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Oxford Word Skills - Basic 

Name: ……………………………… Date ………………………………

1. A. Let’s make some salad for lunch today.

B. Oh! Sorry! We don’t have any ………… .
A. peas B. eggs C. lettuce D. frozen

2. The clock shows 12 AM. So it’s ………… .

A. midday B. midnight C. noon D. afternoon

3. Spring has three month: ………… and ………… and ………… .

A. Jul, Aug, Sep B. Oct, Nov, Dec C. April, May, Jun D. Jan, Feb, Mar

4. My friend was born in Turkey. So she is ………… .

A. Turk B. Turkish C. Turkian D. Turkese

5. People in Portugal speak ………… language.

A. Portuguese B. Portugalish C. Portugalian D. Portugali

6. I have to hang a ………… on my wall. I always forget things!

A. cassette player B. noticeboard C. folder D. sharpener

7. We went to the movies yesterday. The film was ………… ! We really wasted our time.
A. enormous B. quick C. terrible D. correct

8. Some people call my mother ………… Johnson.

A. Mr. B. Ms. C. Miss D. Mrs.

9. My brother’s son is my ………… .

A. son-in-law B. nephew C. niece D. grandson

10. Yesterday I ………… and I broke my leg!

A. danced B. lied down C. got on D. fell over

11. A. Where’s Rachel?
B. She’s over there! The one standing next to Nick. She’s ………… a baby.
A. pulling B. holding C. picking D. touching

12. Which one is different from others?

A. eyes B. legs C. knees D. ankle

13. My sister weighs only 48 kilograms. She is ………… .

A. overweight B. average height C. slim D. attractive

14. Cindy’s hair reaches her shoulders. She’s got ………… hair.
A. grey B. long C. wavy D. medium-length

15. Hair that grows on a man’s upper lip is called ………… .

A. beard B. curly C. moustache D. light brown

16. My father is 47 years old. He is ………… .

A. middle-aged B. old C. an elderly man D. in his fifties

17. Monica thinks a lot and doesn’t laugh very much. I don’t like her. She is so ………… !
A. relaxed B. clever C. friendly D. serious

18. A. How do you know Paul?

B. Come on! He was my ………… ! I never wanna see him again.
A. partnership B. boyfriend C. divorce D. ex-boyfriend

19. Evan is so ………… about the lie he told to his parents about his exam mark. He wanted to
apologize, but he couldn’t.
A. unhappy B. embarrassed C. angry D. upset

20. A. How often do you go to concerts?

B. ………… . May be three times in a year.
A. never B. always C. occasionally D. often

21. I lost a lot of weight. Now all my clothes are very ………… for me.
A. loose B. casual C. tight D. short

22. The weather in spring is very ………… . It’s sometimes sunny and sometimes rainy.

A. humid B. changeable C. lightning D. unpleasant

23. Dave is so sick. He’s got a ………… . Look! It’s 39 degrees!

A. temperature B. sore throat C. influenza D. cold

24. My friend had recently traveled to North and she bought me a ………… of jam.
A. tin B. jar C. can D. bottle

25. I was so hungry when we got to the restaurant. I ordered a big ………… for my main course.
A. fillet steak B. soy sauce C. tart D. tomato soup

26. I overslept again and I ………… the train. I have to walk to work.
A. caught B. lost C. took D. missed

27. My country’s so ………… with tourists. Millions of people from all over the world travel here every
A. major B. inland C. beach D. popular

28. The thing that takes you from one floor to another floor is called a/an ………… .
A. flats B. elevator C. parking D. centre

29. I’m so happy that my father has recently been ………… and he has a lot of free time.
A. retired B. unemployed C. businessman D. fired from work

30. It’s a/an ………… film and it’s very ………… .

A. comedy/tragic B. horror/funny C. action/romantic D. war/violent



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