Capstone Product Proposal

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Senior Capstone Product Proposal Form 2019 

Student Name  Paige Smith & Katherine Hicks  Class Period  5 & 3 

Research Topic  Litter 

Thesis Statement  Teaching younger kids the importance of picking up litter will create 
What you intend to prove   a healthy environment for the future. 

Description of Product  Cementing the importance of     

picking up trash to help the 
environment to younger kids. 

Form of Product  ❏ Video/Documentary/YouTube Channel 

(Highlight all that apply)  ❏ Creation/Art Work/Tangible Item 
❏ Education 
❏ Service 
❏ Social Media Campaign (must include another selection) 
❏ Other 

Please explain your  My partner and I will be creating two different activities for a class 
product (with specific  of 2nd graders and a class of 3rd graders. We will spend two days 
details?)  with each class while teaching them the importance of picking up 
their trash and other peoples as well. After each day we will go 
around their playground/ campus to pick up trash, we will be 
reading them a book on littering, and we will have an art day where 
they create “litter bugs”. 

Describe the connection  My research delved into the topics of why do people litter, if there 
between your research  are ways that we can help prevent litter, and if kids are taught the 
(annotated bibliography)  importance of taking care of the earth as a portion of curriculum. 
and your product. 

How will you display this  We will bring in our own litter bugs, take pictures of our progress 
in your digital portfolio?  throughout the process, and show examples from the children’s 
book that we will be reading. 

Estimate the number of  To put everything together, our project will probably take around 
hours needed to  11 hours. 
complete ALL of the 
items on your to do list 
(page 2) including your 
final product. ​You must 
document at least ten 
(10) fieldwork hours 
outside of class. 

Explain how you will  We will take lots of pictures and bring in examples of lesson plans 
document each and  we use and also while taking several video clips with the children. 
every step for 
completing your product 
(journal, blog, video blog, 

What do you hope ​to  I hope to learn about the basis and core of why people litter. Are 
learn​ during this  they lazy, are they uneducated, or do they simply just not care? My 
process?  main hope though is not what my partner and I will learn, but what 
the students themselves will learn through our continued efforts. 
My To Do List 
Below list the steps and timeline you will ​attempt to​ follow to complete your product. As you complete 
the product,  
make additions or subtract steps as you go if and when necessary. T ​ he log will be turned in on March 
18, 2019! 

Steps  Completed by Date 

1. Plan four days to go into the two classrooms  02/11 

2. Purchase litter book  02/11 

3. Create a lesson plan  02/15 

4. Gather/ purchase art supplies we will need for our “litter bugs”  02/16 

5. Buy gloves and trashbags for children to use for trash clean up  02/16 

6. Work with Group 1: Day 1  02/20 

7. Work with Group 2: Day 1  02/21 

8. Work with Group 1: Day 2  02/27 

9. Work with Group 2: Day 2  02/28 

10. Put all of our videos/ pictures together for final outcome  03/08 
Student Signature    Date   

Teacher Signature    Date   

Accepted As-Is     

Accepted With Modifications   


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