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ANALYTIC GEOMETRY Since the line we are trying to find passes

through (3, 4),

then the equation of the line is given by:

1. Find the equation of the line that passes
through the points (-1 , 0) and (-4 , 12).

The slope of the line is given by

m = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) 4. Find the equation of the line through the
point (3, 4) and parallel to the x axis.
= (12 - 0) / (-4 - (-1))
= - 12 / 3
A line parallel to the axis has equation of the
= - 4 form y = constant. Since the line we are trying
We now write the equation of the line in point to find passes through (3, 4), then the
slope form: equation of the line is given by:

y - y1 =
y - 0 = - 4(x - (-1))

Simplify and write the equation in general 5. For what values of b the point (2 , 2b) is on
form the line with equation x - 4 y = 6
y + 4x = - 4 Solution:

For a point to be on a line, its coordinates

must satisfy the equation of the line.
2. Find the equation of the line through the
point (3, 4) and parallel to the x axis.

Solution: 2-4(2b)=6

A line parallel to the axis has equation of the

form y = constant. Since the line we are trying Solve for b
to find passes through (3, 4), then the
b = -1/2
equation of the line is given by:

y=4 6. Determine area of triangle given by line

7x+8y-69=0 and coordinate axes x and y.

3. Find the equation of the line through the

point (3, 4) and parallel to the x axis.


A line parallel to the axis has equation of the

form y = constant.
x=0: =102 . 0948

+8y – 69 = 0 = 0◦

a = ⃒y⃒ = ⃒69/8⃒ = 8.63 8. From the equation of a circle:

y=0: 2x2 + 2y2 + 20x – 20y + 68 = 0

7x – 49 = 0 Calculate the coordinates of the center of the

circle S[x0, y0] and radius of the circle r.
b = ⃒x⃒ = ⃒69 / 7 ⃒ = 9.86
S = (ab) / 2 = 42.51
(x – x0)2 + (y – y0)2 = 0
7. Find the angle between the given vectors to
the nearest tenth of a degree. u = (-22, 11) (x – 5)2 + (y – 5)2 = 42
and v = (16, 20).
x0 = -5

y0 = 5


9. Straight line passing through points A [-3;

22] and B [33; -2]. Determine the total
number of points of the line which both
coordinates are positive integers.


u = √((-22)2 +112) = 11 √5 = 24.5967

v = √(162 + 202) = 4√41 = 25.6125
24x + 36y – 720 = 0
s = (-22) (16) +(11) (20) = -132
y = -(2 / 3)x + 20
A = 180◦ / 𝜋 ( across(s/(u (v)))

x > 0 ^ x>30^x, y € N
= 180◦ / 𝜋( across(-
132/(24.5967(25.6125))) x € { 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27}

10. In the triangle ABC is point D[1,-2,6],
which is the center of the |BC| and point
G[8,1,-3], which is the center of gravity of the

Find the coordinates of the vertex A[x,y,z].


AD : X = G + t(D – G)

x = 8 – 7t

y = 1 – 3t

z = -3 + 9t

⃒AG⃒ : ⃒GD⃒ = 2 : 1 = t = -2



A . . . t = -2

xA = 22

yA = 7

zA = - 21

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