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Inventos tegnologicos que mejoraran tu vida

Shiftwear:Were created by David Coelho and are sneakers that you can customize with the
colors, photos or animations you want from your Smartphone or Tablet, are also water
resistant and can be washed in the washing machine, but most impressive is that the battery
of these sneakers are recharged with every step you take.

Portal flex:Created by Arubixs, it is a waterproof, flexible and shatterproof smartphone, it is

also the lightest and toughest in the world and can also be charged wirelessly, and
incorporated into any part of the body.

Flyboard air:Created by Franky zapata, is a flying skateboard, capable of flying, at 3000 meters
high, and at a speed of 150 kilometers per hour. This skateboard only works with a jet engine
and propellers, so the user must carry a backpack of fuel. To handle it is available the
movement of the body, and two joysticks in both hands.

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