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Kapil Verma 

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Kapil Verma
Course: GATE+ESE
Civil Engineering (CE)
Q. 1

Select the word that is most SIMILAR in meaning to the bold word in capital letters.
FAQ Have any Doubt ?
A Deadly

B Dead-end

REPORTS Deadlock Correct Option


Solution :

D Dead-drunk


Q. 2

Select the word that is FARTHEST in meaning to the bold word in capital letters.
FAQ Have any Doubt ?
A Radical

B Unfriendly

C Young

D Cheerful


Q. 3

FAQ Have any Doubt ?

A a

B b Correct Option

Solution :
Use ‘than’

C c

D d


Q. 4

Some friends went to a sweets corner. Following is the information about the number of Rosogollas they ate.
g g y
i. Gimmy ate 8 less than Akshit.
ii. Dilip and Roy together ate 37.
iii. Jugal ate 8 more than Dilip.
iv. Akshit ate 5 more than Dilip.
v. Akshit and Gimmy together ate 40.
If the cost of each Rosogolla is Rs. 2. The total amount they had to pay is
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

A 218

B 208 Correct Option

Solution :

C 227

D 235


Q. 5

A rod is out into 3 equal parts. The resulting portions are then cut into 12, 18 and 32 equal parts, respectively. If each of the resulting
portions have integer length, then minimum number of smallest pieces of the road is _________ .
FAQ Have any Doubt ?
49 Correct Option

Solution :


Q. 6

Pollution amounts to slow murder. Regular exposure to industrial and vehicular pollution leads to life threatening diseases like asthma,
heart problems, cancer and various other diseases. Therefore, nobody has the right to pollute, rich or poor. Industrial and vehicular pollution
are growing rapidly across the country. It is not just metropolition centres that are heavily polluted today but also small and medium towns.
Pollution is growing faster than economy. This is because the western technology model, built on heavy use of energy and materials, is an
inherently highly toxic model. It produces huge amount of toxic pollutants, which can be controlled only if there is careful use of technology
and there is considerable discipline in its use.
Which of the following can be logically inferred from the paragraph?
i. The spread of pollution has gathered momentum more in rural areas than in urban.
ii. Proper planning in use of modern technology leads to less pollution in the environment.
iii. The industries which use higher level of energy create more pollution
iv. The smaller industrial units contribute proportionately to higher pollution
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

A ii and iii Correct Option

Solution :

B i, ii and iii

C i, ii, iii and iv

D i, iii and iv


Q. 7

A, B, C, D are four friends living together in a flat and they have an agreement that whatever edible comes they will share equally among
themselves. One day A’s uncle gave him a box of laddoos. Since no one was around. A divided the laddoos in 4 equal parts and ate his
share after which he put rest in the box. As he was closing the box B walked in and took the box B again divided it in four equal parts, A and
B ate one part each and kept the remaining laddoos in the box. Suddenly C appeared. He again divided the laddoos in four equal parts, the
three of them ate one part each and kept the remaining laddoos in the box. Later when D came be again divided laddoos in 4 equal parts
and all four ate their respective share. In total D ate 3 laddoos. How many laddoos where given to A by his uncle?
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

A 128 Correct Option

Solution :

B 125
C 113

D 192


Q. 8

288, then the value of is

FAQ Have any Doubt ?

B Correct Option

Solution :



Q. 9

If 6 objects are distributed at random among 6 persons, the probability that atleast one of them will not get anything is
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

C Correct Option

Solution :


Q. 10

The two Pie Chart show the market share of different companies which produces TV and Refrigerator in first quarter of 2017 2018
The two Pie-Chart show the market share of different companies which produces TV and Refrigerator in first quarter of 2017-2018.

If the turnover in the first quarter of 2017-18 of Electrolux T.V. and Refrigerator is 42 crores and 6 crores respectively then total
quarterly turnover of Godrej and Aiwa in both the categories together is approximately ________crore .
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

75.92 (74 - 77) Correct Option

Solution :
75.92 (74 - 77)


Q. 11

The curvature at any point along the curve representing the deformed shape of a beam is given by
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

B Correct Option

Solution :


Q. 12

Stiffness method of structural analysis starts with

FAQ Have any Doubt ?

A force deformation relations Correct Option

Solution :

B equilibrium condition

C compatible deformation
D equilibrium state of internal stress components.


Q. 13

IS code specifies basic length to depth ratio for different support conditions and this basic length to depth ratio is not modified for
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

A Amount of tensile stress and percent tensile reinforcement

B Amount of compressive reinforcement

C Type of beam that is rectangular, flange section etc.

D Grade of concrete used for the beam section Correct Option

Solution :

Q. 14

For a solid circular section, shape factor is 1.7. The factor of safety in bending is 1.5. If the allowable stress is increased by 25% for wind
and earthquake loads, then the load factor is
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

A 4.08

B 3.24

C 2.82

D 2.04 Correct Option

Solution :


Q. 15

A two lane road with design speed 80 kmph has horizontal curve of radius 450 m. What is the design rate of super elevation for mixed
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

A 0.053

B 0.112
C 0.063 Correct Option

Solution :

D 0.07


Q. 16

In the flow net of an earth dam, the upstream slope of the dam is
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

A first flow line

B first equipotential line Correct Option

Solution :

C phreatic line

D None of these


Q. 17
Best quality of water is to be drawn for public water supply scheme from a lake. Which is the best state of the lake for public water supply?
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

A Oligotrophic Correct Option

Solution :
Oligotrophic lakes generally host very little or no aquatic vegetation and are relatively clear, while eutrophic lakes tend to host large
quantities of organisms including algal bloom.

B Mesotrophic

C Eutrophic

D Senescent


Q. 18

The flow at varying rates through a long straight pipe of uniform cross section is an example of
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

A Steady uniform flow

B Steady non uniform flow

C Unsteady uniform flow Correct Option

Solution :

D Unsteady non uniform flow


Q. 19

The magnetic bearing of the sun at noon is 160°. What is the variation?
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

A 20° W

B 20° E Correct Option

Solution :

C 160°

D None of these


Q. 20

Which one of the following statement is CORRECT?

FAQ Have any Doubt ?

A Calcium chloride should not be used in prestressed concrete

B Strength of concrete increases below freezing point of water Correct Option

B g gp p

Solution :

C Hardening of concrete takes place rapidly in hot water

D The ingredients of concrete should be mixed within three minutes


Q. 21

The conventional workability tests, e.g. slump test, compacting factor test, Vee-Bee test and remoulding tests are termed as single-point
tests because
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

A they measure one parameter of workability

B they are conducted at one place

C each gives complete information about the workability

D All of the above Correct Option

Solution :


Q. 22

The particular integral of is

FAQ H D bt ?
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

B Correct Option

Solution :


Q. 23

The probability density function of a random variable is given by,

The value of the constant is

FAQ Have any Doubt ?

A Correct Option
Solution :


Q. 24

A 40 cm diameter circular timber column is 4 m long. The slenderness ratio of the column is __________.
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

40 (39.99 - 40.01) Correct Option

0 (39.99 0.0 ) Co ect Opt o

Solution :
40 (39.99 - 40.01)


Q. 25

In the limit state design of prestressed concrete structures, the strain distribution is assumed to be
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

A Linear Correct Option

Solution :

B Non-linear

C Parabolic

D Parabolic and rectangular


Q. 26

A broad gauge railway line is aligned on a rulling gradient of 1 in 180 and 3° curve is provided than compensated gradient is ____________%.
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

0.435 (0.434 - 0.436) Correct Option

Solution :
0.435 (0.434 - 0.436)


Q. 27

While aligning a hill road with a rulling gradient of 6%, a horizontal curve of radius 60 m is encountered. The compensated gradient at the
curve is ___________ %.
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

4.75 (4.74 - 4.76) Correct Option

Solution :
4.75 (4.74 - 4.76)

Q. 28

The hydraulic gradient for a soil having specific gravity, G as 2.65 and void ratio, e as 0.65 for a factor of safety equal to 2 against piping will
be _____________.
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

0.5 Correct Option

Solution :


Q. 29

The degree of kinematic indeterminacy for the pin jointed frame as shown below is _________.

FAQ Have any Doubt ?

19 Correct Option

Solution :

Q. 30

For a sample of water with the ionic composition is shown in figure below. The non-carbonate hardness concentrations (in as CaCO3),
is ____________.

FAQ Have any Doubt ?

125 (124 - 126) Correct Option

Solution :
125 (124 - 126)


Q. 31
A mean annual runoff of 3 m3/s from a catchment of area 8 km2 represents an effective annual rainfall of ___________ m.
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

11.826 (11.2 - 12.2) Correct Option

Solution :
11.826 (11.2 - 12.2)


Q. 32

The normal depth in a wide rectangular channel carrying 0.8 m3/s/m discharge at a bed slope of 0.0008 is _________ m. [Assume Manning’s
coefficient n = 0.01]
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

0.47 (0.45 - 0.5) Correct Option

Solution :
0.47 (0.45 - 0.5)

Q. 33

The head of water over a rectangular notch is 1000 mm. The discharge is 250 litre/s. The length of the notch is ____________ mm. [Assume
coefficient of discharge, as 0.62]
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

136.5 (133 - 139) Correct Option

Solution :
136.5 (133 - 139)


Q. 34

Consider the function The minimum value of in closed interval [–4, 4] is ________ .
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

-2.25 (-2.50 - -2.00) Correct Option

Solution :
-2.25 (-2.50 - -2.00)

Q. 35

If and C is the boundary of triangle with vertices at (0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0) and (1, 1, 0), then the value of will be

FAQ Have any Doubt ?

0.33 (0.26 - 0.40) Correct Option

Solution :
0.33 (0.26 - 0.40)

Q. 36

What will be the stress developed in the member if the rise in temperature is 90°C?

FAQ Have any Doubt ?

A 18 MPa

B 12 MPa

C 16 MPa Correct Option

Solution :
D 20 MPa


Q. 37

Which of the following statements are CORRECT?

I. Moment distribution, slope deflection and matrix method can be applied to compute the ordinates of influence line diagram at the
required locations.
II. Influence lines cannot be drawn with the help of virtual displacements by making use of the principal of virtual work.
III. Influence line diagram of deflection at any point in statically determinate beams is linear.
IV. Muller Breslau principle enables the determination of influence line experimentally as well.
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

A I and II

B I and IV Correct Option

Solution :

C III and IV

D All of these


Q. 38

prestressed concrete pile, 250 mm square contains 60 pre-tensioned wire, each of 2 mm diameter, uniformly distributed over the section.
The wires are initially tensioned with a total force of 300 kN Given E = 2 1 × 105 N/mm2 and E = 3 2 × 104 N/mm2 shrinkage strain of
The wires are initially tensioned with a total force of 300 kN. Given, Es = 2.1 × 105 N/mm and Ec = 3.2 × 10 N/mm , shrinkage strain of
concrete = 200 × 10–6 and
creep coefficient = 1.6.
Consider the following statements:
(i) Loss of stress due to elastic deformation is 31.5 N/mm2
(ii) Loss due to creep of concrete = 50.38 N/mm2
(iii) Loss due to shrinkage of concrete = 42 N/mm2
Which of the above statements are correct?
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

A (i) and (ii)

B (ii) and (iii)

C (i) and (iii)

D (i), (ii) and (iii) Correct Option

Solution :

Q. 39

Which of the following statements are CORRECT?

I. The battens should be placed opposite to each other at each end of the member and at points where the member is stayed in its length
and should as far as practicable be spaced and proportioned uniformly throughout.
II. The number of battens should be such that the member is divided into not less than three parts longitudinally.
III. The effective length of battened column should be increased by 20%.
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

A I and II Correct Option

Solution :
The effective length of battened column should be increased by 10%.

B I and III

C II and III

D All of these


Q. 40

Consider the following statements :

The failure of sub-grade of a flexible pavement is mainly attributed to
1. inadequate stability
2. loss of binding action
3. loss of base course materials
4. excessive stress concentration
Which of the statements are correct ?
FAQ Have any Doubt ?
A 1 and 2

B 1 and 4 Correct Option

Solution :
Two basic reasons for failure of subgrade are:
– Inadequate stability
– Excessive stress application.

C 2 and 4

D 2 and 3


Q. 41

In a falling head permeability test, head causing flow was initially 75 cm and it drops 12 cm in 8 minutes, then the time (in minute) required
for the head to fall to 30 cm is
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

A 36

B 42 Correct Option

Solution :
C 48

D None of these


Q. 42

Compacted cylindrical specimen 50 mm diameter and 100 mm long is to be prepared from dry soil. If the specimen is required to have a
water content of 15% and the percentage of air voids is 20, calculate the weight of water required (in grams) for the preparation of the soil
whose specific gravity is 2.69.
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

A 60.8

B 96.4

C 45.2 Correct Option

Solution :
D None of these


Q. 43

Match List-I (Water/waste water) with List-II (Operating problem) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:

FAQ Have any Doubt ?

A a

B b Correct Option
Solution :

C c

D d


Q. 44

In an area of 350 hectare, water table drops by 4.2 m. If the porosity is 0.40 and specific retention is 0.15, then change in volume of storage
in the aquifer is
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

A 2.801 × 106 m3

B 3.125 × 106 m3

C 3.205 × 106 m3

D 3.675 × 106 m3 Correct Option

Solution :

Q. 45

If for a certain channel, the Lacey’s silt factor is 0.95, side slope is 1 : 1 and bed slope is 1 in 5000, then the mean velocity at maximum
discharge carried by the channel is
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

A 0.4 m/s

B 0.5 m/s

C 0.6 m/s Correct Option

Solution :

D 0.8 m/s

Q. 46

Commercial steel and cast iron pipes carrying fluids under pressure are regarded as hydraulically smooth when
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

A the boundary surface is relatively smooth.

B the roughness projections are of low height.

C the roughness elements are all completely covered by the laminar sub-layer. Correct Option

Solution :

D the laminar layer is thin as compared to the average height of roughness elements.


Q. 47

The plan of an old survey plotted to a scale of 10 m to 1 cm carried a note stating that ‘the chain was 0.8 links (16 cm) too short’. It was
also found that the plan has shrunk so that a line originally 10 cm long now measures 9.77 cm. The area of a plot on the available plan was
found to be 58.2 cm2. What is the correct area of the plan?
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

A 0.591 ha

B 0.596 ha

C 0.603 ha Correct Option

Solution :
D 0.608 ha


Q. 48

Figure below shows the network for a particular project which consists of four activities.

Normal duration time and crash time for each activity are given below.
The minimum time required for the completion of project is
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

A 9 days Correct Option

Solution :
This is the sum of crash times along the critical path.

B 13 days

C 14 days

D 19 days


Q. 49

If will be

FAQ Have any Doubt ?

A 0

B 2

C 4 Correct Option

Solution :
D 8


Q. 50

The solution of the differential equation with initial condition y = 1 for  is found using Runge-Kutta method. The

approximate value of y for 1 is

FAQ Have any Doubt ?

A 0.121

B 1.110 Correct Option

Solution :
C 0.115

D 2.128


Q. 51

Stresses on two perpendicular planes are as shown in figure. The angle of principal plane of major principal stress with respect to reference
plane BC is ___________ radians.

FAQ Have any Doubt ?

0.23 (0.21 - 0.25) Correct Option

Solution :
0.23 (0.21 - 0.25)

Q. 52

A cantilever beam OP is connected to another beam PQ with a pin joint as shown in the figure. A load of 10 kN is applied at the mid-point of
PQ. The magnitude of bending moment at fixed end O is ______ kNm.

FAQ Have any Doubt ?

10 (9.5 - 10.5) Correct Option

Solution :
10 (9.5 - 10.5)

Q. 53

The section of a T-beam with dimensions is shown below. The effective flange width of T-beam is 750 mm. Material used is M20 concrete
and Fe415 deformed bars. The moment of resistance of the section is _________________ kNm.
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

319.70 (310 - 330) Correct Option

Solution :
319.70 (310 - 330)

Q. 54

A driver travelling at a speed of 60 kmph was sighted crossing an intersection. If a 6 m long vehicle is crossing 7 m road and reaction time
of driver is 2.5 sec then the minimum amber time should be ________sec.
[Take longitudinal friction coefficient as 0.35]
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

5.7 (5.4 - 5.9) Correct Option

Solution :
5.7 (5.4 - 5.9)


Q. 55

A subgrade soil sample has tested using standard CBR apparatus and the observations are given below:

the CBR value of the sample is ______________ %.

FAQ Have any Doubt ?

11.71 (11.69 - 11.73) Correct Option

Solution :
11.71 (11.69 - 11.73)


Q. 56

Data from a pile load test on a 300 mm diameter pile is given below:

The design load on the pile is _________ kN.

FAQ Have any Doubt ?

48.89 (48 - 49) Correct Option

Solution :
48.89 (48 - 49)

Q. 57

A normally consolidated clay layer settled by 22 mm when the effective stress was increased from 30 kN/m2 to 60 kN/m2. The amount of
settlement when the effective stress increased from 50 kN/m2 to 150 kN/m2 will be __________ mm.
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

34.87 (34.6 - 35.2) Correct Option

Solution :
34.87 (34.6 - 35.2)


Q. 58
Find the width of the strip footing (in m). If the settlement of the clay layer 5 m thick below the base of the footing is 0.25 m.

FAQ Have any Doubt ?

4.3 Correct Option

Solution :


Q. 59

80 g of CO2 and 50 g of CH4 are produced from the decomposition of municipal solid waste (MSW) with a formula weight of 150 g. The
average per capita green house gas production in a city of 2.5 million people with a MSW production rate of 780 ton/day will be ____________
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

270.4 (268 - 272) Correct Option

Solution :
270.4 (268 - 272)


Q. 60

A watershed has five non-recording raingauges, installed in its area. The amount of rainfall recorded for one of the years is given below:

The sum of the required optimum number of non-recording and recording rain gauges for this catchment will be _____________. [Assume an
error of 10% in the estimation of mean rainfall]
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

7 Correct Option

Solution :

Q. 61

A horizontal rectangular channel 7 m wide carries a discharge of 20 m3/s. The sequent depth to initial depth of 0.5 m is ___________ m, if
hydraulic jump occurs.
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

1.59 (1.55 - 1.65) Correct Option

Solution :
1.59 (1.55 - 1.65)

Q. 62

A 200 mm diameter pipe carries water under a head of 20 metres with a velocity of 4 m/s. The axis of the pipe is bent at an angle of 45°.
The magnitude of force along x-axis at the bend is ________ N.
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

1951.6 (1945 - 1955) Correct Option

Solution :
1951.6 (1945 - 1955)

Q. 63

The maximum allowable value of each of the reactions is 180 N. Neglecting the weight of the beam, the maximum value of ‘d ’ for which the
beam is safe is ___________ mm.

FAQ Have any Doubt ?

400 (398 - 402) Correct Option

Solution :
400 (398 - 402)

Q. 64

An eigen vector corresponding to one of eigen values is given by The product of rest of the eigen values

is _______.
FAQ Have any Doubt ?

9 Correct Option

Solution :


Q. 65

Consider the differential equation along with initial conditions given below:
Consider the differential equation along with initial conditions given below:

If will be ________.

FAQ Have any Doubt ?

2.24 (2.00 - 2.50) Correct Option

Solution :
2.24 (2.00 - 2.50)

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