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1. The British Isles: Wales, Ireland, Great Britain. In 1707 the unification of Britain
and Scotland.

2. Inventions: there were a lot of inventions from Britain: Railway journey,

commercial electrical telegram, chocolate bar and so on…


Shakespeare wrote a poem in which he explains the way that England has
controlled the British Isles; Central States of England.

1. Pre-Roman Britain: separation of British Mars from Europe (were not islands
at all).

 C.4000 B.C witnesses the beginning of British culture.

 Neolithic Revolution: birth/beginning of civil settlements.
 Stonehenge as an astronomical arrangement: the fate of humanity is
bounded to the fate of the stars.
2. Bronze Age (2nd Millennium B.C):

 Networks of trade in England.

 Creation of an axe industry (made from bronze).
 Close bound between Religion and Nature.
3. Iron Age:

 Iron used for weapons.

 Settlements in a primitive way.
 Archelogy as a main source to get information from that period.

The Celts /kelts/

 It was not only a British phenomenon, it also spread around all Europe.
 The Celts were never a homogeneous group.

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