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The resolution of the film teaches a lesson.How can you apply the lesson in the film to your
own life?

-One of the remarkable life lessons I've learned from watching the film is 'Chase excellence
and success will follow you'. I can apply this in my life by achieving my goals by studying and
working hard, because it's one way for me to be successful in the future.

What was the strongest emotion that you felt when watching the film?
-The strongest emotion I felt is pressure.In the Movie I can feel the students pressure every
single day in their school, because of the high expectations of the teachers and their wrong
way of teaching students that may cause the students mental health instability.

Which character did you [admire hate love pity] What was it about that character that caused
you to have that reaction?

-The character I admire in the movie is Rancho because of so many reasons,but the thing
that stands out the most is that he stands up for his friends and encourages them in their
hard times.
-I hate how Dr.Viru or Dr.Virus teaches sometimes because the student is supposed to learn
things from him but sometimes his standards are so high.
The character I love in the movie is also Rancho. He just always stands out. Aside from
having a great sense of humour he is also smart and reliable.
-The person I pity is Jay Lobo because of having a lot of problems and pressure he cannot
contain his emotions that leads him to commit suicide.


How are the main characters introduced?What does it tell us about what will happen in the
-The main characters were introduced one by one,Farhan was the first one to be introduced
next is Raju then followed by Rancho they all met at the Imperial College of Engineering
where the 3 of them became friends and started their journey while they study in college.

What motivates the major characters?Are their motivations or wants explained outright or
revealed overtime?
-Their dream to graduate engineering was one of the motivations in the story however some
of them found out that engineering wasn't their dream and they encouraged and helped each
other to achieve and pursue what they really wanted.

Are there any relationships between various characters, be they friends,

lovers, co-workers, or family members, that are important to the story? If so, describe the
relationships that you believe contribute to the story and how those relationships advance
the action of the story.
-The friendship of the three main characters contribute a lot in the story,they show
unity,confidence and helping each other in need.Even if the three of them face a lot of
problems and struggle they still manage to solve it by helping each other and believing that
'all is well'


The middle of the story presents ascending difficulties, referred to as
complications, which increase the tension and the need for a resolution. Describe one of the
story’s complications and show how it serves to push the
characters toward more intense action
-One of the main complication in the movie was when Jay Lobo on of the student who is
graduating that time,want to show his work that he really put effort with to Dr.Viru which is
one of his professor but the prof decline to entertain his work and decided to call his
recovering father from a heart failure and tell him that his son will not be graduating,he beg
to his prof for a second chance but his plead was also declined which causes him to commit
suicide.Every one in the dorm saw his body hanging in the ceiling that leaves everyone in
shock and heartbroken.

What instability is there early in the story that is resolved and becomes
stable by the end?
-The relationship of Rancho with his Prof Dr. Viru, because Dr. Viru does not believe in his
talent and identifies him as an idiot.But later on as the story proceeds he acknowledges him
for all his work and help during times of crisis.

What is the moment of climax, the moment of highest tension, when the
Is the solution to the problem now in sight?
-Dr.Viru found out that Farhan and Rancho stole a copy of the final exam and told them to
leave the college because they will be out of the list in the University.At the same time
When the sister of Pia which is Mona who is a daughter of Dr.Viru is currently having a
labour but there is a storm ongoing that's why they can't call an ambulance.But Rancho
offered to help along with his friends Raju and Farhan they assist Mona to deliver her baby
with the help of Pia on the Monitor screen.At first Dr.Viru doesn't trust Rancho and his friends
but seeing Mona tired he trust the three to deliver the baby safe.After all the struggle and
hardship in delivering the baby Dr.Viru handed the pen that is very important to him to
Rancho and told him that he only give him the pen because he deserves it.


What life lessons can be learned from the choices made by the characters in
this story?
-One of the life lessons that I learned from the choices made by Farhan, one of the
characters in the movie, is that do what you love and don't be afraid of trying.Because he
was first forced by his parents to take engineering but he want to become a wildlife
photographer.His friends encourage him and support him to tell his parents what he really
want to become and later on they let him do what he want.

What are the most dramatic issues relevant to our time that have been
presented in this story? Describe the presentation of one such issue and show
how it relates to the times in which we now live.
-In this movie they show how some students struggle in studying and having a very low
mental health because of high expectations of some teachers.That resulted in committing
suicide because they cant handle the pressure and all the emotions that they felt. Today we
also experience this type of situation especially nowadays we are experiencing a pandemic
and studying is much harder than before so many students or teachers are struggling.Some
maybe burn out from all the activities plus having a issue with your family and friends just
added a more problem in our mental stability that's why we should all check up on our
friends and family if they are doing ok.

Stories can be persuasive. Show how the movie attempts to persuade

viewers to accept the particular values or principles that the writers intended to
-The movie intends to promote that you should not chase success but chase
excellence.Because achieving excellence first will let you have more opportunity, the
success will automatically come looking for you once you achieve excellence.


Evaluate the pacing in the story and how it affects other elements of the
story such as theme.
-The pacing of the story is slow because it tackles about student choices, teachers traditional
attitude towards learning and also parental expectation.It affect the theme of the story which
is self-actualisation that's why the slowburn of the movie fit so well because they made sure
that every case and action will be taken by the viewer.

The conflict in this film is resolved when one of the characters unexpectedly
gets very lucky. Did this sudden event ring true or did it make the story seem
less credible?
-The conflict when there is a storm that's why they are stranded and Mona is in labour and
unexpectedly Rancho and his friends were in the area and they were able to help Mona.
This fixes the relationship between Dr.Viru and Rancho.This sudden event rings true
because it opens many pathways and opportunities for the characters.

The conflict in this film is resolved when one of the characters

unexpectedly suffers some very bad luck. Did this sudden event ring true or did it make the
story seem less credible?
-The conflict when Raju commit suicide because of the pressure from school and from his
family.He was about to get expelled from the school because he was caught peeing infront
of their professors house.And his family is very poor and he cannot afford to be expelled
since he is the only hope of their family.The issue about him getting expelled was cancelled
due to the accident.And his family is very worried about him and told him that they will
support him no matter what.

1. Describe one thing that was universal that you learned from the film.
-The pressure and high expectations every student feels. Because of pressure and high
expectations from school,family and friends will burn you out and will shake your mental
It is important to do well but also take care of yourself.

2. Describe one thing that you learned about the culture of the country in which the film was
-One thing that caught my attention is that whenever someone from your family is getting
married you will have to pay a dowry for them to be able to get married.

3. Describe one aspect of the artistry of the film.

-The cinematography and the colours in the film fits so well with the genre and the mood of
every character.

4. How might a director from [name the country in which the class is held or a
countries that the class has studied] have approached the subject of the film?
-The results and their approach to this movie would be completely different.Since we all
have different aspects and beliefs.

5. How might a director from [name the country in which the class is held or a
country that the class has studied] have approached [name one or more
aspects of the film] differently? — In the alternative: How would this story have
been told from the point of view of another culture?
-If this film was on another viewpoint of another culture the ending and results would be
different than the original.Because every culture is different from one another.

6. Is the story of this film unique to [name the culture of the story shown in the
film], or could the story of this film have taken place in another country or
-The story of the movie is unique to the culture of India because it tackles the reality of how
they handle the societal influence on the students educational development.

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