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For Palladium Books RPG Systems

Chapter 1 - The Force

The Force was a metaphysical, spiritual, binding, and ubiquitous power that held enormous
importance for both the Jedi and Sith monastic orders. Known as the Way in ancient times, the
Force was viewed in many different aspects, including, but not limited to, the light side, the dark
side, the Living Force, the Unifying Force, the Cosmic Force, and the Physical Force. The first
two aspects were concerned with the moral compass of the Force, as manifested by the conduct
and emotions of living creatures who were themselves part of the fabric of the Force. The light
side of the Force was the facet aligned with compassion, selflessness, self-knowledge and
enlightenment, healing, mercy and benevolence, while the dark side of the Force was the
element aligned with hatred, fear, covetousness, anger, aggression, jealousy and malevolence.
The latter four aspects were defined by prominent Jedi philosophies: The Living Force dealt with
the energy of living things; the Unifying Force, with the entirety of space and time; the Cosmic
Force, with life after death; and the Physical Force, with anything within one's surroundings.
Though the Force was categorized in this way, there were no specific abilities or powers that
were only usable by a follower of a particular path of the Force; the Force partially existed inside
the life forms that used it, and drew energy from their emotions.

Some beings, particularly the Sith, believed that the dark side of the Force was more powerful
than the light, though it was possible that the dark side was just more tempting to those who used
it (or desired to use it). Others thought of the Force as an entity capable of intelligent thought,
almost as a sort of deity. Anakin Skywalker, who was believed to have been conceived by the
Force itself, may have shared this belief; if this was indeed the case, it would add credence
towards the view of the Force as a sentient entity. Though the Force was thought to flow through
every living thing, its power could only be harnessed by beings described as "Force-sensitive."
This Force-sensitivity was correlated with, and sometimes attributed to, a high count of internal
microorganisms called midi-chlorians that were found in a Force-sensitive's blood: the higher the
count, the greater the being's potential Force ability, though there were some exceptions to this
rule. Force-sensitive beings were able to tap into the Force to perform acts of great skill and
agility as well as control and shape the world around them. Sometimes this ability was described
as having a strong Force "aura".

The grandiose nature of the Force made it quite difficult to study as a whole; a student could
easily become lost in its depths or flounder with the shallows trying too eagerly to focus on a
speck in the void. To remedy this situation, the Force had long been broken down into four
aspects: the Living, the Unifying, the Cosmic and the Physical Force. In this way scholars may
choose to focus on the tangible realities of the world and how the Force manifests in the lives of
individuals and within the moment, or to delve deeper, reaching outside oneself to wonder at the
mysteries of the universe on an infinite scale.

The idea of a Living Force reflects the aspect of the Force which connects all living beings. The
tangible Force; the present here and now which flowed about to allow a Forceful being to sense
life and death. Scholars of the Living Force like Qui-Gon Jinn espoused a philosophy of "living in
the moment," relied heavily on their instincts and concentrated more on sensitivity to living things,
rather than fulfilling destiny or looking to the future. They believed that the future's instabilities
cause uncertainty, and that the present held the answers to near-future events.

The idea of a Unifying Force reflects the aspect of the Force which required a significantly greater
amount of understanding than the Living Force, constituting it as a single cosmic power and
creating visions of the future that were of particular significance.
The idea of a Cosmic Force reflects the aspect of the Force which connected the Living Force to
a unifying gestalt, allowing the user to become one with the Force and manifest themselves as

The idea of a Physical Force reflects the aspect of the Force which allowed one to manipulate
objects within his or her surroundings.

The light side of the Force was concerned with the ideals of good, benevolence, and healing.
Followers of the light side strove to live in harmony with the world around them, acting out of
wisdom and logic rather than anger and hasty judgment. In order to achieve harmony with the
light side of the Force, its practitioners would often meditate to clear themselves of emotion;
particularly negative emotions such as aggression, fear, anger, and hatred, since these were
thought to bring on acceptance of the dark side.

The dark side of the Force was considered by the Jedi to be the element aligned with fear,
hatred, aggression, and malice toward all living things. Such emotions seemed to increase the
strength and abilities of a user of the dark side, providing a path towards personal power and the
destruction or control of all opposition. It was generally accepted that use of the dark side of the
Force was extremely addictive. Dark side Jedi were known as Dark Jedi. Some light Jedi, such as
Luke Skywalker, Kyle Katarn, Jaden Korr, and Galen Marek, could use dark side powers.

Alternate views of the force

The Potentium view of the Force, not to be confused with the Unifying Force, was strictly
disapproved by the old Jedi Order. While similar to the Unifying Force, which suggested that
there was only one Force that did not take sides, the Potentium view stated that the Force and
the galaxy in general were inherently good. According to this belief, the so-called dark side was
not made up of specific "parts" or "abilities" of the Force: as espoused by the Light Side, it existed
inside the life form which used it, made from their emotions. By that standard, and unlike the Light
Side, all Potentium followers could perform any action and use the Force in any way they saw fit,
as long as the intention behind it was good. In contrast, the Old Jedi Order acknowledged the
existence of Potentium, but made it clear that it was subverting of the Jedi teaching and a way to
misguide people to the dark side, or a means to serve it.[1] The living planet Zonama Sekot
supported the Potentium theory of the Force as well.

The Way of the Dark, or simply the Dark, was a view of the Force taken up by Cronal and those
that taught him. It was effectively the polar opposite of the Potentium, but taken a step further.
This Way of the Dark belief did not just deny the existence of the Light side of the Force; it stated
that the Force itself was simply a small extension of the Dark. This system stated that destruction
was the universal constant that all things worked towards, going so far as to call it the "will of the
universe". An initiate was taught that if one made destruction his primary goal, with whatever
scheme he was taking part in being a secondary objective, then the Dark would effectively reward
the initiate for the devastation caused by pushing the secondary objective to success.[2]

As a prime example of this, Cronal cited that Palpatine was able to achieve success against the
Jedi and the Republic because his primary motive was the destruction of both parties. However,
once he had achieved these goals and set about consolidating his rule and building the Empire,
his focus shifted from destruction to creation, in total opposition to universal processes. Thus
when before he could not fail, now he could never succeed.[2]

Darth Traya, a female Sith living during the Old Sith Wars, believed the Force to be akin to some
sort of deceptively sinister, indifferent god. She pointed to the numerous wars fought by countless
Force users, as proof that the Force cared nothing for the lives it consumed, so long as balance
was achieved. This philosophy emphasized the belief that neither the light nor the dark side was
truly superior to the other, and that if people were to be truly free, the Force had to be eliminated
from the galaxy. This was generally a very unpopular theory with both the Sith and the Jedi, and
this practice disappeared with Traya's death. However, after the defeat of the dark side entity
Abeloth, Grand Master Luke Skywalker came to a similar conclusion regarding the nature of the
Force. While he ascribed no intentions or emotions to the Force, he believed that the Force being
out of balance was the cause of the horrific amount of death and chaos that had occurred in the
time since the death of the Ones. Instead of believing that the Force should be destroyed
however, Luke instead took the approach that, to keep the galaxy at peace, Force-adepts
themselves had to actively maintain the balance of the Force.[3]

The Aing-Tii monks from the Kathol Rift viewed the Force in a way different, but similar to the
view of the Jedi. Instead of the dark and the light sides of the Force, they viewed it as having
many colors, much like a rainbow. They believed that the Force could manifest itself in different
ways, which allowed a being to develop unique abilities, unknown to most of the Jedi and the
Sith. They believed the Force was much too complicated to be just light or dark. According to
their beliefs, Force-users were not strictly good or evil, but instead had their place in a larger

The Fallanassi called the Force the White Current and saw it like the river flowing through the
galaxy and all living beings. A single person could not alter the current any more than a being
could divert a river with one hand. Thus, the Fallanassi immersed themselves in the Current,
letting it flow through them. This way they managed to shape its flow without imposing their will
on it, which also opened them a way for unique Force abilities.[1]

The Sorcerers of Tund shared most of the Sith beliefs, which was not surprising, given the fact
that their order was founded by Sith mages. However, they viewed the Force as a magical power
and manipulated it mostly by arcane symbols and spells. The Jedi viewed the sorcerers as
merely another Force sect, but would often try to "convert" the Sorcerers, attempting to convince
them to use the Force without any of their trappings of magic and mysticism. However, they were
unsuccessful, and eventually the Jedi contented themselves with making sure the Sorcerers did
not descend into the dark side.

The Killiks believed that The Ones represented the Force. They believed that the Daughter
represented the Light Side of the Force while the Son represented the Dark Side of the Force.
Their father tried to maintain the balance between them on the planet they called home.
Incredibly powerful, their fighting was destructive until another came to bring peace to the family,
though this brought about the creation of Abeloth. In the Clone Wars, Anakin would meet the
Ones in the Mortis Monolith, where the Father claimed it was the Chosen One's destiny to take
the dying Father's place and control the Son and Daughter. An intense scene of power would
bring about all the Ones' deaths. The Killiks were unaware of this and awaited for their arrival
when they learned Abeloth, the Bringer of Chaos, was freed.

Disturbances in the force

The Force existed in all life, and when great amounts of life passed away, a disturbance was
created, running through the Force like a scream that Force-adepts could hear. This was how a
"wound in the Force" was created at the battle of Malachor V during the Mandalorian Wars when
the Mass Shadow Generator was unleashed. In addition, when the Mandalorians destroyed the
cities of Serroco using nuclear weapons. This happened again when Alderaan was destroyed;
Obi-Wan Kenobi sensed "a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices cried out in
terror and were suddenly silenced.…". The students of the Jedi Praxeum felt a similar
disturbance when the Carida system was destroyed. It was suggested that Yoda could not even
stand on Kashyyyk as Order 66 was being executed. It was as if Yoda was being overpowered by
the disturbance caused by the many simultaneous Jedi deaths. It is possible that those strong in
the Force could have glimpses of what is creating the disturbance, though the severity that the
adept would feel would depend on numerous variables, including both their training and their
innate connection with the Force. This could explain why Yoda seemed to know what happened
when Obi-Wan Kenobi was about to look at the security recordings of the Jedi Temple. However,
while typically called "disturbances", they were sometimes be referred to as "tremors", as Darth
Vader did about Obi-Wan's presence at Death Star I. Disturbances could also be felt lingering
from a past event, such as when Leia Organa Solo felt a disturbance when she visited the place
where Anakin Skywalker slaughtered an entire village of Tusken Raiders.

Unusual occurrences of the force in nature

The Rakatan Force-enabled hyperdrives allowed them to travel to hyperspace.

The ysalamiri were a species of tree-dwelling lizard-like creatures that were immune to most
effects of the Force. The creatures exuded a "bubble" which "pushes back" Force energy, making
them useful tools for individuals (such as Grand Admiral Thrawn) requiring a means to nullify a
Jedi's abilities. They originated on the world of Myrkr. It is mentioned that the ysalamir, when put
together, create a much more extensive bubble, sometimes expanding a few kilometers outside
their native forest. They evolved this trait to survive being hunted by the predatory vornskrs, pack
animals that hunted by tracking down live prey using the Force.

A creature with a similar peculiarity was the taozin, a large, gelatinous predator. Though not
widely known, at least one of these creatures was alive deep in the undercity of Coruscant
approximately ten years before the Clone Wars.[4]

Gurlanins could also 'hide' themselves from the Force, though they could also make themselves
detectable in the Force at will if they chose to.

While not immune to the Force, Hutts were highly resistant, having an innate defense against
Force-based mind manipulation.

Toydarians were immune to mind tricks as well. The Yinchorri and the Dashades were also
largely unaffected by Force mental manipulation, and were thus both utilized to varying degrees
by the Emperor; the Yinchorri during the period surrounding the Stark Hyperspace War and the
Dashadi during the first few years following the Great Jedi Purge.

Additionally, Force-resistant creatures called terentateks were a major threat to the Jedi. Some
suspected that they were created by the Sith to hunt down the Jedi. Periodically, the Jedi held a
Great Hunt in an attempt to hunt down and destroy all of the terentateks. The monsters appeared
to be extremely long-lived and resilient.

Although not natural, voxyn could hunt Jedi and other Force users by noticing their "Force scent."
Like all other Yuuzhan Vong biots, they were immune to direct manipulation by the Force and
could not be sensed by Jedi. This, in addition to their other abilities, made them a significant
threat to the Jedi Order.

Hssiss could influence Force-sensitive beings around them. If bitten by an hssiss, one would
succumb to the effects of a dark side poison. Hssiss also had the ability to conceal themselves
and become invisible, possibly doing so through the Force.

Sith magic was sometimes considered outside of the Force by some of its practitioners, though
how much of that is true is unconfirmed.
The Yuuzhan Vong could not be sensed or affected directly by the Force as they had been
stripped of it around 15,000 BBY. However, it was theorized by some Jedi, particularly Jacen
Solo that the Vong were connected to the Force in a way that the Jedi could not sense, because
the Jedi believed that all life depended on a symbiotic relationship with the Force to at least some

However, the notion that all life was dependent on the Force was apparently disproven by the
Jedi Knight Meetra Surik. During the Battle of Malachor she cut herself off from the Force so
completely that she became a Wound in the Force, completely dead to it and completely
disconnected from it. The Sith Lord Darth Traya viewed Surik as definitive proof that life could
exist independently of the Force and sought to exploit Surik's condition to suit her own ends.

Using the force in Palladium

To use the force in Palladium will typically cost Force Points. Each power will list how much is
needed to activate the power, and how long it takes, in actions/attacks, for the power to go into
effect. Abilities do not generally use Force Points, though Techniques may. See each power,
ability, and technique for speciffic details.

Non force users can try to save versus the force but are need 15 to do so. Force users save
against the force based upon their OCC.

This number can be higher as well based on the level of the force user (Much like how spell
strength increase for magic users). Jedi/Sith OCCs get a +1 to their power "strength" at Levels
4, 8, and 12. All others get a +1 at levels 7, and 14.

Overuse of the force

It is possible to continue to keep using the force after you have used up all of your force points.
To do this takes a literal physical toll on your body. For every force point needed you can "burn"
2 sdc. Once out of sdc the toll becomes greater costing 3 hp.

There is a further toll when doing this. For every 10 sdc or hp used this way, you permenently
lose 1 sdc or hp accordingly and it cannot be recovered. Additionally the more you do this the
even greater toll it takes on your physcial self. For every 5 sdc or HP permanently lost in this
way you lose 1 point from your PB score to a minimum of 3.

This effect is most typically seen among dark side users and Sith as they tend to over use the
force significantly while Jedi and light side users are generally more judicious in its use, though
there are examples on both sides of the force , of dark siders who are judicious and light siders
who are not.

Falling to the Dark side

The act or doing something in anger has consequences for force users more so than it does for
non force users. While an alignment shift is possible by non force users, it is a steeper and
quicker slide for force users.

If a force users acts out of anger be it a use of the force of physcial act, they start their path to the
darkside. It will take an equally selfless act to negate that dark action. Also the more you act
out of anger the easier it becomes to fall.

In game terms this means if the force user attacks in anger and hurts the target they gain a strike
against them. Each cumalative strike will push them closer to sliding towards the darkside.
Basically it means the consequences of your action have serious reprucussions for you.

Example - in Star Wars Episode I Obi-wan attacks Darth Maul after he feeled Qui-Gon. Had
Obi-wan killed Maul in that way he would gain a dark side strike. As it was he was unable to
defeat Maul while angry and not until after he calmed himself was he able to Kill Maul and in the
end avoiding such a strike.

The following is a table of how dark actions will affect a force user.

Scrupulous - 3 strikes drops you to Principled

Principled - 3 strikes drops you to Unprincipled

Unprincipled - 3 striked drops you to Anarchist

Anarchist - 2 strikes drops you to Abberant

Abberant - 2 strikes drops you to miscreant

Miscreant - 1 strike dros you to Diabolic

GMs need to keep a close eye on these things to make it work. There is no hard and fast rule to
exactly when and if a strike should be given.

Chapter 2 - Force Powers, Abilities, Techniques, and

Lightsabre/Force(Sith) Weapon forms
Manifestations of the Force, which were mentally-based abilities and tapped through the
practitioner's willpower, could take all forms, and included telepathy, psychokinesis, and
enhanced physical and metaphysical perception. It can allow people to affect and some control
over momentum and fundamental forces such as kinetic energy, friction, pressure and even
gravity, allowing them to be able to slightly defy both of these and enhance force and momentum
they create, with a variety of different effects and range. Such things allowed users of the Force
to be almost undamaged by high impact and only be stunned by the impact, with examples of
falling from great heights or being struck with great force or at high speed. It should be noted that
anticipating the impact lessened its effects, allowing some users of the Force to not be stunned or
even land on their feet with ease. This effectively enhanced the physical durability and recovery
capability of a Force-user. Power over physical forces and momentum also allowed force users to
partially defy gravity and other weight, allowing them to move and jump at unnatural speed and
distance in seconds, though the speed only worked for limited times and was not constant while
jumping could be done repeatedly to those who have mastered this ability. This effectively
enhanced the agility of those who used it, giving the user acrobatic capabilities at unnatural
levels. The Force could be used to bend the will of weak-minded beings and guide an adept's
body. Users who were very good at using the Force could cease merely reacting to their
surroundings and actually predict events in the very near future, such as the next blow in a duel.
Guidance like this enabled Luke Skywalker to launch a proton torpedo into an extremely difficult
target on the Death Star in the Battle of Yavin. The Force could also be used to sedate. Qui-Gon
Jinn used this power on Jar Jar Binks when traveling the dangerous underwater path to Theed.
Qui-Gon placed a hand on Jar Jar's shoulder and asked him to relax causing the Gungan to
almost lose consciousness. Obi-wan, observing the extreme change in Jar Jar's behavior, told
Jinn, his master, "You overdid it."

In addition to enhancing their own skill, Force users were capable of channeling the energy of
The Force directly into the world around them. The Sith were infamous for making heavy use of
this ability to conjure Force-lightning, or Force-choke enemies by constricting their windpipes. The
Jedi preferred to use their abilities to heal and protect; closing wounds and shielding others with
barriers of Force energy. Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn discovered that Jedi could achieve near-
immortality through the Force by existing as a Force ghost after death.1

Some Force users even learned how to transfer their spirit into another body. Palpatine used this
technique in order to prolong his life, and evidence suggests the legendary Dark Jedi Set Harth,
who fell to the dark side in the aftermath of the New Sith Wars, used this power to leapfrog his
essence between hundreds of clone bodies, lingering in the physical realm up until the Yuuzhan
Vong invasion and beyond. Later Callista Ming transferred herself to the body of a dying friend so
that she could stay alive. Callista, unlike Harth and Palpatine, lost her ability to touch the Force in
the process of transference.

Others, such as Darth Nihilus and the Jedi Exile, could use the Force to feed off other Force
users. Nihilus' power could encompass entire planets and drain them of life, like the Miraluka
colony world of Katarr. Some dark side users could use a different and weaker form of this
technique to drain the strength of others into themselves, occasionally to fatal results. Darth
Nihilus' ability to do this originated from a "wound in the Force", which is essentially a rip in the
fabric of the Force itself.

Palpatine mentioned that the Force could help one cheat death, or create life, a secret mastered
only by Darth Plagueis. Another Sith Lord, Darth Sion, used a more indirect method to cheat
death. As he could call upon his pain to strengthen his will and allow him to rise up again as
strong as he was beforehand, he was arguably immortal.

The Force played a major part in the Jedi use of a lightsaber, in that their heightened awareness
kept them from accidentally injuring themselves while using the weapon in combat, as the blade
had no relative weight, making it difficult to judge its position. Similarly, the Force allowed a Jedi
to use his/her lightsaber to deflect incoming blaster bolts. The Force also came into play during
the construction of a lightsaber, both in assembling its intricate innards, and the initial charging of
the power cell.

Manipulating the Force entailed significant risks, however. When a person used the Force beyond
their body's ability to sustain it, the individual could suffer physical damage, accelerated aging, or
in an extreme case, certain death by burning their own body cells from the inside out. Palpatine,
and Dorsk 81 are prime examples of excessive Force usage and the consequences.

(Source - Wookieepedia)

Some powers may have level or class restrictions. Some may also have prerequisites.
Affect mind
Alchemy (dark side)
Battle influence (light side)
Battle meditation (min abberant alignment required)
Battle mind
Beast language
Burst of speed
--Force/Knight speed
--Master speed
Control mind (dark side)
Cure disease (min unprincipled alignment required)
Cure poison (min unprincipled alignment required)
Dissipate energy
Drain energy (dark side)
Drain knowledge (dark side)
Electric Judgement (Light side)
Enhance ability
Enhance senses
Fear (dark side)
Force defense
Force light (light side)
Force lightning (dark side)
Force mind
--Improved force mind
--Knight mind
--Master mind
Force stealth
Hatred (dark side)
Heal another (light side)
Heal self
Inspire (light side)
Malachia (light side)
Morichro (min unprincipled alignment required)
Plant surge (light side)
See force
Sever force (light side)
Sith sorcery (dark side)
Summon storm
Telekinesis (Lift, Push, Leap, Injure, Strike, Whirlwind)
Transfer essence (dark side)

Some abilities may have level or class restrictions. Some may also have prerequisites.
Drain force (dark side)
Force dodge
Force pilot
Force mastery
--High force mastery
Guiding spirit
Lightweapon/Force(Sith) Weapon defense
--Lightweapon/Force(Sith) Weapon Expert Defense
--Lightweapon/Force(Sith) Weapon Master Defense
Malevolent (dark side)
Mind trick
Rage (dark side)

May or may not cost force points

Force trance
Healing trance
Sense surroundings

Force Powers

Affect mind

Force Point Cost - 2 (Affect Perception), 4 (Suggestion)

Time to activate - 2 actions

Duration - Instant

Range - 10m

Effect - (Affect Perception) this allows you to "distract" a target in order to get them to look away
etc. Targets are a +2 to save for every person beyond one that you want to affect. (Suggestion)
Allows you to make a suggestion that would normally seem unreasonable to the target. The
suggestion cannot threaten the target. Later the target will not realize he had been tricked.
Alchemy (dark side)

Requirements - appropriate chemicals, medicines, materials in order to facilitate any changes

being made. (Gorwth hormones, alternate genetics/dna) as well as the apparatus to
implement/input these materials.

Force Point Cost - 5

Time to activate - 4 melees

Duration - permanent

Effect - the use of this power will cause a dramatic change in a creature (and possible sentient
beings). Typically usues 10 000 credits in materials +5000 per additional change sought. Base
skill success is 80% with penalties based on the actual changes desired. (Will add a table of
changes later)

Battle influence (light side)

Force Point Cost - 8

Time to activate - 1 action

Duration - 4 melees

Effect - -4/-20% to all opponents combat/skill rolls and saves. A fail by 10 or more and
opponents turn on their allies at the same -4/20%. Failure with a natural one and opponents turn
on their allies without any penalties applied. Range 20m per level of experience.

Battle meditation (min abberant alignment required)

Force Point Cost - 2 +1 per person affected

Time to activate - 1 action

Duration - 1 melee per level of experience

Effect - +1 on all combat rolls and to sv vs darkside powers

Battle mind

Force Point Cost - 2 + 1 per bonus point

Time to activate - no action cost

Duration - 4 melees

Effect - +1 strike/parry/dodge at level 1. May increase by +1 every 3 levels after that (maximum
+5 at 13th level of power)

Beast language

Force Point Cost - 2

Time to activate - 1 action

Duration - 1 hour

Effect - grants the user the ability to listen, understand and speak to animals

Burst of speed

Force Point Cost - 5

Time to activate - 2 actions

Duration - 1 melee

Effect - Spd x10, Jump x5

--Force speed/Knight Speed

requirement - Minimum level of 5 of force user or Jedi class, must also have the power burst of

Force Point Cost - 8

Time to activate - 2 attacks

Duration - 1 melee

Effect - SPD x 20, Jumping x10

--Master speed

Requirements - minimum level of 10 in force user or jedi class, must also have the burst of speed
and force/knight speed powers
Force Point Cost - 12

Time to activate - 2 actions

Duration - 1 melee

Effect - SPD x 30, jumping x15

Control mind (dark side)

Force Point Cost - 5 +1-15

Time to activate - 2 actions

Duration - 1 minute per FP spent

Effect - +1/5% to all combat/skill rolls per 3 levels of experience

Cure disease (min unprincipled alignment required)

Force Point Cost - 5

Time to activate - 1 hour

Duration - instant

Effect - gives the target a +10 to sv vs disease and +100% to save vs coma/death (Fail on a 99-

Cure poison (min unprincipled alignment required)

Force Point Cost - 5

Time to activate - 1 hour

Duration - instant

Effect - gives the target a +10 to sv vs poisons of all types

Dissipate energy

Force Point Cost - 1 for every 3d6 of sd energy absorbed. 5 for every 1d6 of md energy absorbed
(or lightsabre attacks)
Time to activate - free

Duration - instant

Effect - dissipates energy based attacks and sources

Drain energy (dark side)

Force Point Cost - 2 (Datapad/comlink), 4 (Blaster), 8 (Lightsabre), 12 (Repeating


Time to activate - 2 action

Duration - instant

Effect - power completely drained from target.

Items in brackets are example of devices that can be drained

Drain knowledge (dark side)

Force Point Cost - 8

Time to activate - 5 minutes

Duration - instant

Effect - unconscous targets cannot save unless they are a force user and then they are -5.
Allows the force user to sift through the targets mind for a specific skill. Successful use of the
skill allows the force user to use that skill untrained (at base skill percentage no bonuses of any
kind, this includes IQ bonuses). Targets IQ will drop by 4 points and will regain 1 point per day of
rest. This could cause the target to not be as efficient/effective with skills as it could drop them
below the IQ level needed to gain skill bonuses.

Electric Judgement (Light side)

Requirements - Minimum level of 10

Force Point Cost - 4

Time to activate - 1 action

Duration - instat

Effect - 2d6 damage (sd only) and stuns target halving all combat bonuses and skill levels. Range

Force Point Cost - 2

Time to activate - 1 action

Duration - 4 melees

Effect - Read targets mood and emotional state, gives a bonus of +5% per 3 levels of experience
(minimum +5%) to all charm/impress and trust/intimidate rolls

Enhance ability

Force Point Cost - 3

Time to activate - 1 action

Duration - 4 melees

Effect - +1 to strike/parry dodge or +1d4 to melee attacks @ Level 1, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15. At
higher levels the bonuses can be split. Example at 9th level you could split it to be +2 to combat
rolls and +2d4 to damage rolls.

Enhance senses

Force Point Cost - 3

Time to activate - 1 action

Duration - 10 minutes

Effect - +1 to perception checks @level 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15


Force Point Cost - 3 (Person), 6 (Past), 9 (Future)

Time to activate - 1 hour

Duration - not applicable

Effect - Roll percentile for Accuracy

1-10 - nothing
11-30 - vague details (places and general sense of what might be happening)
31-60 - vague details (places and people involved)
61-90 - general details of events and people involved
91-00 - details of people and wha they are doing, as well as emotional/physical state.

Fear (dark side)

Force Point Cost - 2

Time to activate - 1 action

Duration - 4 melees

Effect - -2 to all opponents combat rolls or -10% to all opponents skill rolls at levels 1, 4, 7, 10, 13


Force Point Cost - 2

Time to activate - 2 actions

Duration - upto an hour

Effect - will cause targets that are hostile to become merely unfriendly, unfriendly to become
indifferent, indifferent to become friendly, and friendly to be come helpful. Conversely already
hostile or unfriendly targets that save vs this power may become more hostile or aggressive. If
those targets save with a natural 20 an unfriendly target becomes hostile and aggressive while an
already hostile target becomes combative and will attack the characters.

Force defense

Force Point Cost - 3

Time to activate - 2 actions

Duration - 4 melees

Effect - +1 sv versus force powers @ level 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15

Force light (light side)

Force Point Cost - 8

Time to activate - 1 action

Duration - instant

Effect - 3d6 damage to dark side creatures, 5d6 damage to dark side spirits

Force lightning (dark side)

Force Point Cost - 6

Time to activate - 1 action

Duration - instant

Effect - 4d6 to a range of 10m

Force mind

Force Point Cost - 4 + 1 per target

Time to activate - 2 actions

Duration - 1 melee per level of experience

Effect - +2/+10% to all combat/skill rolls and saves

--Improved force mind

Requirements - must have the force mind power and be a minimum of level 4 in a non jedi force
user class

Force Point Cost - 8 +1 per target

Time to activate - 2 actions

Duration - 1 melee per level of experience

Effect - +4/+20% on all combat/skill rolls and saves

--Knight mind

Requirements - must have force mind and be minimum level 5 in a Jedi class

Force Point Cost - 12 +1 per target

Time to activate - 2 actions

Duration - 1 melee per level of experience

Effect - +6/30% to all combat/skill rolls and saves

--Master mind

Requirements - must have improved force mind or knight mind and be a minimum of level 10 in a
force user class

Force Point Cost - 16 +1 per target

Time to activate - 2 actions

Duration - 1 melee per level of experience

Effect - +8/40% to all combat/skill rolls and saves

Force stealth

Force Point Cost - 2

Time to activate - 2 actions

Duration - 10 minutes

Effect - masks your presence to other force users. IN game terms other force users trying to use
see force get no bonus to save vs Force Stealth and See Force checks automatically fail if the
force user fails their s versus Force Stealth. The sv fo force stealth checks is to be done by the

Hatred (dark side)

Force Point Cost - 4

Time to activate - 1 action

Duration - 1 melee

Effect - 2d6 damage to opponents follwoed with -2/10% to all opponents combat/skill rolls and

Heal another (light side)

Force Point Cost - 1-6

Time to activate - 2 actions

Duration - instant

Effect - 1 (Stabilize and heal target of 1d6 sdc), 2 (stabilize and heal target of 2d4 sdc and 1d4
hp), 4 (stabillize and heal 2d6 sdc and 2d4 hp), 6 (stabilize and heal target of 3d6 sdc and 2d6

Heal self

Force Point Cost - 0-4

Time to activate - 2 actions

Duration - instant

Effect - 0 (Stabilize and heal target of 1d6 sdc), 1 (stabilize and heal target of 2d4 sdc and 1d4
hp), 2 (stabillize and heal 2d6 sdc and 2d4 hp), 4 (stabilize and heal target of 3d6 sdc and 2d6


Force Point Cost - 3-10

Time to activate - 1 action

Duration - 1 melee per 3 levels of experience

Effect - illusion seems real unless sv vs ME+level/3 of user. Minimum 14. 3 (100m range), 5
(10km range), 8 (100km range), 10 (1000km range)

Inspire (light side)

Force Point Cost - 6 +3-18

Time to activate - 2 actions

Duration - 4 melees per FP spent

Effect - +1/5% to all combat/skills rolls and saves per 4 levels of experience
Malachia (light side)

Force Point Cost - 6

Time to activate - 1 action

Duration - 1d4+1 melees

Effect - stuns target. Half all combat bonuses and skill levels


Requiremnts - Minimum level of 4 in a force user class

Force Point Cost - 6

Time to activate - 1 action

Duration - 1 melee per level of experience

Effect - +4/+20% to all combat/skill rolls involving machines


Requirements - min unprincipled alignment required and force user level of 7

Force Point Cost - 16

Time to activate - 2 actions

Duration - Special

Effect - Target is placed in an unconscious state until they are attacks or a force power is used on
them. If the target fails with a natural 1 they die adn the force user gets a dark side strike
against them. If the target should die while in the unconscious state (due to not be tended to
during it's unconscious state, ie dehydration etc) the force user also gains a dark side strike
against them. This power can be used to also extend a force trance indefinitely. Targets can
last 1 day per point of ME before dehydration/starvation will start to take effect. A force user can
last 1 month per point of ME.

Plant surge (light side)

Force Point Cost - 1

Time to activate - 1 action

Duration - instant
Effect - causes plant life to surge in growth by 1m per levels of experience

See force

Force Point Cost - 3

Time to activate - 2 action

Duration - 1 melee

Effect - Allows the character to sense force users within 100m per level of experience. You can
also focus on a single individual in the same manner to determine if they are of lesser, equal, or
higher power than you are.

Sever force (light side)

Force Point Cost - 20. Opponents are -5 to sv versus this power

Time to activate - 2 actions

Duration - permanent

Effect - successful use of this power will permanently sever willing access to the force by the
targeted force user. They MAY still be able to access the force on instinct when under duress.
50% chance. In Game terms it is up to the GM as to if and/or when the targets pwoers will work.
The target can no longer conscously use their force powers or abilities.

Sith sorcery (dark side)

Force Point Cost - 4

Time to activate - free

Duration - 1 minute

Effect - +1/5% to all combat/skill rolls and save per 2 levels of experience

Summon storm

Force Point Cost - 10 for first 10 minutes +5 per 10 minutes afterwards

Time to activate - 2 actions, mainting the storm is free after the initial use
Duration - see above

Effect - the use of this power causes a storm to arise in a radius of 100m per level of experience.
The force user may make the storm as small or large as they wish in 100m increments as they
increase in level as long as it is within the radius they can create. (IE a 15th level force user
could creat a storm 100m in radius or a storm as large 1.5km in radius). In normal or wet
environments this means windsm rain and lightning come crashing down causing disctractions
and random lightning strikes. All withint he storm will have visibility reduced and may be struck
by lightning. -2/10% to all combat rolls, perception and skill checks due ot teh winds and rains
distracting them. In an arid environment this would mean sandstorms etc. In a frozen
environment this would mean a blizzard. In these two instances double the penalites. Random
lightning strike are still possible in arid and frozen environments.


Force Point Cost - 1 +1-32 depending on weight involved (see below)

Time to activate - special see below

Duration - 1 melee

Effect - object is lifted and moved. This power can also be used to shove someone, increase the
distance of a leap, to strike a target (like punching them),injur a target (damage too hit points), or
create a whirlwind


Weight FP Cost

0-5kg 1 1 action + 1 action per 6m of movement

5.1-50kg 2 1 action + 1 action per 6m of movement
50.1-500kg 4 1 action + 1 action per 6m of movement
500.1-5000kg 8 2 action + 1 action per 6m of movement
5000.1-50,000kg 16 3 action + 1 action per 6m of movement
50,000.1-500,000kg 32 4 action + 1 action per 6m of movement


Force Point Cost - depends on weight

Time to activate - 1 action

Duration - Instant

Effect - Target is shoved back 2d4 feet. Living targets get to save vs this power. Success still
moves target bback 2d4 feet but no loss of initiative or actions. Failed save, initiative is lost as is
the targets next action to recover.

Increase distance of leap by 3m per FP spent (3FP equals 9m)

---injure (dark side)

Force Point Cost - 4

Time to activate - 1 action

Duration - instant

Effect - 3d6 damage direct to hit points power action the power is in use.

---strike (possibly dark side)

Force Point Cost - 2

Time to activate - 1 action

Duration - instant

Effect - 2d6 damage. Using this on living targets is a dark side use.


Force POint Cost - 6

Time to activate - 2 actions

Duration - 1 melee per level of experience

Effect - creates a spinning whirlwind that may cause lights/loose objects to take flight around the
force user. being struck by these objects can and will do damage to those struck. -2 to avoid
being struck (but avoiding is a free action). Light objects will do 1d6 per strike.


Force Point Cost - 3

Time to activate - free action to contact a closely related force user (Parent/sibling). 1 action to
contact a closely related non force user (parent/Sibling) or any force user. 2 actions to contact a
non force user.

Duration - instant

Effect - two way communication can be had between the force user and one other.
Communication is limited to single words or ideas. Range is 1000m per level of experience
when trying to contact a non force user and 1000km per level of experience when tryng to contact
another force user.

Transfer essence (dark side)

Force Point Cost - half of fp remaining

Time to activate - 2 actions

Duration - Permanent

Effect - the force user transfers his essence/soul into a target body. If this into a prepared empty
body (IE clone) then there is no effect beyond the force user now residing in a new host body.
When trying to inhabit a sentient being then a battle of wills ensues. Both must roll a d20 and
add their ME/2. Highest roll wins. A natural 20 by the "defender" automatically wins regardless
of totals unless the "attacker" also rolls a natural 20 just as a natural 20 by the "attacker"
automatically wins regardless of totals unless the "defender" also rolls a natural 20. A succesful
use of this skill them overwrites the IQ, MA, and ME scores of the target with those of the force
user while the remaining attributes remain the same. Failure means you can never attempt to
occupy that body again and must find another target to occupy as your original body is burned up
in the attempt. You may repeatedly attempt to occupy a body within 10m per level of experience
as long as you still have force points to do so. If there is no other bodies to occupy then you are
lost to the force.

Force Abilities


Time to activate - not applicable

Duration - not applicable

Effect - +2 to all bonuses given by enhance ability. +2/4/6/8 HP/SDC to heal self uses


Time to activate - not applicable

Duration - not applicable

Effect - +2 on all bonuses given by enhance senses. Opponents are -2 to sv vs see force use.

Time to activate - not applicable

Duration - not applicable

Effect - +2/4/6/8 HP/SDC to all heal another uses.

Drain force (dark side)

Time to activate - 1 action

Duration - instant

Effect - temporarily gains 1d6 force points for 1d6 melee rounds by draining them from the target


Time to activate - not applicable

Duration - not applicable

Effect - +2 to strike with force strike. opponents are -2 to sv vs force stealth

Force pilot

Time to activate - not applicable

Duration - not applicable

Effect - +20% to all piloting skills, +2 to dodge while piloting a vehicle

Force mastery

Requirement - minimum level of 5 in a force using class

Time to activate - not applicable

Duration - equal to power being used

Effect - allows the force user to use a 1 action power for free.
--High force mastery

Requirements - Must have force mastery and a minimum level of 10 in a force using class

Time to activate - not applicable

Duration - equal to power being used

Effect - allows the force user to use a 2 action power for 1 action

Guiding spirit

Time to activate - 1 melee

Duration - 3d4 melees or until the conversation/encounter is over

Effect - if successful (roll percentile, 1-40 spirit appears, 41-00 spirit does not appear) a force user
of close relationship (parent, master) to the character will appear to give advice when needed.
Note if the character is acting out of anger or has fallen to the darkside (evil alignment) this ability
can noot be used.

Lightweapon/Force(Sith) Weapon defense

Time to activate - free

Duration - not applicable

Effect - +2 to parry with a lightsabre/force/sith weapon

--Lightweapon/Force(Sith) Weapon Expert Defense

Requirements - Lightweapon/Force(Sith) Weapon defense

Time to activate - free

Duration - not appllicable

Effect - additonal +2 to parry with a lightsabre/force/sith weapon (+4 total)

--Lightweapon/Force(Sith) Weapon Master Defense

Requirements - Lightweapon/Force(Sith) Weapon defense, Lightweapon/Force(Sith) Weapon

Expert Defense
Time to activate - free

Duration - not applicable

Effect - +2 to parry with a lightsabre/force/sith weapon (+6 total)


Time to activate - not applicable

Duration - not applicable

Effect - +10% to all farseeing uses

Malevolent (dark side)

Time to activate - free

Duration - not applaicable

Effect - opponents are -2 to save vs the force power of fear and tk (injure)


Time to activate - not applicable

Duration - not applicable

Effect - additional +2 to all combat rolls if using Battlemind, +2 to sv vs force powers

Mind trick

Time to activate - not applicable

Duration - not applicable

Effect - opponents are -2 to sv against the force powers of affect mind and illusion

Time to activate - 1 action

Duration - instant

Effect - user gets a vision (1d4 seconds of time) of the item in use by it's owner an the state of
mind of the owner. Roll percentile

1-10 - vision of the last moments of it's possession

11-30 - vision of an important moment it was present
31-50 - visions of two important moments it was present
51-80 - visions of multiple (1d6) important moments it was present
81-98 - vision of one significantly imortant moment it was present (1d6 minutes)
99-00 - vision of two significantly imortant moment it was present (1d6 minutes each)

Perspective of the vision is that of the person in possession of hte object at the time the vision
takes place

Rage (dark side)

Time to activate - 1 action

Duration - 2 melees + 1 per 3 levels of experience

Effect - +4 to hth damage, +2d6sdc, +2 strike, -2 parry/dodge. Once elapsed half all attacks and
combat bonuses for 1 hour.

Force Techniques

Force trance

Force POint Cost - 1

Time to activate - 4 melees

Duration - Minimum 20 melees (5 minutes) until the character comes out of the trance

Effect - +20% on farseeing uses, also allows the character to get the equivalent of 1 hour of rest
every 20 melees (5 minutes)

Healing trance

Force Point Cost - 1

Time to activate - 4 melees

Duration - Minimum 40 melees (10 minutes) until the character decides to come out of the trance

Effect - doubles the characters healing

Sense surroundings

Force Point Cost - 2

Time to activate - automatic (danger sense), or focussed (purposeful sensing)

Duration - instant

Effect - Danger sense - cannot be surprised attacked even from behind, +6 initiative during first
melee of combat, +8 parry/dodge the first attack against the character. Focussed - Allowws the
characer to sense all life forms in a 10m radius per level of experience.

Lightsabre/Force Weapon Forms

Lightsaber/Force Weapon combat referred to several schools of martial arts specialized in,
though not limited to, fighting with a lightsaber. Such fighting forms were required to compensate
for or take advantage of the unique attributes of lightsabers, notably the odd balance of the
weapon, all of the weight being in the hilt, and the omni-directional cutting edge. The most
prominent lightsaber-oriented combat styles were the seven forms of the Jedi Order, though other
organizations were known to have developed their own styles and the Sith styles were essentially
the same as the Jedi.

The various combat forms owed their unique focuses and methods to the eras in which they were
created, as they were oftentimes developed to answer a new generation of weapons technology.
For example, the dueling-centric Form II form was created during a time when Dark Jedi and
rogue Force-wielders ran rampant through the galaxy, and Lightsaber duels became a common
occurrence, whereas Form III was developed when such confrontations were rare, and Jedi were
more likely to confront Blaster-wielding opponents and gunslingers rather than lightsaber duelists.
(Source - Wookieepedia)

Note - Forms II-VI (VII is treated differently from the other forms) all stack with each other as well
as on to Form I (WP) bonuses. Forms are increased like skills however so that if you Choose
Form III at level 5 it starts at level one proficiency while your other forms (I plus whatever other
form you chose to start with) would be at 5th level proficiency. The exceptions are Multiple
Forms Is do not stack on each other as they are your basic WP for that class of weapon.

--Form I--

This is the basic proficiency taught in order to use a Lightsabre/weapon. This is WP Lightsabre
(which includes standard Lightsabre, Shoto, Dual-phase Lightsabre, Great Lightsabre/Lightclub,
and Long Handle Lightsabre). Conversely, the character may choose to take Form I in WP Dual
Bladed Lightsabre/staff, WP Guard Shoto, WP Lightsabre Pike/Polearm, or WP Lightwhip.
Special note, Lightwhip essentially restricts the use of additional forms in their traditional
methods. Reduce bonuses by half if using a lightwhip.

Conversely, depending on the era and the Jedi (or Jedi Weapon Masters and possible non
Jedi/Sith FOrce users like the Force Warrior), this form can also teach basic proficiency in older
weapons such as WP Force(Sith) Sword, WP Force(Sith) Staff, Force(Sith) Guard Blade,
Force(Sith) Polearm, and Force(Sith) Whip. These weapons were specially made and are more
traditional melee weapons of a physical nature but are also imbued with the force and as such
are capable of doing just about everything a lightweapon can including parrying a lightweapon as
well as blasters etc.

This form MUST be taken to learn and properly utilize each WP you may wish to have. IE WP
Lightsabre is Form I. If you wish to learn another weapon you essentially take Form I again
though in this case it only counts against a skill selection not a later form selection. This allows
the character to use all his/her forms with all FOrm I's known. All subsequent form selections
however are chosen as a specific form selection at the appropriate levels.

WP Lightsabre/Force(Sith) Sword - See WP Sword Rifts GMG Page 81

WP Dual Bladed Lightsabre/staff/Force(sith) Staff - See WP Staff Rifts GMG Page 81

WP Guard Shoto/Force(Sith) Guard Blade - +1 strike at level 2, 4, 8, 12. +1 parry at level 1, 3,

7, 11, 15.

WP Lightsabre Pike/Polearm/Force(Sith) Polearm - See WP Polearm Rifts GMG Page 80

WP Lightwhip/Force(sith) Whip - See WP Whip Rifts GMG Page 81

WP Jar-Kai - See WP Paired Weapons Rifts GMG page 80

Note - Jar-Kai is taught as an offshoot of Form VI but it is not necessary to choose that form to
learn it. Jar-Kai is chosen as regular "skill"

--Form II--

Form II, also known as Makashi, The Way of the Ysalamiri, or The Contention Form, was the
second of the seven classic forms of lightsaber combat. Developed for the purpose of lightsaber-
to-lightsaber combat, to address the failings of Form I, Makashi was the most dueling-centric of
the seven classical forms. Relying on precision and efficiency over Shii-Cho's wild, sweeping
motions, Form II allowed an initiate to defend himself against an opponent with minimal effort,
while placing a heavy focus on avoiding disarmament. (Source - Wookieepedia)

Minimum IQ 16 required to learn this form

Parry + 1 at level 1, 5, 9, 13

Strike +1 at level 3, 7, 11, 15

Critical hit on a natural 19+ at level 1, 18+ at level 6, 17+ at level 10, 16+ at level 14

Reduce penalties on called strikes by 1 at level 4, 8, 12

--Form III--

Form III, also known as Soresu, the Way of the Mynock, or the Resilience Form, was the third of
the seven classic forms of lightsaber combat that was recognized by the Jedi Council prior to and
during the Clone Wars. Soresu was developed during the widespread emergence of blasters as
an offensive weapon. Essentially a development on Form I blast-deflect training, Soresu relied on
tight bladework and subtle dodges to provide maximum defensive coverage, minimizing exposure
to ranged weaponry. Over time, Soresu transcended this basic origin, and came to be considered
the ultimate expression of non-aggressive Jedi philosophy. (source - Wookieepedia)

No requirements needed to learn this form

Parry +1 at level 1, 5, 9, 13

Strike +1 at level 3, 7, 11, 15

Reduce penalty to deflect/parry ranged weapons by at at level 2, 6, 10, 14

ReDirect energy blasts at another target on a successful parry d20 +1 at level 4, 8, 12

--Form IV--

Form IV, also known as Ataru, the Way of the Hawk-Bat, or The Aggression Form, was the fourth
of the seven forms of lightsaber combat. The history of Ataru stretched back through the Old
Republic, to at least as early as the Mandalorian Wars, where it was commonly employed by Jedi
of that day. Ataru continued to be a common form among the Jedi in the latter stages of the
Republic, and was also known to be employed by the Sith.

An aggressive style, Form IV was fast-paced and effective against single opponents, though
weaker in prolonged combat and confined spaces. Also, it was not recommended for use against
opponents wielding blasters. Ataru was characterized by Force-assisted acrobatics, such as
somersaults and leaping strikes, both for attack and defense. (Source - Wookieepedia)

Minimum PP 16 and the acrobatics skill are required to learn this form

Parry +1 at level 1, 5, 9, 13

Strike +1 at level 3, 7, 11, 15

For every 2 levels of the acrobatic skill the Jedi gets a +1 to strike or parry. The total bonus
must be divided appropriately atthe start of each melee round. IE a Jedi with 6th level
acrobatics gets a total of an additional +3 to strike or parry. This can be split +3 strike/0 Parry,
+2 strike/+1 parry, +1 strike/+2 parry, or 0 strike/+3 parry but it must be declared at the beginning
of each melee round.

--Form V--
Form V, also known by its two primary disciplines of Shien and Djem So, as well as The Way of
the Krayt Dragon or The Perseverance Form, was the fifth of seven forms recognized as canon
by the last Jedi Council for lightsaber combat. It was developed by practitioners of Form III who
felt that the defensively-minded form would unnecessarily extend time spent in combat by forcing
its users to wait for an opportunity to strike rather than create their own openings. Form V combat
was characterized by power attacks and defense immediately followed by a counter-strike.

Shien, considered the classical variant of Form V, was more adept at blocking blaster bolts than
for blade-to-blade combat, whereas Djem So was developed later and was specifically intended
for use in lightsaber combat. Both Shien and Djem So were designed to use an opponent's attack
against them, as evidenced by Shien's focus on returning blaster bolts to their origin and Djem
So's emphasis on immediate counter-attacks. Although some Jedi felt that Form V encouraged
aggression and domination, that sentiment did not stop many Jedi from practicing the form.
(Source - Wookieepedia)

Minimum PS 16 is required to learn this form

Parry +1 at level 1, 5, 9, 13

Strike +1 at level 3, 7, 11, 15

-1 to strike on your oppoents next attack if they successfully parry your attack at level 2, 6, 10, 14

+1 to strike on your next attack if you successfully parry your opponents attack ay level 4, 8, 12

--Form VI--

Form VI, also known as Niman, the Way of the Rancor, the Moderation Form, and the diplomat's
form, was the sixth form of the seven forms of lightsaber combat. This fighting style was a hybrid
martial art created by effectively combining elements of the preceding lightsaber forms into a
single, generalized form. Niman balanced out between the various specializations of the other
forms, covering many of the basic moves, but focusing on overall moderation. This resulted in a
fighting style that lacked a significant advantage, but also lacking any serious drawbacks, and
thereby not leaving adherents as exposed as some of the more aggressive or specialized forms.
Overall, Niman had a fairly relaxed focus on bladework, designed as a simple, easily mastered
fighting form for Jedi who preferred to devote most of their time to study and diplomacy. Despite
this, it could be absolutely deadly in the hands of a skilled practitioner, as demonstrated by such
notables as Exar Kun. (Source - Wookieepedia)

No requirements needed to learn this form

Parry +1 at level 1, 5, 9, 13

Strike +1 at level 3, 7, 11, 15

Reduce penalty to deflect/parry ranged weapons by at at level 2, 8

For every 3 levels of the acrobatic skill the Jedi gets a +1 to strike or parry. The total bonus
must be divided appropriately atthe start of each melee round. IE a Jedi with 6th level
acrobatics gets a total of an additional +3 to strike or parry. This can be split +2 strike/0 Parry,
+1 strike/+1 parry, or 0 strike/+2 parry but it must be declared at the beginning of each melee
round. (acrobatic skill required to get this bonus)
--Form VII-- (Only allowed at GMs discretion)

Form VII, also known as Juyo, the Way of the Vornskr, or the Ferocity Form, was the seventh of
seven forms recognized as canon for lightsaber combat by the last Jedi Council of the Old Jedi
Order. In use millennia prior to the Battle of Yavin, the Juyo incarnation of Form VII was
described as the most vicious form of lightsaber combat and was said to involve significant
internal focus on the part of the user. Juyo had many practitioners throughout the years, including
Jedi Masters Kavar, Zez-Kai Ell, and Vrook Lamar. As time passed, knowledge of Form VII
became restricted among the Jedi Order, whose members were worried that its precepts would
lead practitioners toward the dark side. In contrast, members of the Sith, such as Darth Maul,
employed Juyo without reservation, as did Dark Jedi such as Galen Marek.

In the later days of the Old Republic, a new variation of Form VII, dubbed Vaapad after a creature
native to the planet Sarapin, was created by Jedi Masters Mace Windu and Sora Bulq. Vaapad
was explained as being a state of mind rather than just a fighting style, allowing the wielder to
channel his own inner darkness into the duel, and accept the fury of the opponent. Windu, Bulq,
and Windu's Padawan Depa Billaba were three notable practitioners of the Vaapad variant.
Records of both Juyo and Vaapad survived the Great Jedi Purge and were recovered by the New
Jedi Order, who preserved the records of Form VII into the Sith–Imperial War. (Source -

Minimum IQ/PS/ME 16 is required to learn this form

Parry + 1 at level 1, 5, 9, 13

Strike +1 at level 3, 7, 11, 15

Critical hit on a natural 19+ at level 1, 18+ at level 6, 17+ at level 10, 16+ at level 14

Reduce penalties on called strikes by 1 at level 4, 8, 12

Reduce penalty to deflect/parry ranged weapons by at at level 2, 6, 10, 14

Redirect energy blasts at another target on a successful parry. Roll d20 +1 at level 4, 8, 12

-1 to strike on your oppoents next attack if they successfully parry your attack at level 2, 6, 10, 14

+1 to strike on your next attack if you successfully parry your opponents attack ay level 4, 8, 12

Special Note 1 - This form is special in that once it is acquired the bonuses available are equal to
the characters level. In other words once acquired (usually at minimum levle 10) the character get
all bonuses given from level 1-10. However gaining this Form also negates all previously known
forms except for Form I, Form VII is now THE form you know. It is in essence equal to 3 forms
in one. That is the sacrifice made to learn this form. The one notable exception to this is The
Weapon Master who can learn more than the 3 forms a typical Jedi can learn. In this instance
the Weapon master ust choose 3 forms to lose.

Special Note 2 - Lightside Characters using this form can "fall" towards the darkside more easily
due to the use on ones emotions being required to make this form so effective. Reduce the
number of strikes needed to drop an alignment level.
Chapter 3 - The Jedi

The Jedi Order, later known as the Old Jedi Order and referred to as the Holy Order of the Jedi
Knights, was an ancient monastic peacekeeping organization unified by its belief and observance
of the Force, specifically the light side. The Jedi were the guardians of peace and justice in the
Galactic Republic, and became perhaps the most well known of the various groups that relied on
the Force for their power. Led by a series of Jedi Councils, the Order grew over the millennia
despite facing many trials. Most often these threats were engineered by the Sith, the most
prominent group of Force sensitives who wielded the dark side of the Force.

During several Great Schisms, numerous Jedi broke away from the original Order due to
differences in how they believed the Force should be wielded. The various impasses reached by
the orthodox Jedi and the defectors led to several wars, including the Hundred-Year Darkness,
after which the defectors were exiled and founded the Sith Empire. The Sith were eventually
found by the Republic and their discovery led to the Great Hyperspace War, and a Sith invasion
of Coruscant. The Jedi on Coruscant, led by Jedi Guardian Anavus Svag and Jedi Master Memit
Nadill, successfully defended the planet and defeated the Sith. Again and again however, the Sith
would be reborn from within the ranks of the Jedi Order, and many more wars would be fought.
Additionally, the ancient Sith Empire had not been as completely destroyed as the Jedi believed,
and over the next thousand years, it reformed and grew.

A thousand years later, after the Great Sith War, the Sith Empire manipulated the Mandalorians
into attacking the indolent Republic. The Jedi Council forbade the Order's members from
participating in the following war, but two Jedi, Revan and Alek Squinquargesimus, garnered the
support of many of their peers and entered the war on the side of the Republic. Prevailing after a
long and bloody conflict, Revan and the Jedi who had followed him disappeared after the war's
final battle. When they returned, they had turned to the dark side, and during the war that
followed most of the Jedi Order was either destroyed or seduced by Revan's teachings. During
the aftermath the Order was left numbering less than one-hundred Jedi. In light of this, the
remaining members of the Jedi Council officially disbanded the Order. Shortly thereafter, nearly
all the remaining Jedi were consumed by Darth Nihilus when they convened on Katar. However,
the exiled Jedi Knight Meetra Surik defeated the Sith Triumvirate of Darth's Nihilus, Sion, and
Traya, and reformed the Order with the help of the Lost Jedi.

About three hundred years after the Jedi Civil War, the ancient Sith Empire had again become
strong enough to directly challenge the Jedi and the Republic for control over the galaxy. The
initial onslaught of the Sith Empire saw over half of the Republic's territory fall into Sith hands, but
the Republic managed to check the Sith's advance in the Mid-Rim. After a time, the Sith Empire
surprised the galaxy by offering a truce, which was accepted by the Republic. However, the Sith
used the lull in the war to launch a surprise attack on Coruscant. The capture of the Republic
capital allowed the Sith to extort many concessions from the Republic, and the resulting Treaty of
Coruscant was slanted heavily in the Empire's favor. This began the Cold War, which lasted for
about twenty years. Afterwards, the conflict began anew, and the Republic would eventually
emerge victorious.

Centuries later, the galaxy was again engulfed in a war between the Republic and the Sith. Led
by Lord Hoth, the Jedi were able to regroup and push back the Sith, who eventually withdrew to
the planet Ruusan. After seven long battles on Ruusan, the Sith were defeated and presumed
wiped out. One of them managed to survive and reorganize the Sith Order. Though Darth Bane
and the Sith Lords that followed in his footsteps remained hidden, they were patient. Millennia
later, they revealed themselves, determined to have their revenge.
At the height of a separatist crisis, the Republic was split in two and a war once again engulfed
the galaxy. During the Clone Wars, the Republic's armies were once again led by the Jedi. During
the war's first battle, nearly two hundred Jedi died before Master Yoda and a Clone army arrived
to assist them. After nearly three years , the course of the war swung in the Republic's favor, and
total victory for the Jedi and the Republic seemed in sight. However, the war itself was simply the
penultimate stroke of the Sith Grand Plan, orchestrated by the Supreme Chancellor of the
Republic, Palpatine, who was in fact a Sith Master. The Jedi eventually learned the truth, but
could not stop the plan's execution; Palpatine turned Anakin Skywalker to the dark side and
instigated the Great Jedi Purge. The Order was virtually annihilated by the Sith and betrayed by
the Republic they had served for nearly all of it's existence. Only a few survived the Great Jedi
Purge. However, Anakin Skywalker, with the indirect help of his son, Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker,
eventually defeated the Sith, and Luke formed the New Jedi Order during the time of the New

The New Jedi Order was the restored and reformed Jedi Order, in the wake of the Great Jedi
Purge and subsequent fall of the Galactic Empire. The Jedi Knights, reduced in number to only a
handful, were slowly restored, primarily under the leadership of Luke Skywalker, son of the former
Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker.

Slow in developing, it existed for a number of years as a disparate group of Force-sensitives with
various degrees of training. After a first attempt to train new Knights was thwarted by the Reborn
Emperor, Luke Skywalker initiated the first formal training school for Jedi in decades—the Jedi
Praxeum on Yavin 4. Starting with an initial group of twelve students, the Order slowly grew in
numbers and stature, becoming a core part of the New Republic that sponsored it. This meant it
was repeatedly targeted by enemies of the Republic, such as Imperial Admiral Natasi Daala, the
Empire Reborn, and the Second Imperium. Members of the order were involved in many of the
key conflicts in the galaxy during the prime of the New Republic, including the Nagai–Tof War,
Operation Shadow Hand, the Black Fleet Crisis and the Corellian Crisis.

This involvement culminated in the Jedi involvement in the Yuuzhan Vong War. Despite their
commitment to defending the galaxy from this threat, the Order was vilified by the galaxy's
citizens, and was betrayed on numerous occasions. Their involvement in the war cost nearly half
the Order’s Knights. Out of this conflict, a more centralized Order was born. It would continue to
grow and serve the galaxy for decades to come, until the Sith–Imperial War once again dispersed
the Order and made its members fugitives. They subsequently returned to their place in the
galaxy at the end of the Second Imperial Civil War.

Jedi OCC

Alignment - No lower than anarchist

Training Philosophies

Jedi Guardian

Attribute requirement - None but high PS, PP, and PE are recommended.

Force Points - ME + 1d6 + 2d6 per level starting at level 2

Battle Mind
Enhance Ability
Enhance Senses
Force Defense
Heal Self

*Instructor gets Empathy

*Weapon Master gets Force Strike

Choose 1 at level 1 +1 at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, 15


Lightsaber Defense

*Ace gets Force Pilot

*Peacekeeper gets Mettle

Choose 3 at level one +1 at level 2,4,6,8,10,12,14


Healing Trance
Sense Surroundings

Lightsaber Training:

Form I (WP Lightsaber which includes long handle, dual phase, and shoto. May choose WP
Lightsaber staff, WP Lightsaber pike, or WP Guard Shoto instead with gm approval)

Choose a form from II - VI. (VII is up to the gm).

Typically form IV or V is chosen.

*Weapon Master may choose an additional form at levels 2,5,8,11,14

*All others may choose an additional form at levels 4,10 Treat like a skill using the level of the -
Form- not the character to determine benefits.

Combat Training:

HtH - Zanji Shinjinken-Ryu (See rifts gmg)

+2 attacks
+4 initiative
+1d4 to ps pp and pe
Auto-dodge (see Juicer Rifts Ultimate Edition)
10+ save vs force powers
+4d6 sdc
+2d6 hp
+4 save vs gases
Auto save vs HF unless it's a Sith/Dark Side creature or spirit then +6 to save.

Jedi Consular

Attribute requirement - none but high IQ and MA are recommended.

Force Points - ME + 1d6 + 1d6 per level starting at level 2


Force Defense
Heal Self

*Ambassador gets Affect Mind

*Healer gets Heal Another

*Seer gets Farseeing

Choose 3 at level 1 +1 at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, 15


Lightsaber Defense

*Scholar gets Psychometry

Choose 1 at level one +1 at level 2,4,6,8,10,12,14


Healing Trance
Sense Surroundings

Lightsaber Training Form I (WP Lightsaber which included Long Handle, Dual Phase and Shoto.
May choose WP Lightsaber staff, WP Lightsaber Pike, or WP Guard Shoto instead with gm

Choose a form from II - VI. (VII is up to the gm)

Typically form VI is chosen.

Choose an additional form at levels 5, 11 Treat like a skill using the -level- of the form not the
character to determine benefits.

Combat Training

HtH - Judo (see Rifts GMG)

+2 attacks
+4 initiative
+1d4 to IQ, MA and PE
Auto-dodge (see Juicer Rifts Ultimate Edition)
10+ save vs force powers
+3d6 SDC +1d6 HP
+6 save vs gases
Auto Save vs HF unless it's a Sith/Dark Side creature or Spirit then +4 to save.

Jedi Sentinel

Attribute requirement - none but above average attributes are recommended.

Force points - ME + 1d6 + 2d4 per level starting at level 2


See Force
Enhance Senses
Force Defense
Heal Self

*Technician gets Mech-Deru

*Law Enforcer get Force Strike

Choose 2 at level 1 +1 at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, 15


Lightsaber Defense

*Investigator gets Psychometry

Choose 2 at level one +1 at level 2,4,6,8,10,12,14


Healing Trance
Sense Surroundings
Lightsaber Training: Form I (WP Lightsaber which included Long Handle, Dual Phase and Shoto.
May choose WP Lightsaber Staff, WP Lightsaber Pike, or WP Guard Shoto instead with gm

Choose a form from II - VI. (VII is up to the GM)

Typically form III is chosen.

Choose an additional form at levels 4, 11 Treat like a skill using the level of the -Form- not the
character to determine benefits.

Combat Training

HtH - Kendo (see Rifts GMG)

+2 attacks
+4 initiative
+1d4 to PE +1d4 to TWO of the following: IQ, MA, PS, PP
Autododge (see Juicer Rifts Ultimate Edition)
10+ save vs Force Powers
+3d6+3 SDC +2d4 HP
+5 save vs gases
Auto save vs HF unless it's a Sith/Dark Side Creature or Spirit then +5 to save.

OCC Skills:

Speak Native Language +40%

Literate Native Language +30%
Speak Basic +40%
Literate Basic +30%
Radio Basic +25%
Math Basic +30%
General Repair and Maintenance +25%
Pilot Land Speeder or Speeder Bike +20%
Computer Operation +20%
Swimming +15%

MOS get a +20% bonus where applicable

Jedi Guardian MOS

Weapon Master:

Choose 3 Physical
Choose 4 Ancient WP
Armourer/Field Armourer


Jedi Lore
Sith Lore
Choose 2 Lightsaber skills (wp dual blade, wp shoto, wp pike, jar'kai, etc)


Read Sensors
Weapon Systems
Choose 4 piloting skills


Galactic Law
Pick 2 languages
Pick 1 Piloting
Detect Ambush
Streetwise Intelligence
Detect Concealment

Jedi Consular MOS


Galactic Law
Choose 3 languages
Choose 3 literacy (Usually match)


First Aid
Holistic Medicine
Read Sensors
Entomological Medicine
Field Surgery


Surveillance Systems


Jedi Lore
Sith Lore
Galactic Lore

Jedi Sentinel MOS


Computer Programming
Basic Electronics
Basic Mechanics
Jury Rig
Choose 4 skills from electrical and/or mechanical (May also choose computer hacking)

Law Enforcer:

Galactic Law
Detect Concealment
Detect Ambush
Read Sensors
Sector law (pick a sector)
Pick 1 WP
Eyeball a fella (see rifts ultimate vagabond)


Galactic Law
Detect Concealment
Surveillance Systems
Criminal Sciences
Find Contraband

Occ Related Skills:

Choose 5 +1 at levels 2,4,7,9,12,14

Communication - any +15%

Cowboy - none
Domestic - +5%
Electrical - Basic only if not Technical MOS. Technical MOS is any. +10%
Espionage - None unless Peacekeeper, Law Enforcer, or Investigator then any. +10%
Horsemanship - any +15%
Mechanical - Basic or Automotive only unless Technical MOS then any +10%
Medical - First Aid or Paramedic only +15%
Military - Any +10%
Physical - Any +10% where applicable
Pilot - Any +10%
Pilot Related - Any +15%
Rogue - None unless Peacekeeper, Law Enforcer, or Investigator then any +10%
Science - any +15%
Technical - +15%
WP Ancient - None unless Weapon Master then any.
WP Modern - None unless Weapon Master then any.
Wilderness - Any +15%

Secondary Skills:

Choose 4 +1 at levels 3,5,8,13,16


Funds needed are usually supplied by the Order or the Republic as necessary.
Typically 1d6x1000 credits are given with remaining funds expected to be returned at the end of a
mission. More can be requested depending on the mission.

Note: new Jedi order era Jedi have their own financial resources as well as each Jedi possibly
having financial resources of their own instead of the republic/alliance supplying funds by and


The only weapon typically carried by a Jedi is their Lightsaber/Light weapon. The most notable
exception to this is the Weapon Master. They typically have a weapon for each WP they possess,
and typically only carry 1D4 weapons on their person including their Lightsaber.
A Jedi may possess additional weapons at the discretion of the GM

Note: New Jedi Order, Jedi, are much more likely to carry additional weapons on their person.


Clothing, Jedi generally only have their Jedi robes and rarely if ever wear anything else. They
may have a set of dress clothes for special functions, or flight suits.

Note: New Jedi Order Jedi will typically have work clothes, dress clothes, and flight suits in
addition to their robes. Some may have entire wardrobes depending on their missions or
appointed positions.


Jedi staying at Jedi facilities (Temple, Academy, etc) are given free room and board.
Accommodations are typical a small room with a bed, meditation chair, comm/data terminal, and
bathroom facilities. While in the field, the Order will typically arrange for accommodations, or the
Jedi them self will arrange for it.

Note: New Jedi Order, Jedi, are allowed to marry and as such are given accommodations
accordingly. This includes child accommodation if a child is born to the couple. Also, some Jedi
have private residences away from Jedi facilities. There are also a number of safe houses around
the galaxy.


Travel is generally arranged by the order. In some cases the Jedi may be supplied with a craft to
take themselves wherever they need to go. These craft are returned to the order upon completion
of the mission typically.

Note: New Jedi Order ,Jedi, typically have a craft they use regularly and is considered "theirs".
Usually an X-Wing fighter. Some Jedi may even have their or personal vehicles and/or starships.


Does not start with any. Can and will get prosthetics (bio systems typically) to recover from
wounds and injuries.

Chapter 4 - The Sith

The Sith Order was a sect of Force-sensitives who utilized the dark side of the Force. The term
"Sith" originally referred to a species of aliens native to the planets Korriban and Ziost, who were
later enslaved and ruled by exiled Dark Jedi from the Galactic Republic. These Dark Jedi had
once been members of the Jedi Order, a monastic Force religion dedicated to peace through the
use of the light side of the Force. The Dark Jedi, who refused to rely exclusively on the light side,
challenged the Jedi by giving in to the dark side, which started the Hundred-Year Darkness.
However, they had been defeated and subsequently exiled from known space, which led to their
discovery of the Sith species. Following centuries of interbreeding and mixing of cultures between
the aliens and the exiles, the Sith would no longer be identified by their race, but by their
dedication to the ancient Sith philosophy. This religious order would survive in many different
incarnations throughout galactic history. The rise of a new leader, or Dark Lord, would often
cause drastic reorganizations in the cult, however the Sith would always be characterized by their
lust for power and their desire to destroy the Jedi Order.

The Sith were the most infamous of all dark side religions, and the members of the cult were
often seen as the pinnacle of power within the dark side. Throughout their long history, the Sith
commanded several Empires and initiated many galactic wars. With such great influence, the Sith
religion inspired many cults that weren't technically part of the Sith Order, nor did they consist of
actual Sith. Instead, they were founded and made up of Sith devotees and other Force-sensitives
dedicated to prolonging the teachings and the memory of the Sith. Such cults included the
Naddists, the Disciples of Ragnos, and the Krath.

The Sith believed that conflict was the only true test of one's ability, and so emphasized its
importance. It was their belief that conflict challenged both individuals and civilizations, and so
forced them to grow and evolve. They believed that the avoidance of conflict–like the pacifist
teachings of the Jedi–resulted in stagnation and decline.

Another purpose served by conflict was the elevation of the strong and the death of the weak. By
encouraging strife, the strong were able to exercise their power while the weak were weeded
from the ranks of the Sith. A core tenet to Sith philosophy was self-reliance and the idea that an
individual only deserved what they were strong enough to take. Likewise, morality was treated as
an obstacle to be overcome, as it got in the way of a Sith's ability to recognize and seize
opportunities for advancement and self-empowerment.

Such philosophies were embraced and taught at Sith academies, where students were
encouraged to challenge one another and fight for prestige that would be recognized by the
headmaster of the academy. At the academy on Korriban during the Jedi Civil War, students
were tasked with gaining prestige so they might become one of the "chosen few" accepted into
the ranks of Darth Malak's Sith Empire. The strife to achieve prestige caused rivalries and
animosity between the students, as there were few tasks that offered prestige, and many
prospective Sith. Similarly, the students of the academy during the New Sith Wars were pitted
against each other in dueling sessions atop the academy. It was during these dueling sessions
that intense rivalries were formed - rivalries that resulted in the deaths of students Fohargh and
Sirak at the hands of Darth Bane.

The cornerstone of a Sith's power was emotion. While the Jedi taught that fear, anger, and pain
were negative emotions to be overcome, the Sith believed that these strong emotions were
natural, and aided individuals in their survival. By harnessing their emotions rather than
suppressing them, the Sith believed they could achieve true power. This belief was in stark
contrast to that of the Jedi's, who strived to place themselves beyond such base emotions.
Indeed, the Sith saw passion as the only real way to fully understand the Force. However, the
Sith believed strongly that the worthy could control their emotions and use them, while the weak
were ruled by them. In accordance, Dark Lady Lumiya refused to accept Jacen Solo as a Sith
Lord until he was able to control his anger instead of becoming a slave to it, and Freedon Nadd
renounced his faith in Exar Kun shortly before his destruction, when he discovered the limitless
ambition Kun served.

However, not all emotions were embraced by the Sith. They, like the Jedi, considered 'love' a
dangerous emotion, but for different reasons. The Jedi discouraged love because it led to
attachment, but the Sith taught that love led to mercy, which was anathema to them. While Darth
Sidious preyed on Anakin Skywalker's love for his wife in order to corrupt him, he had no intention
of allowing the relationship to survive Skywalker's fall to the dark side. Darth Bane had fallen in
love with fellow Sith pupil Githany, however he did not allow himself to retain any connections to
her, and did not regret her death on Ruusan. However, this didn't stop some Sith from taking
lovers and allowing themselves to feel this emotion. Darth Malgus, for example, had a lover,
Eleena Daru. In Malgus's case however, he eventually killed Daru as he realized that she
constituted an intolerable weakness.

Imperial/Sith OCCs (Imperial also refers to the Old Sith Empires of millenia past)

Emporer's Hand OCC (typically an NPC)

There are always tiems where secrecy and anonynimity are an asset and that is precisely why
the Hands exist. They are the scalpel to the Inquisitors sword. They act as assassins,
intelligence agents, and sabtouers across the galaxy in the name of their Emporer.

Alignment - Any (Typically anarchist or abberant)

Attribute Requirements - Minimum PS/PP/PE of 12

Force Points - ME +1d6, +1d4 per level starting at level 2

Powers - Enhance Ability, Enhance Sense, Heal Self, Telekinesis, Affect Mind, +1 at levels 4, 8,

Abilities - Mind Trick, Attuned, Aware +1 at levels 6, 11

Techniques - Sense Surroundings, Healing Trance

Combat Training

HTH Ninjitsu (See Rifts GMG)

WP Ancient - choose 2
WP Modern - Choose 2

+3 initiative
+1 attack
+1d4 to PP, PS, PE
+4 sv vs HF
+4 sv vs the force
+2d6 sdc
+2d4 hp
Autododge (See crazy in RUE)
+4 sv vs HF

Lightsabre/Force (Sith) Weapon Form I (WP Lightsabre typically but may choose a different one
with GM Approval)

OCC Skills

Speak Native Language 98%

Literacy Native Language 98%
Speak basic +40%
Literacy Basic +40%
Speak Language Pick 3 +25%
Radio Basic +30%
Crytpography +20%
Concealment +20%
Detect Concealment +20%
Disguise +20%
Imitate/Impersonate +20%
Intelligence +20%
Track (people) +20%
Wilderness Survival +20%
Prowl +20%
First Aid +15%
Pilot Speeder Bike +15%
Pilot Land Speeder +15%
Pilot Space Transport +15%
Astrogation +15%
Navigation +15%
Land Navigation +15%
Weapon Systems +15%
Read Sensrory Equipment +15%
Seduction +15%
Computer Operations +15%
Aerobic Athletics
General Athletics

OCC Related Skills

Choose 4 +1 at levels 2, 4, 7, 10, 12, 15

Communications - Any +15%

Cowboy - Any +5%
Domestic - Any +5%
Electical - Any +10%
Espionage - Any +25%
Horsemanship - Any +5%
Mechanical - Any +10%
Medical - Any +5%
Military - Any +20%
Physical - Any +20%
Pilot - Any +15%
Pilot related - Any +15%
Rogue - Any +15%
Science - Any +5%
Technical - Any +15%
WP Ancient - Any +15% where applicable
WP Modern -
Any +15%
where applicable
Wilderness - Any +15%

Secondary Skills

Choose 3 +1 at levels 3, 5, 8, 11, 14


Typically carries 1d6x1000 credits but has access to imperial accounts for additional funds if

Lightsabre + 1 weapon per WP possessed. +1d4 power cells where applicable.


Various types of clothing including combat fatigues, dress clothes and/or armour. Datapad,
carry all bag, tool kit, rations, medpac, survival equipment (tent, cantine etc) and various personal


Down time is usually spent at an Imperial facility and all needs provided for while there.


The Hand is generally provided a ship of their own to operate from. Light Freighter or scout
vessels are usually the ship of choice for their ease of modification and anonymity


The Hand may have prosthetics but does not start with any

Inquisitor OCC (Typically an NPC)

Inquisitors have been the part of the Sith intelligence network for millenia. They use their
abilities to track dopwn, capture, and intorrogate force users and non force users alike and are
not above using extreme force to do so.

Alignment - No Higher than Anarchist

Attribute Requirements - none

Force Points - ME +1d6 +1d6 per level of experience starting at level 2

Powers - Enhance Sense, Empathy, Telekinesis, Friendhip, See Force, choose 2 +1 at levels 3,
6, 9, 12, 15

Abilities - Lightsabre/Force(Sith) Weapon Defense Choose 2 +1 at levels 4, 8, 12

Techniques - Sense Surroundings choose 1 at level 5

Combat Training

Lightsaber Training Form I (WP Lightsaber which included Long Handle, Dual Phase and Shoto.
May choose WP Lightsaber staff, WP Lightsaber Pike, or WP Guard Shoto instead with gm

Lightsabre FOrm III

Choose an additional form at levels 5, and 11 Treat like a skill using the -level- of the form not the
character to determine benefits.

HtH - Kendo (see Rifts GMG)

+2 attacks
+4 initiative
+1d4 to PE +1d4 to TWO of the following: IQ, MA, PS, PP
Autododge (see Juicer Rifts Ultimate Edition)
10+ save vs Force Powers
+3d6+3 SDC +2d4 HP
+5 save vs gases
Auto save vs HF

OCC Skills

Speak native Language 98%

Literacy Native Language 98%
Speak Basic +25%
Literacty Basic +25%
Speak Language Choose 4 +20%
Radio Basic +20%
Cryptography +20%
Detect Ambush +20%
Intelligence +20%
Tracking (People) +20%
Aerobic Athletics
General Athletics
Pilot Land Speeder +20%
Pilot Speeder Bike +20%
Pilot Starfighter +20%
Pilot Space Transport +20%
Astrogation +20%
Navigation +20%
Read Sensory Equipment +20%
Weapons Systems +20%
Computer Operations +20%

Occ Related Skills:

Choose 5 +1 at levels 2,4,7,9,12,14

Communication - any +15%
Cowboy - none
Domestic - +5%
Electrical - Basic only +10%
Espionage - Any +10%
Horsemanship - any +15%
Mechanical - Basic or Automotive only +10%
Medical - First Aid or Paramedic only +15%
Military - Any +10%
Physical - Any +10% where applicable
Pilot - Any +10%
Pilot Related - Any +15%
Rogue - any +10%
Science - any +15%
Technical - +15%
WP Ancient - any
WP Modern - any
Wilderness - Any +15%

Secondary Skills:

Choose 4 +1 at levels 3,5,8,13,16


Typically has 2d6x1000 credits on their person but have access to government accounts for
further funds.


Lightsabre plus 1 weapon per WP. +1d4 power cells when applicable.


Inquisitor Robes, dress attire, combat fatigues, Armour (AR-18 SDC-200, no prowl penatly),
survival equipment when in the field.


Command Rank accomodations when at any Imperial Facility and on board their vessel.


Typically assigned a capital ship to command and travel with. The specific class will indicate
their position. The bigger the ship the more influential the Inquisitor.

Does not start with any. Can and will get prosthetics (bio systems typically) to recover from
wounds and injuries.

Sith Acoloyte OCC (NPC)

Considered by most to be the least powerful, though they would be very mistaken, in the Sith
Hierarchy, Acoloytes are the ones typically charged with creating viscious beasts and
abominations to release into the galaxy as well as the ones who study a more metaphysical
aspect of the force. While not as capable as the other two sith stations, they are still very
formidible combatants in their own right.

Alignment - No higher than Anarchist

Attribute Requirements - Minmum IQ/MA/ME of 12

Force Points - ME +2d4 +2d4 per level of experience starting at level 2

Powers - Affect Mind, Farseeing, Enhance Senses, Fear, Force Defense, Force Lightning,
Telekinesis, Alchemy. CHoose 3 plus 1 at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14

Abilities - Malevolent, Healing Trance, Rage. Choose 3 +1 at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, 15

Techniques - Force Trance, Healing Trance, Sense Surroundings

Combat Training

Lightsaber Training Form I (WP Lightsaber which included Long Handle, Dual Phase and Shoto.
May choose WP Lightsaber staff, WP Lightsaber Pike, or WP Guard Shoto instead with gm

Choose one other form at level 1, 5, and 11. Typically starts with Lightsabre Form III

Choose an additional form at levels 5, and 11 Treat like a skill using the -level- of the form not the
character to determine benefits.

HtH - Kendo (see Rifts GMG)

+2 attacks
+4 initiative
+1d4 to PE +1d4 to TWO of the following: IQ, MA, PS, PP
Autododge (see Juicer Rifts Ultimate Edition)
10+ save vs Force Powers
+3d6+3 SDC +2d4 HP
+5 save vs gases
Auto save vs HF

OCC Skills

Speak Basic 98%

Literacy Basic 98%
Speak Sith 98%
Literacy Sith 98%
Intelligence +30%
Animal Husbandry +30%
Pilot Land Speeder +20%
Pilot Space Transport +20%
Astrogation +20%
Navigation +20%
Read Sensory Equipment +20%
Weapon Systems +20%
Anthropology +20%
Archeology +20%
Biology +20%
Chemistry +20%
Chemistry - Analytical +20%
Chemistry - Pharmaceutical +20%
Math Basic +30%
Math Advanced +20%
Xenology +20%
Research +20%
Computer operation +20%
Galactic History +20%
Lore Sith +30%
Prowl +20%

Occ Related Skills:

Choose 5 +1 at levels 2,4,7,9,12,14

Communication - any +15%

Cowboy - none
Domestic - +5%
Electrical - Basic only +10%
Espionage - Any +10%
Horsemanship - any +15%
Mechanical - Basic or Automotive only +10%
Medical - First Aid or Paramedic only +15%
Military - Any +10%
Physical - Any +10% where applicable
Pilot - Any +10%
Pilot Related - Any +15%
Rogue - any +10%
Science - any +15%
Technical - +15%
WP Ancient - any
WP Modern - any
Wilderness - Any +15%

Secondary Skills:

Choose 4 +1 at levels 3,5,8,13,16


Will typically have 3d6x1000 credits on their person. Access to much more (near unlimited
depending on era)


Lightsabre. ANy other weapon they may have a WP for.


Personal belongings, clothes, and access to just aboutanythign they desire (depending on era)


Can range from a hovel to a palace. Depending on era.


Will usually have a personal ship at thier disposal. If they do not have the required skills then
they will also have a pilot to fly the ship.


May have prosthetics but generally does not start with any.

Sith Warrior OCC (NPC)

Second only to the masterful Sith Lord in raw force power, the warrior tend to focus on the more
physcial aspects and applications of the force, channeling such things into their combat prowess.

Alignment - No higher than Anarchist

Attribute Requirements - Minimum PA/PP/PE of 12

Force Points - ME +2d6 +4d4 per level of experience starting at level 2

Powers - Enhance Ability, Enhance Senses, Heal Self, Telekinesis, Battlemind, Hatred, Choose 3
+1 at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14

Abilities - Lightsabre Defense, Rage, Mettle, Attuned choose 3 +1 at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, 15

Techniques - Force Trance, Healing Trance, Sense Surroundings.

Lightsaber Training:

Form I (WP Lightsaber which includes long handle, dual phase, and shoto. May choose WP
Lightsaber staff, WP Lightsaber pike, or WP Guard Shoto instead with gm approval)

Choose a form from II - VI

Typically form IV or V is chosen.

Choose an additional form at levels 4, and 10. Treat like a skill using the level of the -Form- not
the character to determine benefits.

Note - This class can choose Form VII at 1st level but will not be allowed to choose another form

Combat Training:

HtH - Zanji Shinjinken-Ryu (See rifts gmg)

+2 attacks
+4 initiative
+1d4 to ps pp and pe
Auto-dodge (see Juicer Rifts Ultimate Edition)
10+ save vs force powers
+4d6 sdc
+2d6 hp
+4 save vs gases
Auto save vs HF

OCC Skills

Speak Basic 98%

Speak Sith 98%
Literacy Basic 98%
Literacy Sith 98%
Radio Basic +25%
Armour/Field Armourer +25%
Aerobic Athletics
General Athletics
Body Building
Pilot Speeder Bike +20%
Pilot Land Speeder +20%
Pilot Starfighter +20%
Pilot Space Transport +20%
Starfigher Combat Elite
Astrogation +20%
Navigation +20%
Read Sensory Equipment +20%
Weapon Systems +20%
Concealment +20%
Computer Operation +10%
Lore Sith +30%
Wilderness Survival +20%

Occ Related Skills:

Choose 5 +1 at levels 2,4,7,9,12,14

Communication - any +15%

Cowboy - none
Domestic - +5%
Electrical - Basic only +10%
Espionage - Any +10%
Horsemanship - any +15%
Mechanical - Basic or Automotive only +10%
Medical - First Aid or Paramedic only +15%
Military - Any +10%
Physical - Any +10% where applicable
Pilot - Any +10%
Pilot Related - Any +15%
Rogue - any +10%
Science - any +15%
Technical - +15%
WP Ancient - any
WP Modern - any
Wilderness - Any +15%

Secondary Skills:

Choose 4 +1 at levels 3,5,8,13,16


Will typically have 3d6x1000 credits on their person. Access to much more (near unlimited
depending on era)


Lightsabre. ANy other weapon they may have a WP for.


Personal belongings, clothes, and access to just aboutanythign they desire (depending on era)


Can range from a hovel to a palace. Depending on era.


Will usually have a personal ship at thier disposal. If they do not have the required skills then
they will also have a pilot to fly the ship.


May have prosthetics but generally does not start with any.

Sith Lord OCC (NPC)

The epitomy of the Sith Hierarchy, the Sith Lord is by far the most feared and capable Force user
most intelligent being can think of. Being masterful in all aspects of the force they are capable of
facing multiple jedi in battle with very good odds of surviving the encounter if not defeating them

Alignment - No higher than Anarchist

Attribute Requirements - All attributes must be no lower than 12

Force Points - ME +3d6 +3d6 per level of experience starting at level 2

Powers - Enhance Abilities, Enhance Senses, Heal Self, Telekinesis, Force Lighitng, Fear, Sith
Sorcery, Hatred, choose 3 +1 at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14

Abilities - Rage, Lightsabre Defense, Lightsabre Expert Defense, Mettle, Attuned, Aware,
Malevolent, choose 3 +1 at levels 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15

Techniques - Force Trance, Healing Trance, Sense Surroundings

Lightsaber Training:

Form I (WP Lightsaber which includes long handle, dual phase, and shoto. May choose WP
Lightsaber staff, WP Lightsaber pike, or WP Guard Shoto instead with gm approval)

Choose a form from II - VI

Typically form IV or V is chosen.

Choose an additional form at levels 3, 7, 9, and 13. Treat like a skill using the level of the -Form-
not the character to determine benefits.

Note - This class can choose Form VII at 1st level or later but will lose the upto the previous two
forms known or upto the two following forms that can be learned. IE Choosing at level one will
lose the next two form choices thus cannot choose another form until level 9.

Combat Training:

HtH - Zanji Shinjinken-Ryu (See rifts gmg)

+3 attacks
+5 initiative
Auto-dodge (see Juicer Rifts Ultimate Edition)
8+ save vs force powers
+5d6 sdc
+3d6 hp
+6 save vs gases
Auto save vs HF

OCC Skills

Speak Basic 98%

Speak Sith 98%
Literacy Basic 98%
Literacy Sith 98%
Radio Basic +25%
Aerobic Athletics
General Athletics
Body Building
Pilot Speeder Bike +20%
Pilot Land Speeder +20%
Pilot Starfighter +20%
Pilot Space Transport +20%
Starfigher Combat Elite
Astrogation +20%
Navigation +20%
Read Sensory Equipment +20%
Weapon Systems +20%
Concealment +20%
Detect Concealment +20%
Detect Ambush +20%
Computer Operation +10%
Chemistry +30%
Biology +30%
Xenology +30%
Math Basic +30%
Math Advanced +30%
Lore Sith 98%
Wilderness Survival +20%

Occ Related Skills:

Choose 8 +1 at levels 2, 3, 5, 7,9, 11, 13, 15

Communication - any +20%

Cowboy - any +20%
Domestic - +20%
Electrical - any +20%
Espionage - Any +20%
Horsemanship - any 25%
Mechanical - any +20%
Medical - any +20%
Military - Any +10%
Physical - Any +20%
Pilot - Any +20%
Pilot Related - Any +20%
Rogue - any +20%
Science - any +20%
Technical - +20%
WP Ancient - any
WP Modern - any
Wilderness - Any +20%

Secondary Skills:

Choose 6 +1 at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14

Will typically have 4d6x1000 credits on their person. Access to much more (near unlimited
depending on era)


Lightsabre. Any other weapon they may have a WP for.


Personal belongings, clothes, and access to just aboutanythign they desire (depending on era)


Can range from a hovel to a palace. Depending on era.


Will usually have a personal ship at their disposal. If they do not have the required skills then
they will also have a pilot to fly the ship.


May have prosthetics but generally does not start with any.

Chapter 5 - Other Force Organizations

The Jedi and Sith Orders taught the Force as described elsewhere, but there were other
traditions which instructed different philosophies and uses of the Force, or use of powers similar
to the Force.

Note - these organizations will eventually get their own individual files in the future. Some will
also get their own OCCs as well. Until then or hen an organization does not have a dedicated
OCC use the generic OCCs found below.

Bando Gora
Baran Do
Believers of Cularin
Bendu monks
Cerean Ner Yan
Chatos Academy
Disciples of Ragnos
Disciples of Twilight
Ember of Vahl
Ephant Mon's Sect
Ewok shamans
Felucian shamans
Followers of Palawa
Force Warrior
Gand Findsmen
Gray Paladin
Guardians of Breath
Handmaiden Sisters
Imperial Knight
Infinite Empire of the Rakata
Jal Shey
Jarvashqiine shamans
Jedi Order (See Chaper 3 - The Jedi)
Kilian Rangers
Holdings of the Kwa
Luka Sene
Mandalorian Knights
Mind Walkers
New Reborn
Nightsisters of Dathomir
Nuns of G'aav'aar'oon
Order of Dai Bendu
Order of Revan
Order of Shasa
Order of the Silver Jedi
Order of the Terrible Glare
Potentium Heretics
Prophets of the Dark Side
Sedrian priests
Seyugi Dervishes
Shamans of the Whills
Shapers of Kro Var
Sorcerers of Rhand
Sorcerers of Tund
Ta-Ree users
Theran Listeners
Wardens of the Sky
Witches of Dathomir
Zeison Sha

Generic Force Using OCCs

Force Adept OCC

Alignment - Any

Force Points - ME+1d4 +1d4 per level of experience starting at level 2

Powers - Choose 4 +1 at levels 2, 6, 10, 14

Abilities - Choose 1 +1 at levels 4, 8, 12

Techniques - Choose 1 +1 at level 7

+2 to MA and ME

Sv vs force powers 10+

OCC - Any non force using class

However this character does not get any of the starting OCC related or starting Secondary Skills.
They may only gain the appropriate OCC Related and Secondary skills as they level up.

Force Marauder OCC

Alignment - Any

Force Points - ME+1d4 +1d4 per level of experience starting at level 2

Powers - Choose 2 +1 at levels 5, 10, 15

Abilities - Choose 1 +1 at levels 4, 8, 12

Techniques - none


+1 attack per melee

+2 initiative

+2d6 sdc
+1d6 HP

+2 to PS, PP, PE

Sv vs force powers on a 12+

OCC - Any traditional man at arms occ

However this character does not get any of the starting Secondary Skills and only half of the OCC
Related skills.

Force Shaman/Witch OCC

Alignment - Any

Force Points - ME+1d6 +1d6 per level of experience starting at level 2

Powers - Choose 5 +1 at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, 15

Abilities - Choose 2 +1 at levels 2, 6, 10, 14

Techniques - Choose 1 +1 at level 5 and 13

+1d4 to MA and ME

Sv vs force powers 10+

OCC - Any non force using class

However this character does not get any of the starting OCC related or starting Secondary Skills.
They may only gain the appropriate OCC Related and Secondary skills as they level up.

Force Warrior OCC

Alignment - Any

Force Points - ME +1d6 +2d4 per level of experience starting at level 2

POwers - Choose 5 +1 at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, 15

Abilities - Choose 3 +1 at levels 2, 5, 7, 10, 12, 15

Techniques - Choose 1 +1 at levels 5, 11

Combat Training

Choose any HTH in the Rifts GM Guide

Choose 3 Ancient WP
Choose 3 Modern WP
+1d4 tp PS, PP, PE
+2 attacks
+2 initiative
Autododge (See Crazy in RUE)
Sv vs the force 12
+2d6+3 sdc
+1d6+3 Hp
+4 sv vs HF

OCC Skills

Speak Native Tongue 98%

Literate Native Tongue 98%
Speak language pick one - +20%
Literate languae pick one - +20%
First Aid - +15
Aerobic Athletics
General Athletics
Pilot Choose 1 - +10%
Read Sensory Equipment - +10%
Math Basic - +15%

OCC Related Skills

Choose 10 +1 at levels 2, 4, 7, 9, 11, 14

Communications - Any +10%

Cowboy - Any +5%
Domestic - Any +10%
Electical - Basic only +10%
Espionage - Any +10%
Horsemanship - Any +10%
Mechanical - Basic only +10%
Medical - Paramedic and Holistic only +10%
Military - Any +10%
Physical - any +15% where applicable
Pilot - any +10%
Pilot related - any +10%
Rogue - any +10%
Science - math advanced only +10%
Technical - any +15%
WP Ancient - any
WP Modern - any
Wilderness - any +10%
Secondary Skills

Choose 4 +1 at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, 15

Money - 1d6x1000 credits


1 per Wp. +1d4 power cells where applicable


Various types of clothing including combat fatigues, dress clothes and/or armour. Datapad,
carry all bag, small tool kit, rations, medpac, adn variosu personal items.


May have a dwelling on planet or at a base of operations. Could be a ships berth in a characters
ship or thier own.


May have a vehicle apprpriate to the character's piltoing skills. GM discretion


May get replacement prosthetics but does not start with any.

Chapter 6 - Weapons of the Jedi, Sith, and Force Users

This entry will cover the most commonly seen, and a few lesser seen and more exotic

1: Lightsaber: The traditional Lightsaber, a single hilt, with a single blade of about 1 meter. A
classic sword with an energy blade.

2: Dual-phase: Lightsabers, that have blades that can, with a twist of the hilt, rotate in a second
set of crystals and extend their blades up to 3m (9 feet) Very uncommon. Corran Horn uses such
a weapon.

3: Shoto: Smaller Lightsabers, with correspondingly smaller blades. Used by smaller beings such
as Yoda, or used as second hand blades, to parry and aid in defense, like a Samuri's
“Wakizashi”. Yoda uses such a lightsaber. In later EU novels, Luke uses one on conjunction with
his main lightsaber, and Asoka also uses one along with her main blade.

4: Guard Shoto: AKA Lightsaber Tonfa. These light sabers look like Tonfa's with a shorter light
saber blade extending from the 'long' section of the tonfa. Can be used very well to parry, and
also attack, their usage takes special training. Very uncommon. Requires special training to use
properly, and suffers penalties, if used with out said training. Often used in pairs. Famously used
by Maris Brood.

5: Double bladed Lightsaber/Lightsaber Staff: Two traditional lightsaber's joined at the base, to
form a short staff with blades extending from both ends. Used by both jedi and sith, the weapon is
exotic and requires special training to use properly. Famously used by Darth Maul, and Jedi
Master Satele Shan

6: Lightsaber Pike/Lightsaber Polearm: These are long hafts, 1.3 to 2m long with light saber
blades at one (Or in the case of some pikes, both) ends. The pike possesses a shorter blade,
roughoy .33m(1 foot) The Polearm a longer blade 1M (3 feet) at the end of their hafts. They take
specialized training to use. Uncommon.

7: Lightwhip: A handle with long thin metallic strand and or strands, that serve to conduct an
energy field akin to a light saber, but malliable and whip-like. Not a true 'light saber' but generally
that matters little to people for whom it's being used upon.

8: Force/(Sith) Weapons: FOrce imbued/Alchemy modified traditional melee weapons including

Swords, Staffs, Polearms, Pikes, Whips, etc.

Special Note - All light weapons and bladed Force/Sith weapons ignore AR when doing damage
and damage both SDC and MDC. (Similar to phase weapons in Phasewprld)

1 - Lightsaber:

The Traditional weapon of the Jedi and Sith, it consists of a handle or grip, from which an energy
blade roughly a meter long will extend when the weapon is activated. The blade is intensely
powerful and can cut through 'most' known substances (With a few known exceptions) Heavier
and or more dense materials, like a starship blast door may take longer. The blades are
weightless, but the weapon produces a strong gyroscopic effect and takes training to wield safely
and effectively. One must swing with enough strength to force the blade through solids, or reflect
blaster bolts, but the 'blade' itself is weightless. With out training this can result in immense self
injury or harm to others and property. Traditionally Lightsabers are the weapons of Jedi and the
Sith, and serve as much as 'badges' and symbols of accomplishment and identification as they
are weapons. In an age of blasters and starships, a man or woman (Or other being) using a
melee weapon stands out. When that melee weapon is of harnessed energy and wielded with the
skill of a Jedi or Sith, it stands out even more. At times in history, a Jedi or Sith simply revealing
his light saber on his belt would be enough to route a number of enemies, sending them fleeing or
intimidating them into submission. Such was the fear and respect of those select few men and
women in the galaxy whom could and did use such weapons. Their creation while not
'technologically' complex, requires intense meditation and focus of the force, to not only align the
parts perfectly, but to attune the crystals with in. With out the attunement of a force sensitive, the
light saber will not work.

Weight: 1.5 lbs (0.7kg) (Typical. Smaller or larger saber hilts may weigh a bit less or more)
Mega-Damage: 6D6 (Fencing bonus of +1D6 Does -not- apply)

Rate of Fire: As per attacks per melee, WP Light Saber bonuses apply.

Effective Range: Hand held. Blade typically 1m. Can be locked on and thrown, distance as per
object of similar size, or via force power/ability.

Payload: Built in battery gives effectively unlimited combat up time (240 melees)(As a full melee
is only 15 seconds.) If used as a light source or just turned on for no apparent reason, consider
activated time one hour. Battery can be recharged, via port to power supplies or via eclip or eclip
charger. Battery takes the equivalent of 1 eclip to recharge. Note: Unless specifically constructed
with underwater usage in mind, submersion will short out a typical lightsaber, rendering it
nonfunctional until it is disassembled and fully cleaned/dried, a new battery inserted, then
reassembled by the Jedi or Sith. One 'can' build a water proof light saber that will function under
water. A few aquatic Jedi have done such, but this up's the complexity of the build and the
crystals need to be specificly attuned to work that way, so they are a numerically rare form of an
already rare weapon. Simple every day water will not short out the lightsaber. Rain, sweat, blood,
is not typically enough. One would need to fully submerse the weapon in water, or other fluid, to
short it out.

Cost: ---- Only able to be made by a Jedi/Sith/Advanced force user. Crystal and components
need to be attuned by the force for proper functionality. Lightsabers are never sold, very very very
seldom given away. Killing a Jedi or Sith, one may acquire one, but bet that any Jedi or Sith will
confiscate it upon finding out a non Jedi or Sith is in possession. (As the only way to get it is to kill
or loot a corpse). If damaged, cannot re-attune, with out Jedi/Sith/Advanced force user.
Emporer's hands have been known to carry a light saber, either on loan, as proof of their office,
or given to use, by their Sith Masters. The Hands do not typically possess the knowledge to
construct or attune sabers of their own.

Note: Color. Many seem to think that color denotes something about light sabers or their users.
You see this most often in video games where different colors may do more or less damage or
something of that nature. That is just an aspect of the video game, to allow your lightsaber be
more/different from everyone elses due to color.

Traditionally the Jedi use crystals from the Adega system, Illum, and Dantooine. Some during the
Great Sith War used Kunda Stones. For a large portion of Jedi History the Jedi used the crystals
from Illum, which resulted in Blue or Green blades (And the rare purple). For a time color denoted
chosen path with in the order. More physical Jedi, the Guardians, used blue, and the more
contemplative or less combat oriented, the Consulars, used green. This practice fell out of favor
years later and Jedi using the crystals of Illum chose their crystals and thus light saber color
based on personal preference. For a time “Yellow” indicated a Sentinel, but this also fell out of
common usage when the Illum crystals achieved prominence.

Synthetic crystals can also be used and are favored by the Sith. An intense process taking 4 days
with specially designed ovens can be used to produce a Sith crystal and the Sith imbues it with
hate and Dark side energy during it's creation. It's said this produces slightly stronger blades, but
in game terms they are of equal dice damage. The Jedi can also produce synthetic crystals as
needed, with -out- embueing the crystal with intense hatred. Luke did this, to create his green
saber, using a small micro furnace he found in Obi Wan's hut.

During the New Jedi Order, after Illum was lost to the Jedi, they started using a number of
different crystals in their light sabers, resulting in a number of different colors, green, blue, purple,
magenta, orange, even 'bronze'. The “imbuing of the crystal” Being the important part, not the
crystal itself. The intense meditation and link the Jedi forged with the crystal and pouring his
Force Energy into it, is what transforms the crystal from mundane into one that can focus the
blade of a light saber into existence. So while 'traditionally' Jedi blades will be Green or Blue, and
Sith, “Red”, other colors are possible. They will need a good story for the game master, and GM
approval. If the GM says “no” then it's 'no'. Remember even if you find 243245 different pages
and pictures online denoting 'What your light saber color means” There is nothing in cannon to
indicate such representations. Colors are just colors.

2 - Lightsaber: Dual-phase:

These are Lightsabers that may appear almost identical to 'traditional/normal' light sabers but with
a twist of the hilt, a second set of crystals is brought into play and the beam lengthens, up to 3m.
This can also change the hue of the blade. This effect was sometimes used to surprise foes, or
achieve reach unable to be had with a 1m blade.

Weight: 2-2.5 lbs (Typical. Smaller or larger saber hilts may weigh a bit less or more. Dual phase
sabers have more internal components for the two blade lengths.)

Mega-Damage: 6D6 (Fencing bonus of +1D6 Does -not- apply)

Rate of Fire: As per attacks per melee, WP Light Saber bonuses apply.

Effective Range: Hand held. Blade typically 1m, but can be extended up to 3m. Can be locked on
and thrown, distance as per object of similar size, or via force power/ability.

Dual-Phase: With a twist of the hilt, one can achieve the 'Dual Phase', extending the blade up to 3
Meter's in length. This does not change the damage of the blade. May surprise opponents or
reach ones that thought they were out of range. When extended beyond 2m, use WP Pole arm,
instead of WP Lightsaber for bonus. WP Lightsaber bonuses would not apply to an extended

Payload: Built in battery gives effectively unlimited combat up time (240 melees)(As a full melee
is only 15 seconds.) If used as a light source or just turned on for no apparent reason, consider
activated time one hour. Battery can be recharged, via port to power supplies or via eclip or eclip
charger. Battery takes the equivalent of 1 eclip to recharge. (If switched to Dual-phase format, for
any length of time, consider battery usage doubled.)

Cost: ---- Only able to be made by a Jedi/Sith/Advanced force user. Crystal and components
need to be attuned by the force for proper functionality. Are never sold, very very very seldom
given away. Killing a Jedi or Sith, one may acquire one, but bet that any Jedi or Sith will
confiscate it upon finding out a non Jedi or Sith is in possession. (As the only way to get it is to kill
or loot a corpse). If damaged, cannot re-attune, with out Jedi/Sith/Advanced force user.

Color: See 'normal' light saber.

3 - Lightsaber: Shoto

A smaller than average lightsaber, either for smaller than average Jedi, or to be used as a
secondary saber to assist in parrying. It gives the appearance of using a “wakizashi”, if the
traditional light saber is visualized as a more “Katana” sized blade. Yoda was known to use a
Shoto Lightsaber. They are just as powerful and deadly as full sized blades, just smaller.
Weight: 1.5 lbs (0.7kg) (Typical. Smaller or larger saber hilts may weigh a bit less or more)

Mega-Damage: 6D6 (Fencing bonus of +1D6 Does -not- apply)

Rate of Fire: As per attacks per melee, WP Light Saber bonuses apply.

Effective Range: Handheld. Blade typically -under- 1m. Can be locked on and thrown, distance as
per object of similar size, or via force power/ability.

Payload: Built in battery gives effectively unlimited combat up time (240 melees)(As a full melee
is only 15 seconds.) If used as a light source or just turned on for no apparent reason, consider
activated time one hour. Battery can be recharged, via port to power supplies or via eclip or eclip
charger. Battery takes the equivalent of 1 eclip to recharge.

Cost: ---- Only able to be made by a Jedi/Sith/Advanced force user. Crystal and components
need to be attuned by the force for proper functionality. Are never sold, very very very seldom
given away. Killing a Jedi or Sith, one may acquire one, but bet that any Jedi or Sith will
confiscate it upon finding out a non Jedi or Sith is in possession. (As the only way to get it is to kill
or loot a corpse). If damaged, cannot re-attune, with out Jedi/Sith/Advanced force user.

Color: See notes under the traditional lightsaber.

4 - Lightsaber: Guard Shoto: AKA “Lightsaber Tonfa”

The Guard shoto's design allowed for a wide variety of blocking, trapping, jabbing, and slashing
techniques making it a versatile and extremely dangerous weapon in the hands of someone
trained to wield it properly. Conversely, it could be very hazardous to one's self if unskilled in it's
use. Because the guard shoto was primarily designed to block other lightsabers, it was most
useful when it's handle was laced with phrik, a lightsaber-resistant metallic compound. However
this was an expensive process.

Weight: 1.5 lbs (0.7kg) (Typical. Smaller or larger saber hilts may weigh a bit less or more)

Mega-Damage: 6D6 (Fencing bonus of +1D6 Does -not- apply), +3 to Parry with WP Guard
Shoto. -3 to Strike if one does NOT have WP Guard Shoto. The usage of this weapon is different
enough from the traditional to require a specialized WP. Not only to strike effectively, but to keep
from hitting your own arms and or self with the blade.

Rate of Fire: As per attacks per melee, WP Guard Shoto bonuses apply.

Effective Range: Hand-held. Blade typically -under- 1m. Grip of the guard shoto can be spun
'forward' to extend reach to roughly 1M, or can be held vertically, instead of the 90degree grip,
which also gives an overall length of roughly 1m. Can be locked on and thrown, distance as per
object of similar size, or via force power/ability.

Payload: Built in battery gives effectively unlimited combat up time (240 melees)(As a full melee
is only 15 seconds.) If used as a light source or just turned on for no apparent reason, consider
activated time one hour. Battery can be recharged, via port to power supplies or via eclip or eclip
charger. Battery takes the equivalent of 1 eclip to recharge.
Cost: ---- Only able to be made by a Jedi/Sith/Advanced force user. Crystal and components
need to be attuned by the force for proper functionality. Are never sold, very very very seldom
given away. Killing a Jedi or Sith, one may acquire one, but bet that any Jedi or Sith will
confiscate it upon finding out a non Jedi or Sith is in possession. (As the only way to get it is to kill
or loot a corpse). If damaged, cannot re-attune, with out Jedi/Sith/Advanced force user.

Color: See notes under the traditional lightsaber.

5 - Lightsaber: Double bladed. AKA Lightsaber staff.

Used by both light and dark side force users in the past, the double bladed light saber is
effectively two single blade light sabers joined at their bases. Either through magnetic or
mechanical means. The usage of the Doublebladed light saber differs significantly from a single
blade. One must be cognizant of both blades at all times, and where they are and what a strike
with one side will do to the other. The damage for the double bladed saber is the same as a
single bladed one, as one can't actually hit with both blades at once. (Though as with any light
saber, the user can surely hit swiftly and repeatedly). Darth Maul famously used a double
bladed Sith light saber in the prequals, but it is -not- a sith only weapon, as some might try and
say. Both light side and dark side have used it, if less frequently than the more traditional single
bladed weapons.

Weight: 3lbs (1.4kg) (Typical. Smaller or larger saber hilts may weigh a bit less or more. Not all
staves are the same length.)

Mega-Damage: 6D6 (Fencing bonus of +1D6 Does -not- apply)

Rate of Fire: As per attacks per melee, WP Double bladed Light Saber bonuses apply. (Note,
Usage of this weapon differs significantly from the traditional. Use of it's own WP is required for
full bonuses.)

Effective Range: Hand-held. Blade typically a bit under 1m on either side of the saber itself
resulting in a staff of 2.5 to 3m total.. Can be locked on and thrown, distance as per object of
similar size, or via force power/ability.

Payload: Built in batteries(2) give effectively unlimited combat up time (240 melees)(As a full
melee is only 15 seconds.) If used as a light source or just turned on for no apparent reason,
consider activated time one hour. Batteries(2) can be recharged, via port to power supplies or via
eclip or eclip charger. 1 Battery takes the equivalent of 1 eclip to recharge. Note: May only light
one side, if desired.

Cost: ---- Only able to be made by a Jedi/Sith/Advanced force user. Crystal and components
need to be attuned by the force for proper functionality. Are never sold, very very very seldom
given away. Killing a Jedi or Sith, one may acquire one, but bet that any Jedi or Sith will
confiscate it upon finding out a non Jedi or Sith is in possession. (As the only way to get it is to kill
or loot a corpse). If damaged, cannot re-attune, with out Jedi/Sith/Advanced force user.

Color: See notes under the traditional lightsaber.

6 - Lightsaber: Pike/Polearm
Weight: 5-7 lbs (Typical. Smaller or larger Pike/polearm hafts may weigh a bit less or more)

Mega-Damage: 6D6 ( Fencing bonus of +1D6 Does -not- apply)

Rate of Fire: As per attacks per melee, WP Lightsaber Polearm bonuses apply. (Use for

Effective Range: Hand held. Blade typically .33m (Pike) (One foot) -OR- 1m (polearm)(3 feet).
The pike is a Long shaft with a smallish .33m (1 foot) lightsaber blade on one or both ends. The
shaft is much longer than the 'double bladed light saber's shaft. The “Polearm” Is a long shaft with
a long light saber blade on the end some what like a glaive. Up to 1m(3 feet). They are different
weapons but for mechanics they are treated the same. Note, both the Pike and Polearm give
more 'reach' than typical hand to hand weapons. Palladium system doesn't use hex grids or such
in combat, but GM's should take this into account, in some fashion.

Payload: Built in batteries(2) give effectively unlimited combat up time (240 melees)(As a full
melee is only 15 seconds.) If used as a light source or just turned on for no apparent reason,
consider activated time one hour. Batteries(2) can be recharged, via port to power supplies or via
eclip or eclip charger. 1 Battery takes the equivalent of 1 eclip to recharge.

Cost: ---- Only able to be made by a Jedi/Sith/Advanced force user. Crystal and components
need to be attuned by the force for proper functionality. Are never sold, very very very seldom
given away. Killing a Jedi or Sith, one may acquire one, but bet that any Jedi or Sith will
confiscate it upon finding out a non Jedi or Sith is in possession. (As the only way to get it is to kill
or loot a corpse). If damaged, cannot re-attune, with out Jedi/Sith/Advanced force user.

Note: Color: See traditional Lightsaber entry.

7 - Light-Whip:

Weight: 2-2.5lbs (Handle tends to be roughly the size of a standard light saber. Filliments are not
signifigantly weighty.

Mega Damage: 4D6

Rate of Fire: As per attacks per melee, WP Light-Whip bonuses apply. (Need specialized WP to
employ with out significant risk of damage to one's self.

Effective Range: Hand Held, whip has a range of 9-16ft.

Payload: Built in battery gives effectively unlimited combat up time (240 melees)(As a full melee
is only 15 seconds.) If used as a light source or just turned on for no apparent reason, consider
activated time one hour. Battery can be recharged, via port to power supplies or via eclip or eclip
charger. Battery takes the equivalent of 1 eclip to recharge.

Cost: ---- Only able to be made by a Jedi/Sith/Advanced force user. Crystal and components
need to be attuned by the force for proper functionality. Are never sold, very very very seldom
given away. Killing a Jedi or Sith, one may acquire one, but bet that any Jedi or Sith will
confiscate it upon finding out a non Jedi or Sith is in possession. (As the only way to get it is to kill
or loot a corpse). If damaged, cannot re-attune, with out Jedi/Sith/Advanced force user.
Color: See 'normal' light saber.

8 - Force(Sith) Weapons:

These weapons are what you would traditionally see used by ancient warriors. Sords,
Polearms, Staffs, Clubs, etc, all of which in the case of a "force" weapon would be imbued with
the force, or in teh case of the Sith morphed using alchemy. This makes such a weapon the
equal of a Lightsabre in capability though they will be generally heavier and much less
inconspicuous to the casual observer. Use the same basic statists a the originating weapon
(Sword, Staff, Pike, etc) but treat as a lightsabre as it pertains to capabilities with bladed weapons
ignoring AR and all such weapons being able to parry blaster bolts etc.

References used throughout

West End Games RPG books (all editions)

Wizards of the Coast RPG books (all editions)
Various Publications like The Jedi Path and Book of Sith
Movies, Comics, novels, and other media.

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