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200 yrs back the number of people ill was only around 10%. I.e. if we consider
the number of the ill now to be 100%. This is after taking into account the
difference in populations between then and now and is based upon the surveys
conducted by the British.

Doctors admit that in 250 years of allopathic history the only credible thing that it
has achieved is pain reduction.
Ayurveda says that the patient is the best doctor for himself. All that is needed is
a bit of knowledge or information. According to Ayurveda, 85% of our health
problems are very easy to resolve and no expert help is needed for this. Only
15% of ailments are serious enough to merit expert help.


I.e. know your body and recognize/understand your food. This much is enough to
take care of almost all ailments.

According to Mharishi Waghbat the highest discovery/invention is the science of

food and cooking that was done in India of yore.
The following Sootras are based on the two books written by Mharishi Waghbhat
which contained over 7000 such sootra/formulae. He lived for 135 years and
reportedly took ICHCHHA MRITYU, i.e. shed the body consciously and out of his
own will.
Out of these 7000, the below, around 50, sootras are the most relevant for
modern day lifestyles and related ailments.

1. SOOTRA 1 – While cooking if the food doesn’t get contact of air and
sunlight then this food will work like slow poison in the system.
1. This means that pressure cooker is very bad for health. While
cooking in pressure cooker the grains get broken and thus
become soft. This does not mean getting they are getting cooked.
So the food thus prepared is useless for the body.
2. The molecules get damaged and hence the food becomes
useless for the body.
3. Diabetes, Bronchitis, TB, Asthma etc. 48 ailments have been
directly traced to pressure cooker by modern scientists at
4. Best utensils for cooking are clay, kaansa and peetal or bronze in
that order.
5. Researchers at the CDRI Lab in Lucknow (a central govt. body)
have found that after cooking say Arhar daal in Clay pots 100% of
the micro nutrients originally present in the daal are still there,
93% are left after cooking in kaansa utensils and 87% after
cooking in peetal or bronze utensils.
6. Whereas after cooking the same daal in a pressure cooker only
13% of these micro nutrients are left. Essentially what is left is
worthless and unusable by the body.
7. Refrigerator is also very harmful for health.
8. Solar cooker is the best cooker. Those types of solar cooker
should be used which have open vessels. Aluminium vessels are
common in solar cookers and should never be used.

The ash left after dead body is burned contains these same 18 micro nutrients –
the same as soil. No other natural thing contains all 18.
We could have produced aluminum thousands of yrs ago. Our shastras have the
techniques. But we used clay pots since it is the best from every angle.
The longer an item takes to ripen in the field, the longer it will take to cook at
home. Pressure cooking it will make the food useless for the body.
Nature has designed everything with enormous attention to detail. E.g. the top of
the plants are eaten by humans and birds, middle part is for animals and roots
are for the earth herself.

Chronic diabetics who started doing all their cooking in clay pots – sugar levels
came down from 480 odd to 180 odd in less than a year.


The TVS group family cooks all its food in clay pots. So does the Ambani family
(clay tava).

1. SOOTRA – Any food should be consumed within 48 minutes of cooking. The

body is best able to utilize the nutrition from food when it is consumed in this time
1. This 48 minute calculation is very much there in Jain Darshan.

2. Stale food should not even be given to animals. In a year there is only 1 day
when the body needs stale food. In our culture we have a festival called “Basoda”
on this same day when we were supposed to eat stale food.

3. The concept of warm/hot food does not exist in western countries. They don’t
know how to make rotis. The average age of bread is around 90days in Europe
and USA.


Wheat flour should be eaten in a max of 15 days of being ground. Makki, chana,
jowar etc should be consumed in 7 days. Survey done on a few villages. 90
ladies were using Chakki and not a single one had a caesarian delivery, no pains
in body, diabetes, BP etc are not there.

Whereas those women who are buying atta from mkt are facing all these
ailments. Their family members also face the ailments.

The main quality of the Uterus is its elasticity. Chakki ensures this elasticity and
hence no tumors and caesarians will happen. Chakki can be used till 7th month
of pregnancy.

The very quality of health of caesarian children is much poorer compared to

children born naturally. Physical health, mental health and intelligence,
imaginative ability are of a different level for children born naturally.

Around 45 yrs of age women will start facing many complications (depression,
tension, sadness, pains, hot flashes) due to menopause. The best way to keep
these under control is Chakki usage.


1. Physical labour should not reduce till age of 60 yrs.

2. Below 18 children should labour via play. 18 to 60 productive labour. 60 plus

labour should go on decreasing.

3. Regular usage of Chakki and Sil-Batta are the best preventives for
menopausal complications.

4. HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) is a curse. It causes uncontrolled

weight gain.

5. Chakki is best option to reduce paunch. Gym never does this in the long run.
This is also due to the fact that any fast exercises/movements will worsen Vaata
hence paunch will only increase in the long run. India being a Vaata pradhaan
land, we need slow movements in order to keep Vaata under control.

6. Mixie also destroys most nutrients due to high speed and friction.

7. Bhilwara experiment with Chakki atta. Reduction in acidity, pains, sleep, BP

etc are reducing over a period. Joy is increasingJ. Even if over-eating rotis there
is no gas etc.

8. The main reason for our health problems are the changes in our kitchens.

4. SOOTRA – Geographical conditions should be considered to decide way of

life. India is a hot country and hence Vaata is predominant. 75% ailments are
vaata, 15% are Pitta and 10% are Kapha.

E.g. Running is not a good exercise in India. Most of the Indian running athletes
have worn out their knees by the time they reach 40 yrs of age.

Europe and USA are opposite, they are cold and hence Kapha is bad there. They
need high speed activity to keep Kapha under control.

Pitta usually stays balanced.

Changes that are happening in your geography are good for you but adopting
changes from other places isn’t good for us.

If living in south India one should eat rice more than wheat. The mud in south
holds water for longer while in Rajasthan soil is sandy and doesn’t hold water.
Therefore Rajasthan soil is suitable for growing wheat and not rice whereas
South Indian soil is apt for rice and not wheat. Hence one should eat stuff that
grows in the area one is living in, in order to stay healthy.


1. SOOTRA - Bhojanante Visham Vaari – drinking water at the end of a meal is

akin to drinking poison. It kills the Jathaaragni (that aspect of prana or energy
which enables the body to digest food) thereby making the food rot inside the
system instead of getting digested. This in turn leads to excess acid and gas
being produced in the system and a very vicious cycle starts. Mharishi Waghbhat
has identified 103 ailments that occur as a result of drinking water after having
eaten food.

1. The minimum gap between food and water should be between 1.5 to 2.5 hrs.
This also varies based on geographic and other conditions and the duration is
higher in the mountains and lower in plains and hot areas. This is because the
body’s ability to digest food varies with the ambient conditions.

2. Water drunk before food should be drunk at least 40 minutes before eating

3. To clean the mouth and throat after food only one or two sips of
warm/gunguna water can be had.

4. If really thirsty, one can have fresh juice of seasonal fruits after morning meal
and buttermilk/chhaas after lunch. Milk can be had after dinner. Though these
also contain mostly water, the properties are completely different and they
actually help digestion and the body instead of hurting it.

2. SOOTRA – Always drink water sip by sip like one drinks hot tea.

3. SOOTRA - Drink water first thing in the morning. It is to be had warm at body
temp and should be sipped like hot tea so that max possible saliva goes into the
stomach. Only if you are drinking water kept in a copper pot it need not be
warmed up as it already has same quality as warm water. Mud pot water is also
to be warmed up.

4. SOOTRA - Never drink cold water. It should always be Warm/gunguna or at

body temp. Paan to be had without kattha (brown paste smeared on pan leaf) so
that you don’t spit out the juice/laar. Paan leaf should be kasaila i.e. kadva. The
bitter it is the better. Desi paan is darker and bitterer.

WATER - Water should always be drunk warm/gunguna. i.e. at the same

temperature as the body.

1. In case you are regularly taking in water kept in copper pot then you should
stop for a couple of weeks after 3 mths of continuous usage.

2. Drinking cold water leads to decrease in blood supply to various organs. Over
a period of time this leads to the weakening and hence failure of various organs
and causes probs like heart attack, kidney failure, brain hemorrhage etc.

3. Drinking chilled water leads to severe constipation. Large intestine shrinks

causing various other complications. This is applicable to other cold foods as

4. Drink water first thing after waking up in morning. Below 18 and above 60 shud
drink only 1.5 to 2 glasses while others should drink upto 1.25 ltrs. i.e. min 3
glasses. This is the only water one should drink without feeling thirsty. Ghoont
should be smallest. Try this for 6 mths and see the changes in health. Fresher,
lighter, sleep will improve, digestion, pains, Heart.

5. Tumbler is an import, it is ekrekhiye which is not good. Lota is much better.

Water takes the properties of its holding object and solutes. Lota is a sphere
hence its surface tension is less. This is better for body. Well water is much
better. Sadhus don’t drink water if its not from a well. Main property of water is
cleansing. This is possible if the water you drink is of low surface tension.
Example of milk used for cleaning skin. Same happens with intestines.

Choona - In paan is vaat naashak while Paan is pitta naashak. Max choona
should be 1gm only. Saunf, clove, rose mix (gulkand) should be added to paan.
Supari and kattha should not be added.

As a general rule the darker the colour of a natural thing the more effective it is
as medicine. Jamun, tomato etc should be eaten a lot as they are dark in colour
and hence helpful.

Anything with fat will help the jatharagni and digestion will speed up.


1. Morning laar is very valuable – wounds of people with diabetes are also cured
by this. Even gangrene has been cured by this.

2. So is conjunctivitis cured.

3. Tedhi aankh, i.e. squint is also cured with this.

4. Dark circles under eyes – maalish with morning laar. Almost all skin ailments
can be treated with this. Burn marks, eczema and psoriasis can also be cured by

5. All animals use saliva to treat their wounds.

6. All the active ingredients of mud that are essential for the body are also
available in saliva.

1. Fix time for food. Our body is not made to eat anything at anytime. This time
needs to be in accordance with the timing of JATHARAAGNI. Jatharaagni is at
highest for 2.5 hours after sunrise. This will depend upon your location. This is
the time to have the biggest meal of the day.

2. Its best to have your lunch in this time window for maximum benefit.

3. Around noon one can have a lighter meal or juice, fruits, chhaas etc.

4. Evening meal should be had while sun is still out. Once sun sets jatharaagni
becomes dormant.

5. Best to have dinner upto 40 minutes before sunset.

6. In the night only a liquid is to be taken. Best is milk.

7. This is extremely important for patients of diabetes, asthma, vaat ke rog.

Within 3 months you will find significant improvements in your health. Sugar,
cholesterol etc respond miraculously within 3 months.

8. Different organs work best at different times of the day. e.g. heart is working
hardest 2.5 hrs before Brahma Muhoort. i.e. between 1.30 till about 4am.
Maximum heart attacks happen in this duration. Max heart attacks happen in this
time duration. This list is available in RD’s books.

9. If you are eating again in the noon, then it should be lighter than lunch (or
morning meal). Dinner should be even lighter.

10. All the heavy foods like stuffed parathaas, sweets etc should be had in the
morning meal.

11. What you like best you should eat in the morning. So that you can eat your
fill. This will ensure you are mentally satisfied as well as physically. This is of
extreme importance. If you are fulfilled with the food you are eating, the Pineal
gland will be most active and you will stay healthier as well as happier.

12. Those who are not mentally satisfied with food that they are eating get many
mental/psychological problems in due course of time. Mental tension, depression
can be an outcome of this. 27 types of ailments can result out of this.

13. All diurnal jeev jantu eat their meals early in the morning as far as possible.
14. Dr. Ravindranath Shanbagh has tried to make monkeys fall ill for almost 15-
17 years. He has tried everything possible to get a monkey to fall ill, including
injecting etc all types of viruses and bacteria into the monkey’s body but monkey
ko kuchh nahin hota hai… J Hanumaan ji ki jai J J

15. Monkey has the best RH factor in all living beings. We are also comparing
our RH factor to that of a monkey. Dr. Shanbagh has inferred that this
phenomenal ability is primarily due to the fact that a monkey eats a full stomach
early in the mornings. He started asking his patients to eat their biggest meals in
the morning and these patients all recorded significant improvements in their
health from serious diseases.

16. Breakfast is not needed. It should be replaced by a heavy full meal i.e. lunch.
Also, it is not an Indian requirement based on our jal vaayu but is an import from
the West. Just 2 generations back all of us used to have the biggest meal first
thing in the morning.

2. SOOTRA - Never eat opposite products together. Doodh and dahi, any item
made of these two should not be taken together.

1. Doodh and dahi and doodh and gud don’t go together.

2. Honey and ghee are poison if taken together. This can be taken together only
when cow mutra is used to counter negative effect.

3. Gud and ghee go well together.

4. Kathal/Jackfruit never with milk.

5. Onion and milk are poison together. – max probs of skin will happen due to
this combo.

6. All sour fruits don’t go with milk except aamla. Even mango should be taken
with milk only when it is completely ripe and sweet.

7. Dwidal daals and dahi. Exception is to heat dahi, baghaar ke (ajwain, heeng
ka chhaunk). Specially applicable to Urad daal. Urad ke saath baghaar ke bhi
naa khaayen. In experimenting with this Rajiv Dixit’s BP went up by upto 25%!!!!
If this is done regularly it will obviously lead to heart and BP problems.

8. Dahi – vadaa is hence taboo. Agar dahi vadaa khaanaa hi hai to moong daal
ka vadaa banaye. Extremely important in order to stay healthy.
3. SOOTRA – partake of food only sitting on the floor in Sukhasana. Sitting in
this asana makes the Jatharaagni teevra. Sitting on a chair reduces the teevrata
and standing up reduces it completely.

1. Keep the food plate a little bit higher above the floor.

2. For people who do a lot of physical work the best option is to eat in a squatting

3. This posture will help in reducing the paunch. Dining table will make the
paunch grow bigger.

4. Dining table should be banished from your home.

4. SOOTRA – Must rest lying down on your left side after morning/noon meals.
This is very important for Jatharaagni to work well since lying on left side
activates the Pingala (soorya) naadi on the right side of the body and this in turn
activates the Jatharaagni.

1. If you are healthy then the moment you start eating food the Soorya Naadi
should get activated automatically.

2. This rest should be between 20 to 40 minutes. Its ok to take a nap if one feels

3. Many companies in countries like Mexico, Australia and Brazil etc have
researched and found that the productivity of employees who are allowed to rest
after lunch increases by upto 300%. Some of these countries were likely to make
laws to this effect in around 2008. Lot of research is happening in Europe and US
on this sootra.

5. SOOTRA – Never rest after dinner for at least 2 hours. This is because sun
has set and hence the biochemistry etc is completely different now.

1. Sleeping soon after dinner will invite diseases like heart attack, diabetes, BP

6. SOOTRA – In case you are unable to follow both these sootras then sit in
Vajra asana for atleast 10 minutes after meals. This is the only asana allowed
after food according to yoga.
7. SOOTRA – Your ‘Mana’ and ‘chitta’ should be ‘shaant’ i.e. relaxed and
peaceful. One way to achieve this is to pray or utter a mantra.

8. SOOTRA – While lying down head should always be pointing towards sun i.e.

1. The next best is South.

2. Never sleep with head pointing towards North. North is the direction of ‘death’
for sleeping. Though it is very good for various other activities.

3. Householders should keep head towards South while sleeping while

Brahmchaaries should keep head towards East.

9. SOOTRA – take your weight divide by 10 and then subtract 2 from the result.
This many liters of water can be had per day.



1. VAAT (max diseases are due to vaat) – Best thing to control vaat is oil.

2. Vaata problems are joint pains, back aches, Dama, Asthama etc.

1. This oil should be pure. Refined oil is a poison. (6-7 chemicals

are used to refine oil and upto 13 for double refined oil). Oil can only be
refined using inorganic chemicals and these are almost always poisonous
in nature.
2. The stickiness of oil is its most important property. The moment
this is removed oil is no longer oil.
3. The strong smell of oil is due to its protein content. When this is
removed via refining the oil becomes useless for the body.
4. HDL (High Density Lipo Protein) or the good cholesterol is
produced by the liver if you are eating unrefined oil. This helps the heart
stay healthy without any fear of heart attacks.
5. AIIMS doctors who researched oil have concluded that any oil
without stickiness and odour is useless to put it mildly. Hence refined oil is
actually causing heart problems rather than curing them.
6. Refined oils are being recommended by doctors just because of
the commission that these oil companies dole out to them.
7. Experimented with many heart patients. Stopped all medication
and started taking pure and unrefined oil. Patients on the edge of heart
attacks i.e. had blockages, showed tremendous improvement in all
parameters. Doctors could not believe the reports and called them a
8. In our culture festivals were created very scientifically. The
special foods and vyanjans that were prepared for different festivals were
designed to keep us healthy.
i. In winters – food during these festivals were heavy or garishtha or
gurutva. i.e. difficult or slow to digest. During the winter season it is better
for the body if the food digests slowly rather than quickly. It matches with
the body cycle as Pitta is less in winters while vata and Kapha are high
which reduce Jatharaagni. Slow digesting foods are in better sync with the
speed of digestion of Jatharaagni. Nature also provides this kind of food in
ii. In Summers – Pitta is high and hence lighter food should be
eaten so that it digests quickly.
iii. In rains – during the rainy season Pitta is at its lowest and hence
lightest food should be eaten during rainy season. It goes to the
extent that eating just once is preferred. Greens should be avoided cause
they have too much water content and this will aggravate the system
which already has too much water.
1. Items which have high water content are Vatha naashak.
i. Milk, curd, butter milk,
ii. Juices

1. PITTA - Best food item is cow ghee. This is the best to keep pitta balanced.
(ghee made from buffalo milk is only recommended for body builders and

1. Second best is Ajwain. Noon food should have ajwain since it balances Pitta
which is higher in noon/day.

2. Jeera is next best to control Pitta, black jeera is better.

3. Heeng also keeps Pitta under control.

4. Dhaniya – both green and dry work equally well.

5. Total 108 items for controlling Pitta. List in Gambir ROGON KI CHIKITSA

6. Examples of Pitta problems are acidity, ulcers, indigestion, taste of food in

mouth for many hours after food, Dakar, hichki are mostly Pitta related.
2. KAPHA – The best food item to control Kapha is gud and next best is honey.

1. Gud - When Kapha is out of balance Phosphorus will be deficient. Gud has
very high content of Phosphorus. Sugar case juice also has Ph but Gud has
higher content. But maximum amount is found in Kakvi or Raab or liquid gud –
the stage before solid gud.

2. Honey - Next best is Honey.

3. Saunth – Dried ginger powder. Saunth is 100 times more effective than

4. Paan – very good to control Kapha. The darker the leaf the better it is. Don’t
add Katthaa. Other ingredients can be

i. Saunth
ii. Gud
iii. Gulkand
iv. Saunf
v. Lavang or clove

1. Over 100 items in kitchen are known to control Kapha.

2. TRIFALA – Amla, Harad, Baheda. Mharishi Waghbhat has written over 120
sutras for Trifala !!!

1. Harad, Baheda, Amla :: 1:2:3 this ratio is very important. Equal proportion is to
be used in very extreme cases. Radiation poisoning example. Had to be given in
equal proportion – normally in Trifala amla is high and hence Vitamin C is high. In
radiation illness Vitamin C is already very high in the body. Hence to balance this
same proportion Trifala was given. This can also be used in Cancer treatment.

2. Trifala reduces all the three doshas simultaneously.

3. Morning – either with Gud or Honey

i. It will work as a POSHAK. It provides almost all required
nutrients to the body.

1. Night – Milk or warm water. i. It will work as RECHAK. It cleanses the digestive
system as well as the rest of the body. Any kind of constipation can be cured with
this. 1. Chawanprash is much lower in effectiveness compared to Trifala.
2. One big teaspoon is to be taken in morning for losing weight. One small
teaspoon in the night for Rechak use.

3. Each of the above three fruits balance all the three doshas.

4. Amla is very good for losing excess weight. It is the best anti-oxidant in the
natural world.

5. Give a gap of a couple of weeks after taking continuously for upto 3 months.
This helps the body to stay un-accustomed and avoid side effects.

6. Ailments :
1. Night – Bawaseer, Mood Vyadhi or Piles, Bagandhar. Digestion
related ailments – night
2. Morning – to lose weight. Or to treat ailments due to Kapha.
3. In the night to be taken after food while before food in morning.
40 mins before food in morning.


1. TRIFALA - should always be taken with milk, gud or honey. Taking with water
is taking alone and should not be taken alone for too long i.e. 90 days.

2. METHI – Vata and Kapha destroyer. Increases Pitta.

1. Soak it in a cup of warm water. In the morning chew the seeds
and drink the water. Its very important to chew it while eating as it
produces large amount of saliva.
2. Pickles having methi are very useful for vaata problems.
Aushadhi ka effect is higher on the pickle than that of the fruit. Methi is
pickle is much more effective than that taken in water since it is kept for
many months. It works much better with oil – upto 20 times more effective.
This is also applicable for Ajwain.

3. CHOONA – is even better than Methi for controlling Vaata. Controls all
problems caused by Vaata. It also replenishes Calcium in the body. Calcium
deficiency causes all kinds of pains, in muscles and bones, all bone problems,
many blood related problems, Kapha problems are also caused by its deficiency.
1. Calcium activates most other micro nutrients. Without it most
other micro nutrients won’t be able to work.
2. Milk, curd, butter milk, ghee, orange, mausambi, angoor, mango,
banana. Calcium can easily be absorbed from these food items. After 40-
45 years of age body’s ability to digest calcium reduces. This is especially
true to women. Now it needs to be taken separately – hence take Choona
regularly. Hence the tradition of eating Paan in this culture. It is prevalent
across the country without exception.

4. DAAL CHINI – Cures all problems related to Vaata and Kapha. More effective
as a powder rather than leaf or bark.
1. Grind it with Gud and eat it. Drink warm water afterwards. Honey
ke saath ‘mardan’ karke lick kariye aur warm water peejiye. Takes care of
upto 50 ailments.

5. COW – Is one of the most magical things made available to us by nature. He

praises gau mootra very highly. It helps all three doshas. Vaata and Kapha it
cures completely and also cures Pitta if taken with some ayurvedic medicines. It
has all the 18 odd micronutrients that are available in mud (Jersey cow has only

6. All the 148 ailments can be cured by gau mootra. This is the only thing with
such a possibility. Have done thousands of experiments on this and found mind
boggling results. It has 18 micro nutrients that are essential for the body. The
only other place where all 18 found together is soil. Best time to take gau mootra
is morning. If very ill take upto 100ml in a day best to take it twice a day on an
empty stomach. Rest of us can take upto 50mm once a day on empty stomach.
1. Skin ailments are usually caused by Sulphur deficiency.
Psoriasis has been cured, eczema, khuzli, khaaj etc were cured.
2. It cures TB much earlier compared to allopathy. It never recurs if
treated with gau mootra. Studies were conducted on patients at AIMS. If
taking allopathy, its speed of cure is increased manifold when combined
with gau mootra.
3. Joint pains were cured in three weeks.
4. Cold and cough – dama and asthama and TB were cured by this
very swiftly.
5. When Gau-mootra was given to patients already taking
allopathy, the effectiveness of the medicines was increased many fold.
This is true for almost all serious ailments.
6. As per contemporary research 48 ailments are cured by
completely by gau-mootra. Research on cancer is going on with
tremendous results. Blood cancer is not showing so much improvement. A
large hospital has been set up in Valsaad to cure cancer with Gau-Mootra.
(Throat, Esophagus and stomach cancers are already showing huge
7. According to research deficiency of Curcumin leads to cancer –
i.e. growth of tumor and later cancer. This is found in ample quantity in
cow urine in a highly digestible form.
8. Only a cow which roams around given useful urine. The urine of
a cow that stays tied up is not useful.

7. Organic Agriculture – cotton has gone up to 7 quintal per acre from 2-3 earlier,
wheat from 12 quintal to 24-25 quintal, rice from 15-17 quintal to 30 quintal,
sugarcane from 8 feet high to 14 feet, recovery from 8% to 14%-15%. Gud made
from gobar as fertilizer sells for 70/kg in the international market. Only India can
produce this.

8. In our culture cow is always referred to as ‘mother’. It has been said that a cow
has 33 types of devatas in its body. “Gobar main Lakshmi mootre Dhanvantari”.
India as 17 crore cows as of 2007 end.

9. Glucoma, retinal detachment and cataract etc all can be cured using gau
mootra. Use gau mootra drops in the eye. It works wonders for all eye related
ailments as they are mostly due to Kapha.

10. If ears of children are giving off pus – put drops of gau mootra.

11. For running nose and cold etc for children – use gau mootra ghrit.

12. Gau ghee in nose helps in deep sleep, snores can be reduced.

13. Hair loss – make curd and keep it in copper vessel for 5-6 days, rub it into
head and then wash it off using shikakai. Wash hair with gau mootra once a
month for long term health of hair.

14. Ribs, or chest congestion can be cured by a spoon of gau mootra.

15. Renal problems are taken care of by gau mootra.

16. Pitta patients need to increase ghee consumption while taking gau mootra to
balance its effect.

17. Dark circle under eyes, and any other skin problems can be cured.

18. Its distillate or ‘ark’ can be used. Ark should only be taken in very small
quantities i.e. 1 spoon.

19. The leftover after making ark is used for making soap, shampoo, floor cleaner

20. Cow ghee sells for Rs.4000 per kg in Germany etc. They are desperate for
this real ghee but don’t get it anywhere.

21. Gau Panchamrit, gobar, mootra, doodh, ghee, dahi (includes honey or gud) is
an elixir for VPK.

DIN CHARYA – Daily routine should be based on each individual’s unique



1. Children till 14 years of age are under effect of Kapha. This means child will
need more sleep.

2. Imagination is very high during Kapha period. Anything that helps them
imagine is something they love. Cartoon films are very bad since they don’t allow
any space for imagination to work.

3. The type of stories you tell them will affect the kind of character they develop.
Stories should be long.

4. Always answer their questions honestly. If you don’t know say so. Admit it and
then work with them to find out. Once they find out the true answers from teacher
they will lose all respect for you. When this happens you wont be able to control
them at all.


1. Let them sleep as much as they want. Never stop them from sleeping as it is
essential for them. Upto 10 hrs a day is fine. Its better that the child takes this
sleep in two parts.

2. 1 – 4 yrs minimum sleep of 16 hrs

3. 4 – 8 yrs min 12 to 14 hrs

4. 8 – 14 yrs min 8 to 9 hrs

5. Kapha is heavy or guru and hence if the child needs to sleep more in order to
keep the blood pressure under control. While sleeping BP is lower. Child is under
Kapha effect and hence needs to sleep more to maintain BP.

6. Children will become irritable and undisciplined if they are not allowed to
complete their sleep quota as their Kapha is out of control.

7. Studying is only possible in effect of Pitta. When Kapha is bad no one can

8. Area above the heart is Kapha area. Children will frequently catch ailments of
this region only. The best way to take care of this is oil massage. This should be
a must. Children should not do any exercises. They should only play.

9. Those under Kapha should not exercise, asana or pranayam.


1. Oil massage should be of entire body. But head area is most important. Ears
should also be massaged regularly as they are seat of Kapha. Bathing should be
done after massage.

2. Massage till the child starts sweating in the arm pits or forehead.

3. Things that reduce Kapha should be used for bathing. Eg. Ubtan, Multani mitti,
Chana atta, chandan powder, mota aataa, masoor daal ataa, moong daal attaaa.
Finally means that no soap should be used. It increases Kapha very badly.

4. Oil can be put into ears. Its also helpful in controlling Kapha.

5. Eyes are also seat of Kapha. Ghee can be put on eyes. Kaajal is very useful in
controlling Kapha (Sau veer anjan).


1. Children must be given milk, makhan, ghee, oil, gud, dahee, mattha etc.

2. Maida is absolutely not allowed since it disturbs Kapha.

3. Makkhan is better than ghee for children.

4. Ghee things should be given in afternoon as pitta is increasing.

5. Out of control kapha can make one a criminal and murderer. If under control it
promotes love and harmony.

6. American children are considered the worst – shootouts in schools etc are
proof. 10% of America’s population are children and out of this 10% or 30 lac
children are in prisons. This is common for most western countries. The main
reason is out of control Kapha.

7. Of the total crime happening in these countries upto 65% are being committed
by children. Direct result of out of control Kapha. It leads to violence directly.
8. Simplest way to keep children safe from all types of negative influences is to
let them sleep as much as they want to.

9. Morning time for schools is very bad. Its not good for children to wake up early
in the morning. As morning is Kapha time and hence they sleep the deepest
sleep. Best time for school to start is around noon.


1. Not too much sleep is needed. Ideally between 6 to 8 hrs. This decides the
routine to a large extent.

2. Mharishi Waaghbattha says one should sleep 2 hrs after sunset. So if you
sleep at 8 then you will be up at 4am.

3. 12 types of daatoon can be used only.


5. There are 3 basic season and 3 sub seasons. In summers neem daatoon,

6. Winters, amrood is best, jaamoon is next

7. Rains – mango, Arjun

8. Dant manjan1 – daaru haldi, salt, oil

9. Dant manjan 2 – burn dried gobar, add haldi and sendha namak to it.

10. Dant manjan 3 – triphala choorna, sendha namak. This is the only one that
can be used in all seasons.

11. Tooth paste is not good for you. They disturb Pitta. This will cause many
problems. Teeth will decay very quickly due to paste use. When sweet things are
eaten early in the morning they disturb the system. Our culture has a system to
eating neem and turmeric balls.

12. Commercial toothpastes have been using powdered animal bones for
decades e.g. Colgate - pig bones, pepsodant – cow bones, close up – goat. This
has been proven in lab tests and it seems only recently that some of these
companies have stopped using bones.
1. VYAYAAM first and then massage. Exercise only till you start
2. India is a vaat pradhaan land hence running is not good. i.e.
Vaata is dominant in India and running or any fast movement aggravates it
hence should be avoided.
3. Best exercise is soorya namaskar and asanas. Dand baithak etc
is good. For women the best exercise is forward bending.
4. After exercise oil massage.


Vaata naturally increases after 60 yrs of age.

1. Main remedy is oil massage for old people. A little bit of exercise is ok.

2. Too much movement is not good for them.

Human urine – can be used as medicine. Condition is you must be 100%

vegetarian. Gau mootra is much better compared to human urine. Only the 1st
urine in the morning is to be used. While urinating leave the initial and last parts
and drink only from the middle part of urine. Helps in around 100 illnesses.
Mainly vaata and kapha problems.

Laughing is good if it happens naturally. One should never try to force it or stop it.
It is one of the 14 ‘veg’ of natural forces in the body. This is true for all the other
Sneezing should not be stopped – upto 40 types of ailments will come if stopped
and upto 14 types if induced forcefully.

Thirst should also never be stopped. Drinking water quickly causes Hernia and
Appendicitis. If you are above 60 and it can cause Prostrate and Hydrocele.
Holding back thirst causes 58 types of ailments. Drinking water without thirst will
also cause problems.

Hunger, when forcefully stopped, causes 103 types of ailments. Starts with
acidity and ends with intestinal cancer!

Fasting is a Kriya to cleanse the body and mind. One needs to follow certain
rules for fasting. When you start feeling that something extra is happening in the
body then one can fast. Like after eating too much one can fast the next day.

a) Upto one day fast after 6 days of eating normally.

b) While fasting one should keep drinking warm water at regular intervals. The
extra acid in the stomach will be diluted by water and excreted via urine else it
will burn up/ damage the intestines.
c) Water can be of clove, moong, ghee, choona while fasting.

d) Vegetarians should not fast for long periods. While non-vegetarians should
always fast for long periods. Non veg food creates certain changes in the
digestive system (reduces acid secretion in stomach) and hence it is advisable to
fast for long periods. All carnivorous animals actually fast for many days after a
full meal.

e) Best way to fast if one has to fast is alternate day fasting and eating. The body
gets used to it over a period of time. Varshitam in Jains is highly respected.

f) Fasting is not good for those who do heavy physical labour.

Yawning should also not be stopped. Stopping it is a very bad habit that we have
gotten into. The body’s need is more important.

a) Never yawn when sitting near those who are more tapasvi or gyani.

Urine should never be stopped.

a) Pressure of all types in the body increases. Stopped urine is one of the most
painful experiences in life.

b) If urination is too frequent then you need to check with specialist.

Stool is also similar. Upto twice a day is normal. Three is a bit unusual. More
than that calls for expert intervention.

Veerya or Kaama veg (sexual desire) should only be stopped by renunciants. It

should never be stopped by those living in family situations.


1. No water after food for min 1.5 hrs. This is best way to lose weight.

2. Warm water first thing in morning. Morning saliva is very important and should
go into the body not wasted.

3. Use Lota instead of tumbler. In our society we never had tumblers because
lota is much more scientific. Low surface tension is very important since it
reduces pressure levels in the body. Example of milk to cleanse skin. Similar
thing happens in large intestine – low tension water pulls out the debris lodged in
the large intestine. This debris causes innumerable ailments.

4. Water should always be drunk sitting down.

5. Water should never be drunk cold. It should always be warm. Cold water’s
surface tension is higher. It also cools down the stomach hence weakening the
rest of the organs since blood supply rushes to stomach.

6. In extreme heat clay pots water is allowed.

7. Eat food sitting down. Always sit in cross legged position.

8. Opposing things should not be eaten together. Milk-curd, honey-ghee, ghee

and gud go well together, Kathal-milk, milk-citrus fruits except aamla.

9. Dwidal and curd not to be eaten together. At worst it should be with Chhonk.
Same for Chhaas

10. Morning meal within 2.5 hrs of sunrise. Evening meal before sunset. If hungry
during day one can have gud-chana, gud-moongfali. Too much chikki should be
followed by Saunth or ginger.

11. Should eat locally grown foods. E.g. living in hot area one should not eat
much wheat as it grown in cold weather. Bajra is hot so is rice, jowar. Bajra
should be eaten with gud and ghee to balance its heat.

Q&A Session on Last Day

1. Dark circles under eyes – maalish with morning saliva. Useful for any skin

2. Sleep problem – excess vaat is the cause. – put ghee in nostrils at bedtime.
Very imp for children.

3. High BP – it is only excess acidity in blood. Eat basic foods e.g. methi, gud,
lauki, carrot, fruits without juice like apple, banana, guava, paalak, baigan. Soak
methi in water over night and chew the seeds and drink the water. Greens are
basic. This will also reduce weight and triglycerides.
4. Asthma is caused by vaat – daalchini with honey, gud, eat coconut daily
(unique – has juice but is basic).

5. Boils in mouth – means large intestine is not clear. Take warm water in
morning from lota. Borax 30 or 200 thrice in water.

6. Gau mootra has no side effects. Body anyways flushes out the excess if

7. Arthritis is vaat– never undergo surgery. Choona in dahi, chhaas, water juice
etc. take Methi danaa. Harshringaar leaves is most basic thing in nature. Crush
few leaves and boil in water till half. Drink this like tea in morning. Heals both
types of arthritis, rheumatoid and osteo. Moongfali and gud should be eaten. Til
seeds, black is better.

8. Ice cream – never. Else drink hot water mixed with ghee. This will take care of
harmful effects of ice cream.

9. Acidity – eat more basic things, water in morning, water sip by sip. Ajwain ko
bhoon ke kaal namak ke saath le. Mishri, gud.

10. Best salt is Sendha namak – pathar ke namak. Helps in BP and arthritis etc.

11. Sleepy throughout day – must eat Choona.

12. Thyroid – dhaniya leave ki chutni warm water ke saath pijiye. Sookhe
dhaniye ki bhi pi jaa sakti hai.

13. Pathri – never eat choona. Pakhaan bhed ka kaadhaa. It’s called Burberis
Vulgaris take in Q. Kaadha is better than homeo medicine.

14. Addiction to alchohol – gau mootra, ginger juice, Saunth ka kaadha. Gau
mootra is most important. Smoking increases Sulphur in body – best option is gu

15. Cold and cough for children – honey, gud, choona, ghee in nose, haldi and
ghee in milk.

16. Pitta – ghee, ajwain and black salt.

17. Sneezing – put ghee in nostrils and take choona.

18. Tonsillitis – haldi milk at night.

19. Uric acid – basic foods, gau mootra is best.

20. Obesity – basic foods.

21. Children urinating in bed – Khajoor boil in milk give both milk and khajoor.

22. Constipation – take milk with ghee at night, Trifala choorna.

23. Bones pain – Choona

24. Coughing in children – Kapha naashak foods like Paan, Saunth, honey, gud.

25. Trifala – can be given to children above 5 yrs. Best after 14 yrs of age.

26. Old age joint pains – choona is best. Water sip sip

27. Anjeer – best for people who feel lack of strength in body.

28. Canned water – not good at all L tap water boiled is much better. Bleaching is
done with chlorine to purify it. Not good.

29. Bad breath means pet saaf nahin hai.

30. Numbness in hands and legs – take Choona

31. TB – gau mootra is best remedy.


1. Sleeplessness means vaat is high – warmed cow ghee in nostrils before

bedtime. Snort very lightly. Various other benefits are no bad dreams, no
interruptions during sleep, improved memory for children.

2. High BP means high acidity in blood. Take basic food stuff. Methi, carrot, any
fruits without juice – apple, banana, guava, coconut etc. palak, baigan. Lauki is
most basic in veggies. Lowering of acidity will reduce Tryglicerides, cholesterol,
overweight etc. Methi seeds should be soaked in water overnight and chewed in
the morning. Water to be taken after seeds are chewed. Gajar ko kaddu kas ke
khaayen. All greens are basic.

3. Asthma is caused by too much vaayu. Use basic food items like Daalchini,
honey, gud, coconut (upto 50 gm per day). Til is also very effective.

4. Mouth Ulcers means pet saaf nahin ho raha hai. Drink water in morning to
cleanse large intestine. In case this does not help take Borax 30 or 200 (take
three doses) from homeopathic shop. Put few drops of Borax in water and take it
in three parts.

5. Gathiya or Arthritis. Never undergo surgery. Atal Behari example Dr. Ranawat.
Atal is completely on wheel chair now. Basic foods Choona (can be taken in dahi,
chhas, juice upto 2gm per day). Healthy ppl can take upto 1gm per day. Methi
seeds, Harshringar tree’s leaves are highly basic. Boil 4-5 leaves in water till it
becomes half. Drink this in morning on empty stomach like tea. It treats both
types of arthritis – rheumatoid and osteo.

6. Acidity – water is best medicine when drunk slowly and at frequent intervals.
Ajwain ko tawe pe bhoon ke kaale namak ke saath le. Mishri is very good but
gud is better. Drop sugar completely. Ajwain can be added to menu – take it with
black salt after every meal if having continuous gastric problem.

7. Noodles - kachra king. Noodles are made after maida is rotten for 6-7 days.
Pig flesh juice is added to noodles to make it tasty.

8. Too much sleep - means you need a type of base in diet. This is best available
in choona. To be taken with mattha or chhas.

9. Diabetes – 1 spoon each of Methi and Trifala choorna ko mila ke garam paani
me rakh de aur subah use chaba ke khaaye and drink the water. 3-4 mths the
blood sugar will come down. Even diabetics can take gud and juices. Natural
sugar is not harmful (fructose) since it is easily digestible. Sugar is harmful.

10. Pathri or Kidney and Bladder Stones – never take choona. Pakhan bhed
medicine. Make kaadhaa of this and drink. This same medicine is available in
Homeopathy by the name Berberis Vulgaris. Take mother tincture 10 drops few
times a day.

11. Thyroid – make chatni from dhaniya patti and drink it with water. Only
dhaniya leaves – no salt etc. 1 spoon to be taken. Is non dhaniya season this can
be done with sookha dhaniya.

12. Addictions - Quit alchohol and tobacco, cigarette – use sankalp shakti. Else
use go mutra not ark. Saunth ka kaadha. 1.5 mths max.

13. White discharge – Shatavari can be used. Mix it with warm milk and drink at

14. Mestruation - Too much pain, flow, irritation, itching etc during menses – vayu
and pitta are high during this time. Take cow ghee in very hot water and drink like
tea. Take 2-3 times per day. All menstrual probs will get taken care of. Take this
only during menses.
15. Bad breath – pet saaf rakho.

16. Haath pair sunn i.e. limbs are numb – eat choona.

17. Cold and cough happens frequently – take honey, gud or choona as it
removes not only vata but also kapha. Cow ghee in nose. Haldi is a kapha
nashak. Haldi in milk with ghee is even better.

18. Tuberculosis – go mutra and not ark. 3-4 months will be enough. Choona

19. Pitta problems – take cow ghee. Ajwain and kala namak.

20. Hair loss – dahi ko taambe ke bartan mein rakhe 5-6 din tak jab tak bahut
khatta aur green na ho jaye. Isse scalp ko maalish Karen aur ek ghante baad
shikakai se dho dhen. Repeat once a week. Trifala subah gud ke saath khaayen.
Honey ke saath bhi le sakte hain.

21. Tonsillitis – haldi milk at night.

22. Uric acid – take more basic stuff. Best is go mutra not ark.

23. Motapa or Overweight/Obesity – take more basic stuff. Methi, carrot, any
fruits without juice – pple, banana, guava, coconut etc. palak, baigan. Lauki is
most basic in veggies. Lowering of acidity will reduce Tryglicerides, cholesterol,
overweight etc. Methi seeds should be soaked in water overnight and chewed in
the morning. Water to be taken after seeds are chewed. Gajar ko kaddu kas ke
khaayen. All greens are basic. Take these for 3 mths. Then to balance this take
amla for 3 mths. Then back to gajar etc. in a year you can easily lose upto a third
of your weight. Take Amla any form = 3-4 fruits equivalent. Overweight people
are Vitamin C and Calcium deficient hence Trifala in normal ratio is used.

24. Bed wetting – khajoor kilao. Boil small pieces in milk.

25. Constipation – Trifala at night. Else drink milk with ghee at night. Not for more
than 3 mths at a time.

26. Back ache – choona.

27. Weakness - Anjeer is useful for those who feel they lack strength in body.


1. While drinking water from a tamba vessel one should not be barefoot !
2. Never reheat anything put in fridge once. Leave it out to heat up naturally and
then eat it.

3. Kevda daalaa hua paani keval summer mein.

4. Arjun ki chhaal subah hi lena

5. Boiled water is better than canned water.

6. Coconut oil can be applied to hair.

7. If you still have icecream drink warm water with ghee. Do not eat ice cream

8. Eat til after food daily if you want to stay trim and avoid heart attacks. Black til
is better.

9. Sendha namak is the best salt for daily consumption. Kaala namak is 2nd
best. It will help lower BP.

10. Go mutra ark – only 1 spoon. Go mutra shud only be half cup.

11. Gave arsenic to a cow for 6 years and the cow is still healthy. Arsenic didn’t
show up in its urine at all. It had a blue ring in its throat. Shiv in throat. So you
can take urine of any cow irrespective of conditions. It has no side effects at all.
In case you drink too much the body will expel the excess in 20 mins.

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