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During the Mexican holiday of Day of the Dead, or Día de los Muertos, families pay respect to their

departed loved ones, whose spirits are believed to return on this day. Offerings of marigolds,
candles, sugar skulls, fruit, and pan de muerto are placed on an altar around the deceased’s grave.
Families may also put photographs and their loved one’s favorite food on the alter. The day is
spent eating, drinking, and celebrating those who have passed. The Day of the Dead is held
November 1, but alters may be constructed and visited before or after, typically between October
28 and November 4. In this document, you will find additional classroom resources to help you
celebrate Day of the Dead with your students!

platillos tradicionales que tienes que probar el Día de...

traditional dishes of the day of the dead

1. Pan de muerto. Este pan es, sin dudas, la receta más entrañable de la cocina del
Día de Muertos, y no puede faltar en las ofrendas ni en las mesas de los hogares
mexicanos. ...
1.-bread of the dead

2. Calaveras de azúcar.
2.-sugar skulls

3. Mole. ...
4. Tamales. ...
Tamales ( chamales)
5. Pozole. ...
Pozole (pouzou)
6. Empanadas de calabaza. ...
6.-Pumpkin Empanadas(ponkin empanadas)

7. Galletas de calaveras. ...

7.- skull cookies(skol cuukis)

8. Dulce de calabaza.
8.-sweet pumpkin(suit ponkin)

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