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Past continuous

Look at the picture of the famous girl band, sparks, and complete the reporter's
words. Use the verbs in the box in the past continuous.

§pá&Kk§ §tY§

take a photo artue discuss protest shout interview

/ 1 was interriewin!_the ban/, Sparks. The photojrapher

of fanya. Some people outstde and one tnan

Ka)t and uillie abowt
a juúar. Suzy and
ffi albrru covers.

No-one was /isteninj to me!

The-photographer took somepictures yesterday. what were Katy, Millie, suzy,

Taffy and Tanya doing? Complete the sentences.

I At 7.00, Katy and Íaffy were eatinq breakfast.

2 At 9.00, Suzy
3 At -1.l.00, Tanya and Mitlie
4 At .l2.00, Katy
5 At -l3.00,Taffy and Suzy

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