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MUM- Female Parent

My mum has had a bad history with mental health, she is very open about this, and tells me about her stories
from before she had children, this could shed some light into this with explaining a story and later saying
what has worked for her. She is a parent to 2 children who have grown up with social media so could grab
her perspective as to what affect it can have/ her experience with this. My mum lives with me, so I have
multiple availabilities to filming dates and she would love to aid my work. For these reasons my mum would
be a useful interviewee.
DAD- Male Parent
Has 2 children who grew up with social media/ bad body positivity, however, was not as open as mum/ see
as much of this as he did. He could give a male perspective which would be interesting to see the differences
between mum and dad and the way they think. For these reasons my dad would be better in the final section
of my documentary, I always found he could solve my problems and tell me how it is, so I think he would
have some useful insight. Also, lives with me so have a bigger window I can use to film/ reshoot if needed.
AMIE- Female Student
Amie is a student who has lived with social media since before she can remember, this has changed the way
she has grown up to my parents. She is my sister so I do know the kinds of situations she has been through
and know it is relevant to my project, which would work well in the middle section of my documentary as I
want personal stories. She has also come out the other end of certain situations from social media, so could
advise the way best to go about it in the ending of my documentary. I have used her in my work before so is
comfortable in front of a camera which hopefully means she will go into depth and not try rush through a
story. For these reasons my sister would be a good interviewee for me.
JAMES- Male Student
James is on the same course as me, so naturally throughout the year we have talked a lot about these sorts of
topics. James is very philosophical and always speaks about what is on his mind. He always talks to me
about body positivity/social media and how toxic social media can be to the point he deleted it. These sorts
of stories will be so interesting especially as a male to see if he is dealing with similar scenarios to amie or if
they are completely different. James is comfortable in front of a camera as he has featured in some of his
own production in the past and is free to film on the day, I would need him. For these reasons James would
be crucial to my documentary.
GEORGE- Male Teacher
George is a super friendly male who is always talking to us about our ideas, for my course he has given me
an insight into his sister and that growing up she struggled with body positivity, and he lived alongside that.
I found this story interesting as he also shared that growing up through university Facebook was just taking
off, it was more about keeping up with the ‘busy, fun’ lifestyle that was being posted by other males at
university. Immediately seeing this difference between him and his sister was important to me, getting a
personal recount from George is perfect for the middle section of my documentary. Also being a media
studies/photography teacher, he can give an outside perspective. He is surrounded by students taking
photos/videos so would feel happy to assist me in my project. For these reasons, George feels like a good
interviewee in keeping my documentary interesting and not monotonous.
SARAH- Female Teacher, part of Safeguarding team for students
Sarah has been a film teacher for years, so will be comfortable and truthful when I ask her questions. She
used to work on documentaries before teaching, so if she feels there is something better, I could talk about
could steer me. Being a teacher and part of Safeguarding will be always observing and talking to students,
seeing what she thinks we can do to improve the current worlds body positivity could be interesting or if
there is nothing more that can be done from a home/school perspective. She is always to the point and tells
you the truth, this with the safeguarding training is interesting as well, does this approach work? For these
reasons Sarah will be interesting to ‘ask advice’ from in the ending of my documentary.
JAY- Male Head of Safeguarding
Being the Head of Safeguarding, he could give insight into the work he does and how he thinks the job role
could change in future to be more effective. Are their safeguarding options for younger students and in
workplaces etc. Before working in a school, he worked as a youth counselor/worker in London. He deals
with these situations firsthand and works to help these young people who need his help, so this would be
interesting to see how he goes about handling situations and what he thinks should be done to further this.
He is also Male, this role typically would be deemed to be filled by a woman as they stereotypically are
more nurturing, so to see this as a male could show again that these feeling by women can be shown by men
too and therefore, they can have bad body positivity too. For these reasons I would love to find out about
Jay’s views on this topic in my documentary.

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