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This Final Report is submitted to fulfill one of the requirements to complete

the Diploma III Degree of English Department
State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya








Palembang, August 5, 2023

Approved by:

First Advisor Second Advisor

Drs. Sunani, M.M. Koryati, S.Pd., M.Pd

NIP 196305181990031002 NIP 198108312005012003

Acknowledged by:
Head of English Department

Dr. Yusri, S.Pd., M.Pd

NIP 197707052006041001


“The Longer You Live More Things You Learn”

I dedicate this final report to my family. I’d like to say thank you to Allah
swt, to make it happened till this point, without Allah swt I can’t make it through
all of this process. With prayers and also actions we can make it till finish.


First of all, the writer would like to express gratitude to Allah SWT. For
the blessing to finish this final report with the title “Making Promotional VIdeo
Script For The Tradisional Marble Cake Modification”. This final report is written
to fulfill the requirement of the final report Project in the English Department
State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya. The writer also would like to thank everyone who
helped the writer to finish this final report, especially the writer’s advisors who
gave many suggestions, support, and much time. The writer also realizes that this
final report is still far from being perfect, but the writer welcomes any suggestions
to make this final report better. Finally, the writer hopes this final report will be
useful for the readers as the references.


At this time the writers would like to thank profusely all participants for

their valuable advice and guidance during the writing of this report. The writers

would like to thank:

1. Allah SWT, always helping me till I finish my final report.

2. My beloved parents and family who always provide moral and material


3. Dr. Yusri, S.Pd., M.Pd. as Head of the English Department and Mrs. Aisyah

Shahab S.Pd., M.Pd. as the Secretary of English Department State Polytechnic

of Sriwijaya.

4. Koryati, S.Pd., M.Pd who has professionally helped me finish this final report.

5. Drs. Sunani, M.M. as first advisor who has given me suggestions for titles and
helped me in completing this final report.

6. Beni Wijaya, S.Pd., M.Pd. a lecturer in engglish department. that already helped
me in making the script.

7. Adi Sutrisman SKom,. MKom a lecturer in Computer Engineering, who has

become an expert for video.

8. Ahmad Fauzi as video content expert.

9. Fenny Puspita, owner of online UMKM ( Dapurnya Mimi ).

10. All my beloved friends 6BD.


Making Promotional VIdeo Script For The Tradisional Marble Cake Modification

( M. Bagas Rizky PG, 2023, 22 Pages, 8 Figures, 1 Tables )

This final report, focus on making the script on the traditional marble cake
promotional video modification. which is one of the innovations in the
development of kue jadul, in this final report the writer used Research and
Development (R&D) by Sukmadinata (2019). The method consists of preliminary
study, model development, and final product testing and dissemination . The data
were collected by doing a literature study and field study, namely the observation
and interview. after collecting the data, the author makes a promotional video of
the traditional cake script modification then the author asks the script expert to
correct grammatical errors and other important components in making the script,
then after getting the revision, the author starts to make a promotional video and
also asks the video expert to correct the shortcomings and errors in the video, the
result is a promotional video script traditional marble cake cake modification.

Keywords : Traditional Cake, Promotion Video, Script


1.1 Background
1.2 Problem Formulation
1.3 Purpose
1.4 Benefits
2.1 Promotion Media
2.1.1 Electronic Media
2.1.2 Printed Media
2.2 Video
2.3 Video Script
2.4 Type Of Cake
2.4.1 Tradisional Cake
2.4.2 Modern Cake
2.4.3 Modification Cake

3.1 Method Of Research

3.2 Preliminary Study
3.2.1 Literature Study
3.2.2 Field Study
3.2.3 Model Draft
3.3 The Model Development
3.3.1 Limited Testing
3.3.2 Wider Testing
3.4 Final Product Testing
4.1 Finding
4.1.1 The Opening Session
4.1.2 The Main Session
4.1.3 The Clossing Session
4.2 Model Development
4.2.1 Limited Testing
4.2.2 Wider Testing
4.3 Discussion

5.1 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………21

5.2 Suggestion…………………………………………………………………21



Figure 3.1 Step of R&D Methods Developed…………………………………....8
Figure 4.1 KineMaster Logo…………………………………..............................12
Figure 4.2 Original Marble Cake………………………………….......................13
Figure 4.3 Marble Cake Modification…………………………………................14
Figure 4.4 Interview with Dapurnya Mimi owner……………………………….14
Figure 4.5 Dapurnya Mimi
Figure 4.6 Text Size Inconsistency
Figure 4.7 After


Table 4.1 Before after revision…………………………………...........................18


Appendix 1 Surat Permohonan Pengambilan Data

Appendix 2 Surat Permohonan Expert
Appendix 3 Kesepakatan Bimbingan Laporan Akhir (Pembimbing 1)
Appendix 4 Kesepakatan Bimbingan Laporan Akhir (Pembimbing 2)
Appendix 5 Lembar Bimbingan Laporan Akhir
Appendix 6 Rekomendasi Ujian Laporan Akhir
Appendix 8 Revisi Ujian Laporan Akhir
Appendix 9 Pelaksanaan Revisi Ujian Laporan Akhir


1.1. Background
The Traditional cake is a type of cake that has existed for a long time and
is often part of the traditions and culture in a region or country. These traditional
cakes have a distinctive taste that is unique and varied flavors. Although
traditional cakes often look simple, they have a unique and delicious taste and are
often one of the types of cakes wanted by many people.
Traditional cakes have existed for a long time, their existence is still very
strong today. This can be seen from the many traditional cake sellers can be found
in traditional markets, coffee shops, and modern pastry shops. Some traditional
cake sellers develop their businesses by trying to innovate and modify their
traditional cakes.
flavors, making them more attractive to some people. Traditional cakes
have many types and variations, for example, the type of traditional sponge cakes
such as bolu suri, bolu lapis surabaya, bolu pandan, and others. Marble cake is one
of them, Marble cake is a cake that is made from a pound cake recipe which is
then filled on a baking sheet with an additional layer of chocolate dough that is
stirred a little with the tip of a knife to create a marble-like motif. This marble
cake is made from wheat flour, butter, sugar, and eggs. (Gisslen, 2013). In
Indonesia marble cake is generally already there because the recipe is declining,
so there is no clear data or written evidence since when this marble cake appeared
in Indonesia. However, this marble cake is generally served during large family
events and holidays.
Thus, they can maintain the existence of traditional cakes, and even
expand the market by attracting modern cake enthusiasts to try the modified
traditional cakes. The existence of traditional cakes in the present is still quite
strong. Although there is competition with modern cakes, some traditional cake


sellers can develop their business with innovation and modification of the
traditional cake, so it still exists in the market and even able to attract fans of
modern cakes to try these traditional cakes.
Usaha,Mikro,Kecil, Menengah (MSMEs also known as UMKM), culinary
food sector is a type of business engaged in the food and beverage industry, which
was established and managed by small and medium businesses. This business
generally serves food beverage products that are daily consumption, such as
snacks, noodles, rice boxes, bread, cakes, juices, and other beverages.
Promotion is one of the variables in marketing that is very important to be
implemented by companies in marketing products and services. Promotional
activities not only function as a communication tool between companies and
consumers, but also as a tool to influence consumers in purchasing/using service
activities according to their wants and needs. Selection of the right promotional
media will affect success in sales.
Culinary UMKM in the food sector usually operates with relatively small
capital and does not have a wide distribution network. These businesses often
have a limited market share and only operate in certain neighborhoods or areas.
However, many food culinary UMKM can survive and grow into successful
businesses by developing new products, improving product quality, and
conducting effective marketing. Culinary UMKM in the food sector also has an
important role in the development of the Indonesian economy. In addition to
creating new jobs, culinary UMKM in the food sector also contributes to
promoting Indonesian culinary diversity, developing food and beverage product
innovation, and improving product quality to compete in the global market.
According to Soetjipto, (2020), UMKM and UKM have an extraordinary role in
the economy of Indonesia. This is because most people in Indonesia live in small
business activities, both traditional and modern.
An example of a modification of the traditional cake as the writer made the
discussion of the object is a marble cake, a marble cake is a cake with a brindle
look. From a mixture of white dough and dark dough. It is usually a mixture of
vanilla and chocolate cake. This cake can also be modified by mixing dough with

other colors such as pandanus color and some colorful versions, The Shape of the
cake was not always the usual round but was also modified by using other forms
of baking molds. All these innovations and modifications can increase the interest
of buyers. Preserving Indonesian traditional cakes is one of the ideas and business
opportunities, even if the cake is modified will be a better business opportunity,
based on the discussion above, the writer is interested in choosing the topic
"Making Promotional Video Script For The Traditional Marble Cake

1.1. Problem Formulation

How to make promotional video for the tradisional marble cake modification

1.2. Purpose
Create promotional videos of modified traditional cakes in order to compete with
modern cakes in terms of attracting many customers.

1.3. Benefits
The benefits of the report are :
a. For the writer
Could learn to practice how to modify marble cakes and could be an idea for
future business
b. For Sriwijaya State Polytechnic
Readers can get ideas to open a UMKM business in the culinary field by
utilizing and modifying traditional cake.

2.1 Promotion Media

According to Surbhi (2017), in wenny arshillah mulia (2021). Promotional
media is a communication tool to help in the spread of messages related to late
news, education, sports, entertainment, and the promotion of goods and
services, to a large group of people in a very short time.
There are two kinds of promotional media.
2.1.1. Electronic Media
According to Surbhi (2017), electronic media are forms of mass media as
the name suggests the news or information is shared through electronic
medium. Electronic media is the advanced means of sharing
information/news. In electronic media the news or information is uploaded or
broadcasted after that it can be viewed through electronic mediums that can
be watch by many viewers. Theres also some example of electronic media are
picture, television adverstising, radio, online advertising, and so on

2.1.2. Printed Media

According to Surbhi (2017), printed media are forms of mass media as the
name suggests the news or information is shared through printed publication.
Printed media is the oldest means of sharing information/news. In printed
media, the news or information is published in hard copy and then released
which is more reader-friendly. Some of the advertising printed media are
newspapers, brochures, magazines, and others.


2.2. Video
A video is a form of technology for recording, capturing, process,
transmitting, and rearranging images that can move. The video can be saved
using a signal from movies, video, television, videotape, or other non-
computer media. Each frame is presented using an electrical signal called
analog wave or composite video that already has components in the video
such as color, illumination, and synchrony of every picture. Purnama, (2013)
in Siska Fitri Ramdani. (2020).
According to McFarland (2014) in Muhammad Syukur Aji Pangestu (2020).
video is a powerful tool for promotion, he mentions several advantages of
video. They are :
1. Video has become so easy to use that a person can simply use a
smartphone, tablet, or computer to record a video.
2. Video is an impeccable storytelling medium that allows the viewer to look
and listen to the content, using multiple senses that can transport your
mind from the environment you are in and place you inside the
environment of the video.
3. Video is being watched online more and more every year including an
800% increase in online video consumption over the past six years, a 55%
majority of video news viewers among Internet users and 2 billion video
views per week are monetized on YouTube.
According to Ciampa et al (2016) in KA Rachmayani (2017) there are four
components that make a good video, they are :
1. Good lighting Good lighting (as opposed to merely adequate lighting)
needs to bathe the subject in a flattering way, as shown. It doesn’t matter if
using a sophisticated light kit or depending on the sun, as long as the final
product looks good.
2. Top quality audio The better a video sounds, the better it looks. visual
elements can easily be accepted when the sound is clear.
3. Steady camera Steady camera will produce a steady shots as well. Steady
shots will ease the editor when selecting the best shots. The result of video

will look professional if the display do not shake or move too much.
Therefore, using of a tripod is highly recommended.
4. Shot Structure A good video display the object in different shot types and
angles. The editor should strive for a nice selection of shot types and
angles in order to keep the viewers engaged.

2.3. Video script

According to Dainith (in Norbury, 2014) in Andalas Murwani Pangesti
(2021), that video script is "Sequences of actions or events. They capture or
encapsulate the central themes in a narrative and can be "matched" against
other scripts or situations". (Rosianta and Sabri, 2018) add that "a video script
is a written text explaining about the information that will be added on a
video". Additionally. (Tristiawati, 2014) states that "video scripts is a guide
for a script writer in transforming ideas into video, pictures or images".
In conclusion, a video script is a crucial element for creating a good video
containing all of the words that will be explained on the video. It is also
contains for a script writer in transforming ideas into video, pictures or

2.4. Type of cake

2.4.1. Tradisional cake
Traditional cakes are snacks passed down from generation to generation
using traditional processing techniques and ingredients used from local
ingredients. According to Marlina Sembiring (2014: 1) in Yun melita
ginting (2017), "In Indonesia it is called a traditional cake, because
traditionally this cake is sold in traditional markets. Preservation and
development of traditional food and cakes is an effort made to maintain
traditional food and cakes as well as improve the quality, and quantity and
shape and civilize the community to be better known from generation to

2.4.2. Modification Cake

Modification cake is to change the processing of a food in terms of the
main ingredients, processing techniques, taste, color, and texture, even the
presentation. Changes to the initial idea of the cake can be done, not even
close to the possibility of total change so that the creation of new
preparations. According to Ambarwati, (2016). Menu modification is an
activity to improve the menu so that more quality in terms of taste, color,
aroma, texture, and nutritional value. It is also a way to add a university
menu at an institution. Menu modification is required to improve
consumer acceptance of the menu presented.

2.4.3. Modern cake

Modern cake is a food that gets a touch of the progress of the times, which
is made from dough, which has a variety of shapes and types. modern cake
making focus on the baking process. the manufacturing process also uses
modern technology using engine power. modern cakes also have a variant
shape but more on processing by hand in the decoration.

3.1. Method of Research

The method that applied in this final report was research and development
(R&D) The writer used the Research and Development method in this paper.
According to Sugiyono (2016). research and development (R&D) as the
process of creating specialized things and verifying their utility. According to
Putra (2015), research and development (R&D) is a systematic research
approach used to locate, repair, develop, manufacture, or test the performance
of more effective, superior, new, efficient productive, and meaningful goods,
models, and methods/strategies. According to some experts, research
development is a method that may be utilized to manufacture, develop, and
improve the effectiveness of a product in order for it to be superior, efficient,
productive, and meaningful. Sukmadinata's (2017) modified steps were used
by the author: preliminary study, model development, and final product
testing and dissemination.

Final Product Testing And

Preliminary Study Model Development Dessemination
 Literature study  Limited testing  Pre testing
 Field study  Wider testing  Revison
 Model draft  Model

Figure 3.1 Step of R&D Methods Developed

Source : Sukmadinata (2017)


3.2. Preliminary Study

Preliminary Study is preparation stages in the development of a product.
There are three steps in the preliminary Study as follows.
3.2.1. Literature study
Literature study is the study from concept and theory to develop the
product. In this step, the writer read journal and article related to making video
promotion the traditional marble cake modification.

3.2.2. Field study

The study was conducted to collect the data related to the product or
developed model. Field study is a way to collect the data related to the
planning and implementation of the product. In this report the writer used
interview to collect data.
a. Interview
According to Estenberg in Sugiyono (2015: 72) interview is a meeting
conducted by two people to exchange information and ideas by question and
answer, so that it can be reduced to a conclusion or meaning in a particular
topic. In this step the writer interviewed Mrs Fenny Puspita Sari as the owner
of Dapurnya Mimi. The questions asked were information about marble cake

b. Observation
According to Sugiyono, (2013), Observation is process composed of
various proceses, two of which are important process of observation and
memory. For observation, the writer took information and photos in the
production house.

3.2.3. Model draft

In this step, the writer made a list plan for video content, First, writer made
the concept of the video. The concept was promotional video, because the
writer would like to promote marble cake modification through video
promotion. Therefore, the writer used persuasive paragraph in writing the
subtitle. According to Martinezz (2016) in wenny arshillah mulia (2021).
Persuasive paragraph is paragraph give the writer opinion on the topic and
tries to get the reader to agree with it. Persuasive paragraph is the right choice
because it supported reason and the data.

3.3. The Model Development

Model development is the second stage that includes limited and wider
testing. it use for testing the value of the product. It usually includes experts
or profesionals, Sukmadinata (2019). There are two step include in model
3.3.1. Limited testing
Limited testing is a testing that the writer did to validate the product. In
this step, there are some expert that validate the product (the video). First the
writer made script in engglish language. Then the writer asked Mr. Beni
Wijaya, S.Pd., M.Pd. a scriptwriting lecturer, to give corrections and
suggestions about script that the writer made. Last, the writer gave the video
to Mr. Adi Sutrisman as a Computer Engineering lecturer in State Polytechnic
Of Sriwijaya to give correction and suggestion about video that the writer

3.3.2. Wider testing

In wide testing, the writer continued to develop and check the video
with more experts. He`s Mr. Ahmad Fauzi as video expert. After the writer
getting some suggestion, the writer improved the content and design of the

3.4. Final Product Testing

This was the last stage to develop the product. In the final product testing
was made based on the revision from the expert. The writer published the
video to the public through YouTube.


4.1. Findings

The process of designing the video to promote Marble Cake Modification

was conducted by using the steps modified by Sukmadinata (2019). The writer did
three steps of preliminary study, they are literature study, field study, and model
draft. In the literature study, the writer read journals and articles related to
making video promotion of the traditional marble cake modification. The result of
the field study with Dapurnya Mimi, was to get information about marble cake
such as the umkm location, and the range of price. The writer also interview Mrs.
Fenny Puspita the owner of online umkm Dapurnya Mimi. After the writer
collected the data from the literature study and field study, the writer made the
first draft Marble Cake Modification Promotional video. The writer used
KineMaster as the video editing software to edit the video.

Figure 4.1 KineMaster


The video used the mp4 format with a duration of about 4 minutes 37
seconds. The concept of the video is to give information to viewers about Marble
Cake Modification. The video contains an explanation of the marble cake, a short
introduction about the UMKM business that sell the cake ( Dapurnya Mimi ), the
difference between the original and modified marble cake, and what makes it
unique. In this video, the writer delivered information in English. In this
promotional video, the model video is divided into three sessions. The writer
combined the scenes into one frame in each session as follows.

4.1.1. The Opening Session

In this opening session, the writer showed some general information about
Marble Cake as one of the traditional cake. For example, traditional cake The term
traditional cake is defined as an original classic type of cake that has existed for a
long time and has become culinary heritage in the region or a country. One of
them is Marble Cake, one of the traditional classic cake with a perfect mix of
chocolate and vanilla layers.

Figure 4.2 Marble Cake

4.1.2. The Main Session


In the main session, the writer explained the background of Dapurnya Mimi as
one of the online UMKM businesses that already existed since 2012 in Palembang
owned by Mrs. Fenny. In this session there is a difference between the original and
modified marble cake, in this session, the writer also conducted a short interview
with Dapurnya Mimi owner. and asked short questions like, What makes your
homemade marble cake unique and special from others. In this session, the writer
also mentions the price and quality of the marble cake.

Figure 4.3 Marble Cake Modification

Figure 4.4 Interview with Dapurnya Mimi Owner


4.1.3. The Closing Session

 In this session, the writer explained that one of the online UMKM
businesses has proven that the traditional cake. Can still be made as attractive as
possible so that it can add more value to its sale and buyers' interest. So this could
be one example of reference for other online UMKMs to continue to preserve and
increase buyer's interest in traditional cake by modifying or in other ways. The
writer also put contact information from Dapurnya Mimi such as Facebook,
Tokopedia, and Instagram, so that if anyone is interested, they can use the contact

Figure 4.5 Dapurnya Mimi Logo

4.2. Model Development

4.2.1. Limited Testing

In the limited testing, the writer showed the script of narration to the expert. The
expert was Mr. Beni Wijaya, S.Pd., M.Pd. a scriptwriting lecturer, The script
revision is as the following.



Old Cake aka Kue Jadul, everyone know this type of cakes that has existed since
long time. The term old cake is defined as a classic type of cake that has existed for
a long time and has become a culinary heritage in a region or country. One of them
is Marble Cake, one of the old cakes with a perfect mix of chocolate and vanilla


Marble cake is a dish that combines the flavors of chocolate and vanilla in perfect
harmony. Now it has a new and more attractive look, as sold by one of the online
UMKM businesses (Dapurnya Mimi) owned by Mrs. Fenny, as the owner of the
online UMKM. Located in Palembang since 2012, speciality in cake, from modern
and old one. And marble cake one of the cakes that attract most attention because
the cake has been modified by the Dapurnya Mimi, Mrs. Fenny has changed its
color and shape to make it more attractive.

Writer: with Mrs. Fenny as an online UMKM business owner Dapurnya Mimi,
what makes this marble cake interesting?

Mrs. Fenny: yes, the thing that makes this cake interesting is that I made this marble
cake from premium quality ingredients and also made it more unique and
interesting, by modifying the shape and color. So it can add selling value and attract
more buyer interest.

As said by Mrs. Fenny, modification of the marble cake is made to have a more
unique and attractive appearance that can increase the interest of buyers and made it
different from the original version.

Writer: as you can see the difference between the original marble cake and the
marble cake modification, both are made of quality materials and premium, and for
the price ranges from seventy thousand rupiah to one hundred thousand rupiah,
depending on the quality and type of the marble cake.


One of the online UMKM businesses has proven that the old cake aka kue jadul.
Can still be made as attractive as possible so that it can add more value to sale
and interest of buyers. And this could be one example of reference for other
online UMKM continue to preserve and increase buyer interest in old cake by
modifying or in other ways. 

That's all from me, if you are interested, you can immediately check 

Dapurnya Mimi On Facebook, Tokopedia also Instagram. See you again and
don't forget to buy Dapurnya Mimi products home made by love.


The term of traditional cake which has existed a long time ago has been known
by everyone for a long time a go until now. The term traditional cake is defined
as an original classic type of cake that has existed for a long time and has
become a culinary heritage in the region or a country. One of them is Marble
Cake, one of the traditional cakes, with a perfect mix of chocolate and vanilla
Marble cake is a dish that combines the flavors of chocolate and vanilla in
perfect harmony. Now, it has a new and more attractive modern look, as sold by
one of the online MSMEs known as UMKM (Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah)
businesses which are (Dapurnya Mimi) owned by Mrs Fenny, the owner of this
online UMKM. Located in Palembang since 2012, its specialty is cake, from
modern and traditional. Marble cake one of the cakes has attracted much
attention because the cake has been modified by Dapurnya Mimi, where Mrs
Fenny has changed its color and shape to make it much more attractive.
Writer : Hello everyone, i’m M.Bagas Rizky. Right now im with owner of
Dapurnya Mimi
Mrs Fenny : Hello there, im Fenny Gunawan. Im the owner of Dapurnya Mimi
Mrs Fenny : The thing that make this Marble Cake is special, off course the
Writer : With Mrs. Fenny as an online UMKM business owner Dapurnya Mimi,
shaped is unique and color also different. Also I made it with premium quality
what is something special about this Marble Cake Modification, that make
buyers interest to buy?
Writer : So this UMKM has best quality ingredients to make best quality cake,
and that’s the important thing in UMKM product.

Writer : After we interview owner of Dapurnya Mimi, lets hear what customers

Table 4.1 Before after script revision


The writer showed video promotion to the expert. The expert was Mr. Adi
Sutrisman SKom,. MKom as Computer Engineering lecturer. he revised some of
scene and the font from the video, the revision is as following.

A. The title font is less large & the running font of the text is less consistent,
sometimes the font is small. Maybe it can be customized

B. Give the background for the text, so it can be read and not disturbed by the
background in the video

C. Use intro and outro filters in kinemaster to make it more interesting as opening
& closing

D. He also questioned how many scenes sometimes there is a landscape

sometimes there is a portrait and for opening closing should also be fixed.

4.2.2. Wider Testing

In wider testing, the writer asked for comments and suggestions for the
video to Mr Ahmad Fauzi a Graphic design freelance. He gave the same
suggestion as Mr. Adi Sutrisman SKom,. MKom, such as giving background
for text, also suggested adding a consumer response scene to the video, to
make the promotional video concept to be more complete and better.

Figure 4.6 Text Size Inconsistency


Figure 4.7 After Revision

4.3. Discussion
In the discussion, the results obtained are the writer makes a script and a
promotional video marble cake, the writer makes a concept or discussion of what
can be written in the script, and then the writer gives it to the expert to be
corrected whether the script can be used or not. Then when the script was
corrected and revised by the expert, the writer began to correct the errors in the
script After completion the writer began to give the script to the expert, and after
being approved by the expert the writer continued by making a promotional video,
as in the discussion of chapter Two, which discusses promotional media such as
electronic media and print media, the writer chose electronic media that can be
done through video can also be uploaded on social media or other online
applications such as YouTube and Instagram, etc.

The writer uses several important components in making video such as according
to Ciampa et al (2016) in KA Rachmayani (2017), such as good lighting, good
video quality, steady camera, and shoot structure. When the video is finished, the
writer submits to the expert to get advice, Not enough with one video expert, the
writer submits the video to one more expert. To get better advice. After getting
advice from both video experts, the writer concluded that the second expert's
advice was the same and agreed with the first expert's opinion such as

(inconsistent font size, unclear sound, and questioning how many scenes there is a
landscape sometimes there is a portrait and for opening closing should also be
fixed ) but he added suggestions such as adding background to the subtitle text
and suggested to add scene opinions from customers about marble cake. The
writer uses the script to be used as text or discussion of what is said in the video,
which can be called a video script.

The content in the video discusses one of the traditional cakes or classic cakes,
namely Marble Cake. What makes this cake a discussion and become more unique
is that the cake has been modified by one of the online MSMEs or UMKM (usaha
mikro kecil menengah ) which is Dapurnya Mimi. With a more modern shape and
color but with a classic flavor that will make many people nostalgic for this cake,
a more attractive shape (modern) could compete with modern cakes in attracting
more buyer interest. Therefore after finishing making the video the writer
uploaded the video to YouTube to get the attention of viewers and traditional
cakes will attract buyers.


5.1. Conclusion

From the explanation in the previous chapter, it can be concluded that this
video could be useful to promote one of the Traditional Cake ( Marble Cake ).
Therefore it could be an idea for other UMKM to take an example and also for
their reference material, either to recook or to modify with a more unique shape to
increase its sell. This promotional video duration is about 2 minutes 38 seconds
and has been uploaded by the writer on several social media such as Instagram
and YouTube, It is hoped that many viewers will be interested in ordering
products from Dapurnya Mimi UMKM, and in the video, the writer also included
some social media and Dapurnya Mimi contacts. The writer used the KineMaster
application as the video editing software. To attract buyers, the writer also put
pictures of Marble Cake Modification as interesting as possible.

5.2. Suggestion

Based on the results of promoting marble cake as one of The Trational Cake
that has been done, the writer suggests other MSMEs or UMKM (usaha mikro
kecil menengah ). To continue to innovate with the products they sell, so that their
products can get a lot of buyers. and it has been done by one of the online MSMEs
(Dapurnya Mimi) owned by Mrs. Fenny Puspita, he has made a unique innovation
because he has modified the marble cake to be more unique, by varying the color
and shape of the cake. This promotional video can also be used as one of the
reference materials for anyone who wants to get the idea of starting a cake


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