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Dr. Fitriani Nur Damayanti, S.ST, M.Hkes NIDN 0618058802

Siti Istiana NIDN 0618028501
Hasna Try Aryani NIM G2E021011
Yunita Lutfiyani NIM G0E020013


1. Title : Midwife skill training as a family assistance team

in preventing stunting in Tegal City
2. Chief Executive of Community Service
a. Full Name : Dr. Fitriani Nur Damayanti, S.ST, M.HKes
b. Functional Position : Head Lector
c. Work Unit/Department : FIKKES/Midwifery
3. Location : Tegal City
4. Outputs produced : Midwife skill training as a family assistance
team in preventing stunting in Tegal City
5. Implementation Fee : IDR 5.000.000,00 (Five million thousand rupiah)

Semarang, 17 Oktober 2022


Dean Chief Researcher,

Dr. Ali Rosidi, M.Sc Fitriani Nur Damayanti, S.ST,

M.HKes NIK. 28.6.1026.021 NIK. 28.6.1026.208

Chairman of LPPM


Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Praise the authors pray to the presence of Allah SWT for His infinite mercy and
grace so that the writer can complete the preparation of a report on community service
activities with the title: Midwife Skill Training As A Family Assistance Team In
Preventing Stunting In Tegal City .
The preparation of this report is one form of the author's participation in
practicing the Tri Darma Bakti Higher Education. The author in preparing this report
cannot be separated from the help and support of various parties who willingly and
happily assisted in the preparation of this service report both morally and materially. On
this occasion, the author would like to thank the honorable:
1. All midwives from Panggung sub-district, Tegalsari, Slerok, Kejambon, Debong
Tengah, Randu Gunting, Muaraeja, Kraton, Baked Wells and Margadana

2. Village Head of Stage, Tegalsari, Slerok, Kejambon, Debong Tengah, Randu

Gunting, Muaraeja, Kraton, Baked Wells and Margadana

3. Dr. Ali Rosidi, M.Si as the Dean of FIKKES UNIMUS

4. Dr. Purnomo, M.Eng as Chair of the UNIMUS Research and Community Service

5. All parties who assist in the implementation of community service

With all humility the author hopes that this report can be useful for writers in
particular and readers in general.

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr, Wb .
Semarang, Oktober 2022


TITLE PAGE ..................................................................................................... i

IDENTITY AND AUTHORITY ....................................................................... ii
PREFACE .......................................................................................................... iii
TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................. iv
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ....................................................................... 1
A. Situation Analysis .................................................................................. 1

B. Partner Problems .................................................................................... 3

CHAPTER II SOLUTIONS AND OUTPUT TARGETS ................................. 4

CHAPTER III IMPLEMENTATION METHOD ............................................. 5
A. Approach Method .................................................................................. 5
B. Work Procedure ..................................................................................... 5
CHAPTER IV IMPLEMENTATION OF ACTIVITIES .................................. 8
A. Realization of Problem Solving ............................................................. 8

B. Target Audience ..................................................................................... 8

C. Methods Used ........................................................................................ 9

D. Materials and Tools ............................................................................... 9

CHAPTER V RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ................................................. 10

A. Implementation ...................................................................................... 10

B. Implementation Method ......................................................................... 10

C. Activity Results ...................................................................................... 11

D. Evaluation Results ................................................................................. 13


A. Conclusion ............................................................................................. 17
B. Suggestion .............................................................................................. 17



A. Situation analysis

Stunting is a serious health problem with a high prevalence in Indonesia.

Stunting or often called stunting or stunting is a condition of failure to thrive in

children under five years old (toddlers) due to chronic malnutrition and repeated

infections, especially during the first 1,000 Days of Life (HPK) period, namely

from fetus to 23 month old child. A child is classified as stunted if his length or

height is below minus two standard deviations for the length or height of a child his

age (Ministry of National Development Planning/Head of the National

Development Planning Agency, 2021). The problem of stunting needs to be a

concern because stunting can interfere with intelligence, metabolism in the body

and physical growth. In addition, stunting can also cause obstacles in cognitive

ability and achievement at school, can also interfere with immunity and cause other

diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke and even cancer (Rachmah et al.,


Based on the results of the Indonesian Nutrition Status Study (SSGI) of the

Ministry of Health, the prevalence of stunting under five in 2021 is 24.4% in 2021.

This means that almost a quarter of Indonesian children under five experienced

stunting last year. However, this figure is lower than in 2020 which is estimated to

reach 26.9%. The prevalence rate of stunting in Indonesia is still far above the limit

set by WHO, which is below 20%, this shows that the problem of stunting in

Indonesia is classified as a chronic problem. The government has set a target to

reduce stunting to 14% by 2024 (Decree of the Minister of National Development

Planning, 2022). Based on the decision of the Minister of National Development

Planning/Head of Bappenas Number 10/M.PPN/HK/02/2021 concerning

Determining the Expansion of Districts/Cities as Focus Areas for Integrated

Stunting Reduction Interventions in 2022, Tegal City was designated as one of the

stunting intervention loci in 2022 (Ministry Decree VAT, 2022).

Various interventions have been carried out to reduce the prevalence of stunting

in Indonesia. The family approach is one of the strategies to reduce the incidence of

stunting. Assistance is provided to at-risk families such as prospective brides (catin)

/ prospective couples of childbearing age (PUS), pregnant and lactating women

until after giving birth and children aged 0-59 months (Djide, 2021, Noviasty, R.,

Mega I., Fadillah R., 2020). Assistance for families at risk requires collaboration

from various parties such as midwives, Cadres of Empowerment and Welfare

Mobilization Teams and Family Planning Cadres. This team will be the spearhead

in reducing the incidence of stunting, because they will be tasked with guarding at-

risk families, especially in terms of prevention. The role of the Family Assistance

Team (TPK) for those at risk of stunting is very important, as community

representatives have a big role in implementing effective interventions to reduce

toddler stunting rates in Tegal City.

Midwives are one of the personnel who provide oversight to ensure that nutrition

and reproductive health education programs continue through the first 2 years of a

baby's life, growth and development of the baby, can help prevent stunting

(Permatasari et al., 2021). The midwife's knowledge will have an impact on

stunting prevention. So the better the midwife's knowledge, the better the quality of

antenatal care services in preventing stunting (Faiza & Fithri, 2020). However,

cadres still lack skills in stunting prevention because there is no training for the

Family Assistance Team (TPK) to be able to carry out their duties as stunting

cadres (Purnamasari et al., 2020). This made the service team interested in holding

Skill Improvement Training for Midwives as a Family Assistance Team (TPK) in

data collection and identification of stunting risks. This activity aims to increase

TPK's knowledge and skills in collecting data and identifying the risk of stunting in

Tegal City.

B. Partner Problems

Assistance for families at risk requires collaboration from various parties such as

midwives, Cadres of Empowerment and Welfare Mobilization Teams and Family

Planning Cadres. This team will be the spearhead in reducing the incidence of

stunting, because they will be tasked with guarding at-risk families, especially in

terms of prevention. Midwives' skills are still lacking in data collection and

identification of stunting risks in stunting prevention in Tegal City , so training in

data collection skills and identification of stunting risks is needed to Midwives in

Tegal City.



Problem solutions are determined based on the cause of the problem. Each solution

offered will produce an output target.

Table 2.1 Analysis of Priority Problems, Causes, solutions offered and Outcome Targets

No. Issue Priority Reason Solutions Offered Outer Target

1. Lack of An environment Strengthening efforts 1. Strengthening

knowledge about that does not to increase knowledge emergency first aid efforts

data collection support efforts to of stunting data (PPGD) through health

and identification prevent stunting collection and education

of stunting in the identification 2. Adolescent knowledge

family level regarding emergency

first aid measures (PPGD)

2. Lack of Lack of Conduct training to Increasing the skills of

midwives' skills midwives' skills improve stunting data midwives in collecting

in efforts to in efforts to collection and data and identifying the

collect data and prevent stunting identification skills risk of stunting in the

identify the risk family

of stunting in the




A. Approach Method

The approach method that will be used to implement solutions to partner

problems is described in table 3.1 below.

Table 3.1. Solutions and Approach Methods

Solution Approach Method

Do training to increase the knowledge Giving lectures on stunting and training stunting risk

and skills of midwives as a Family identification and data collection skills

Assistance Team in collecting data and

identifying the risk of stunting

B. Work procedures

Community service work procedures use the lecture method , which is a

learning model that supports contextual learning. The cooperative learning system

can be defined as a form of presenting teaching materials through explanations and

oral narratives by the teacher to students about a material topic. Teaching with the

lecture method means providing information through listening to students, students

can understand what is conveyed by the teacher by listening to what the teacher has


Table 3.2 steps of the lecture method that is :

Phase Procedure

Deliver health education Convey all training goals with health education

goals methods to be achieved

Presents information Convey information to Midwives regarding data

about data collection and collection and identification of stunting risks

identification of stunting


Provide midwife skills Delivering training in the form of health education

improvement training methods and skills improvement training for

Midwives in data collection and identification of

stunting risks

Evaluation Evaluate the material that has been given

Reward Giving awards to midwives who have received


A. Realization of Problem Solving

Realization of solving problems in this service activity is by Midwife skills

improvement training as a Family Assistance Team in data collection and

identification of stunting risks . This activity was carried out at SD Negeri 6 Kraton,

Tegal City. Participated by 30 Midwives from the Family Assistance Team from

Panggung , Tegalsari, Slerok, Kejambon, Debong Tengah, Randu Gunting,

Muaraeja, Kraton, Sumur Panggang and Margadana Villages

B. Target Audience

1. Target specifications

The target audience for this service activity are midwives in

Panggung, Tegalsari, Slerok, Kejambon, Debong Tengah, Randu Gunting,

Muaraeja, Kraton, Sumur Panggang and Margadana Villages.

2. Target selection

audience in this service activity are midwives in Panggung, Tegalsari,

Slerok, Kejambon, Debong Tengah, Randu Gunting, Muaraeja, Kraton,

Sumur Panggang and Margadana Sub-Districts because there is still a lack of

knowledge and skills of Midwives as Family Assistance Teams in data

collection and identification of stunting risks,

selection was carried out by looking at the list of midwives in

Panggung , Tegalsari, Slerok, Kejambon, Debong Tengah, Randu Gunting,

Muaraeja, Kraton, Sumur Panggang and Margadana Sub-Districts in

collaboration with the local Kelurahan Lurah to inform the target and

obtained 30 participants .

C. Methods Used

The method used is to give lectures and training to improve the skills of

midwives as a Family Assistance Team in data collection and identification of

stunting risks.

D. Materials and tools

Materials and equipment used in lectures and skills improvement training

for Midwives as Family Assistance Teams in data collection and identification of

stunting risk include: leaflets and PPTs provided by the Midwifery study program.



A. Implementation

Training to improve the skills of midwives as a Family Assistance Team in data

collection and identification of stunting risks through the lecture method and skills-

building practices at SD N Kraton 6 Tegal City on Monday, October 17 2022 at

13.00-15.00 WIB. Before the community service activities began, the team made

preparations including:

1. Doing permits with the Lurah in Tegal City

2. Coordinate with RT to collect data on midwives in Tegal City

3. Conduct a survey of places to carry out this community service activity.

B. Implementation Method

The results of this activity are based on the activity plan and predetermined output

targets. The activities that have been carried out include the program Midwife skills

improvement training as a Family Assistance Team in data collection and

identification of stunting risks through lecture and practice methods:

1. Lecture

2. Practice according to the skills needed by each group of participants

C. Activity Results

The following is a report on the results of community service activities regarding

Midwife skills improvement training as a Family Assistance Team in data collection

and identification of stunting risks through lecture and practice methods:

1. Activity Platform

LPPM Assignment Letter No. 0429/UNIMUS.L/ST.PM/202 2

2. Execution time

October 17, 2022

3. Place of execution

SD N Kraton 6 Tegal City

4. Organizing

Dr. Fitriani Nur Damayanti, S.ST, M.HKes,

5. Participant

Teenagers numbered 30 people.

6. Implementation Method

a. Lecture

b. Discussion

c. Practice

7. Activity Purpose

Can add to the knowledge and improve the skills of midwives as Family

Assistance Teams in data collection and identification of stunting risks

8. Implementation of Activities

Table 5.1 regarding the implementation of community service activities:

No Stages Activity Participant Response

1 Opening 1) Say greetings 1) Answer greetings

2) Introduce myself 2) Introduce myself

3) Explain the purpose of the 3) Participants understand the

activity purpose of this activity

4) Make a time contract 4) Participants agree to contract

agreement time on this activity

2 Core 1) Explain the meaning of 1) Participants understand the

stunting meaning of stunting

2) Explain the causes of 2) Participants understand the

stunting causes of stunting

3) Describe efforts to prevent 3) Participants understand the

and treat stunting efforts to prevent and treat

4) Describe the symptoms of stunting

stunting 4) Participants understand the

5) Explain how to collect data symptoms of stunting

and identify the risk of 5) Participants understand how to

stunting collect data and identify the

risk of stunting

3 Closing 1) Provides opportunities for 1) Several participants asked for

reflection on the material reflections on the activities

and training provided that had taken place

2) Do an evaluation 2) Participants can answer

questions given by the

dedication team

3) Close activity 3) Participants took part in the

activity until the end of the


8. Achieved Outcome Target

a. Midwives who participated in this activity were midwives in Tegal City

b. The number of participants is 30 people

c. Participants are willing to participate in activities from the beginning to the

end of the event

D. Evaluation result

The Community Service activity was carried out on October 17, 2022 by a

midwifery lecturer at the Muhammadiyah University of Semarang. After the

opening, introduction activities and approaches were carried out between the

executor and the activity participants. The response from the activity participants

was very good and active in asking questions. Then fill in the pre-activity

questionnaire to determine the level of knowledge and attitudes of activity

participants. It was found that the level of knowledge of the activity participants

regarding data collection and identification of stunting risks was still low.

The t-test results for 2 paired samples for the midwife group are given as follows:

Table 2.1 Pre-test and post-test statistics for midwives

Paired Samples Statistics

Means N std. Deviation std. Error


Pair Pre_Midwife 7.43 30 1.104 .202

1 Post_Midwife 9.90 30 1.125 .205

Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences t df Sig.

Means std. std. 95% Confidence (2-

Deviation Error Intervals tailed)

Means Lower Upper

Pre-Midwife -2.46 1.52 .27 -3.03 -1.89 - 29 0.000

- 8.85


Table 2.1 above shows that the average value of correct answers for Pre-

Midwives is 7.43 answers while the average value of correct answers for Post-

Midwives is 9.90. This value is statistically different because it produces a t-test

significance of 0.000 which is significantly less than 0.05. Based on this information,

it can be concluded that there is a significant difference between the average results

of the Pre-Midwife and Post-Midwife answers, which means that the treatment or

treatment carried out by the researcher was successful and proved to be able to

increase the number of respondents to answer statements correctly.

This face-to-face training activity was carried out using two methods, namely

delivering training material through the lecture method identifying families at risk of

stunting and practicing skills in data collection, analysis and auditing of stunting

cases. TPK Assistance activities during data collection in the field with the aim of

helping ensure the quality of the data obtained during data collection.




A. Conclusion

The conclusion of the Midwife skills improvement training as a Family Assistance

Team in data collection and identification of stunting risks among others :

1. Increased knowledge of midwives regarding data collection and identification of

stunting risks

2. Increased skills as a Family Assistance Team in data collection and

identification of stunting risks

B. Suggestion

1. Health workers

It is hoped that health workers can provide ongoing outreach to families about


2. Respondents

It is hoped that midwives as the Family Assistance Team can collect data and

identify the risk of stunting


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Number : 0296/ UNIMUS.L/ST.PT/202 2

The undersigned is the Chairman of the Institute for Research and Community
Service (LPPM) Muhammadiyah University of Semarang (Unimus) , giving
assignments to:

No. Name NIK/NIP Position

1 Dr. Fitriani Nur Damayanti, S.ST, 28.6.1026.208 Lecturer

2 Siti Istiana 28.6.1026.130 Lecturer

3 Rahayu Astuti G0E019012 Student

4 Avisa Zahra Paramitha G2E019004 Student

To implement :

Name of activity : “Midwife Skill Training As A Family Assistance

Team In Preventing Stunting In Tegal City ”
Execution time : October 17, 2022
Place of execution : Tegal City

Thus this assignment letter is given to be carried out as well as possible. And
immediately provide a written report on the implementation of these activities.

Semarang, 17 October 2022

21 Rabiul Awal 1444 H
Chairman of LPPM

Dr. Purnomo, M.Eng.

NIK. 28.6.1026.104

Appendix 2: Activity Budget

1. Bahan dan Peralatan Penunjang Volume Harga Satuan (Rp) Nilai (Rp)
- Kertas HVS A4 80 gr 2 rim 50.000 100.000
- Tinta print black 1 buah 200.000 200.000
- Tinta print warna 1 buah 300.000 300.000
- Bolpoint 2 buah 25.000 50.000
- Handsanitizer 6 botol 28.500 171.000

SUB TOTAL (Rp) 821.000

2. Perjalanan Volume Harga Satuan (Rp) Nilai (Rp)

- Perjalanan untuk survei 2 kali 100.000 200.000
- Perjalanan untuk penelitian 6 kali 100.000 600.000

SUB TOTAL (Rp) 800.000

3. Lain-lain Volume Harga Satuan (Rp) Nilai (Rp)

- Analisis data 1 data 500.000 500.000
- Pendaftaran seminar dan oral presentasi 1 orang 1.000.000 1.000.000
- Cetak Leaflet 20 lembar 5000 100.000
- Editing buku luaran 2 kali 500.000 1.000.000
- Cetak buku 10 eksemplar 25.000 250.000
- Pendaftaran HKI 1 buku 500.000 500.000
- Air mineral 1 dus 29.000 29.000

SUB TOTAL (Rp) 3.379.000

TOTAL (Rp) 5.000.000

(Lima juta ribu rupiah)

Appendix 3: Documentation

Appendix 4: Absence


Date and time : October 17, 2022

Place : SD N Kraton 6 Tegal City

Title : Midwife Skill Improvement Training as a Family Assistance Team in

Stunting Risk Data Collection and Identification

Attachment 5 : Matter

A. Stunting
Stunting can be interpreted as chronic malnutrition or growth failure in the
past and is used as a long-term indicator of undernutrition in children. The
incidence of stunting in children is a cumulative process according to several
studies, which occurs from pregnancy, childhood and throughout the life cycle. The
process of stunting in children and opportunities for stunting to increase occur in
the first 2 years of life.
The incidence of stunting in children is a cumulative process according to
several studies, which occurs from pregnancy, childhood and throughout the life
cycle. The process of stunting in children and opportunities for stunting to increase
occur in the first 2 years of life.
The incidence of stunting is influenced by several factors, both internal and
external. Internally, stunting is affected by factors that are directly related to the
growth and development of infants or toddlers, such as parenting, exclusive
breastfeeding, complementary breastfeeding, complete immunization, protein and
mineral adequacy, infectious diseases, and genetics. Externally, it is influenced by
family socio-economic factors, such as mother's education level, mother's
employment status, and family income .
To determine stunting in children is done by means of measurement. Height-
for-age measurements were made for children over two years of age.
Anthropometry is a measurement of the body while nutritional anthropometry is a
type of measurement of several body shapes and body composition according to
age and nutritional level, which is used to determine energy and protein imbalances.
Anthropometry is performed to measure growth in height and weight.
The negative impact that can be caused by nutritional problems during this
period, in the short term, is the disruption of brain development, intelligence,
physical growth disorders, and metabolic disorders in the body. Meanwhile, in the
long term, the negative consequences that can be caused are decreased cognitive
ability and learning achievement, decreased immunity so that you get sick easily,
and a high risk of developing diabetes, obesity, heart and blood vessel disease,

cancer, stroke, and disability in old age. as well as uncompetitive quality of work
which results in low economic productivity .
Many efforts to prevent stunting have been carried out in developing
countries related to nutrition in children and families. These efforts are described as
1. Zero Hunger Strategy
The strategy coordinates the programs of eleven ministries that focus on the
poorest of the poor
2. National Council on Food and Nutrition Safety
Monitor strategies to strengthen family farms, soup kitchens and strategies to
improve school meals and promote healthy eating habits
3. Bolsa Familia Program
Provide conditional cash transfers to 11 million poor families. The goal is to
break the intergenerational cycle of poverty
4. Food and Nutrition Surveillance System
Ongoing monitoring of the nutritional status of the population and its
5. Family Health Strategy
Providing quality health care through primary care strategies

B. Child Development
Growth (growth) is a physical change that can be measured; Development is
an increase in the ability of a more complex structure and function of the body.
Child growth is a change that is quantitative, can be measured, and occurs
physically. The growth and development of toddlers 1-5 years can be monitored by
measuring their height, weight, head circumference, and other measurements
according to age with certain standardized measuring instruments. While
development is an increase in the ability to structure and function a more complex
body, for example the Little One can walk or talk. Development can be observed
from the way he plays, learns, talks, and behaves.

Growth and development are influenced by internal and external factors.
Internal factors include gender, racial differences, age, genetics, and chromosomes.
While the external factors of child development include the state of the social
environment, economy, nutrition, and psychological stimulation.
The golden period of children takes place in the age range 0-5 years. This
age is the initial phase of the child's development stage and will affect the next
phase. At this time, Mama must be more careful to get optimal results and prevent
abnormalities as early as possible.
Growth and development are influenced by internal and external factors.
Internal factors include gender, racial differences, age, genetics, and chromosomes.
While the external factors of child development include the state of the social
environment, economy, nutrition, and psychological stimulation.
The golden period of children takes place in the age range 0-5 years. This
age is the initial phase of your little one's growth and development and will affect
the next phase. At this time, you must be more careful to get optimal results and
prevent abnormalities as early as possible.

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