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Topic: Greetings.

Greetings are words expressed to close people, friends and family members; as well as to
friends from afar. They are also polite phrases which people use to show or give love and
tender within a social group.

Most common greetings in English:

HELLO (Formal greeting, usually used when you are referring to an adult, or people you
do not know).

HI (Family or friendly greeting. Usually used among family or friend groups, or when you
feel confidence with someone).

HOW ARE YOU? (An introducing inquire, usually used when you do not have a clue
with someone close to you where-about. It is highly used too as to show care for how the
person you are referring to feels or is).

HEY! WHAT´S UP? (It is used as well as to show caring for how the person you are
talking with is or feels. Nevertheless, this type of greeting is used only with close people
such a cousin or best friend).

GOOD MORNING! (A greeting commonly used during the morning time).

GOOD AFTERNOON! (A greeting used from 12:00pm to 4:25pm).

GOOD EVENING! (A greeting used almost during sunset).

GOOD NIGHT! (A greeting used right at night).



If you are walking on the street and you fetch up all of a sudden with a close friend or a
close family member; most of the time this person will greet you with a: “WHAT´S UP
BUDDY? OR WHAT´S NEW? (in case he/she has a long period of time without knowing
anything about you). If that would be the case, these would be some possible answers:

1. Hey what´s new? – Hey! What´s up?

 Hey! I´m here mingle!
 Mmmm… Nothing new, as usual.
 Hey! I´m just hanging out with some friends from the neighborhood.

2. How are you?

 I´m fine. Thanks.
 I’m OK! How about you? (A polite response).
 I´m hungry! Do you have something to eat?

TASK: Taking into account the greetings above, practice with your MOM or DAD by
making an act-out. Let your parents asking you or greet you and you say the response.
Once you have done the task, please cut and glue this chart in your NB and describe in
English what did you do during the task.


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