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C H A P T E R 2 5

Assessment and Treatment

of the Vegetative
and Minimally
Conscious Patient



Coma is the starting point for all patients with to the severity of the injury and the duration of
severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). Some of unconsciousness.
these patients begin to regain consciousness Some patients spend considerable time with
within a few days or weeks. Those survivors very restricted behavioral repertoires that sug-
whose unconsciousness persists beyond 2 to 4 gest some limited conscious processing. Until re-
weeks evolve into the vegetative state,* in cently, there was no specific term for this clinical
which spontaneous control of bodily (“vegeta- subgroup, who are clearly no longer comatose or
tive”) functions, such as respiration, cardiovas- vegetative and yet have very limited cognitive
cular function, and sleep-wake cycles return, abilities. To merely classify them as severely dis-
under the control of recovering brain stem abled by the Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS)
mechanisms. Both coma and the vegetative would fail to distinguish them from the many pa-
state are characterized by “absence of function tients who are “conscious but disabled” in terms
in the cerebral cortex, as judged behaviorally,”1 of their ability to live independently.1 In 1995,
and consciousness can reemerge from either members of the Brain Injury Interdisciplinary
state, or the vegetative state may be permanent. Special Interest Group of the American Congress
Unlike depictions in the popular media, evolu- of Rehabilitation Medicine recommended a set of
tion from unconsciousness to consciousness is terms for describing patients with “severe alter-
not sudden. Rather, conscious behavior emerges ations of consciousness” and introduced, for the
gradually, with the pace of reemergence related first time, an official term for this group: the min-

We would like to thank Monica J. Vaccaro, MS, for supplying data on some of the cases, Etienne
Phipps, PhD, for consultation on ethical issues, and our other clinical collaborators who have worked
with us in caring for minimally conscious patients. Many thanks to Joseph T. Giacino, PhD, James P.
Kelly, MD, and Christopher M. Filley, MD, for their leadership at the Aspen Neurobehavioral Confer-
ence. We also extend our thanks to our patients and their families, from whom we continue to learn.
*The term vegetative state is objectionable to many families of brain injury survivors because of its
association with “vegetable.” Other terms such as “wakeful unconsciousness” have been suggested
as less pejorative alternatives but have yet to make their way into the mainstream medical literature.
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imally responsive state.2 Subsequently, partici- of function or a functional plateau in its own
pants at the 1996 Aspen Neurobehavioral Con- right. As expected, the longer postinjury that
ference, a consensus conference of invited ex- a patient remains in the minimally conscious
perts from a variety of disciplines that dealt with state, the less likelihood there is of major
the issue of management guidelines for this state, functional changes, but specific functional im-
recommended that it be renamed the “minimally provements may still occur. Because this pa-
conscious state.”3 tient subgroup has only recently been opera-
The minimally conscious state is distin- tionally defined, no good outcome statistics
guished from both coma and the vegetative yet exist.
state by one or more of the following: visual fix- The treatment priorities differ for patients
ation and/or tracking; the emergence of out- in the vegetative and minimally conscious
of-pattern, nonstereotypical movements, which states and evolve over time for both groups.
may occur in response to stimulation or sponta- For patients who are in the vegetative state
neously; or stereotypical movements (such as (VS), the initial priority is to maintain or at-
blinking and affective behaviors) if they occur tain physical health so that there is a useful
in a meaningful relationship to the eliciting body for the brain to control if recovery en-
stimulation and are not attributable to reflex sues. Patients who fail to evolve out of the VS
activity. It is distinguished from patients with by 12 months (in trauma) or 3 months (in
higher function (albeit still severely disabled by anoxia) are extremely unlikely ever to do so. It
GOS criteria) by the ability to follow complex has been suggested that the conditions be re-
commands, the ability to communicate intelli- ferred to as “permanent” after these time
gibly, and/or the appropriate use of objects.3 points, even though the probability of some
The minimally conscious state must also be dis- limited functional recovery is not absolutely
tinguished from the locked-in syndrome. In the zero (similarly, it has been recommended that
latter, the neuropathology is generally focal in the designation “persistent” vegetative state
the pons and vascular in nature. Furthermore, be abandoned). Once the VS is judged to be
careful examination with eye movements as permanent, it is appropriate to consider with-
signals will reveal that the patient’s conscious- drawal of active treatments and (in discussion
ness is largely preserved.2 with caregivers) life-sustaining treatments,
TBI typically produces a combination of diffuse such as fluids, nutrition, and resuscitation.
axonal injury (DAI) and focal cortical contusions.4 For patients in the minimally conscious state
DAI is believed to initiate coma through disrup- soon after injury, aggressive rehabilitation ef-
tion of the arousal functions of the midbrain forts should be applied across multiple goal
ascending reticular activating system.4 It is now areas. As time passes, those patients who re-
generally believed that the transition from coma main minimally conscious should have their
to the vegetative state signals return of brain stem treatment focused toward specific functional
arousal mechanisms5 and that persistent un- areas where there appears to be potential for
consciousness reflects damage to the thalamus improvement or where no previous treatment
and/or global cortical and subcortical damage.6,7 has been attempted.
The functional prognosis after TBI is related to Clear-cut evidence of consciousness is easy to
the duration of unconsciousness. Adult patients recognize: Patients interact meaningfully with
who remain vegetative at 1 month after TBI have their examiner and the rest of their environ-
approximately a 52 percent probability of re- ment and produce behaviors that are far too
gaining some degree of consciousness by 1 year.7 complex to have occurred by chance. However,
The comparable figure for children is 62 percent. it is sometimes difficult to distinguish mini-
When the mechanism of injury is nontraumatic, mally conscious patients from those who are
the probability of recovery of consciousness is truly vegetative. Reports from experienced cen-
considerably less, and the functional plateau oc- ters document high rates of misdiagnosing
curs earlier. As the duration of unconsciousness minimally conscious patients as vegetative.8
lengthens, the probability of ever regaining con- Both groups have periods of eye opening and
sciousness diminishes, and the ultimate func- spontaneous movement of the limbs and eyes,
tional plateau that might be reached is dimin- and neither performs any complex behaviors
ished. Although evoked potential testing has that can be easily recognized. Thus, establish-
been used to predict prognosis acutely, little at- ing that a patient has some degree of conscious
tention has been given to the predictive value of processing rests on establishing a contingent re-
such assessment done later (e.g., 1 month postin- lationship between very rudimentary behaviors
jury), to know whether it may add to behav- and conditions in the environment. For exam-
iorally based prognostic predictions. ple, simple eye blinking clearly does not indi-
The minimally conscious state can be either cate consciousness, but if it can be shown that
a transitional state on the way to higher levels the rate of eye blinking is lower after the com-
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mand “Keep your eyes open” than in its ab- Fever

sence, this behavior does suggest conscious pro-
cessing of the command. Fever can be caused by infections, medications,
Several standard instruments have been de- atelectasis, aspiration without pneumonia, pan-
veloped to track the subtle changes that signal creatitis, and thrombophlebitis. Information
emergence from coma or the vegetative state from acute care charts regarding previous eval-
and that signal increasingly reliable and com- uations is often incomplete. Central fever is
plex behavior as improvement occurs within most common in minimally conscious patients
the minimally conscious state. The strengths with increased temperatures and normal white
and weaknesses of the Coma Near Coma Scale, blood cell counts. However, a fever workup and
Coma Recovery Scale, Sensory Stimulation As- an infectious disease consult may be needed
sessment Measure, and Western Neuro Sensory before declaring a central cause. Patients diag-
Stimulation Profile have recently been dis- nosed with central fever can be treated sympto-
cussed.9 In addition, we have applied the meth- matically with cooling blankets, bromocrip-
ods of single-subject experimental design to the tine,13 or indomethacin.14
evaluation of vegetative and minimally con-
scious patients.10,11 This latter method lacks the
benefits of standardization but has the advan-
tage that it can be tailored to answer individu- Hypertension
alized diagnostic (e.g., does the patient have a
hemianopsia?) or treatment (e.g., does that pa- Hypertension is particularly common in vegeta-
tient communicate more reliably on a particular tive and minimally conscious patients because
drug than without it?) questions. of the location and severity of their brain dam-
age (see Chapter 4 for further discussion of hy-
pertension) and often resolves with sufficient re-
■ covery. Occult causes should be sought. Because
of the associated tachycardia, hypertonia, and
Rationale sweating, treatment with a beta-blocker with
both b-1 and b-2 properties may be preferred.
Many complications in minimally conscious Propranolol has been proposed in the past,15,16
brain injured patients also occur in those with but nadolol, which has reduced lipophilic prop-
less severe injury. Medical stabilization is impor- erties, may minimize cognitive side effects.
tant for every patient, and medical instability
may slow or prevent emergence from uncon-
sciousness or interfere with valid assessment of Medications
consciousness. In the minimally conscious pa-
tient, medical evaluation is challenging because Medication side effects may be particularly
of the patient’s inability to participate in the ex- problematic in minimally conscious patients for
amination or report symptoms. several reasons. First, such patients are not able
to report subjective sedation. Second, a side ef-
fect that may be relatively minor in a higher-
Tachycardia level patient can have significant effects on cog-
nition in a low-level patient.
Careful review of vital signs is important on first It is now generally accepted that seizure pro-
presentation. Tachycardia may be caused by hy- phylaxis is not indicated in most cases of TBI af-
povolemia, anemia, cardiac abnormalities (pre- ter the first week of injury.17,18 Therefore, fewer
morbid or secondary to cardiac trauma in the in- patients are transferred to a rehabilitation set-
jury), or pain. Assessment of blood pressure for ting on anticonvulsants. If a review of records
orthostasis, laboratory studies (such as complete does not reveal an active seizure disorder,
blood cell count and electrolytes), and electro- weaning of the anticonvulsant should be dis-
cardiography may be beneficial on admission. cussed with the family. If weaning is not possi-
The patient should be examined carefully to rule ble, either because of a clear seizure disorder or
out causes of pain such as pressure sores, ab- because of a family member’s reluctance, the
dominal abnormalities, and sores caused by lip least sedating medication should be chosen
biting. Only when all other etiologies have been (generally carbamazepine or a valproate).19 As
ruled out should beta-blockers be entertained for all patients on anticonvulsants, careful mon-
for symptomatic treatment. If used, a beta- itoring of therapeutic levels should be main-
blocker with low lipophilic properties should be tained, utilizing the minimally effective dose.
chosen to minimize crossing of the blood-brain Many patients are placed on H2 blockers, as
barrier.12 well as metoclopramide, during their acute
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management. Once they are discharged from eral days of baseline data collection prior to the
intensive care, these medications may no longer LP and in the few hours immediately after. A
be indicated but are often continued. If there is clear indication of improvement should be
a clear indication for such drugs (e.g., docu- seen.24
mented peptic ulcer disease, reflux esophagitis,
or aspiration caused by reflux), efforts should be Case 1 ■ RL is a 28-year-old woman with TBI
made to use those that are less sedating, such as sustained in an assault. She had severe spastic
sucralfate and cisapride.20 quadriparesis, dysphagia, dysarthria, and signifi-
cant cognitive impairments. Repeat computed
tomography (CT) scans several months postinjury
Post-Traumatic Epilepsy revealed large ventricles, but it was difficult to
determine if this was caused by communicating
Minimally conscious patients are at high risk for hydrocephalus or by hydrocephalus ex vacuo.
development of post-traumatic epilepsy (PTE) Data were collected regarding various aspects of
because of the severity of injury and prolonged grooming (toothbrushing, hairbrushing, and ap-
periods of unconsciousness.21 Although prophy- plication of Chapstick). Time to initiate and per-
laxis is not advocated, treatment of PTE is. The sistence in these tasks were monitored. If the pa-
difficulty lies in detection. Eye deviations during tient did not initiate the task after 3 minutes of
seizures may be confused with random eye cuing, the therapist initiated the activity for the
movements; motor manifestations of simple or patient. A tap test was performed and data were
complex partial seizures may be difficult to dis- collected within several hours of the lumbar
tinguish from hypertonia or movement disor- puncture. As illustrated in Figure 25–1, applica-
ders, and seizure-induced depression of con- tion of Chapstick, which had always required the
sciousness may be difficult to recognize in a therapist’s assistance after 3 minutes of cuing,
patient whose consciousness is already marginal. occurred spontaneously after the tap test. This
Routine electroencephlograms (EEGs) may or aided in the decision to place a lumboperitoneal
may not be of benefit. Twenty-four-hour EEGs shunt. Postoperatively, the patient had increased
may be more helpful but still may not be diag- verbal communication, allowing her to express
nostic unless a seizure is captured by the record- her needs and interact with her family.
ing. Alerting staff and family to signs of seizures
may increase detection. Unless seizures are gen- Even after diagnosis and shunting, the recov-
eralized seizures, it may take several episodes ery course may be complicated by clinical de-
before a clear pattern is determined (e.g., eye cline in as many as 40 percent of cases.25 Com-
fluttering as a manifestation of seizures). plications include shunt malfunction, seizures,
Once PTE is clearly diagnosed, treatment infection, undershunting, overshunting, and
with an anticonvulsant should be initiated. As subdural collections.26 In the minimally con-
previously discussed, carbamazepine is cur- scious patient, complications may be particu-
rently the medication of choice. Prior to initia- larly difficult to recognize because cognitive
tion, appropriate baseline studies should be ob- decline is likely to be subtle. Again, careful doc-
tained. Laboratory monitoring of drug levels umentation of predetermined behavioral in-
can be minimized through use of a rational al- dices may be beneficial. If the patient has no
gorithm.22 Clinical determination of an appro- improvement or declines postoperatively, a fol-
priate level may be more difficult because side low-up CT scan can be obtained.
effects are not reported, but if the lowest levels Though diagnosis and treatment of PTH re-
are maintained with adequate control, side ef- main controversial, diagnostic studies and sur-
fects should be minimized.23 gical intervention should be considered in min-
imally conscious patients, particularly those
with early onset and clear findings on CT scan.
Post-Traumatic Hydrocephalus Gross outcome may remain the same (i.e., max-
imal care), but quality of life may be improved
Post-traumatic hydrocephalus (PTH) may be by greater alertness and more reliable respond-
responsible for maintaining a low level of re- ing. Complications, however, should be antici-
sponding in a minimally conscious patient but pated, particularly in the older population.
is very difficult to diagnose, as discussed in
Chapter 4. A diagnostic lumbar puncture (LP; Case 2 ■ HT is a 63-year-old man who sus-
“tap test”) with withdrawal of cerebral spinal tained diffuse axonal injury and multiple contu-
fluid (CSF) may be helpful to differentiate com- sions as a result of a bicycle accident. On admis-
municating hydrocephalus from hydrocepha- sion to our service, he was able to follow some
lus ex vacuo. In the minimally conscious pa- instructions and had limited ability to communi-
tient, it is recommended that staff determine cate through writing. CT scan revealed findings
behavioral indices to be monitored during sev- consistent with post-traumatic hydrocephalus. A
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FIGURE 25–1. Behavioral assessment of response to the “tap test.” The time to initiate a grooming task is shown
on the y axis for several assessment days (180 sec was the cutoff if no initiation occurred). The filled circle repre-
sents the trial conducted within a few hours of the tap test.

low-pressure shunt was placed with improve- culitis. Because of infection, the shunt was again
ment in functional status when coupled with revised, with a low-pressure valve resulting in
dopaminergic agents. However, later the patient improved function. The patient developed
began to show evidence of clinical decline de- seizures requiring carbamazepine and refractory
spite an increase in medication dose. A follow- hiccups requiring treatment with baclofen. Sub-
up CT scan revealed a subdural hematoma. sequent CT scans showed slitlike ventricles,
The patient underwent closure of the shunt which predispose to major increases in intracra-
and drainage of the hematoma. As would be ex- nial pressure with minor clinical illnesses (such
pected, he had enlargement of his ventricles and as infection with fever).26 The patient continues
further decline in clinical function. Once ade- to have functional fluctuations, with days when
quate scarring of the area of the hematoma was he can move all extremities and speak, con-
felt to be achieved, a high-pressure shunt re- trasted with days of limited communication and
placed his prior valve. Immediately following the need for maximal assistance. Though it is clear
procedure, there was dramatic improvement in that PTH is a major factor in his clinical status,
the patient’s performance. However, the im- further shunt revision is not feasible at this time.
provement was not maintained. The clinical team
hypothesized that the high-pressure shunt still al-
lowed excessive fluid accumulation. Despite pre- Heterotopic Ossification
sentation of the behavioral data, the neurosur-
geon was reluctant to revise the shunt because of Vegetative and minimally conscious patients
previous failure. are at high risk for development of heterotopic
Several months after discharge, the patient de- ossification (HO) because of prolonged uncon-
veloped pneumonia and complications of ventri- sciousness and frequently associated spastic
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quadriparesis and are at high risk for recur- contracture, difficulties in positioning, poor hy-
rence after resection.27 Diagnosis and treatment giene management, and masking of underlying
of this condition are discussed in detail in motor function.
Chapter 4. If, despite treatment, rigid deformity Oral medications may be used to address
develops, surgery can be considered, but very global hypertonia but, because of sedative side
clear goals must be established because of the effects, may impair cognitive function while in-
high rate of recurrence in this population. In the adequately controlling tone.28 Also, systemic
minimally conscious patient, passive treatment treatment may improve global tone without
goals may include improving seating position targetting specific motor goals. Focal manage-
in the wheelchair, decreasing risk or improving ment with phenol nerve or motor point blocks,
healing of pressure sores, increasing ease of botulinum toxin injection, or surgical tendon
transfers, improving access for hygiene, and in- lengthening or release may be more effective in
creasing joint mobility. the minimally conscious population.29–31 As
When addressing improved mobility about a with other functional management, goals need
joint, one has to carefully review the functional to be clearly defined. For example, reduction of
goal. Improvement of motion for motion’s sake finger flexor tone may improve hygiene in a
may not be worth the risks of surgery or recur- macerated palm or use of a manual communi-
rence, but when HO appears to limit the pa- cation device. Surgery may be helpful to reduce
tient’s active motion, treatment may be indi- ankle deformities to maintain skin integrity or
cated. For example, increased active elbow allow for stand-pivot transfers.
motion may enhance the use of an augmentive Clarification of these goals may be obtained
communication device. Even when a goal is through dynamic electromyography as dis-
clear, one should proceed cautiously with sur- cussed in more detail in Chapter 29. Proper
gery and discuss potential complications with placement of electrodes may help to differenti-
family members. ate spasticity from contracture and reveal which
muscles are the chief offenders. It may also
Case 3 ■ ER is a 23-year-old woman who was demonstrate the presence of some volitional ac-
minimally conscious because of injuries sus- tivity. The pattern of electromyographic (EMG)
tained in a motor vehicle accident. She had activity can suggest further appropriate thera-
complications of heterotopic ossification at the peutic interventions. The presence of some voli-
posterior right elbow, which impaired flexion. tional control may lead the surgeon to choose
Despite this contracture, it was her most func- tendon lengthening versus release.
tional limb and was the best mechanism for Timing of these interventions is not clearly
communication through a yes-no communica- defined. There is a reluctance to perform sur-
tion board. Because she was 16 months postin- gery in the early stages because of its perma-
jury and radiological studies showed maturity of nence. Phenol or botulinum toxin blocks are
bone, staff felt that surgical resection might en- more temporary but may not adequately ad-
hance further communication and encourage dress the issue, particularly when multiple
other functions, such as self-feeding, for which muscle groups are involved or contractures are
she showed promise. present that fail to respond to conservative
Postoperatively, the patient had difficulties stretching.
with pain, despite the liberal use of pain medica-
tions, and constantly moved her elbow. This led Case 4 ■ KT is a 50-year-old man who had sig-
to development of a seroma and then to severe nificant extensor tone in the lower extremities
skin breakdown requiring surgical treatment with because of a TBI sustained in an assault. Three
a pedicle graft. During this 10-week period, the months postinjury, he developed a pressure sore
patient was unable to participate in her usual at the base of his fifth toe, which was not respon-
therapy program. She did ultimately have in- sive to local care. EMG testing of his calf muscu-
creased range of motion at the elbow, but lature revealed inappropriate activation of his
whether this will lead to furthering of function tibialis anterior on the left and tibialis posterior
remains to be determined. on the right, despite the fact that his ankle defor-
mities appeared symmetrical. Phenol motor
point blocks were performed to the left tibialis
Hypertonia and Motor Control anterior and right tibialis posterior, which helped
reduce his tone, but tone reappeared 4 weeks
Hypertonia, both focal and diffuse, is com- later. The patient underwent split anterior tibialis
monly seen in minimally conscious patients tendon lengthening and transfer (SPLATT) and
and may follow no particular pattern. In addi- lengthening of the right posterior tibialis muscle
tion to limb involvement, truncal tone may also with resultant improvement in wound healing
be present. Hypertonic posturing may lead to postoperatively.
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Decannulation oral intake of some form may be expressed as

a goal by family members or indicated by the
Most minimally conscious patients have a tra- patient when more aroused. Assessment of
cheostomy tube in place at rehabilitation admis- ability to swallow safely should proceed as
sion unless they are being evaluated several with other brain injured patients. Assessment
years postinjury. Maintenance of tracheostomy of oral motor and sensory function and gag
tubes is controversial. Minimally conscious pa- and cough reflexes can be performed at bed-
tients may be at risk for respiratory complica- side.36 Often, minimally conscious patients are
tions with decannulation because of suppressed mute, so laryngeal evaluation may not be pos-
ability to clear secretions with coughing.32 Then sible. If the tracheostomy tube is still present, a
again, these patients are exposed to complica- modified blue dye study can be performed
tions of prolonged tracheostomies such as fistu- first with saliva and then with purees (keeping
las, dysphagia, stenosis, and introduction of or- in mind that a single negative dye study does
ganisms into the lungs.33 not rule out aspiration). If aspiration of the
dye occurs, further oral feeding should be
postponed, and reassessment performed peri-
Case 5 ■ KS was a 44-year-old woman who odically. If further clarification regarding the
was minimally conscious because of injuries mechanism of aspiration is needed or the pa-
sustained in a motor vehicle accident. She de- tient does not have a tracheostomy tube (as
veloped tracheal stenosis very quickly from en- might be the case in a patient being evaluated
dotracheal intubation. A custom tracheostomy several years postinjury), a videofluoroscopy
tube was placed beyond the site of stenosis. can be performed. Positioning these patients
She developed stenosis at the new site, requir- for evaluation and feeding can be difficult be-
ing an even longer tracheostomy tube. This se- cause of hypertonic posturing and poor head
ries of events continued until the length of the control, making it difficult for one clinician to
tube made pulmonary toilet exceedingly diffi- position, give feeding cues, and assess oral
cult. The patient ultimately died of airway ob- motor function. We have found that cotreating
struction. with speech and physical or occupational ther-
apists is helpful.
Tracheal tubes may also be a source of irrita- Gastroesophageal reflux may be a contribut-
tion that leads to increased respiratory secre- ing factor to aspiration and an obstacle to ad-
tions. This irritation, coupled with the fact that vancement of feeding.37 Treatment in the past
most tubes are colonized, makes it difficult to consisted of metoclopramide in addition to acid
differentiate benign secretions from infection. suppressants, but it has the potential for cogni-
Although cultures taken through the tracheos- tive and motor side effects.38 A newer medica-
tomy tube may assist in antibiotic selection, the tion, cisapride, increases gastrointestinal sphinc-
decision to treat should be based on chest x-ray ter tone without such side effects.
and/or white blood cell results. If good oral function is present and there is
Once the decision is made to decannulate, no evidence of aspiration, recreational feeding
various methods are available, as discussed in may be considered until functional improve-
Chapter 4 and elsewhere.34,35 We have found it ment allows more intensive work on feeding as
helpful to combine nebulizer treatments, ex- a route to nutrition. Favorite foods with appro-
pectorants, increased fluids, and chest percus- priate consistencies are introduced in small
sion to aid in mobilization of secretions to ex- quantities. Often, recreational feeding is found
pedite the process. One may or may not wish to be beneficial for family members, as it pro-
to continue any or all of these interventions vides a way for them to interact with the pa-
postdecannulation, depending on clinical in- tient or have the patient participate in a social
dications (thick secretions, rhonchi on auscul- or holiday function. The family should be in-
tation). structed in appropriate feeding techniques, as
in other TBI cases.39
During feeding assessment, enteral feedings
should be maintained. It is unlikely that a pa-
Feeding tient who remains minimally conscious will be
discharged without tube feedings as the major
Most minimally conscious patients are admit- source of nutrition. Bolus feedings or continu-
ted with an enteral feeding tube (either gas- ous feedings can be chosen, depending on the
trostomy or jejunostomy). Although meeting patient’s need for mobility, risk for aspiration,
nutritional needs orally may not be an early response of the gastrointestinal tract (such as
goal (as team members may be more involved ileus or diarrhea), and family resources and so-
in assessment of arousal or communication), phistication.40
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Bruxism drugs that may increase alertness and cognitive

Bruxism is a severe grinding of teeth found in The sensory capacities of a patient are equally
both normal and brain injured individuals. Be- important to know because failure to follow
cause it is thought to improve with recovery of verbal commands means something quite dif-
consciousness, treatment in early stages may not ferent in a deaf patient than in one who hears.
be worth the expense, risks, and side effects.41 Our initial evaluation of a patient includes care-
However, in the minimally conscious patient, ful review of the mechanism of injury, serial
treatment may be beneficial to reduce loosening neuroimaging studies, associated injuries, and
of teeth and destruction of dental surfaces. The evoked potential testing, if conducted. Knowing
challenge is finding an effective treatment. Tra- that a patient had an anoxic episode, for exam-
ditional mouth guards may be destroyed by the ple, raises the likelihood of cortical blindness
strong patient bite. This repetitive biting may and reduces the likelihood that hearing has
also cause damage to mucosal tissue, gums, jaw, been impaired by trauma to the eighth nerve.
and lips. Effective medications, such as pheno- Finding a large focal lesion in the left hemi-
thiazines, may cause further sedation. sphere would induce us to consider aphasia as
We have found a lip “bumper” to be helpful a possible reason for a patient’s failure to follow
when serious destruction of the lips accompa- verbal commands rather than global deficits in
nies bruxism. The bumper is placed via braces consciousness. Knowing that a patient had an
on the incisors. A soft wire arced in a convex orbital fracture raises the question of whether
position is attached to the braces, which causes vision may have been impaired focally. Finding
a jutting of the lip outward, beyond the teeth, that auditory and visual pathways are grossly
thereby reducing damage. Occasionally, motor intact from an electrophysiological perspective
point blocks to the masseter muscles may be gives us greater confidence that responses (or
helpful when severe tooth loosening or destruc- lack thereof) to auditory or visual stimuli can
tion continues. If bruxism persists, a thorough be interpreted unambiguously. Assessment of
oral exam and a dental medicine consult, if nec- these sensory functions is discussed later.
essary, are in order to rule out noxious inciting Once we have established that a degree of vi-
stimuli (such as cavities and abscesses). sual or auditory processing is possible, the next
priority is generally to assess cognitive function
Case 6 ■ TG is a 20-year-old man who sustained via one or more sensory pathways. The initial
both anoxia and TBI when he fell after overdosing issue is whether the patient can comprehend
on drugs and alcohol. On admission, he was noted verbal commands. If there is concern about a
to have persistent bruxism. Dental evaluation re- hearing deficit, commands can be given in writ-
vealed oral abscesses secondary to loosened teeth, ing or by gesture; if there is a concern about
combined with poor hygiene. His teeth were ex- aphasia, gesture is most appropriate. If there is
tracted, and he was treated with intravenous an- evidence that the patient can follow commands,
tibiotics. His bruxism persisted. He was treated one can proceed to determine whether the pa-
with masseter motor point blocks, with some im- tient can follow the specific command to use a
provement. Dental x-rays to evaluate the status of yes-no signal, whether by looking at yes-no
remaining teeth revealed osteomyelitis and jaw signs, pointing to yes-no cards, or nodding yes-
fracture. The fracture was reduced and the os- no. If this attempt is successful, one can then as-
teomyelitis was treated with further antibiotics, sess use of yes-no signals to respond to mean-
with a significant reduction in bruxism. ingful factual questions, the answers to which
are known by caregivers (e.g., “Do you like
lasagna?). Once a functional yes-no system is
Sensory and Cognitive Issues available, it can be used as a window to explore
cognitive function more generally because, in
As mentioned previously, the ultimate priority principle, any neuropsychological examination
for vegetative and minimally conscious patients can be transformed into a series of yes-no ques-
is cognitive improvement; physical health in tions. Thus, the types of assessment issues a
the absence of consciousness is of little value, minimally conscious patient presents generally
whereas a severely limited body can be helped unfold in a logical, chronological sequence.
to function adaptively in service of a good mind.
To maximize the chances of cognitive recovery,
arousal must be maximized, which means giv-
ing attention to the withdrawal of sedating (e.g., Methods of Assessment
narcotics and benzodiazepines) and potentially and Evaluation
sedating (e.g., certain antihistamines and anti-
hypertensives) medications and consideration There are several problems unique to the evalu-
of stimulant, dopaminergic, and noradrenergic ation of minimally conscious patients. Tradi-
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tional clinical methods, such as a mental status movement to signal yes and two movements to
evaluation, interviews, and brief neuropsycho- signal no. Using such a system, are they able to
logical screens, fail to elicit meaningful infor- accurately answer personal biographical ques-
mation because they assume a consistency of tions?
performance; that is, a patient who is able to ex- In addition, the directions for administering
hibit a particular behavior or response once is the standardized scales often lack clear opera-
assumed to have the ability to consistently tionalized methods for administering the stim-
demonstrate that behavior on demand. Addi- uli and defining the responses. For example, if
tionally, examiners often rely on the complexity the command is to demonstrate a “thumbs up,”
of patients’ responses to evaluate cognitive sta- how many times should the command be
tus; if patients can perform “serial 7s,” an exam- given, how long should the observer wait, and
iner may conclude that they are able to hear and how much movement constitutes a valid re-
understand the command, hold information in sponse? Our experience suggests that, unless
working memory, perform mental manipula- these factors are specified, clinicians will dis-
tions with speed and accuracy, and attend and agree about their observations.
concentrate. Minimally conscious patients, how- In our experience, the broad overview pro-
ever, lack these complex behaviors. In addition, vided by standardized scales should be supple-
the examiner may attribute meaning to a sponta- mented with individually tailored quantitative
neous or reflexive movement, or the reverse may assessments that can be administered several
be true, in that an examiner who is unable to times a day and that focus on particular ques-
identify any consistent response over the course tions of clinical interest. Single-subject method-
of a brief evaluation may conclude that the pa- ology—the systematic collection and analysis
tient is vegetative. Consequently, minimally con- of quantitative information to answer a ques-
scious patients should be evaluated over time to tion about the individual—lends itself to such
determine level of arousal, consistency of re- evaluation. The treatment team can design in-
sponse, and temporal change. dividualized protocols, based on initial obser-
Several behavioral observation and classifica- vations and interactions, with clear operational
tion systems are currently available to assess definitions of stimuli and responses, and assess
coma, the vegetative state, and emergence from interrater reliability to assure consistency in the
them. However, scales commonly used to cate- data.
gorize persons with traumatic brain injury gen-
erally, such as the Disability Rating Scale,42
Glasgow Outcome Scale,1 and the Rancho Los Visual Function
Amigos Levels of Cognitive Functioning Scale,43
are less appropriate for minimally conscious pa- Visual function is difficult to assess in mini-
tients because these scales are unable to identify mally conscious patients but highly important
the initial subtle changes that such patients are in view of the fact that many conclusions about
likely to make. Scales developed specifically for general responding are based on response to vi-
this population include the Coma Recovery sual inputs. Some clarification of visual func-
Scale,44 the Western Neuro Sensory Stimulation tion can be obtained through visual evoked po-
Profile,45 and the Coma/Near Coma Scale.46 tentials (VEPs), which are the recordings of the
These standardized scales can evaluate a cortical electrical response to a visual stimulus
range of behaviors in a patient who may or may (usually a patterned stimulus or luminance
not be vegetative at the time the assessment be- change).47 In the patterned stimulus method
gins, and they provide scores that can be exam- (usually reversal of a checkerboard pattern), a
ined programwide and used for prediction of positive deflection occurs, and its amplitude
prognosis and program evaluation. Adminis- and latency are measured. Pattern stimuli are
tration time for the standardized scales varies most useful in assessing optic nerve integrity
from about 15 to 50 minutes.9 Thus, in most but are rarely feasible in the minimally con-
programs, it is possible to administer these scious patient because they require patient co-
scales only once or twice per week. However, operation and good visual acuity to focus.48
because of their standardized nature, they lack Luminance VEPs are primarily used for as-
the flexibility to focus on specific questions that sessment of cortical function. They are obtained
may be raised in the course of caring for a mini- with a photic flash or pulse. The primary re-
mally conscious patient. For example, if it be- sponse probably represents the striate visual
comes clear that patients are following verbal cortex, with the secondary response represent-
commands on some occasions, clinicians may ing association areas.49 Luminance VEPs re-
wish to assess which motor behavior provides quire little patient cooperation but have limited
the highest response rate, whether they can ability to evaluate visual acuity or visual atten-
make a movement once versus twice on com- tion. Despite these limitations. VEPs may be
mand, and whether they can learn to use one beneficial as an adjunct to clinical exam, partic-
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ularly when abnormal extraocular movements and a tendency to orient to the left, which only
preclude the use of visual orienting as a marker partially counteracts the baseline gaze prefer-
of vision. However, we have evaluated patients ence. The fact that the patient orients to the left
with absent VEPs in whom we could demon- more consistently to a photo than to a blank
strate some visual function behaviorally and card is also evidence of some degree of cortical
vice versa. visual discrimination. Whether the patient is
We have developed a behavioral assessment blind in the right hemifield or simply has such
of vision and visual attention suitable for ad- a strong right gaze preference that no increase
ministration to vegetative and minimally con- in right-sided movements can be documented
scious patients, which has been described in de- is unclear. However, the fact that the patient
tail elsewhere.10 The protocol makes use of shows increased left-sided orienting in condi-
colorful photographs and a blank white card, tion 6 is evidence for a right hemianopsia be-
which are raised abruptly into one or both vi- cause, if he could see the right-sided photo, his
sual fields. The first horizontal eye movement gaze should preferentially orient to it rather
within a 5-second interval is taken as a potential than the card, which it does not.
indication of visual orienting to the stimulus.
Patients with dysconjugate gaze are assessed
with one eye patched. Typically seven trials, Auditory Function
representing seven different conditions, are run
in each administration (Table 25–1), and the to- Intact auditory processing is necessary to inter-
tal number of trials needed to develop a defini- pret responses to auditory commands. Because
tive conclusion is related to both the frequency even vegetative patients can generate a brain
of orienting to stimuli (as opposed to response stem startle reflex to loud noise, however, it is
failures) and the frequency of spontaneous eye difficult to evaluate higher-level auditory pro-
movements in the no-stimulus control condi- cessing before the patient can respond in more
tion. Complete absence of visual orienting could meaningful ways. If startle responses are absent
mean either blindness or the vegetative state, or equivocal, brain stem auditory evoked re-
whereas some degree of visual discrimination is sponses (BAERs) can be obtained.
evidence for the minimally conscious state. BAERs are a series of positive and negative
In Table 25–1, the results of one such assess- wave forms in response to a repeated auditory
ment are shown. In condition 7, it can be seen stimulus (usually a calibrated click that can be
that the patient has eye movements on every varied in intensity). The sources of these wave
trial, although no specific visual stimulation is forms are believed to represent function at the
provided and there is a highly significant gaze eighth nerve and brain stem. These wave forms
preference to the right. When a unilateral photo are unaffected by level of consciousness or
or card is displayed on the right side (condi- medications50 and thus are helpful in the mini-
tions 2 and 4), the proportion of right-sided eye mally responsive patient. They can assist thera-
movements is nearly identical to the control pists in determining whether auditory stimula-
condition (percentages are most easily inter- tion is an appropriate assessment modality or
preted because the number of trials is not the whether there is a hearing asymmetry. Abnor-
same for each condition). In contrast, when the mal BAERs should be approached with caution,
photo or card is displayed on the left, the num- as hearing impairments may be of mixed ori-
ber of left-sided movements is significantly gin. Also, injury to the peripheral auditory sys-
greater than in the control condition, providing tem (including tympanic membrane, ossicles,
clear evidence of vision in the left hemifield and eighth nerve) can be misinterpreted as evi-

TABLE 25–1. Results of Visual Assessment in an Individual Patient

Stimulus Condition Responses

Left / Right Left-sided Orienting Right-sided Orienting Failures to Respond

1. Photo / — 21 (49%) 22 (51%) 0 (0%)

2. — / Photo 2 (5%) 42 (95%) 0 (0%)
3. Card / — 8 (20%) 33 (80%) 0 (0%)
4. — / Card 2 (5%) 40 (95%) 0 (0%)
5. Photo / Card 13 (30%) 30 (70%) 0 (0%)
6. Card / Photo 7 (16%) 35 (84%) 0 (0%)
7. — / — 6 (7%) 77 (93%) 0 (0%)
11447C25.PGS 1/15/99 4:29 PM Page 445


dence of central auditory pathology. Imped- which, if demonstrated, have great functional
ance audiometry and pure tone audiometry utility. Signals chosen might be eye movements
should accompany “abnormal” BAERs.51 to yes-no cards, yes-no head nods, or specific
finger, hand, or foot signals that may be able to
indicate yes and no. Here, an equal number of
Following Commands “show me yes” and “show me no” conditions
are run in random order, and a differential fre-
Following commands is a key element in as- quency of responses to the two categories serves
sessment of consciousness because it provides as evidence for command following. An exam-
evidence that the commands are perceived and ple of such a protocol is shown in Table 25–3, in
that the patient has control over their execu- which a minimally conscious patient was asked
tion. Indeed, command following appears on to hit one of two buzzers that were labeled with
virtually every assessment scale for severe the large printed words “Yes” and “No.” It can
brain injury. However, not all scales provide be seen that responding is not entirely reliable
clear guidance on how an examiner is to deter- (14% response failures) or accurate (69% accu-
mine whether a behavior that occurs in proxim- racy when considering only responses) but sig-
ity to a command is to be judged as evidence nificantly greater than chance, indicating that
for command following rather than as coinci- the patient differentially processed the com-
dence. mands.
Evaluation of command following can be as- Assessment results may indicate the presence
sessed differently, depending on whether the pa- of some conscious processing but may not pro-
tient has only one possible behavior available on vide evidence of functionally useful behavior.
a voluntary basis or whether two or more such For example, we have evaluated a number of
behaviors are under consideration. Our study of patients whose rates of yes and no signals were
a single behavior such as hand squeezing typi- different in response to yes and no commands,
cally includes three conditions: “squeeze my which provided unequivocal evidence that
hand” (the target command); “relax your hand” they, at some level, distinguished between the
or “hold still” (the incompatible command); and two commands. However, some of these pa-
simple observation. Each command condition is tients might respond to a yes command with 90
administered an equal number of times, and the percent yes signals and 10 percent no signals
patient is allowed a set time to respond. If the and respond to a no command with 75 percent
patient is able to follow the command, the fre- yes signals and 25 percent no signals. Although
quency of squeezes should be higher in the tar- the patient has a different pattern of results for
get command condition than in either of the oth- the two commands, attempts to use such a sys-
ers. A comparison of the incompatible command tem functionally will be thwarted by the fact
and the simple observation condition helps con- that the patient usually responds yes, no matter
trol for the nonspecific effects of noise on ran- which command is given.
dom movement. An example of such a protocol
is shown in Table 25–2. Although the patient re-
sponds only inconsistently to the command, it Establishing a
is clear that the rate of responding is signifi-
cantly higher to the command than in either of Communication System
the other conditions.
Evaluation of response to two different com- One of the highest functional priorities in mini-
mands often centers around yes and no signals, mally conscious patients is the development of
some type of communication system. If suc-
cessful, the patient can indicate care needs, en-
gage in limited social interaction with care-
givers, and provide further information about
TABLE 25–2. Evaluation of a Patient’s his or her cognitive function by answering
Ability to Hit a Buzzer on Command other assessment questions. A simple yes-no
communication system is almost always the
Patient Responses initial step in augmentative communication
because it requires only two simple motor re-
Stimulus Buzzer sponses. Although scanning systems also re-
Condition Hits Nonresponses quire only one or two motor responses to halt
the system at the appropriate target letter or
“Hit the 40 (50%) 41 (50%) symbol, we rarely find patients at this level
who can master scanning systems and antici-
“Hold still” 11 (14%) 70 (86%)
Observation 8 (10%) 73 (90%) pate the target arrival so that they can stop the
system before the target is passed. However, al-
11447C25.PGS 1/15/99 4:29 PM Page 446


TABLE 25–3. Evaluation of a Patient’s Ability to Hit a “Yes” or “No” Buzzer on Command


Stimulus Condition Hit Yes Buzzer Hit No Buzzer Nonresponses

“Hit the Yes” 43 (72%) 9 (15%) 8 (13%)

“Hit the No” 11 (19%) 39 (66%) 9 (15%)

though yes-no systems are both simple and “Are you a woman?”) and counting the re-
useful, they may pose particular problems for sponse as correct only if it switches when the
some patients with aphasia who have specific question is transformed.
confusion between yes and no, despite better We evaluated a patient who demonstrated
preservation of other language concepts. Thus, the ability to signal yes and no on command by
failure on a yes-no system should not necessar- using two different movements of his thumb.
ily be taken to mean complete absence of lan- During this initial evaluation, his response rate
guage function. was 83 percent, and his accuracy was also 83
Once a patient can be shown to follow com- percent. We went on to apply this thumb-
mands to indicate a yes-no response, it is ap- signaling system to answering biographical
propriate to begin to incorporate this skill into a questions, as shown in Table 25–4. As can be
communication assessment. Our approach has seen, although his response rate was even
typically been to gather a series of factual ques- higher than in the prior protocol (94%), his ac-
tions and their correct answers from family curacy dropped to 71 percent, presumably be-
members. We try to avoid questions that relate cause of the increased cognitive demands of
to recent history because retrograde amnesia the question content. Also, note that he showed
may confound the assessment. Ideally, we col- a preference for yes responses, which inter-
lect a sample of approximately equal numbers fered with his accuracy. Although he was sig-
of yes and no questions, without telling team nificantly more accurate than chance, the team
members what the correct answers are. This compensated for this relatively poor accuracy
practice avoids bias in interpreting ambiguous by asking each question twice, once in the affir-
eye or finger movements. The questions are ad- mative and once in the negative, as discussed
ministered in random order, and the patient’s previously.
response is recorded. We then calculate the fre- To use such a system functionally, one must
quency of responding (patients often simply know its limits. If the communication system
fail to respond to some questions) and the per- was assessed by using short declarative factual
centage of correct responses out of those trials questions, it cannot necessarily be assumed that
on which a response occurred. An accuracy rate the patient can also answer longer or more
that is significantly greater than 50 percent pro- complex questions. Thus, whenever complexity
vides evidence that the patient is successful at is to be increased, some reassessment is in or-
using such a system for communication. Accu- der. In addition, some patients who are initially
racy rates close to 100 percent clearly support a assessed with, for example, an eye movement
viable system. Intermediate accuracy rates pro- system are later noted to begin to spontane-
vide evidence of conscious processing but may ously nod yes and no, to point, or to mouth
not be functionally useful. However, in some words. As the patient gives indications of in-
such cases, we have been successful in using creasing ability, new and more functional alter-
paired questions (e.g., “Are you a man?” and natives should be evaluated.

TABLE 25–4. Evaluation of a Patient’s Ability to Answer Biographical Questions

Patient’s Response

Type of Question “Yes” Movement “No” Movement Nonresponses

“Yes” 38 (79%) 7 (15%) 3 (6%)

“No” 18 (43%) 22 (52%) 2 (5%)
11447C25.PGS 1/15/99 4:29 PM Page 447


Psychopharmacology Our approach to drug evaluation nearly al-

ways involves gathering baseline data on pa-
As mentioned previously, every effort should tient function prior to any drug changes to
be made to wean vegetative and minimally allow the target behaviors to be clearly under-
conscious patients from sedating or potentially stood and to enable the team to estimate how
sedating drugs or to substitute less sedating al- much data will be required after the drug
ternatives. However, if patients fail to improve change to provide a clear assessment. In our ex-
in their level of consciousness in a reasonable perience, medications are most often used in
period, it may be appropriate to consider a trial minimally conscious patients to increase alert-
of a stimulant or cognition-enhancing medica- ness or to increase the reliability with which
tion. Although no drugs are formally indicated commands are followed or communication is
for this purpose, there are many that may be engaged in. Thus, baseline data on eye opening
beneficial on the basis of theoretical arguments (or other indices of alertness), command fol-
and several that have been shown in case re- lowing, and yes-no accuracy are required. Re-
ports and single-subject evaluations to be bene- view of baseline data allows the team to assess
ficial to at least some patients.52,53 In our experi- the day-to-day variability and to determine
ence, it is rare to find a vegetative patient who whether there is any spontaneous change over
becomes minimally conscious in response to time in the absence of drug intervention.
drug administration, but it is more common for Greater variability indicates the need for more
minimally conscious patients to become more data both before and after drug intervention to
reliable with drug treatment. get a clear answer. Spontaneous improvement
The two neurotransmitter systems that have may lead the team to postpone drug interven-
been most studied and advocated for improving tion. If drug interventions are planned despite
function and recovery are norepinephrine and an upward trend in the baseline data, then a
dopamine. The former is believed to be particu- more dramatic upward trend will be required
larly useful for selecting environmental stimuli to support the effectiveness of the intervention.
to attend to; the latter appears more involved in Short-acting drugs such as methylphenidate
initiation of responding.54 Psychostimulants and dextroamphetamine are ideal for this type
such as methylphenidate and dextroampheta- of assessment because they can be introduced
mine, which affect both neurotransmitter sys- and withdrawn every day or two, allowing a
tems, may increase eye opening and alertness single-subject placebo-controlled trial. Even if
and, in some cases, may improve the accuracy there is some underlying recovery taking place,
of responding. Dextroamphetamine, specifi- it will be distributed equally across drugs.
cally, has been reported to enhance neurological Longer-acting drugs, such as bromocriptine or
recovery.55 Drugs with noradrenergic activity, tricyclic antidepressants, generally cannot be
such as desipramine (a relatively pure norad- studied in this way. However, if the team devel-
renergic drug) or amitriptyline (a drug with ops a clear pattern of baseline data, it is gener-
mixed actions), are also believed to enhance ally possible to detect a change in that pattern
neurological recovery and have shown some as the drug in introduced. Lingering uncer-
utility in minimally conscious patients. Several tainty about the drug’s effects can be answered
drugs with dopamine agonist activity have also by withdrawing the drug later to see if regres-
been advocated. Those that function as dopa- sion occurs.
mine precursors (e.g., L-dopa) may actually in- Drug-induced increases in alertness may not
crease both dopamine and norepinephrine lev- always translate into improvements in mean-
els; direct agonists such as bromocriptine and ingful function. We have repeatedly seen pa-
pergolide have more specific dopaminergic ac- tients in the vegetative state increase their eye
tivity.55 opening on medication while remaining at
Because of the relative dearth of research on chance in terms of following commands. Mini-
the efficacy of these drugs in TBI, one is left to mally conscious patients often increase the pro-
choose a drug partly based on side effect profile portion of responses that they produce in re-
(e.g., seizure risk is increased with tricyclics but sponse to commands or questions during drug
not with methylphenidate)56,57 and partly based treatment, but the drug’s effects on accuracy
on practicality (e.g., bromocriptine must be in- are more variable. Thus, it is generally impor-
creased and tapered slowly, so its evaluation is tant to evaluate not only alertness and ability to
quite time-consuming). Whatever drug is cho- respond but also accuracy or quality of re-
sen, it is critical that some form of objective sponse.
evaluation of its effects be undertaken. Other-
wise, the random variation in behavior that is Case 7 ■ We performed a baseline evaluation
so typical of minimally conscious patients will on a patient who was several years post-TBI and
leave team members confused about whether who appeared to be in the vegetative state, with
the drug had any useful effects. intermittent eye opening and no clear evidence
11447C25.PGS 1/15/99 4:29 PM Page 448


that finger movements could be used to answer present should be evident. In some cases, such
biographical questions, despite his family’s belief evaluation shows behavioral regression, which
that this was occurring. In view of his frequent can signal the need to look for adverse medical
eye closure, we hypothesized that he might events such as hydrocephalus or metabolic ab-
be underaroused and might benefit from a normalities.
dopaminergic drug both to increase alertness In some minimally conscious patients, it may
and to improve command following. Five de- be more useful to track specific behaviors of im-
grees of eye opening were drawn and circulated portance, such as command following or com-
to staff, who were asked to rate his eye position munication, to see if they are showing any im-
at the beginning of each treatment session. We provement. By plotting both response rate and
also performed a protocol similar to the one dis- accuracy over time, a clear interpretation of
cussed previously in which yes and no finger clinical change is possible. Figure 25–2 presents
movements were assessed in response to bio- a patient who showed the ability to nod yes and
graphical questions. As shown in Table 25–5, the no in response to commands or questions but
patient showed a clear increase in eye opening, did so very inconsistently. We developed an as-
compared to placebo, on amantadine, as well as sessment to determine whether her ability to
an increased rate of finger movements. His accu- communicate in this way was improving over
racy, however, remained at chance, suggesting time. As can be seen, accuracy when she did re-
that arousal was not at the root of his vegetative spond was high from the beginning and
state. showed little further change. Her consistency
of responding, however, showed steady im-
provement. It should be kept in mind that some
Assessing Change new behavior, not currently being assessed,
could emerge and reveal positive change, so the
Few vegetative patients are seen in acute reha- team must be prepared to incorporate newly
bilitation programs, and those who are gener- emerging behaviors into the assessment as
ally receive brief treatment courses unless they needed.
begin to develop more active treatment goals. An assessment of a vegetative patient soon
Similarly, minimally conscious patients do not after injury that reveals no recovery over time
benefit from ongoing active rehabilitation un- does not mean that such recovery will never oc-
less their clinical status evolves and new behav- cur. Because some recovery is possible at least
ioral capacities emerge. Thus, for both patient until 1 year after injury, however, it is generally
groups an essential question is whether their not feasible to continue intensive rehabilitation
behavioral repertoires are changing over time. and assessment for that length of time. Our ap-
In addition to the practical importance of this proach has been to train caregivers in the as-
question, detection of behavioral change has sessment that we are using so that, should ad-
been suggested as one of the most important in- ditional recovery become evident in the future,
dices of a positive prognosis for further clinical a reevaluation can be triggered. Lack of docu-
improvement.44 mented change in a vegetative patient nearing
Behavioral change can be assessed in much the 1-year anniversary of injury can be taken to
the same way that the effects of a drug might be indicate a very low probability that meaningful
evaluated. A standardized assessment tool is recovery will ever occur.
particularly useful for vegetative patients be- In minimally conscious patients, the interpre-
cause there are not yet any specific behaviors of tation of temporal trend is more complex and
interest to follow. Scores are collected 1 to 3 more flexible. Lack of spontaneous change in a
times a week and plotted against time. After a specific behavior does not necessarily mean
number of such scores are collected, whether that such a change cannot be induced by a treat-
there is merely random variation from day to ment intervention (drug or device). If sponta-
day or whether a temporal recovery trend is neous change is not seen across a range of tar-

TABLE 25–5. Drug Effects on Eye Opening and Answering Questions

Measure of Drug Response

Eye Opening Rating Finger Movement Finger Movement

Drug Condition (1–5) (Median, range) Response Rate Accuracy

Baseline 1 (1–3) 18% 52%

Amantadine 2 (1–3) 37% 45%
11447C25.PGS 1/15/99 4:29 PM Page 449








0 2 4 6 8 10

FIGURE 25–2. Changes in response rate and accuracy over time. A patient’s percentage of responses and per-
centage accuracy are shown on the y axis, in a protocol involving nodding yes or no on command. The x axis rep-
resents different data-gathering epochs of several days each.

get behaviors, however, then one must begin to during the initial emergency stages is impossi-
conclude that a behavioral plateau is arriving ble, it is probably most important to under-
and that only very specific treatment-related stand the family’s perception of what they have
gains are likely in the future. been told. During family sessions, we have
heard remarks such as “Don’t worry, they told
me the lobotomies were minor” and “The neu-
Psychosocial and Ethical Issues rologist told us our mom would come back 90
percent, 40 percent the first year and 50 percent
The response of a family to a severe traumatic the second year.”
brain injury changes over time. It is important Many have the idea, supported by the popular
for clinicians to think about how a family con- media, that people with severe TBI “wake up”
structs beliefs about severe traumatic brain in- from their comas ready to resume life as they
jury. Their experience with it is probably lim- knew it. Of course, some do resume a meaning-
ited, and they are thrust into a crisis without ful activity pattern, which can include gainful
having any knowledge base. In the emergency employment, school, volunteer and leisure inter-
room and initial days following the injury, the ests, and successful social and personal relation-
issues of concern are literally life and death. If ships. For the patient who remains minimally
the patient survives, the family feels some conscious for a significant period, however, the
sense of relief that their loved one “beat the prognosis is limited. Clearly, families are con-
odds” and, having beat them once, can do it fronted with information that challenges their
again. Although knowing what information is beliefs about recovery and the cognitive status of
shared between the medical staff and the family their family member. In our work with mini-
11447C25.PGS 1/15/99 4:29 PM Page 450


mally conscious patients, we are often asked dration and nutrition. Highly publicized cases,
whether the patient’s lack of responsiveness is like that of Karen Ann Quinlan and Cruzan,
caused by depression or boredom. In effect, the evoke public and personal debate over treatment
family projects a variety of complex feelings and of patients in the vegetative state. Clinicians may
thoughts onto the patient, in the absence of ob- feel uncomfortable about discussing these issues
servable behavior, whereas it is unlikely such with families, and there is always some uncer-
patients have the cognitive ability to under- tainty about the label of “permanent” because of
stand, introspect, and grieve over their present a few highly publicized cases about people who
circumstances. emerged after the diagnosis of a permanent vege-
Although family education is difficult, tative state had been made. We suggest an initial
time-consuming, and costly work, it is time time-limited assessment, followed by a tracking
well spent because long-term treatment and system that would allow for detection of change
care options need to be solidified. The infor- following discharge from the acute rehabilitation
mation gained from quantitative assessment setting. Considering recent data on outcome of
can provide some content for family meet- the vegetative state,7 people who sustained their
ings. During the initial sessions, the focus injury secondary to trauma have a longer win-
should be on providing some basic brain in- dow for recovery than those with an anoxic
jury education, including some of the conse- event. Such an assessment and tracking system
quences of the pathology. Families typically can facilitate discharge of those patients who
have many questions. Although the “harder fail to show early progress, while minimizing
facts” may not be discussed in extensive de- the chance that later improvements will be
tail, the message of a severe injury should overlooked.
be communicated. As the team’s relationship For those diagnosed as minimally conscious
with the family continues to evolve and as rather than vegetative, it is likely that they will
more information about the patient is gath- remain dependent on others for a variety of
ered, extrapolations about the functional im- needs, including 24-hour supervision, even if
plications of the brain injury can be made. The some improvement occurs. Although some is-
focus moves from a more generalized model sues, like decisions about DNR status and ag-
about brain injury to the more specific ramifi- gressive medical treatment, are similar to those
cations of the patient’s pathology and disabil- for people diagnosed as vegetative, families of
ity. Although strong attempts are made to do minimally conscious patients may be more
this in a supportive manner, families are likely to pursue aggressive treatment or, even if
likely to be angry and defensive on hearing they wish not to, may have more difficulty with
this information. The role of the clinicians is decisions to withdraw treatment from a family
to provide some foundation of information member who is able to engage in some limited
for the family, to be used at the time when the interaction. Additionally, without a living will
family is more emotionally ready, rather than or advance directives, the rehabilitation team
force the family to adjust. Honesty is a critical may have difficulty assessing what the pa-
factor because decisions need to be made, tient’s desires might have been and what the
based specifically on the quantitative assess- family’s motivations for treatment withdrawal
ment and the medical status, regarding treat- are. Thus, a physician who fears a legal chal-
ment direction and destination planning. lenge may be reluctant to participate in with-
A quantitative evaluation of responses to stim- drawal of treatment.
ulation over time can help to remove some of the This multifaceted issue, involving medical,
ambiguity of the diagnosis. One possible out- ethical, legal, and often religious opinions, has
come of the evaluation is that the patient shows typically been argued by those wanting to dis-
no evidence of consciousness. This, paired with continue life support measures for their family
information about the etiology of the injury, member in a vegetative state. A suggestion has
length of time since injury, age of the patient, and been made to shift the burden of that decision
knowledge of the patient’s wishes, can be used to from those who want to discontinue treatment
guide decisions about the direction of future to those who want it to continue.59 This argu-
treatment and care. Recent cases, like that of ment supports the establishment of a standard
Nancy Cruzan,58 have brought the ethical dilem- of care that would include stopping treatment
mas faced by families, medical staff, and the legal after a specified time, considering the results of
system into the public arena. When the vegeta- clinical evaluations, for those diagnosed in a
tive state is considered irreversible, the question permanent vegetative state.59 This standard of
may arise as to whether to continue medical care should include a more concrete method of
treatment of the patient, including do not resusci- evaluation for these patients that would elimi-
tate (DNR) status, administering medication to nate, in part, the ambiguity for clinicians and
treat conditions like infection, and artificial hy- families alike.
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