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Long Quiz in Practical Research 1

Hark Herald C. Sarmiento

Name: __________________________________ Date: _____________

General Instructions:
1. Answer the questions that follow.
2. Format: Times New Roman, 12”, justified aligned, 1.15 line spacing, normal margin, letter size
bond paper.
3. Answer with brevity and precision.
4. Acknowledge your sources by applying the APA Style of citation.
5. Do not plagiarize.
6. Date of submission: August 3, 2016 (3:40PM)

A. Enumerate the Types of Qualitative Research and discuss each briefly in 1-3 sentences.
B. Explain the concepts you have learned about the Types of Qualitative Research by answering the
following questions.
1. What comes to your mind the moment you hear Qualitative Research?
2. If you want to conduct a research study about your favourite restaurant in town, what
method of qualitative research is appropriate for your study? Explain your choice.
3. Differentiate subjectivity from objectivity.
4. Explain the connection between subjectivity/objectivity and your research work.
5. How is grounded theory different from other qualitative research methods?
6. Is the researcher himself the data gathering instrument? Why? Why not?
7. Can all research methods be used in one research study? Give reasons for your answer.
8. Pretend you are the subject of a phenomenological study. How will the researcher
obtain data through you?
9. Given the chance to research, would you right away choose qualitative research? Give
reasons for your answer.
10. If you will do a qualitative research about the area in which your house is situated, what
could be your research problem or topic?

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