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otherwise think me a coward, who could "Like ghee on the sacrificial fire I am

submit tamely to wrong. When I see the pouring my life out for you. Why do you
dead warriors lying on the field, my heart seek to mortify me, who have been doing
is filled with unbearable anguish. Oh, how my very utmost for you? You speak like a
wicked we are to carry on in this man of no understanding, not knowing
miserable, sinful way." what is right and what is wrong. They say
Seeing Iravan killed, Ghatotkacha uttered that, when a man is nearing his death, the
a loud war-cry which made all the tree appears to him to be made of gold.
assembled soldiers tremble. And with his You see things now, not as they are. Your
division, he fell upon the Kaurava army vision is clouded. You are now reaping
ferociously. So great was the destruction the harvest of the hatred you deliberately
he wrought that at many points the sowed. The best course for you are to go
Kaurava formation was broken. on fighting, as well as you can. This is
Seeing this, Duryodhana personally led an also the plain path of duty. It is not
attack on Bhima's son. The king of Vanga possible for me to fight Sikhandin, for I
joined Duryodhana with his elephants. can never raise my hand against a woman.
Duryodhana fought most bravely on this Nor can I with my hands kill the
eighth day of the battle. He killed a great Pandavas, for my mind revolts against it. I
number of warriors on Ghatotkacha's side. will do everything barring these two and
Ghatotkacha hurled a javelin which would fight all the warriors opposed to you.
have ended Duryodhana's career but for Nothing is gained by losing heart. Fight as
the Vanga chief's prompt intervention a kshatriya should and honor will be yours
with one of his elephants. whatever the events."
The missile hit the beast, which fell dead, Saying thus to Duryodhana and cheering
and Duryodhana was saved. him up with wise and affectionate words,
Bhishma was anxious about Duryodhana Bhishma proceeded to issue instructions
and sent a large force under Drona to for arraying the forces for the day's battle.
support the Kaurava prince. Duryodhana was heartened. He sent for
Many were the veterans who were in this Duhsasana and said to him: "Brother, put
force that attacked Ghatotkacha. forth all our strength in today's battle. I am
So tumultuous and fierce was the fight at convinced, the grandsire is fighting on our
this sector of the battle that Yudhishthira side with his whole heart. It is only
feared for Ghatotkacha's safety and sent against Sikhandin, he says, he cannot use
Bhimasena to his aid. his weapons. We should see that he is not
Then the battle became even fiercer than exposed to Sikhandin's attacks, for you
before. Sixteen of Duryodhana's brothers know, even a wild dog can kill a lion if
perished on this day. the latter scorns to fight back."
72. THE NINTH DAY There was a great fight between
ON the morning of the ninth day, before Abhimanyu and Alambasa. Abhimanyu
the battle began, Duryodhana was demonstrated that his valor was no less
closeted with the grandsire. He gave vent than his illustrious father's. Alambasa had
to his bitter feelings of disappointment to flee on foot to save himself.
over the way the battle was going. He There were fierce combats between
uttered words that were like the sharp Satyaki and Aswatthama and between
spears and pained the grandsire greatly Drona and Arjuna. Thereafter, all the
but the latter was patient and said sadly: Pandavas attacked the grandsire and

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