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Worshipful Master
W. Bro. Ayyaz Hameed PPrGStwd (Oxon)

Dear Sir & Brother,

You are hereby summoned to attend a Regular Meeting of the Lake Victoria Lodge to
be Holden at Mark Masons’ Hall, 86 St. James’s Street, London, SW1A 1PL

On Saturday 16th March 2019. The Lodge will Tyle at 4.30pm

Yours Sincerely & Fraternally

W. Bro. Ayyaz Hameed

Worshipful Master & Temp Acting Lodge Secretary

Address: 13 Woodford Way Witney, Oxfordshire, OX28 6GF

Treasurer Almoner Mentor

Director of Ceremonies Asst Secretary Charity Steward


Dark Suit, Black, or Metropolitan Tie, White Collared shirt and Gloves


Please book in or give apologies via our Booking System – click Here

Alternatively, if you have difficulty with the new system, please advise the Secretary if you
wish to dine, along with details of any guests that will be joining you. Lodge Secretary

Dining at Mark Masons Hall Includes Wine, amount payable for this meeting is 45

Deadline for booking dining is the 10th March 2019

Contact Dining Sec for bookings after the deadline

Lodge Meeting Dates

The Lodge meets on the 3rd Saturday in September (Installation Meeting), 1st Saturday in
December (White Table) & 3rd Saturday in March and June at Mark Masons Hall, 86 St.
James’s Street, London SW1A 1PL.

Lodge of Instruction (LOI) / Rehearsal (LOR)

Classes of Instruction and Rehearsals will be organized by the DC (Dates and times to be
advised by e-mail to all brethren). Director of Ceremonies


Subscriptions of £140 for 2019 (subject to approval) are due on the 31st August each year.
Please forward payment ASAP to the Treasurer, Email; Treasurer. Those Brethren who have
not yet paid their subscriptions for 2018 are requested to remit immediately to Bro
Treasurer. Under Bye-Law No. 6, a member’s subscription is unpaid for six months, he shall
be liable to be excluded after due notice under Rule 181 of The Book of Constitutions.

Members Details

It is important that Members notify the Secretary of any change in their address or other
particulars in order that the Lodge records may be maintained up to date.

Travelling Abroad

Brethren are reminded not to make contact with other Masonic jurisdictions or attend their
Lodges without first ascertaining the Grand Secretary’s office that regular Freemasonry
exists in the country concerned.

If any Member hears of any illness or distress of a Brother or his family or requires
assistance, please inform the Almoner, W.Bro. Kishore Soneji, 079 5639 0890.
LODGE BUSINESS 16th March 2019

Greetings Brethren

1. Opening Hymn

2. Warrant of the Lodge

3. To Open the Lodge.
4. To welcome the lodge Visiting Officer. W. Bro. Trevor Austin & Guest & Visitors all.
5. Approve the minutes of the last regular meeting.
6. Present, W. Bro. Ammo Haria the Award of Appreciation and Service to this lodge as
founder having been made an honorary member in Sept 2018.

7. To ballot for and if successful, Initiate, Mr Drew David Jensen, born on the 4th April
1969. Currently residing and working at and from: 24 Fairfield, Arlington Road,
London, NW1 7LE. Who is Self Employed as a Property Lead Finder. Who has been
proposed by Bro. Zahid Amin (Zac) and seconded by Bro. Ayyaz Hameed (WM).

8. To give notice of motion to exclude brethren for non-payment under byelaw No. 6 &
BoC-R181, who you have fallen into arrears having been served with due notices.
Unless dues are received in full before the start of this meeting. Namely:
Bro’s, Kishore Senoji, Parth Senoji, Chandresh Kapadia, Dalesh Patel, Bharat K. L.
Patel & Vikas Puri.

9. To propose Honorary members for their outstanding and long service to this, their
founding lodge in the names of W. Bro. Pyarelal Patel & W. Bro. Ramesh Patel.

10. To propose an increase in subscription from £120 to £140 for the year 2019 to 2020.

11. To add if any further comments to the Almoners report having been duly circulated
12. To add if any further comments to the Charity Stwd’s report having been circulated
13. Collection.
14. Risings.
15. Close the lodge.
16. First verse of The National Anthem followed by the closing hymn.

Every caution has been taken to keep within the data protection act.
Contact and other related details of members available upon request
Consecrated 8th September 1978


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Current LODGE OFFICER 2018 - 2019

Worshipful Master W.Bro. Ayyaz Hameed PPrGStwd (Oxon)
Immediate Past Master Vacant
Senior Warden Bro. Paul Conor
Junior Warden W. Bro. Clint Newbury
Chaplain W. Bro. Ammo Haria
Treasurer W. Bro. Sandeep Prasher
Secretary W. Bro. Ayyaz Hameed (Acting)
Director of Ceremonies W.Bro. Dr Shiraz Gulamali LGR
Almoner W.Bro. Kishore Soneji LGR
Charity Steward W. Bro. Shiraz Gulamali (Acting)
Mentor W. Bro. Ayyaz Hameed
Senior Deacon Bro. Zahid Amin
Junior Deacon Bro. Ben Hart
Assistant Director of Ceremonies Bro. Nawar Nahab
Assistant Secretary Bro. Paul Connor
Royal Arch Representative Bro. Paul Connor
Organist W.Bro. Julian Townsend (Guest Organist)
Inner Guard Vacant
Steward Bro. Mohammed Umair Shafiq
Steward Bro. Nawar Nahab
Steward Bro. Muhi Al-Khudiari
Tyler W. Bro. Allen Hall (Temp)

Lake Victoria Lodge 8842 Founders, Present & Past 

W.Bro. Amratlal K. Haria SLGR| W. Bro. Pyarelal Ramlal Patel LGR LGCR PZ (Members)
W.Bro. Abdulrazak Hasham Suleman | W.Bro Baldev Singh Vasdev | Bro. Yash Prashar | W. Bro. Ranbir Suri
Bro. Satish Kumar Khosla | Bro. Mahendra Hemraj Shah
 W. Bro. Gian Prashar | W. Bro. Omi P Goswami | W.Bro. S D Khosla | W. Bro. Noorali Rashid Sayani
W. Bro. Kewel Krishna Talwar | W.Bro. Jayendra Kumar Raishi Shah | Bro. Jayantilal Kalidas Patel
Bro. Gurdev Walia | W. Bro. Mohan Singh Ahluwalia | W.Bro. Damodar Bhagwandass Neghandhi
W. Bro. Narindar Nath Sharma | W. Bro. Amanullah Asmatullah Din  R.I.P

RW. Bro. D. W. Burford PJGW | VW. Bro. Ian Currans PGSwdB | W. Bro. Amo Haria SLGR
VW. Bro. Phillip Purves PGSwdB

Visiting Officers
SVO. W. Bro. Julien Sampson SLGR | VO. W. Bro. Trevor Austin PAGDC
MetGInsp. W. Bro. Augustus Machado PGJD

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