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Fabián Moscoso

English Advanced1

1.- Cynic = Cínico

someone who is critical of the motives of others
2.- Insolent = Insolente
marked by casual disrespect
3.- Mortify = Mortificar
cause to feel shame
4.- Nebulous = Nebuloso
lacking definite form or limits
5.- Ineffable = Inefable
defying expression or description
6.- Wistful = Anhelante
showing pensive sadness
7.- Insipid = Insípido
lacking interest or significance or impact
8.- Reprehension = Represión
an act or expression of criticism and censure
9.- Exult = Exultar
feel extreme happiness or elation
10.- Subversive = Subversivo
in opposition to an established system or government
11.- Abortive = Abortivo
Failing to accomplish an intended result
12.- Insurgent = Insurgente
in opposition to a civil authority or government
13.- Hypochondriac: Hipocondriaco
person who continually worries about their health, although there is really nothing wrong with
14.- Invective = Invectiva
abusive language used to express blame or censure
14.- Catharsis = Catarsis
purging the body to stimulate evacuation of the bowels
15.- Apocryphal = Apócrifo
being of questionable authenticity
16.- Apprehensive = Aprensivo
in fear or dread of possible evil or harm
17.- Beleaguer = Sitiar
annoy persistently
18.- Burlesque = Burlesco
a theatrical entertainment of broad and earthy humor
19.- Callow = Inexperto
young and inexperienced
20.- Clandestine = Clandestino
conducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods
21.- Clemency = Clemencia
leniency and compassion shown toward offenders
22.- Conjecture = Conjetura
believe especially on uncertain or tentative grounds
23.- Accost = Abordar
approach and speak to someone aggressively or insistently
24.- Contingent = Contingente
determined by conditions or circumstances that follow
25.- Contrite = Contrito
feeling or expressing pain or sorrow for sins or offenses
26.- Decadent = Decadente
marked by excessive self-indulgence and moral decay
27.- Absolve = Absolver
grant remission of a sin to
28.- Insipid = Insípido
lacking interest or significance or impact
29.- Insurgent = Insurgente
in opposition to a civil authority or government
30.- Mortify = Mortificar
cause to feel shame
31.- Stratify = Estratificar
form or arrange in to strata
32.- Disdain = Desdén
lack of respect accompanied by a feeling of intense dislike
33.- Sacrilege = Sacrilegio
blasphemous behavior
34.- Sanctimonious = Mojigato
excessively or hypocritically pious
35.- Adage = Adagio
a condensed but memorable saying embodying an important fact
36.- Peremptory = Perentorio
putting an end to all debate or action
37.- Transgress = Transgredir
act in disregard of laws, rules, contracts, or promises
38.- Malaise = Malestar
a general feeling of discomfort, uneasiness, or depression
39.- Despot = Déspota
a cruel and oppressive dictator
40.- Glut = Exceso
supply with an excess of
41.- Histrionic Histriónico
characteristic of acting or a stage performance
42.- Aphorism = Aforismo
a short pithy instructive saying
43.- Idiosyncrasy = Idiosincrasia
a behavioral attribute peculiar to an individual
44.- Idyllic = Idílico
charmingly simple and serene
45.- Incessant = Incesante
uninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuing
46.- Agnostic = Agnóstico
a person who claims the existence of God is unknowable
47.- Inept = Inepto
generally incompetent and ineffectual
48.- Metaphor = Metáfora
a figure of speech that suggests a non-literal similarity
49.- Simile = Símil
a figure of speech expressing a resemblance between things
50.- Stanza = Estrofa
a fixed number of lines of verse forming a unit of a poem

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