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Production Department: outline budget, the equipment (camera,

lighting, clothes, and accessories) and studio.

Program genre: education and information.

Proposed title: health changes.
Number of programs: one program in one season after end the season
change the formal of the program.

Duration: hour and a half (90 min), between break and program the
break take only 5 min in three parts so the program takes free (75 min)

Interval: every 25 min take a break also every 25 min talk about one

Theme: to make more familiarity between the audience and the doctors.
Also every person can talk the doctor in social media or call her –his in
the program and take him or she advises. Also every episode in the week
has a new topic new doctors and information.

Format: in the studio dig have the side every side to part of the

Production team: the director, co- director, producer, lighting man,

sound man, performers, editing, graphic, makeup artist…

Performers: Five performers they divide into: two to the first part of
the program (25min) to define the title of the new program and the
doctors. After first break take one performers to the second part (25 min)
as a social media and calling part to communication between doctors and
audience, then two performers to the third part ( the end part) is the
challenge between the doctor about a new information.
Audience project: the target audience is the young and elderly because
both benefits about it.

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