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Film 3 idiot

Recount text :
3 idiots tells story friendship 3 mechanical engineering students in india who began her
studies at the university level number 1 in the country.3 told this guy named rancho,farhan and
raju.they are friends one in his dorm room since the first day set foot in a university.farhan and
raju was a regular student whose value was mediocre.while the story of a student rancho is a
genius and always apply the knowledge that he could before and when he learned during his
They go through life as a student and have a strong friendship bond,until finally in a
journey they met with pia.pia is a medical student who quizzed had inquired was the son of the
rector of the university’s three friends.sinc the the beginning,the chancellor,who earned the
nickname “virus” of students are lecturers who are very rigid,cruel,intolerir,yet one
occasion, rancho,and since then,the chancellor who holds a “virus” into the role of
antagonistrsit in this film.
A criticism leveled rancho is that the university ICE (Imperial College Engineering) which
he and his friend-his experienced only produce engineers-engineers who are just smart
talk,notopic of new discoveries every day,there is no new discovery that it generates each
year,and teaching methods that direct students to get a very good value,but not necessarily the
knowledge.even just to produce graduates who will work in a foreign company,with a big
salary,but do not promote their own of applied science is not taugh,but
teacheshow to get good grades.rancho always told 2 friends,farhan and raju to always be
yourself,not on the basis of coercion from others.because happiness comes when we enjoy
every step we take,then success will be the excusses of our steps,in criticizing the rigid system
where he lectures,rancho,farhan and raju suffered various acidit sweetness of life as a
student,laughter and tears always they spent together,until finally they graduated from college
with the rancho as the best student in the campus.farhan eventually became a professional
photographer,left the world of engineering,raju became one of the directors of foreign
companies in india,and on of this friend named chatur previously mentionted(he was a rival
rancho to reach the rank of the best student in ICE) became a succsess ful businessman who
has Lamborghini car
However,after they graduated from collage,farhan,raju,and pia had never heard about
the rancho.told in the future,eventually farhan,raju,pia,and accompanied chatur for news
rancho to cross the plains of india.they finally arrived at a mansion,a place,and they find
rancho.but,when met,,it is not rancho native and rancho they know it was not to be here,and it
turns out their friend is just the son of a maid who just want to learn,but do not need a
diploma,after they talked to rancho original turns their friend this was aboard.and they are
looking for and eventually mrt and chatur laughed at rancho just be a regular teacher,but at the
moment he burts out-loud she was surprised to recive a call from the boss turn the magnitude
and the magnitude is phungshuk wangdu boss they knew as rancho chanchad.
Moral massage :
Positive thinking in a veriety of conditions would be very helpful.although positive
thinking does not necessarily solve the problem,at least it will help us not prolong the thing that is always raised in 3 idiots is his quotes rancho;all is well(all fine).do not
just pursue their own dreams,rancho do it all,realize raju to overcome fears in life,and rivive
farhan to follow her heart.follow your heart,do not pretend,do what you really like.if contrary
to what our parents want ? talk is fine with them,show them proof that we are serious in that
field.indicate a feat wich if would ‘soften’ their hearts.all parents may simply want their
children to be happy in the future.if the road that they give is not to our liking,reassure them
that the path we choose will make us happy.never be afraid to face life.eliminate unreasonable
fears that make us do not develop.afraid to face?fine friends to fight together.mix with friends
insoirational,each of which will support each other in doing good.3 success.success was only
the effect,of what we apelled out in the film:pursue excellence,and success will
follow,pants down.practice what you not just talk or usually,but do what has been
discussed.or better yet,talk through our action.rancho were indeed very positive and excited,so
challenged at raju and farhan in order to do what he likes talking,he immediately prove.

Movie character
 Aami khan as ranchoddas shamaldas chanchad(rancho)phunsukh’chotte’wangdu
 R.madhavan as farhan qureshi
 Sharman joshi as raju rastogi
 Booman irani as viru sahastrebuddhe
 Kareena kapoor as pia sahastrebuddhe
 Mona singh as mona sahastrebuddhe

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