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Is Tofu Vegan? How Much Tofu is Too Much?

1. Introduction
Tofu is a millennial food, it is said that this is originally from China, the legend says that 2000 thousand
years ago a cook ruined the soy milk when some seaweed fell into the container, in this way he
observed how the milk curdled. He came to Japan in the 8th century, where he was originally called
okabe. Its modern name began to be used only in 1400. In this article we will talk about what is tofu, if
in reality it is vegan and how much tofu is healthy, finally conclusions will be given on the information

2. What is Tofu?
Soy milk is what is called the result of soaking soybeans, grinding them and filtering them. Tofu is
produced by curdling the soy milk, once this is done, the paste obtained is pressed and It cools, this
process is very similar to the manufacture of cheese based on milk.

3. Is Tofu Vegan?
Tofu, possibly one of the most well-known foods and that many people usually associate with
vegetarianism or veganism. The tofu as mentioned above is composed of soy, which is a legume with a
high content of protein and fiber. These properties have made it one of the most recurrent ingredients in
various recipes to replace meat, because it is a source of protein for the human body. It is important to
mention that it is an excellent source of iron and calcium, as well as minerals such as manganese,
selenium and phosphorus. It is also a good source of magnesium, copper, zinc and vitamin B1.

4. How much tofu is safe?

Soy and all its derivatives contain large amounts of oxalate, so those who have problems with kidney
oxalate stones should avoid eating them. Women who have or had breast tumors sensitive to estrogen
should restrict their soy consumption to no more than four servings a week. Tofu like all foods should
not be consumed in excess.

5. Conclusion
Tofu is an excellent food that helps us to complement a healthy diet, because its flavor combines very
well with different dishes, just as all foods should be moderated with their consumption. For people
who want to stop eating meat this food will be a great ally to achieve their goal.

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