (likee you did forr the fields inn
the tabless – it works the same).

1 Click thee third field in

16. i the Materiials Tables (GRADE_M
and clickk the arrow to
o bring that across to be part of yourr long

1 And so everything sh
17. hould be set up correctlyy for the Lonng
Descriptiion. Click OK.
O Havingg this collection of data fields
f and
w work as a template too automaticaally put in the informatioon
strings will
for a longg description
n. It’s effecttive and it will
w work acrooss multiple

1 Other speecific choicees can also be

18. b set. For our 150 pounnd Cap, Click
here and set it for ST
TD. Click A234
A WPB foor the Materrial.

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1 Later if you're
19. y doing a higher preessure spec, or a spec thaat has exoticc
materialss in it, you would
w be chooosing those.. This same long
descriptioon sequencee of fields annd user stringgs would woork. It would
just use these
t new vaalues (differeent Schedulees and Materrials) your
long desccription wou uld be autommatically buillt.

2 Click Ap
20. pply, the Sav
ve your Speec.

2 Toggle back
21. b to CADDWorx, andd make sure you
y start a drawing
using a template.

2 Click Set Up. Click

22. k on Specificcation/Size.

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2 Select Prroject1 and the A20 spec. Set the siize to 10 incches. Click
Apply an
nd Close.

2 Click CA
24. AP. Place itt in your draawing, zoom
m in on it andd double-clicck

2 Review the
25. t long desccription. It should
s say CAP,
A234 GR

So this prrocess work

ks well. Whyy don't you go
g ahead andd make this
happen, and
a we'll con ntinue on aftter that.

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pecificattions Video
V Seeventeeen

1 In this viideo we're go

1. oing to speedd this processs up. Click on Elbows
and selecct the plus next
n to Elbow w. Then clicck the row forfo 0.5 to 24.
For this example
e we’’ll copy and paste right from
f the Woord doc.

2 Open thee Long Desccriptions Worksheet

2. W doocument and scroll
down to Elbows.

3 We'll findd that in the previous veersion had EL

3. LL, 90° LR S/STD,
ASTM A-234
W We’ll use
u data fieldds to build our
o new longg
descriptioon in this veersion.

4 Copy thee “New Verssion” string from

4. f the doccument. Youu can
highlightt it and do a Control-C too copy it to the
t clipboardd. It’s

5 In the speec editor, pa

5. aste this intoo the long deescription boox (you can
use a Conntrol-V to paaste it).

6 The Worrd document says:

Dialog boox settings: Schedule: STD Material: A234-WPB

7 Set the Schedule

7. S to STD and th
he Material to A234-WPB. Click
Apply too save these changes.
m        CADWorxx® 2013 Sp
pecification 7 
ns Video 17

8 We'll do another one. We'll scrolll down and we'll click Pipe.
8. P This iss
going to be a little more
m interesting because something
s g added to
this. I'm going
g to clicck the plus next
n to Pipee and we'll seelect the

9 In the earrlier version

9. ns the long deescription foor pipe was PIPE,
A A-1066 GR B.

1 The curreent versions will use fiellds and user strings like we did in
earlier exxample. Alsso, for pipe, we’ll
w includee the thickneess. We’ll dod
this to illlustrate how you can brinng in fields from
f differennt tables andd
show theem in the maaterial list. The
T string thaat goes in the descriptionn
MAINTH HK_THK_T TBL THK. At A the end you
y can see the field for
the thicknness and thee user string THK.

1 Copy it from
11. f the Wo ord documennt and paste it
i in to the Long
Descriptiion box in th
he spec editoor.

1 Set the Schedule

12. S to STD and thee Material to
t A106-B.

1 Click Ap
13. pply.

1 Click Saave. Go back

14. k into CADW
Worx. Startt a new draw wing using a
metric teemplate (if you
y don’t haave one openn at this timee).


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ns Video 17

1 Click Setup. Set you

15. ur project too Project1 annd your specc to A20_M..
You needd to set thesee again because this is hoow you reloaad them andd
use the laatest changes.

1 Click Elb
16. bow and plaace one in the drawing. Double
D clickk it and checck
the descrription.

1 Click Piipe, click a couple

17. c of pooints to place it in the drrawing. Presss
enter to exit that.

1 Double click
18. c it and check
c the description. Yoou’ll see thaat it has a
good desscription and
d it includes the
t thickness as part of it.i

1 The thickkness value came

19. c from thhe Thicknesss table in thee spec editorr.
I used thee first field in
i the table to generate thhat thicknesss value whicch
came outt in the long description.

So you
y see, you just j have a lotl of variation of possibbilities in thiss. Once youu
get this set up yoou can use itt for a varietyy of specs annd achieve consistent

So thhank you forr taking the time

t to go thhrough thesee videos on thhe new
CADDWorx speciifications ed ditor. I hope they
t were innteresting and beneficial,,
and most
m of all, I hope they save
s you a loot of time inn your work!

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