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Name : Rayyan Muzaky (33)

Class : 1-16
Economic Progress in Indonesia
Indonesia is one of country in the world that is still developing. The development of
Indonesia can’t be separated with the economic progress. Indonesia’s economic is arguably not
too good and not too bad at the time. But the progress is good even though it is hampered
because of some corrupt officials who abused our state’s money, natural disasters that forcing
our state to spend more money, or economic crisis in a country. Indonesia had been suffered
from an monetary crisis in 1998 that dropped our state’s economic and economic progress to
the worst condition. But Indonesia has been surviving from the monetary crisis with the
government’s efforts to apply economic policies that can stabilize and increase the economic
progress in Indonesia, the success of those economic policies can be said as the achievement of
the government within the term of office.

Indonesia’s ability to survive in the monetary crisis means that our country’s economic
progress is good. Our government is able to choose the best decision to keep our country’s
economic stable and improving. Beside the ability to survive the monetary crisis, The
government had achieved some achievement that can be sign for our good economic progress.
In president SBY time of government, Indonesia got an additional support from boom world
commodity price (especially palm oil and coal) also the increase of liquidity in international
finance market. And the latest achievement of our economic progress is from president Joko
Widodo’s government, Indonesia dominated 51,23% of PT Freeport Indonesia’s share. This is a
big achievement for Indonesia because previously, Indonesia only dominated 9,36% of the

From the achievements above can be concluded that our country’s economic progress has
been increasing from time to time. Started from the economic downturn in the 1998,
Indonesia’s economic has been rising up until now. So, this is the tasks for the future generation
of Indonesia to maintain and increase the good economic progress in Indonesia.

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