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Septuagésimo sexto TEST DE INGLES:

Elegir entre "Most" y "The most":
1- Charlie, like _______ most of my friends, loves watching football.

2- He gets on with _________ most people he knows.

3- Last year he met _______ most exciting woman he had ever seen.

4- ______ most of ______ time he couldn't stop thinking of her.

5- After he had spent ______most of his money on her, she left him.

6- That was ____most miserable day of his life.

7- _________most weekends after that he just stayed at home on his own.

8- He read in the paper that most ______men dislike figure skating.

9- That made him feel better, but__most of all it brought back his self-confidence.

10- Last weekend he got married to________most charming girl.

11- ______most of his family and friends attended the wedding.

12- Neil spent______most of the summer playing tennis.

13- ________most people lie at least once a day.

14- Phoebe lies a lot, but she's more honest than__most people.

15- Of all the salesman Mark was the one who sold_most cars.

1- -. 2- -. 3--the. 4-most of the time.
5- -. 6-the most. 7--. 8- -.
9- -. 10-the most. 11--. 12--.
13--. 14- -. 15-the most.

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