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Teacher : Mrs.Yusmarni.S.

Arranged by:

Amarullah Fathurrahman
Elvan Sabila Rahman
Muhammad Fikri Muammar


TAHUN AJARAN 2016/2017
One month ago.We (Fikri, Elvan,and Amar) and our
friends at super regular class and excellent class went to Java
Island to take rihlah at Yogyakarta and Jakarta Province.
In The first day ,on Saturday,October 29 th 2016,we
went to Yogyakarta by bus.In first we went to Bakauheni
Harbour to cross Sunda Strait to go Merak Harbour in Banten
Province.After that we continued our trip to Yogyakarta.At
half past twenty PM,we arrived in rest area in Cipali
highway,In there we had dinner and we took jama’ maghrib
and isya praying and then we continued our trip again. At one
o’clock AM, we arrived in rest area in Brebes, Central Java,
in there we passed water and took a rest.
On Sunday,October,30th 2016we arrived in Purworejo
District. In there we took subuh praying, after that we
continued our trip to Borobudur Temple, before we went
Borobudur Temple, we had breakfast and took a bath in
orang utan restaurant. At half past eight AM, we went to
Borobudur Temple. In there we went around in there,we saw
the view from the top of Borobudur temple so beautiful from
up there.
And At ten o’clock AM we prepared to go Kraton
Yogyakarta,on the way we had time to stop in Pringsewu
Restaurant.At one o’clock PM, we arrived in Kraton
Yogyakarta, in there we got a lot of insight into the culture
and the sultanate of Yogyakarta.

At three o’clock PM, we went to Taman Pintar

Yogyakarta. In there we got on a wide variety of fields of
knowledge, such as health science history and others. Next
program we went to Burza Hotel at five o’clock PM. We
waited in front of Burza Hotel to get key’s hotel,in hotel we
took jama’ zuhur and ashar praying. After that we took a bath
and then we prepared to take maghrib praying, and then we
had dinner sea food restaurant, and after that we cameback to
Burza Hotel. In hotel we took a rest.
On Monday, October,31st 2016, we had breakfast in
Burza Hotel. And the next program we would to go
Dirgantara Museum, in there we took a photo each of class in
front of Dirgantara Museum. And then we entered to
Dirgantara Museum to see all sorts of objects associated by

At ten o’clock AM, we would to go Sabila Farm. In

there we saw srikaya, papaya, and dragon fruit. At one
o’clock PM, we went to Prambanan Temple, before we went
to Prambanan Temple we had lunch and took zuhur and
jama’ ashar praying. After that we went to Prambanan
Temple, in there we saw Prambanan Temple and Shiva
And at three o’clock PM, we went to Bakpia Miss Vera
Store, in there we bought some bakpias and Yogyakarta food.
At five o’clock PM we arrived in Maliobro to buy some by
the typical Yogyakarta.

At seven o’clock PM we had dinner in Ambar

Ketawang restaurant and took maghrib and jama’ isya. At
eight o’clock PM we arrived in Burza Hotel. In hotel we took
a bath and took a rest, and we prepared to check out hotel.
On Tuesday, November ,1st 2016,in the morning we had
breakfast and restored key’s hotel in the hotel lobby. We
would to go MAN 3 Yogyakarta, in there we listened speech
from the headmaster of MAN 3 Yogyakarta, and we walked
around in MAN 3 Yogyakarta. At ten o’clock AM, we would
to go Pindul Cave. In there we had lunch and took zuhur and
jama’ ashar praying, after that we entered Pindul Cave along
with tires and saw caves that form rocks and bats, and then
we took a bath and changed clothes.

After that we continued our trip to go Jakarta Province,

At seven o’clock PM, we arrived in Ambar Ketawang
Restaurant, in there we had dinner and took maghrib and
jama’ isya praying, after that we showed performances each
of classes. After that we continued our trip to go Jakarta
On Wednesday, November 2nd 2016, at five o’clock
AM we arrived in Brebes rest area Central Java, in there we
took subuh praying, and then we continued our trip. At eight
o’clock AM we arrived in rest area in Cipali Highway, in
there we had breakfast and took a bath, and then we
continued our trip. At one o’clock PM we arrived in Istiqlal
Mosque. In there we took zuhur and jama’ ashar praying and
had lunch. At two o’clock PM, we visited Monas, in there we
saw Monas.
After that we continued our trip to comeback to
Lampung Province. At a half past seven PM, we arrived
Merak Harbour to cross Sunda Strait to go Bakauheni
Harbour. In the Ferri Ship we took jama’ maghrib and isya
praying and had dinner. At eleven o’clock PM, we arrived in
Bakauheni Harbour, after that we continued our trip to go
MTsN 2 Bandar Lampung. At one o’clock AM we arrived in
MTsN 2 Bandar Lampung, and then we waited our parents to
go home. We were HAPPY with this RIHLAH and this is the
best RIHLAH in this year.
Keraton Yogyakarta (Yogyakarta) or often referred to
Ngayogyakarta Palace is located in the heart of the province of
Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY), Indonesia. Because it is located in
the middle of Yogyakarta, which when taken straight line between
Mount Merapi and the South Sea, the palace became the center of
both. Keraton or Kraton Yogyakarta is the last kingdom of all the
kingdoms that had triumphed in the land of Java. When the Hindu-
Buddhist kingdom ended and then forwarded to the first Islamic
kingdom in Demak, then stood another kingdom of Mataram Islam
which was founded by Sultan Agung then walked and appeared
Keraton Jogja founded by Sultan Hamengku Bowono I. Until now,
Kraton Jogja still saving culture was amazing.
In its development, Keraton Jogja many had their ups and
downs leadership and schism. The most famous is Giyanti agreement
in 1755, in which the kingdom is divided into two (2) that the eastern
region of what is now the Kraton Surakarta (solo - the next adventure)
and the western region called the Keraton Jogjakarta. However,
Keraton Jogja also keeps a history that can not be forgotten by the
people of Indonesia, including in the struggle and defend the
independence of Indonesia. Pretty much for the review and written.
Moreover, Keraton Jogja very thick with Javanese ethnic
heritage very menajubkan which still can be found around and inside
the palace itself. When Adventurers to Keraton Jogja then, that's the
simple description of the culture and beauty of the land of Java. All
hardly represented in one place that is interesting and very intriguing.
How could I not, at the Palace is still a lot to save on a variety of art,
culture results, the variety of custom clothing and home-style forms a
beautiful Javanese. Do not just stop there, at Keraton Jogja also
demonstrated how supelnya Java people communicate and bersapa
with all the people who come there. Very exotic and attractive.
To get to the Keraton Jogja is very easy, because it is located
right in the center of the city of Yogyakarta. However, Adventurers
must also be nimble and able to memorize the route that can be passed
on to the Keraton Jogja. For Adventurers who drove from Semarang
or Wonosobo (kretek - directly to the ring road west) please pass
route: Ungaran- Ambarawa - Magelang - Jogja Jl Magelang -
Terminal Jombor - Jl Diponegoro (Tugu Jogja turn right) -
Mangkubumi Jl - Jl Malioboro - Jl Ahmad Yani - Jalan Senopati - Jl
Brigjend Katamso - Mother Roswo Jl - Jl William - Jl Kesatriyan -
Keraton Jogja. For the Solo or Klaten or Kebumen also almost the
same just different ways of routes in the city alone. Do not have a
headache, because the street signs in Yogyakarta very helpful finding
keraton Jogja.
Entrance to the Keraton Jogja very affordable, just aside
money around Rp. 10.000, - can enjoy almost all of the court which
stands majestic and beautiful. Adventurers require to not wear a hat
or sunglasses when entering into the palace, nothing just for the
honor of Javanese culture. Hour visit to the Palace for Sunday and
other days in the limit of hours 07 am - 12 am. Tips: Please to come
to Yogyakarta Keraton at around 9, because there is a typical
Javanese dance performances as Serimpi done nicely and
Palace of Yogyakarta, as a representation of Javanese culture to
be found when the Explorers into the palace, such as performances
dances of Java about stories (chronicle of Java land, epic Ramayana)
performed by dancers who are reliable and capable of stunning draw
the audience as carried away sacred very hypnotic. Accompanied by
the sound of pulsating gemelan beautifully mixed with the verses of
Javanese sung beautifully by singer and warangono Keraton Jogja. In
addition to dance, puppet stage also presented a very interesting
person to be seen, the puppet is different from most because the
movement is almost similar to the motion ballet. Javanese dance
performances are done in the open pavilion similar to the palace, so
adventurous freely freely watch from various angles. Perfection of a
Javanese culture, beautiful dance deserves to be seen.
Viewing angle is another such Kedhaton palace, where
Kedhaton this is a meeting place with all stakeholders king palace.
With the atmosphere joglo beautiful building with a few ornaments
that adorn arab Javanese style in every wall and pillar, also a wide
variety of leafy plants sacred atmosphere of Java adds more cool and
The pillars are lined in such a way to add a strong and robust
Keraton Jogja that time. Some park buildings also decorate every
corner of the complex Kedhaton Keraton Jogja. There are interesting
dikomplek the Kedhaton, when the Explorers entrance door Karatons
area then it will always meet with the guards (specialized workers)
palace or commonly called by Abdi Dalem.Abdi Dalem are not
allowed or prohibited to Mungkur (ina: Kedhaton backs). So the Abdi
Dalem will always facing Kedhaton and not turned Kedhaton. When
the author asked the reason, then the typical Java language and briefly
pull the Abdi Dalem said that Kedhaton is a symbol of a king, a king
sitting there, and that's one way to pay tribute to the King. Interesting
is not it?

In the palace also served a variety of beautiful Javanese culture

such as batik, which is Javanese cultural heritage that has been
recognized internationally. Some paintings, kris, photo kings of Java,
Java genealogy king, and the various results of Javanese culture.
When signed in batik home, there is forbidden to photograph.
Because of all there is a characteristic motif Keraton Jogja which is a
symbol of the palaces of Java that can only be printed and used at
the court alone. Various motif palace is very interesting indeed, a
unique design and is different from most of batik.

Some gamelan instruments are also displayed in the Palace of

Yogyakarta, Gamelan comes from the word meaning gamel hit.
Gamelan music instrument itself is typical of Java where the music
game is done by using a tool such as kenong, kempul, drums, gongs,
flutes, harps and others. Gamelan itself played alongside singer called
by Sinden (women) or Warangono (man) as in pentaskan when
entered upfront Yogyakarta Palace complex. When entering the
room of paintings, found many historic paintings like kings Jogja, wife
and kids king Jogja, paintings of freedom, and a wide range
pengambaran of the palace. If the Explorers went into the painting
area do not forget to enter the painting of the sacred and of mystery,
so said the courtiers.
The painting is only a few, in place of its own.The mystery is
when adventurers see paintings Javanese king, then see the shoes
worn slop king, when the adventurer is to the left of the painting
then these shoes will point in the direction of adventurers. Well, try
to walk to the right side while looking towards the King's shoes,
miraculous indeed, it was as if the shoes to follow where the
Explorers step. Viewed from any angle, the shoes were always leads
wherever direction one is looking.Keraton jogja itself is very cool and
comfortable, so Adventurer ndak not fear when tired and exhausted.
Because the shade of the trees and the gazebo seats available there
to sit and relax for a while when it runs out walking around the
palace. Keraton Yogyakarta, Java culture and beauty there. So, if
there schedule Adventurers in Yogyakarta.

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