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NAME: Sarah Jean E.

SUBJECT: SSC O1(Teaching Social Studies in Elementary Grades)
INSTRUCTOR; Mr. James Permale


The story is brilliant and the lesson to be learn are immense. We see the
importance of extending a little understanding and consideration and the danger
of holding it back. A little understanding could mean a lifetime of happiness; and
depriving it could lead to serious depression, miseries, and even death. I believe
that the life stories of the character in this movie are very relatable – peer
pressure, poverty, and the family’s expectations. But the story is also very
liberating – don’t be a prisoner of expectations and competitions be free to live
your dreams and understanding the moral behind the movie.
As a teacher the biggest lesson I get from the movie is “Don’t run behind
the success, achieve excellence first, the success will automatically come working
for you. Creativity: Be always creative in your answers, works and things you do
which helps you become more capable of your own. This movie taught me a lot
when it comes to life and in choosing happiness. For me, they are not idiots but
are smart men, they just look like idiots in their actions because they just show
their knowledge in a funny way that looks them like an idiot. They had inspired so
many lives just by watch.
I myself could seem to relate to Farhan’s situation, because I put my
parents first before anything else and doesn’t like to disappoint them. The only
difference between me and Farhan is that my parents are not manipulative, they
only suggest what’s best for me and it’s up to me to decide whether I go for it or
not. If I see that my parents would be happy with a certain decision, I would go
for it, not because I am dependent of their decision but because I wanted to see
their satisfying reaction. In Farhan’s case, however, it’s obvious that he can’t win
an argument with his Dad. He chose to abandon his own dreams because he was
afraid that his Dad might get angry.
If I would choose among the three character in the movie, I most likely
associate or choose to be with is Rancho or Rancchoddas Shamaldas Chanchad
because he stands out above all. He is able to inspire many ways like in the quote
that he says, “Pursue excellence, and success will follow, pants down”, For me, if
we aim for dreams, aim it high because it would be our motivation in life to reach
that goal. If we will be able to excel in our chosen careers or paths that we
wanted to take, our success on it will not be impossible to achieve because if we
love what we are doing, everything will be just in place plus it would be a
fulfillment of our long life dreams. He made realize that grades are just basis on
how well I am able to comprehend the lessons taught in school but it should not
be our basis for our excellence but on how we are able to apply it in real life and
learn from it because learning should not stop by the time we graduated school
but it is a long way process until the end of our own life. But the most striking
quote that I heard from the movie is that “Make your passion, your profession”, it
is the most striking for me because it really applies what we are going through
right now and it gives me confidence to give my best effort.

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