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Nama : Ainun Hasanah

Kelas : IX 1


We use printer in various activity in our daily life. We use our printer to do a lot of
things,starting with printing school assignment, presentation project, legal document and even
personal photos. In order to maximize the result, you can try these following simple tricks.

1. If the printer is off, turn it on and connect the USB cable to the computer
2. If you want to print document, choose the designated document and open it
3. Press Ctrl + P button on your keyboard as a hotkey to activate printing command on the
computer, or you can also find the printing command on your toolbar by clicking the
Microsoft Word icon on the top-left corner and then select “ print ”
4. If you want to print document and you think that everything is all set, you can continue
right away and click the “OK” button at the bottom of the dialogue box and the printer
will do their job for you

Here is some additional trick to maximize your printing result :

First you need to open the printing dialogue box by pressing Ctrl + P button or as I tolg you
before. Next, on the dialogue box find “ Properties ” button and click it. And these are here is
some additional trick to maximize your printing result.

First you need to open the printing dialogue box by pressing Ctrl + P button or as I told you
before. Next, on the dialogue box find “ Properties ” button and click it. And these are some
option that you will find right there :

2-on-1 printing = 2 page printed on the some paper

4-on-1 printing = 4 page printed on the same paper

Duplex printing ( manual ) = to print on the front and back side of the paper easily
Print from last page = to start printing from the last page so we don’t have to re arrange the

Borderless printing = to print until the border of the page

Grayscale printing = to print everything black

Fast ( speed priority ) = to make the printing process faster

You can chose one of the options above to help you maximize your printing result.

5. If you want to print picture, go to the directory of the file

6. When you find the file, select the file by clicking it one time
7. Next, place your mouse pointer on the picture that you want to print
8. Right click on the picture, select “print”
9. On the dialogue box, make some adjustment on how you want your picture to be printed,
if it is done click “print”
10. Wait until the printing process is finish, done.

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