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How does child abuse affect society and future generations?

Physical Child Abuse

*About 5 children die
everyday from child abuse

of 21
Understanding Child Abuse who
Child abuse has been a problem since the beginning of experienced child abuse
have some form of
time. In America more than 3.6 million people report child
psychological disorder
abuse. Unfortunately child abuse didn’t become significant to
the government until 1962 when an article appeared and
informed readers that child abuse was in fact medically diagnosable. In a long ten
years every state had mandatory reporting laws, which is when people who work
for the public have to inform the child protective services or any law enforcements
when a child is being abused. Some think that child abuse is discipline, when in
fact if it causes bruises, bleeding, broken bones etc, it is to be reported
immediately. Although if you don’t cause any physical trauma it’s not considered
child abuse but, there are other ways to discipline your child. Unfortunately child
abuse isn’t reported as often as it’s supposed to and it will continue to be a
problem if nobody talks. This will affect society and future generations.


Different Kinds of
Child Abuse 1
There are various types of bodily
child abuse, one of the most common “” PHYSICAL ABUSE
forms is physical abuse. Physical abuse Hurting a child
is when a parent or guardian purposely physically

causes harm to a child that results in

injury. 28.3% of people admitted to
being abused as a child. Ways of
physical abuse is when you: Kick, hit,
pull hair, bite, throw, slam, choke, whip
or injury a child physically. Another
form of bodily child abuse is sexual
abuse. Sexual abuse is when an adult
or any older person, forces or provokes
a child into performing sexual acts that
they cannot say yes to or they don’t
understand. 20.7% of people admitted
to being sexually abused as a child.
Sexual abuse results in: Making a child
watch pornography, making a child
look at or reveal a sexual body part,
talking sexually to a child, making
children participate in any sexual
activity, child prostitution and sadly
Forcing or persuading
many more.
a child to do sexual
activities they cannot
consent to

Harming a child’s
mental or emotional
Another form of child abuse is psychological abuse. There are various forms of psychological
abuse. One of the most common forms is emotional abuse, emotional abuse is when a parent or
guardian causes emotional trauma to a child that may affect them mentally. 10.6% of people admit to
being emotionally abused as a child. Emotional abuse includes: Encouraging bad behavior,
humiliation, calling child names and making fun of child, falsely accusing child of committing acts,
wrongly punishing child, isolating child from peers and family, threatening child with death or
punishment, rejecting child, and sadly many more. Another form of psychological abuse is child
neglect. Child neglect is when a parent or guardian does not provide the needs of a child such as,
food, clothing, shelter and water. Child neglect includes: making a child feel unwanted by giving
them away or not taking custody, not providing food, water, clothes, shoes etc, and putting a child in
a bad place or position to which they are exposed to criminal, sexual or any other illegal activities.

There are various effects on children who have been abused. Studies
have proven that adults who were abused suffer from, a lack of trust, feeling
worthless, friendship/relationship difficulties not being able to control their
emotions, anxiety, being extremely aggressive, and isolating themselves from
people. Most people who abuse children were abused as children. The
constant cycle of abuse can be difficult to stop when it is how you were raised
or all you know so most people don’t think they’re doing anything wrong. At
times, child abusers can give off signals that they are abusing a child. They
avoid other parents, isolate their children from other people, switch doctors
often and won’t explain/ lie about injuries.

Not only does child abuse affect the child, it affects society and the economy, medical bills for bodily abuse,
foster care if the child can no longer stay with the parent or guardian, mental health facilities/medication for
emotional/mental abuse. Child abuse affects school work, which children are less likely to graduate. Non
graduates are often incarcerated because they do not have the proper education to get a job, so they get their
money by participating in illegal activities. Being abused as a child means there is a more likely chance of
them being bullied, especially if they’re being neglected, as they don’t have the basic needs of a child (clothes,
shoes etc.) Adults who suffered from child abuse will most likely have anger problem which also can result in
a constant loss of jobs and incarceration.

“Child Abuse and Neglect.” Healthy Eating Tips to Prevent, Control, and Reverse
Diabetes, 13 Feb. 2019,

“Child Abuse Is Worldwide. Protect Vulnerable Children.” Christian Child Sponsorship -

Compassion - Child Charity Organization, Compassion International,

“Child Abuse.” Psychology Today, Sussex Publishers,


“What Is Child Abuse.” Childhelp,


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