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Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Science

Grade 8

January 15, 2018

I. Objectives

A. Give the names of organisms as they are known in your community.

B. Recognize the need to have a system of classifying and naming organisms.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Classifying and Naming Organisms (The Taxonomic Hierarchy)

B. Concept: For organisms to be studied and information about them shared to those who need it,
scientists grouped them into meaningful classifications. The different groups are ranked from the largest
to the smallest groups.

C. Materials: Manila paper, pictures of organisms, chalk and book

D. Reference: Science Learner's Module 8, Internet

E. Process skills: Describing, classifying, naming and analyzing skills will be develop throughtout the

III. Learning Task

A. Engage

Ask the students to recall on what biodiversity means and what are the three levels of biodoversity.

B. Explore

The students will conduct an activity called "What's in a name?". They will say the other names of the
certain organisms that are posted in the blackboard.

C. Explain

1. What are the different organisms that are posted on the blackboard?

2. What are the other term of this organisms in your province?

3. What is taxonomic hierarchy?

4. How this can be helpful as a student to classify and naming organisms?

5. What are the different biological taxonomy classification?

D. Elaborate

E. Evaluate

Complete the table below:

IV. Learning Agreements

1. Bases on your own words, why do you think studying the taxonomic hierarchy is important?

2. Research and cite examples of Kingdom Archaebacteria and Eubacteria.

Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Science

Grade 8

January 16, 2018

I. Objectives

A. Define and describe the Kingdom Archaebacteria

B. Identify the three types of Archaebacteria

C. Recognize the importance of Archaebacteria

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Kingdom Archaebacteria

B. Concept: Archaebacteria are the oldest organism living on the Earth. They are unicellular prokaryotes
— microbes without cell nucleus and any other membrane-bound organelles in their cells — and belong
to the kingdom, Archaebacteria.

C. Materials: Manila paper, pictures, chalk and book

D. Reference: Science Learner's Module 8 pg. 228 - 229, Internet

E. Process skills: Describing and analyzing skills will be develop throughtout the lesson.

III. Learning Task

A. Engage

Ask the students to recall on the naming and classifying organisms or The Taxonomic Hierarchy.

B. Explore

C. Explain

1. What are the different organisms that are posted on the blackboard?

2. What are the other term of this organisms in your province?

3. What is taxonomic hierarchy?

4. How this can be helpful as a student to classify and naming organisms?

5. What are the different biological taxonomy classification?

D. Elaborate

E. Evaluate

Complete the table below:

IV. Learning Agreements

1. Bases on your own words, why do you think studying the taxonomic hierarchy is important?

2. Research and cite examples of Kingdom Archaebacteria and Eubacteria.

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