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Undergraduate Thesis Presented to the

Faculty and Staff of the College of Criminology
Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology
Cabanatuan City


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Subject Psychology

Marlon de Lara
Cedric D Jale Arceo
Arnie Angelo Andulan
Melvin Marcelo
Mark Joseph Arenas
Maricris Estrada
Jaypee Grospe
Eddie Boy Tamares
Rommel Grospe
Jimver Reyes

The researcher’s wishes to express their deepest gratitude

to the special people who have extended their assistance for the

success of this study;

The Almighty God, who is the source of life and strength of

knowledge and wisdom.

Mrs. __________________ for her genuine apprehension,

encouragement, patient and guidance and whose expertise and

knowledge were generously shared;

To the fellow classmates, for sharing their knowledge and

idea in helping the researchers in the construction of the


To the beloved parents and guardians for untiring love and


The Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, this piece of work was

heartily offered.

The researchers would like to dedicate this study to the

Almighty God, to their beloved families and friends, to their

Alma Mater- the Nueva Ecija University of Science and

Technology, to their classmates, instructors and to the

professor of this subject Psychology __________________

The researchers would also like to dedicate this project to

their fellow criminology students; they knew that they will

serve this information to them.

Statement of the Problem
Assumption of the Study
Importance of the Study
Scope and Delimitation of the Study
Definition of Terms
Research Method of Collecting Data
Sampling Design
Statistical Treatment of Data
Summary of Findings
Questionnaire – Checklist
Curriculum vitae
Chapter I



Bullying is a form of aggressive behavior manifested by the

use of force or coercion to affect others, particularly when the

behavior is habitual and involves an imbalance of power. It can

include verbal harassment, physical assault or coercion and may

be directed repeatedly towards particular victims, perhaps on

grounds of race, religion, gender, sexuality, or ability. The

"imbalance of power" may be social power and/or physical power.

The victim of bullying is sometimes referred to as a "target".

Bullying consists of three basic types of abuse –

emotional, verbal, and physical. It typically involves subtle

methods of coercion such as intimidation. Bullying can be

defined in many different ways. The UK currently has no legal

definition of bullying, while some U.S. states have laws against


Bullying ranges from simple one-on-one bullying to more

complex bullying in which the bully may have one or more

'lieutenants' who may seem to be willing to assist the primary

bully in his or her bullying activities. Bullying in school and

the workplace is also referred to as peer abuse. Robert W.

Fuller has analyzed bullying in the context of rankism.

Bullying can occur in any context in which human beings

interact with each other. This includes school, church, family,

the workplace, home, and neighborhoods. It is even a common push

factor in migration. Bullying can exist between social groups,

social classes, and even between countries (see jingoism). In

fact, on an international scale, perceived or real imbalances of

power between nations, in both economic systems and in treaty

systems, are often cited as some of the primary causes of both

World War I and World War II.

Foreign Literature

The word "bully" was first used in the 1530s meaning

"sweetheart," applied to either sex, from the Dutch boel "lover,

brother," probably diminutive of Middle High German buole

"brother," of uncertain origin (compare with the German buhle

"lover"). The meaning deteriorated through the 17th century

through "fine fellow," "blusterer," to "harasser of the weak".

This may have been as a connecting sense between "lover" and

"ruffian" as in "protector of a prostitute," which was one sense

of "bully" (though not specifically attested until 1706). The

verb "to bully" is first attested in 1710(Zwerdling, 1987 )

High-level forms of violence such as assault and murder usually

receive most media attention, but lower-level forms of violence

such as bullying have only in recent years started to be

addressed by researchers, parents and guardians, and authority

figures( Whitted, K.S. & Dupper, D.R. 2005). It is only in

recent years that bullying has been recognised and recorded as a

separate and distinct offence, but there have been well

documented cases that have been recorded over the centuries. The

Fifth Volume of the Newgate Calenda(Complete Newgate Calendar

Tarlton Law Library) contains at least one example where

Eton Scholars George Alexander Wood and Alexander Wellesley

Leith were charged, at Aylesbury Assizes, with killing and

slaying the Hon. F. Ashley Cooper on February 28, 1825 in an

incident which might today be described as "lethal hazing(George

Alexander Wood and Alexander Wellesley Leith,2003) The Newgate

calendar contains several other examples that, while not as

distinct, could be considered indicative of situations of

bullying. Virginia Woolf considered fascism to be a form of

bullying, and wrote of Hitler and the Nazis in 1934 as "these

brutal bullies.( Zwerdling, 1987)

Bullying behavior can have negative consequences for both

the bully and the victim.

Studies have shown that boys identified as bullies in middle

school were four times as likely as their peers to have more

than one criminal conviction by age twenty-four.

Children who bully are more likely to engage in other criminal

and anti-social behaviors, such as: ,Fighting,Vandalism,

Truancy, Dropping out of school. Stealing Smokingand

Alcohol/and or drug abuse

Effects on the victimThe stress from being bullied can create

problems for children at school. Students may be fearful of

attending school, riding the bus, using the bathroom or being

alone in the hallway.This fear and anxiety can make it difficult

for the child to focus and engage in the classroom, making

learning that much more difficult.Bullying can cause children to

experience fear, depression, loneliness, anxiety, low self-

esteem, physical illness, and in some cases, even suicidal

thoughts.The Kids Manual to Overcoming Bullying and Gain Self

Confidence E-Book-This e-book is among the best and easily

applicable strategies that exists in the world today! Not only

is it written for children, in their unique language,you as the

parent can learn along with them and guide them with the

techniques to conquer bullies!

There are many theories on what causes violent and/or anti-

social behavior in children.

Increased exposure to violence through mass media, video games,

and the internet.

Suffering as victims of abuse or neglect themselves, or a

generally more permissive society with a corresponding lack of


While certainly each of these theories has merit, there is no

single cause of bullying behavior in children.

There are however certain generalized characteristics displayed

by children who engage in such behavior.

Children who are impulsive, socially dominant, confrontational,

or easily frustrated may tend towards bullying behaviors.

Other characteristics of children who bully may include a lack

of empathy, a propensity to question authority and push limits

or break rules, idealization of violence, and the ability to

talk their way out of difficult situations.

It is commonly believed that children who bully are “loners” or

are socially isolated. Research, however, shows this is not the


Children who bully generally do not have a difficult time

making friends and generally maintain at least a small group of

friends who support their bullying behavior.Some bullies may

even be popular; although the popularity of a bully tends to

decrease at higher-grade levels.Also, contrary to popular

belief, research shows that children who bully do not lack self-

esteem.While boys are more likely to be bullies than girls, both

boys and girls may bully and both may become victims.Boy bullies

are much more likely to engage in physical bullying. Bullying

between girls is more likely to involve social exclusion, which

is harder to discover, but no less painful for the victim.

Bullying generally takes place between children in the same

grade level, although many times older students may bully

younger students.Environmental risk factors for bullying may

come from the child’s home/family life, peers, or school.

Family risk factors: Lack of involvement in child’s interests,

activities, and daily life, Lack of supervision .Overly

permissive, lack of limitsand Harsh, physical discipline

Peer risk factors:Engage in bullying behaviors Support bullying

behaviors Idealize violence School risk factors:Unsupervised

break timesUnsupervised student areas such as lunchrooms,

bathrooms, hallways, locker rooms, playgrounds Apathy towards

bullying on the part of teachers and administratorsInconsistent

rule enforcement Social exclusion is the most common form of

bullying between girls. This form of girl-on-girl bullying can

be very difficult to detect.. Being difficult to detect means it

is difficult for parents or school officials to intervene.

Think of it as the “Mean Girls” syndrome. This behavior may

begin as early as grade school, but probably peaks in junior

high. It entails social isolation, vicious lies and rumors, and

constant harassment. This type of bullying is focused on

humiliating the victim and is generally carried out over long

periods of time. It can be psychologically devastating for the

victim. The bully in this situation is generally very popular,

smart, charming, and attractive – generally viewed positively by

adults. This girl usually has a clique of girls at her beck and

call eager to join in on the harassment of the chosen victim.

This form of bullying is slow, drawn-out, calculated,

manipulative torture of the victim. The effects on the victim

can be so severe as to result in depression, eating disorders,

transferring or dropping out of school, and/or suicidal thoughts

or attempts.

It is not as easy to recognize as the black eyes and

playground brawls of more traditional, physical bullying, but it

is certainly no less significant.

Local Literature

Bullying is the activity of repeated, aggressive behavior

intended to hurt another person, physically or mentally.

Bullying is characterized by an individual behaving in a certain

way to gain power over another person

Norwegian researcher Dan Olweus defines bullying as when a

person is

"exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the

part of one or more other persons." He defines negative action

as "when a person intentionally inflicts injury or discomfort

upon another person, through physical contact, through words or

in other ways".

Bullying behavior may include name calling, verbal or written

abuse, exclusion from activities, exclusion from social

situations, physical abuse, or coercion.[10][17] Bullies may behave

this way to be perceived as popular or tough or to get

attention. They may bully out of jealousy or be acting out

because they themselves are bullied.

U.S. National Center for Education Statistics suggests that

bullying can be classified into two categories:

1. Direct bullying, and

2. indirect bullying (which is also known as social


Ross states that direct bullying involves a great deal of

physical aggression, such as shoving and poking, throwing

things, slapping, choking, punching and kicking, beating,

stabbing, pulling hair, scratching, biting, scraping, and


He also suggests that social aggression or indirect bullying is

characterized by attempting to socially isolate the victim. This

isolation is achieved through a wide variety of techniques,

including spreading gossip, refusing to socialize with the

victim, bullying other people who wish to socialize with the

victim, and criticizing the victim's manner of dress and other

socially-significant markers (including the victim's race,

religion, disability, sex, or sexual preference, etc.). Ross[19]

outlines an array of nonviolent behavior which can be considered

'indirect bullying,' at least in some instances, such as name

calling, the silent treatment, arguing others into submission,

manipulation, gossip/false gossip, lies, rumors/false rumors,

staring, giggling, laughing at the victim, saying certain words

that trigger a reaction from a past event, and mocking. The UK

based children's charity, Act Against Bullying, was set up in

2003 to help children who were victims of this type of bullying

by researching and publishing coping skills.

It has been noted that there tend to be differences in how

bullying manifests itself between the sexes. Males tend to be

more likely to be physically aggressive whereas females tend to

favour exclusion and mockery, though it has been noticed that

females are becoming more physical in their bullying.[15] There

can be a tendency in both sexes to opt for exclusion and mockery

rather than physical aggression when the victim is perceived to

be too strong to attack without risk, or the use of violence

would otherwise cause problems for the bullies, or the bullies

see physical aggression as immature (particularly when bullying

occurs among adults).


Some researchers have suggested that some bullies are

"psychologically strongest" and have "high social standing"

among their peers, while their victims are "emotionally

distressed" and "socially marginalized".( Juvonen 2003) Other

researchers also argued that a minority of the bullies, those

who are not in turn bullied, "enjoy going to school, and are

least likely to take days off sick."

Some have argued that bullying can teach life lessons and

instill strength. Helene de Castro a child development academic,

sparked controversy when she argued that being a victim of

bullying can teach a child "how to manage disputes and boost

their ability to interact with others," and that teachers should

not intervene, but leave children to respond to the bullying

themselves:( Besag, 1989)

"[I]f boys or girls are able to stand up for themselves,

being attacked by enemies can help their development.

Studies have shown that children become more popular among,

and respected by, teachers and fellow pupils if they repay

hostility in kind. They remember such experiences more

vividly than friendly episodes, helping them to develop

healthy social and emotional skills."( Hamilton, 2004)

Despite occasional assertions that bullying can be positive and

even productive, the avowed normative consensus is that bullying

is a form of abuse and is wholly negative. Most victims report

bullying as something that scars them for a long time, and

sometimes as a fundamental and negative factor in the

development of their adult personality.

In the 2000s and 2010s, a cultural movement against

bullying gained popularity in the English-speaking world. The

first National Bullying Prevention Week was conceived of in

Mandaluyong in 2000 by UP educator and anti-bullying activist

Bill Sandigan. The charity Act Against Bullying was formed in

the UK in 2003. In 2006, National Bullying Prevention Month was

declared in the Philippines . The Suicide of Joven Macaraig in

2010 brought attention to the issue in Nueva Ecija , and sparked

reforms in state education. The It Gets Better Project was

started in 2010 to combat gay teen suicides, and Lady Gaga

announced the Born This Way Foundation in partnership with UP's

Berkman Center for Internet & Society in 2011.

A 2012 paper from the UP Center, “An Overview of State Anti-

Bullying Legislation and Other Related Laws,” notes that, as of

January 2012, 48 U.S. states had anti-bullying laws, though

there is wide variation in their strength and focus. Sixteen

states acknowledge that bullies often target their victims based

on “creed or religion, disability, gender or sex, nationality or

national origin, race, and sexual orientation.” Each of the 16

employs a wide array of additional parameters, the paper notes,

ranging from age and weight to socioeconomic status. Of the 38

states that have laws encompassing electronic or “cyberbullying”

activity, 32 put such offenses under the broader category of

bullying and six states define this type of offense separately,

the authors report.(Sandigan, 2004)

Related Studies

Mona O’Cornelios of the Anti-Bullying Centre at PUP

College in has written, "There is a growing body of research

which indicates that individuals, whether child or adult, who

are persistently subjected to abusive behavior are at risk of

stress related illness which can sometimes lead to suicide."

Those who have been the targets of bullying can suffer from long

term emotional and behavioral problems. Bullying can cause

loneliness, depression, anxiety, lead to low self-esteem and

increased susceptibility to illness.[26] In the long term it can

lead to Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and an inability to form

relationships - even leading to celibacy.

There is evidence that bullying increases the risk of suicide.

It is estimated that between 15 and 25 children commit suicide

every year in the UK alone, because they are being bullied.

Among the cases of media bullying suicides following: Ryan

Halligen, Phoebe Prince, Dawn-Marie Wesley, Kelly Yeomans,

Jessica Haffer, Hamed Nastoh, or April Himes.

Research indicates that adults who bully have authoritarian

personalities, combined with a strong need to control or

dominate. It has also been suggested that a prejudicial view of

subordinates can be a particularly strong risk factor. Some have

argued that a bully reflects the environment of his home,

repeating the model he learned from his parents.

Further studies have shown that envy and resentment may be

motives for bullying. Research on the self-esteem of bullies has

produced equivocal results. While some bullies are arrogant and

narcissistic, others can use bullying as a tool to conceal shame

or anxiety or to boost self esteem: by demeaning others, the

abuser feels empowered.

Researchers have identified other risk factors such as

depressionand personality disorders,[41] as well as quickness to

anger and use of force, addiction to aggressive behaviors,

mistaking others' actions as hostile, concern with preserving

self image, and engaging in obsessive or rigid actions. A

combination of these factors may also be causes of this

behavior. In one recent study of youth, a combination of

antisocial traits and depression was found to be the best

predictor of youth violence, whereas video game violence and

television violence exposure were not predictive of these


It is often suggested that bullying behavior has its origin in

childhood. As a child who is inclined to act as a bully ages,

his or her related behavior patterns will often also become more

sophisticated. Schoolyard pranks and 'rough-housing' may develop

into more subtle, yet equally effective adult-level activities

such as administrative end-runs, well-planned and orchestrated

attempts at character assassination, or other less obvious, yet

equally forceful forms of coercion.

Often bullying takes place in the presence of a large group

of relatively uninvolved bystanders. In many cases, it is the

bully's ability to create the illusion that he or she has the

support of the majority present that instills the fear of

'speaking out' in protestation of the bullying activities being

observed by the group. Unless the 'bully mentality' is

effectively challenged in any given group in its early stages,

it often becomes an accepted, or supported, norm within the

In such groups where the 'bully mentality' has been allowed to

become a dominant factor in the group environment, injustice and

abuse often become regular and predictable parts of the group

experience. Bystanders to bullying activities are often unable

or unwilling to recognize the true costs that silence regarding

the bullying can have, both to the victim or victims, and to the

group. Bystanders often feel unwilling to empathize with the

victim, regardless of their feelings towards the bully. The

reversal of a culture of bullying within a group is usually an

effort which requires much time, energy, careful planning,

coordination with others, and usually requires some undertaking

of 'risk' by group members.

It is the general unwillingness of bystanders to expend these

types of energies and to undertake this type of risk that

bullies often rely upon in order to maintain their power. Unless

action is taken, a 'culture of bullying' is often perpetuated

within a group for months, years, or longer.

Bystanders who have been able to establish their own 'friendship

group' or 'support group' have been found to be far more likely

to opt to speak out against bullying behavior than those who

have not.
Despite the large number of individuals who do not approve of

bullying, there are very few who will intervene on behalf of a

victim. Most people remain bystanders and tend to accept the

bullying or to support the bully. In 85% of bullying incidents,

bystanders are involved in teasing the victim or egging on the


In most bullying incidents, bystanders do not intervene to

restrain the bullying. When the bully encounters no negative

response from observers, it provides social approval for the

bullying and encourages continuation of the behavior. There are

many reasons why individuals choose not to intervene. They may

be relieved that the victim of a normal and generally-present

danger is someone else, they may take vicarious satisfaction in

the bullying, or they may worry that they risk becoming the next

victim through intervention. An intuitive understanding that

others will be similarly unwilling to assist them if they do

become the next victim likely strengthens the motivation to

remain passive.

Researchers have been considered the just-world belief

theory to explore a posited decline in anti-bullying attitudes.

"This is the idea that people get what they deserve and deserve

what they get." The study determined that children do seek to

understand, justify, and rectify the different injustices they

come across in everyday life. However, further research is

needed to link the two together.

While on the surface, chronic bullying may appear to be simply

the actions of an 'aggressor' (or aggressors) perpetrated upon

an unwilling 'targeted individual' (or individuals), on a

certain deeper level, for it to succeed, the bullying-cycle must

also be viewed as necessarily including a certain chronic

inadequate response on the part of the target (or targets). That

is, a response that is seen by both the bully and the target as

insufficient to prevent the chronic bullying-cycle from

repeating itself between the given individuals. A suitable

response to any given attempt at bullying varies with the

occasion, and can range from ignoring a bully to turning a prank

around so that it makes a 'pranksteree' out of the would be

prankster, to even summoning legal intervention. In any case,

the targeted individual must necessarily somehow demonstrate to

the would-be bully that one will not allow one's self to be

daunted, intimidated, or otherwise "cowed" by the bully. Those

individuals or groups who are capable of reacting to initial

bullying attempts in ways that tend to sufficiently discourage

potential bullies from repeated attempts are less likely to be

drawn into this destructive cycle. Those individuals or groups

who most readily react to stressful situations by perceiving

themselves as 'victims' tend to make the most suitable

candidates for becoming the 'targets' of chronic bullying.

Under some circumstances, targets may be chosen in what may be a

completely random or arbitrary process, especially in groups in

which the 'bully mentality' may have already succeeded in

achieving domination within the group. In such groups, the

defense mechanisms of the entire group may have already been

'broken down', and therefore the targeting of individuals no

longer requires the seeking out of 'certain personality types'

to become the 'next target'. The reversal of such chronic and

well entrenched bullying behavior in such groups sometimes

requires a much more carefully planned, coordinated, determined,

and multi-individual response from a would-be target than in a

group in which either the 'bully mentality' may not (yet)

prevail, or ideally in a group that may have already taken a

pro-active preventative approach towards bullying.

The bullying-cycle must include both an act of aggression

on the part of a potential bully, and a response by a potential

target that is perceived by both as a certain sign of

submission. The cycle is only set in motion when both of these

two essential elements are present. Once both of these two

elements manifest themselves, the bullying cycle often proceeds

to feed on itself over time, and may last for months, years, or
even decades. The cycle is most easily broken at its initial

onset; however, it can also be broken at any later point in its

progression by simply removing either one of its two essential

ingredients. While group involvement may seem to complicate

bullying activities, the act is most often an implied agreement

in principle between a chief bully or instigator and the target

that the one has 'submitted' to the other. In the act of

bullying, the bully attempts to make a public statement to the

effect of: 'See me and fear me, I am so powerful that I have the

ability to inflict pain upon the intended target at the time and

manner of my choice without having to pay any consequences.'

Should an intended target exhibit a 'defeated attitude' in

response to chronic bullying, then the bullying is likely to

continue. In circumstances where a 'bullying pattern' has not

yet fully established itself, should the intended target respond

with a clear attitude of self-confidence that somehow

demonstrates that the bully's attempt to dominate is futile,

then the bullying attempt will often quickly diminish or end

all-together. Established patterns of bullying may require

greater and more persistent effort to reverse. Institutions and

organs of society often reinforce bullying, often by implying to

or telling targets of bullies that they are responsible for

defending themselves, and then punishing victims if they fight


The study discussed the Effects of Bullying Among Youth

from Barangay Isla, Cabanatuan City: it’s implication to


Specifically, the following questions will be answered::

1. What are the profile of the respondents in terms of:

a. Sex

b. Age

2. What are the factors or causes of Bullying?

3. What are the effects of bullying ?


1. That the there are some risk factors affecting



The study confined itself to the identification of the

Effects of Bullying Among Youth from Barangay Isla, Cabanatuan

Citya: it’s implication to Behavior

The researchers also determine the causes of bullying , the

roles of parents to guide their


The findings which this study will reveal, may benefit

certain groups and the benefits they may be able to gain are as


students – this group may use this study as an example to

bear in their mind they are more luckier than those who are

bullied even life is very struggling because of economic

problems, they are still send in the school to learn by their

parents, thus will challenge to them and enabling them to

perform well in class, study harder to upgrade their knowledge

and intelligence so that the difficulties experienced by their

parents in sending them to school to attain their goals will not

be in vain.

Future Researchers / the Researchers themselves – the

finding of this study will be serving as a good source of

accurate and useful information for them.

The cost of educating a child is tremendous, it matters not

so much, how much our government spends for every child provided

that the child finishes the school year successfully. What is

deplorable to not is the enormous number of school leaves every

year. When a child leaves school before attaining functional

literacy, much of our effort, time and money go down the drain.
He do not acquire the needed skills for a productive and

favorable life.

Usually, majority of the out of school youth because of

bullying effects becomes the sick of our society, they will

become delinquent, they have a rebellious spirits, in this

regards the researchers want to know through this study what are

the behavioral development of our of school youth and its

implication to education.

To all the parent. So that the parents will be able to know

that they should have a sense of dedication and devotion to duty

as parents in implementation of some strategies for the

development of their kids although they experienced being

bullied or those who committed bullying to bring them in a

state that they can be proud to be the parents even of those who

overcome the effects of being bullied

To all community organizations. It is imperative for them

to know the characteristics of a children and youth in the

community it enables them further to adopt precautionary

measures or remedies to forestall their unfavorable behavior.



Educational, School grants Youth who are

Spiritual Guidance self sufficient

Parent’s Education Better graduate

Moral Development Encourage to

Productive Citizen
Livelihood attend church

Activities activities

Provide School
seminars /

Functional strong
scholarship prayer
parental guidance
meeting (B.S.)
close relationship
of school

comprehend school

The study aimed to assess the effects of bullying as perceived

by their parents that will be based on the data gathered.

The respondents of this study involved 30 parents who are

bonafide residents of Barangay Isla, Cabanatuan City, Nueva



bully is defined as simply "forcing one's way aggressively

or by intimidation," the term may generally apply to any life

experience where one is motivated primarily by intimidation

instead of by more positive goals such as mutually shared

interests and benefits.

YOUTH. An early stage of growth and existence, the period

of life coming between childhood and maturity.

Cyber-bullying is any bullying done through the use of

technology. This form of bullying can easily go undetected

because of lack of parental/authoritative supervision.

Gay bullying and gay bashing are expressions used to

designate verbal or physical actions that are direct or indirect

in nature by a person or group against a person who is gay,

lesbian, bisexual, transgendered (LGBT)

Chapter 2


This chapter presents the research method, sources of data,

data gathering instruments that used in the investigation.

Research Design

The researchers used the descriptive analytical method of

research for this is the most appropriate means of evaluating

the effects of bullying among children and its implication to


According to Calderon(1993) descriptive analytical method

of research as certain to prevailing conditions affecting a

given group hence, this study calls for this method. It is a

study components to serve as a direction in reaching a goal. He

pointed out that the descriptive methods tells “what is”, that

which leads to a scientific information about education, and

other situation”. He further described it as a fact-finding with

adequate interpretation usually beyond fact-finding.

The descriptive method of research involves as a certain

data gathering process on prevailing conditions and practice or

descriptions of objects, process or persons as they exist for

about a certain educational phenomenon, predicting for

identifying relationship among and between the available


The Respondents

The respondents of this study are 30 selected parents of

thiry children who were experienced being bullied and were

chosen through simple random sampling. Sampling is the

method by which a researcher chooses a group of respondents

(the sample from a larger population and then formulating a

universal assertion about the whole matter. The

researchers used is purposive sampling,

According to Tan (2006) Simple random sampling is the

selection on random basis of elements from sampling frame,

wherein each element has an equal chance or probability of being

chose as subject of the study

Locale of the Study

This study was conducted at Brgy. Isla, Cabanatuan City.

Data Gathering tools

The materials and instruments to be used for gathering

data are the questionnaire-checklist, the interview, and the

documentary analysis techniques, scattered sources.

Questionnaire-Checklist. The questionnaire-checklist is the

main instruments used in the gathering data. It was employed

primarily to come up with the perception of respondents

concerning the subject matter Good(2009), a questionnaire is a

list of planned, written questions related to a particular

topic, with space provided for indicating the response to each

questions, intended for submission to a number of persons for

reply; commonly used in normative survey studies and in the

measurement of attitudes and opinions.

Interview. The Interview technique will also be used to

complement the gathering of data for the study. Interview

provide information which may be confidential that may not

ordinarily be given in writing. The interview according to

Vockell (2000) is a technique in which the researcher stimulates

the respondents to give the needed information for the study.

Data Gathering Procedures

The researchers prepared the instruments used through

readings of the questionnaire-checklist of other studies just to

obtain some ideas. Finally they if the researchers able to do

and it was presented to their professor.

After the adviser had corrected and approved the

questionnaire the researchers will Xerox them into 30 copies

together with the letter asking permission from the

respondents to be part of the study as well as the Teacher’s

approval in conducting this study and in the distribution of the

questionnaire to the respondents.

Treatment of the Data

The responses of the respondents to the questionnaire

checklist were carefully tallied, tabulated and organized

including those derive from interviews, observation and

documentary analysis. The data presented, analyzed and

interpreted with the used of weighted mean, frequency counts,

percentage and ranking system.

The presentation, analysis and interpretation of the data

will be based on the weighted mean as shown by the scale ranges

as follows(Calderon, 1993)

1. For percentage computation is:

% = f/n x 100

% = percentage

f = number of respondents for every item

N = total number of respondents

2. For weighted mean:

WM = ---------
WM = stands for weighted mean
F = stands for frequencies
W = stands for weighted
TWF = stands for weighted frequency
N = total number of respondents
The table of equivalent which is the basis of the
interpretation of the data will be :(Tan 2006)

Weight Scale Verbal

4.50 above 5 Strongly agree
3.50-4.49 4 agree
2.50-3.49 3 Moderately agree
1.50-2.49 2 Disagree
below 1.50 1 Strongly Disagree
Chapter IV


This chapter presented, analyzed and interpreted all the

data interpreted all the data gathered in this study.

Presentation was done through the used of tables. Analysis and

interpretations of data done after tabular presentation.

Table 1. shows the age profile of the respondents.

Table 1

Gender Profile

Sex Frequency Percentage Rank

Male 12 40% 2
Female 18 60% 1

Total 30 100%

The table one shows the sex profile of the respondents, the

table shows that there were 18 or 60% of the respondents were

females ranked 1, and 12 or 40% were males ranked 2.

The above data shows that most of the respondents were

female and not so many were males. This implied that there were

more females are cooperated with the researchers during the

study was conducted at Brgy. Isla Cabanatuan City

Table 2 show the age profile of the Respondents

Table 2

Age Profile

Age Frequency Percentage Rank

20 below 2 6.7% 5
21-25 4 13.3% 4
26-30 5 16.7% 3
31-36 7 23.3% 2
37 above 12 40% 1

Total 30 100%

The table two shows that there were 12 or 40 percent of the

respondents aged of 37 and above with as ranked are 7 or 23.3

percent were at aged ranged of as 31-36 ranked two, four or 16.7

percent belongs to aged ranged of 26-30 as ranked three; four or

13.3 percent at the age 21-25 as ranked 4; and the last ranked

belong to aged 20 below is with two or 6.7 percent.


B.1 causes of bullying

Table 3

causes W F % WF WM VI R
1) Lack of involvement 5 15 50% 75
in child’s interests, 4 6 20% 24
activities, and daily 3 3 10% 9
life 2 3 10% 6
1 3 10% 3
Total 30 100% 117 3.9 Agree 1
2 Lack of supervision 5 4 13% 20
4 10 33% 40
3 6 20% 18
2 4 13% 8
1 6 20% 6
Total 30 100% 92 3.0 MA 8
3) Overly permissive, 5 10 33% 50
lack of limits 4 6 20% 24
3 5 16% 15
2 9 30% 18
1 0 0 0
Total 30 100% 107 3.5 A 3
4) Harsh, physical 5 4 13% 20
discipline 4 15 50% 60
3 4 13% 12
2 4 13% 8
1 3 10% 3
Total 30 100 103 3.4 MA 5.5
5) Unsupervised break 5 6 20% 30
times 4 5 16% 20
3 12 40% 36
2 3 10% 6
1 4 13% 4
Total 30 100% 96 3.2 MA 7
6 Unsupervised student 5 4 13% 20
areas such as 4 15 50% 60
lunchrooms, bathrooms, 3 4 13% 12
hallways, locker 2 4 13% 8
rooms, playgrounds 1 3 10% 3
30 100 103 3.4 MA 5.5
7) Apathy towards 5 10 33% 50
bullying on the part of 4 6 20% 24
teachers and 3 5 16% 15
administrators 2 9 30% 18
1 0 0 0

30 100% 107 3.5 A 3

8) Idealize violence 5 10 33% 50
4 6 20% 24
3 5 16% 15
2 9 30% 18
1 0 0 0
30 100% 107 3.5 A 3

Table 3 presents the causes of bullying

Ranked 1 was Lack of involvement in child’s interests,

activities, and daily life the item 1 of the table 3 shows that

a big number of respondents agreed to this factor as indicated

by its weighted mean of 3.9 this means that the main reason of

bullying others is because Lack of involvement in child’s

interests, activities, and daily life

The children are bullying others because Overly permissive,

lack of limits, Apathy towards bullying on the part of teachers

and administrators and Idealize violence, is shown in items 3,

7 and 8 of the table which obtained a weighted mean of 3.5 and

verbally interpreted as Agree ranked 3 . ranked 5. are items 4)

Harsh, physical discipline and 6 Unsupervised student areas

such as lunchrooms, bathrooms, hallways, locker rooms,

playgrounds both has weighted mean of 3.4 which means

moderately agree.

Bullying can occur in nearly any part in or around the school

building, though it may occur more frequently in physical

education classes and activities, recess, hallways, bathrooms,

on school buses and while waiting for buses, and in classes that

require group work and/or after school activities. Bullying in

school sometimes consists of a group of students taking

advantage of or isolating one student in particular and gaining

the loyalty of bystanders who want to avoid becoming the next

victim. These bullies may taunt and tease their target before

physically bullying the target.

Table 4

Effects of Bullying

Effects W F % WF WM VI R
a) Loss of interest 5 8 26% 40
in school and 4 5 16% 20
extracurricular 3 6 20% 18
activities 2 7 13% 14
1 4 13% 4

Total 30 100% 96 3.2 MA 1

b) Frequent 5 4 13% 20
complaints of 4 10 33% 40
illness to avoid 3 5 16% 15
attending school 2 4 13% 8
1 7 23% 7

Total 30 100% 93 3.1 MA 2

c) Sudden decrease 5 3 20% 15
in academic 4 6 20% 24
performance 3 7 23% 21
2 8 26% 16
1 6 20% 6
Total 30 100% 82 2.7 MA 4
d) Seems afraid of 5 5 16% 25
going to school, 4 4 13% 16
riding the bus, 3 6 20% 18
walking to school, 2 6 20% 12
or taking part in 1 9 30% 9
activities with

Total 30 100 90 3.0 MA 3

e Anxiety or low 5 4 13% 20
self-esteem 4 6 20% 24
3 5 16% 15
2 9 30% 18
1 6 20% 6
Total 30 100% 85 2.8 MA 5
It is indicated in item a) a) Loss of interest in

school and extracurricular activities is one of the main

effects of being bulliedwith its weighted mean of 3.2

verbally interpreted as moderately agreed ranked 1.Item b

Frequent complaints of illness to avoid attending school

indicated that it is one of the effects of being bullied

with weighted mean of 3.0 verbally interpreted as

moderately agreed, ranked 2.

Ranked 3 is item d) Seems afraid of going to school,

riding the bus, walking to school, or taking part in

organized activities with peers has weighted mean of 3.0

interpreted as moderately agree.

Ranked 4 is item c) Sudden decrease in academic

performance has weighted mean of 2.7 interpreted as

moderately agree

Ranked 5 is item e) Anxiety or low self-esteem has

weighted mean of 2.8 verbally interpreted as moderately



This chapter presents the summary of the findings; the

conclusions arrived at based on the findings and recommendations



This study was aimed at assessing the effects of Bullying.

”. The questionnaire was the main instrument used to gather the

needed data. This study was conducted during the First

semester of School year 2012-2013.

Summary of the Findings:

Profile of the Respondents.

Gender Profile

The table one shows the sex profile of the respondents, the

table shows that there were 18 or 60% of the respondents were

females ranked 1, and 12 or 40% were males ranked 2.

Age Profile

That there were 12 or 40 percent of the respondents aged of

37 and above with as ranked are 7 or 23.3 percent were at aged

ranged of as 31-36 ranked two, four or 16.7 percent belongs to

aged ranged of 26-30 as ranked three; four or 13.3 percent at

the age 21-25 as ranked 4; and the last ranked belong to aged 20

below is with two or 6.7 percent.


causes of bullying

Ranked 1 was Lack of involvement in child’s interests,

activities, and daily life the item 1 of the table 3 shows that

a big number of respondents agreed to this factor as indicated

by its weighted mean of 3.9 this means that the main reason of

bullying others is because Lack of involvement in child’s

interests, activities, and daily life

Effects of Bullying

It is indicated in a) Loss of interest in school and

extracurricular activities is one of the main effects of being

bulliedwith its weighted mean of 3.2 verbally interpreted as

moderately agreed ranked 1.Item b Frequent complaints of illness

to avoid attending school indicated that it is one of the

effects of being bullied with weighted mean of 3.0 verbally

interpreted as moderately agreed, ranked 2.

Ranked 3 is item d) Seems afraid of going to school, riding

the bus, walking to school, or taking part in organized

activities with peers has weighted mean of 3.0 interpreted

as moderately agree.

Ranked 4 is item c) Sudden decrease in academic

performance has weighted mean of 2.7 interpreted as

moderately agree

Ranked 5 is item e) Anxiety or low self-esteem has

weighted mean of 2.8 verbally interpreted as moderately



Based on the findings, the following conclusions are

given and concluded:

1. Bullies react aggressively in response to provocation or

perceived insults or slights. It is unclear whether their

acts of bullying give them pleasure or are just the most

effective way they have learned to get what they want

from others

2. Bullying negatively affects both the child being

victimized and the child who is the bully. There are

always short-term affects and if the bullying is severe

enough there can also be long term effects.

3. Children who are bullied can suffer from low self esteem

and other emotional problems and children who do the

bullying are much more likely to have problems with drugs

and alcohol later in life

4. . The victims of bullies often loose self esteem, start

having trouble in school, and withdraw from friends and

activities. If it is not stopped and continues for long

enough, children can suffer these problems permanently.

5. Not being able to understand the harm they do to

themselves (let alone their victims), psychopathic

bullies are particularly dangerous."


From the findings of the study based on the conclusions

drawn the following

1. Bullying should not be taken lightly as it can cause

serious problems for all the children involved.

2. Being bullied is a very stressful ordeal for children. Many

bullying victims are reluctant to talk about their

experiences making it even harder to help them.

3. Never tell the child just to ignore the bullying. They

will feel as if you are just going to ignore it and they

should not have bothered to tell in the first place.

4. Make contact with the bully’s parents. Often they are

unaware of their child’s behavior and will want to help

work with you to make positive changes.

5. Do not allow your child to hang around empty playgrounds or

stay late at school alone. Teach them to always use the

buddy system.

6. Sometimes children exhibit certain behaviors that irritate

or provoke others. If this is the case, help the child to

find more suitable ways to interact with friends and peer


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Name (Optional):
______Age Gender ______
Direction: . Please put a check mark to the blank provided
corresponds to any number written above each item to best
express your opinion by using the following code below:

5 – Strongly Agree
4 – Agree
3 – Moderately Agree
2 – Disagree
1 – Strongly disagree

1. Causes of Bullying

causes 5 4 3 2 1
1) Lack of involvement
in child’s interests,
activities, and daily

2 Lack of supervision

3) Overly permissive,
lack of limits

4) Harsh, physical

5) Unsupervised break

6 Unsupervised student
areas such as
lunchrooms, bathrooms,
hallways, locker
rooms, playgrounds

7) Apathy towards
bullying on the part of
teachers and
8) Idealize violence

2. Effects of Bullying

Effects 5 4 3 2 1
a) Loss of interest in
school and extra
curricular activities

b) Frequent complaints
of illness to avoid
attending school

c) Sudden decrease in
academic performance

d) Seems afraid of going

to school, riding the
bus, walking to school,
or taking part in
organized activities
with peers

e) Anxiety or low self-


Dear Respondents,


The undersigned researchers who are BS Criminology

students of Nueva Ecaija University of Science and Technology,
Cabanatuan City are presently conducting their research study
entitled “Effects of Bullying ”. In partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the subject Psychology

In connection with the above, they requesting your outmost

cooperation and support by answering the herein attached
questionnaire checklist.

Rest assured that your answer will be treated with strict


Thank You:

Very truly yours,

Marlon de Lara
Cedric D Jale arceo
Arnie Angelo Andulan
Melvin Marcelo
Mark Joseph Arenas
Maricris Estrada
Jaypee Grospe
Eddie Boy Tamares
Rommel Grospe
Jimver Reyes

Noted by:
Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology
Cabanatuan City

Prof. Aniceto Y. Frany

Dean. College of Criminology
Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology
Cabanatuan City

Dear Sir:

This is to request permission from your good office of

allowing the hereunder researchers to conduct their study
entitled “effects of bullying” in our school NEUST In partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the subject Psychology
In connection to this, may we request your permission to
allow us to distribute questionnaires to the criminology
students in under your jurisdiction regarding our research .

Thank you very much for your kind consideration.

Truly yours,

Marlon de Lara
Cedric D Jale arceo
Arnie Angelo Andulan
Melvin Marcelo
Mark Joseph Arenas
Maricris Estrada
Jaypee Grospe
APPROVED: Eddie Boy Tamares
Rommel Grospe
Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology
Cabanatuan City

Noted by:

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