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Good morning and welcome to Widad University College. It is both an honor and a
privilege to stand before you today and welcome you to this amazing community.
My name is xxx and I will be your presenter this morning.

Today, I stand here in front of you all to welcome new students for this year, and to
also welcome back old students for their new semester. This program is held to
welcome our new students, to familiarize them with the campus and their classes.
We also want to showcase our many talented students and activities that Widad
college is providing for new and current students alike.

The timetable for today’s program will be handed out on your way out of the
auditorium. For new students, don’t feel embarrassed to ask your seniors if you don’t
know where your classes are. We are a family here in Widad and we all help each
other. Please enjoy the food that’s been provided.
Once again, welcome to a new year in Widad College University.

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