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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M, Multi
Fandom: | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Relationship: OT7 - Relationship, Jeon Jungkook/Jung Hoseok/Kim Namjoon/Kim
Seokjin/Kim Taehyung/Min Yoongi/Park Jimin
Character: Kim Namjoon | RM, Jeon Jungkook, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Kim
Seokjin | Jin, Kim Taehyung | V, Min Yoongi | Suga, Park Jimin (BTS)
Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, ABO, Mating, Scenting, Angst, Pack
Dynamics, Pack Bonding, Alternate Universe, smut in later chapters
Stats: Published: 2018-07-29 Completed: 2018-08-01 Chapters: 4/4 Words:

Baby, You Feel Like Home To Me

by RaeMin


In which Jungkook is certain his hyungs don't want him in their pack.

And how they prove him wrong.

Alternatively: I am a hoe for BTS ABO fics so I figured I'd write one.


Hey hi hello and welcome. Hope you enjoy. Please leave a comment and let me know
what you think, I live off of feedback <3
Chapter One

Jungkook was pretty sure that he was born feeling ignored.

He knew it was no one else’s fault in particular; the other members were just more comfortable
seeking out attention than he was. As an Omega, Jungkook was expected to be an attention
magnet - the other Omega’s in their group, Jimin and Taehyung, certainly were.

Maybe that’s why Jungkook always came up short. As the youngest, Jungkook hadn’t been able
to join the pack the BTS members had created due to being as young as he was when he debuted.
BTS became an official pack six months after they debuted, and Jimin, the second youngest, had
only had to wait a month or so after that to join when he presented. For Jungkook, it took five
years. Most people present as either Alpha, Beta, or Omega, when they turn sixteen. Jimin was a
late bloomer and didn’t present until seventeen, but the pack had already known that he would be
joining the second he presented.

For Jungkook, it was different. Most of the group, the hyung line in particular, thought of
Jungkook as a younger brother; not a future pack partner. This presented several problems. But
Jungkook had reasoned that it was just because he was fourteen when he met most of them for the
first time, and fifteen when they debuted. So of course they wouldn’t think of him in that way.

But Jungkook had thought it would change. It certainly had changed for Jimin - he started off in
the same position as Jungkook, but even before he had presented, the members would let him
sleep in the nest and give him cuddles without him asking. But again, for Jungkook, it was

Jungkook grew up feeling ignored. His parents, who were both Alphas, were frequently gone on
business trips either alone or with their pack, leaving Jungkook alone with a distant nanny.
Growing up he didn’t have many friends, and by the time he joined the company, most trainees
had already presented, and in turn had grouped off with fellow members of their own assignation.

That was common. Betas hanging out with betas, alphas with alphas, etc. But Jungkook didn’t
have the comfort of being presented yet to help him make friends. So he thought that surely, when
he was placed into BTS and promised to debut, that there was a possibility that the six other
members he had come to love would form a pack, and that they would want him to be a part of it.


He was right on the first part, wrong on the second. The others did form a pack - it started with
Seokjin, Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok, and Taehyung. Jimin joined soon after. But as Jungkooks
sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth birthdays rolled around and he was
still unpresented, talk of him joining the pack had died down from what little it had been to begin

Jungkook had caved in and accepted that he just must be part of the 0.01% of the population born
without a status. Doctors and specialists couldn’t give him any answers, and test after test came
back normal, all indicating there was nothing physically wrong with him.

It wasn’t like the other members didn’t want Jungkook to join the pack, Jungkook knew that they
must. Even if they’d never said it directly. Any time the topic had come up, it had always ended
with a, “we’ll cross that bridge when we get there” conclusion. No one ever assured Jungkook
that he would be able to join the pack officially some day.
All Jungkook wanted was to join the pack. He looked up to and loved each of his hyungs so
much. He desperately wanted to be a part of pack cuddle piles and to sleep in the nest with them.

When he turned sixteen, he was sure that any day now, he would present and could join the pack
and put an end to feeling so left out all the time. But his birthday had past and he ended up going
to sleep feeling hopeless. Most of the time Jungkook could put aside his resentment towards the
universe in favor of being thankful that he was able to spend time with such amazing people, even
if he couldn’t make it any more than that.

He would push down the ache in his chest whenever he would walk into the living room of their
dorm and see Taehyung and Jimin cuddling on the couch, Taehyung running his hands through
Jimin's hair and humming to him softly, or Namjoon and Seokjin cooking together in the kitchen
and Seokjin growing increasingly agitated at Namjoons lack of culinary expertise.

Jungkook would try not to be hurt when he would come home after curfew and no one would be
waiting up for him. He wound wander down the hall and see that the packs bedroom door was
closed, everyone else already sleeping comfortably inside. Jungkook would enter his own
bedroom and flop down on the bed, wondering if the others had even realized he was still gone.

He would try to stifle his hurt when he would see Jimin receiving all of the “maknae” attention.
Which made sense as Jimin was basically considered the pack maknae, but Jungkook was the
maknae of BTS, so that had to count for something didn’t it?

It didn’t, most of the time. Jungkook would watch with his heart on his sleeve as Jimin would be
fussed over for pushing himself too hard at dance practice, or dieting too strictly, or working
himself too thin in vocal practice. He would watch as Namjoon and Seokjin would stay up until
Jimin came stumbling in the door from a late night spent in the practice rooms, and hear them
lecture him about missing curfew. Jimin would always huff and try to explain his way out of it,
annoyed that his hyungs cared so much about him being an hour late.

Jungkook wished he could say the same.

It wasn’t like Jungkook didn’t receive attention or praise from his hyungs, of course he did. He’d
do exceptionally well at learning a dance, and would earn a beaming smile from Hoseok and a
firm pat on the back from Namjoon. He would write a part of a song and shyly present it to
Yoongi to get his opinion in the form of a tiny lift of his lip and a silent nod of approval.

Jungkook lived for those moments. But they were few and far between, whereas for the members
of the pack, they were nearly constant. Jimin would always be praised for doing well, Taehyung
would earn full on smiles from Yoongi when he showed him his writing, and Seokjin would
always make sure that Hoseok, Namjoon, and Yoongi had something to eat when they stayed out
late in their respective studios.

It was just different when it came to pack.

Jungkook was the outsider. Always looking in, longing to belong. He understood why he was
treated differently, and he tried desperately to not take it personally. But all he wanted was to be
able to call his hyungs his home, to feel as though he belonged.
Chapter 2
Chapter Notes

Hello again :) Please enjoy. This work is going to be 4 chapters total, (and I actually
have it all written and ready to post, who AM i?) Chapters will be coming daily until
it's finished!

Please comment your thoughts! I live off of your feedback. <3

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“Jungkook, wake up!”

Jungkook groaned, swatting away the hand that was incessantly shaking him awake. He peeled
open his eyes to watch the same person (Jin, as it turned out) turn to wake Taehyung with gentle
back rubs and a kiss on the top of the sleeping Omega's head.

Jungkook scoffed, letting out a huff and flipping over onto his other side so as to not have to look
at either of them anymore. He could already tell it was going to be a bad day.

Some days, Jungkook just woke up angry. Angry at the world, at his hyungs, at himself.

He was, for the most part, able to keep it in check. Any snarky remarks or rude behavior that
slipped through the cracks was usually just labeled 'angsty teen behavior' and Jungkook would
receive a smack on the back of his head and be forced to apologize, and that was it. They'd all
move on.

Jungkook climbed down from his bunk, nudging Taehyung awake once again as he passed. He
was surprised Taehyung had even slept in what was supposed to be Jungkook, Jimin, and
Taehyung's room in the first place. Nearly all of the time, the pack slept together in Jin and
Namjoon's room in the pack nest. Jungkook wondered if they were fighting.

Jungkook didn't have to wonder for long.

"Taehyungieeee," Jimin whined from his seat in the kitchen, "Please, TaeTae, I said I was sorry!"

Jungkook watched as Yoongi massaged Jimin's neck comfortingly when Taehyung brushed by
Jimin without a word. He saw Yoongi shoot Taehyung a warning glare, but Taehyung simply
glared right back, flipping the both of them off as he exited the room.

Holy shit.

Jungkook's jaw was on the floor. Jimin's lower lip was wobbling and Yoongi was stood frozen in

Never, in all their years of living together, had Jungkook seen Taehyung disrespect one of the
members like that, let alone Yoongi, one of his Alphas.

Yoongi recovered quickly, lunging forward to grab Taehyung's arm, yanking him back into the
room. Jungkook instinctively flew to Jimin, yanking the other up out of his seat and placing
himself between Jimin and a very angry Min Yoongi.
"Kim fucking Taehyung." Yoongi was practically snarling, eyes narrowed into slits.

"Min fucking Yoongi." Taehyung quipped right back.

As if being summoned by a higher being of conflict aversion, Jin flew into the room and placed
himself directly in between Yoongi and Taehyung. "Boys." Jin said. "What's going on?"

A light went off in Jungkook's brain. "Taehyung's new suppressants." he blurted eloquently.

Jin eyed him in confusion, even Taehyung himself shot Jungkook a questioning look.

Jungkook had been sure to familiarize himself with every single aspect of each subgender when
he had been trying to figure out what he would be when he was younger. He memorized the ins
and outs of Alpha ruts, Omega heats, Beta bonding, pack dynamics, and the medication each
subgender took to keep their more primal instincts at bay. In Taehyungs case, the suppressants he
had been on since he had presented at sixteen had stopped working, so he had had to switch
medications in order to keep unscheduled heats at bay.

Jungkook knew that switching medications abruptly was bound to cause hormonal imbalances
and drastic mood swings. He had read up on Taehyung's medications in particular in order to be
ready for a situation like this - even though he wasn't part of the pack, he'd be damned if he wasn't
going to take care of his hyungs.

"It makes sense!" Jungkook attempted to explain, inching closer to Yoongi. "Hyung, he doesn't
mean any of it! His medication is-"

"Mind your fucking place, Jungkook." Jungkook froze, air feeling as though it was being punched
out of his chest.

Yoongi snarled, turning his full attention to Jungkook. Jungkook stepped back instinctively,
something uncomfortable stirring deep in his chest.

"This is a pack matter, Jungkook. Why are you still here?"

Jungkook was incapable of moving. He didn't have to lift his gaze that had been lowered to the
ground since Yoongi began yelling at him to know that the hate in his voice would be reflected
just as strongly on his face.

The front door of the dorm being open and slammed shut, signaling the arrival of Namjoon and
Hoseok back to the dorm was the jolt to the system Jungkook needed to be able to move his legs

Jungkook ran. Out of the dorm, past an incredibly confused Namjoon, and nearly knocking over

Jungkook couldn't breathe. His throat was thick with tears and vision blurred, running blindly in
any direction but the one he had come from.

He eventually ended up at their building, his internal sense of direction helping him to end up
where he needed to be anyways. They had practice at noon, and Jungkook remembered it being
close to 10am when he had woken up that morning. Jungkook made his way to one of the practice
rooms in the very back of the building. It was mainly used for storage, but Jungkook would sneak
away there sometimes when he needed to be alone.

Jungkook sat down on the floor in his usual corner, pulling his knees up into his chest. He had
never gotten one of the Alphas mad at him before, at least not as mad as Yoongi had been. He had
never been at the receiving end of Namjoon or Yoongi's anger - usually the two Alphas could
keep it in check enough so as to not upset any of their pack members.

But apparently Jungkook was the exception. Yoongi hadn't even hesitated to put Jungkook back
into his place. All Jungkook had wanted to do was help - he thought that if he pointed out that
Taehyung's suppressants were the reason for his unexpected bout of acting out, that it would help
diffuse the tension and help Yoongi understand that Taehyung hadn't actually meant it, that he
would never voluntarily be so mean to Jimin, let alone Yoongi.

Jungkook still couldn't figure out why he felt so off.

Horrible wasn't even a strong enough word for what he was feeling. He had let everyone down,
getting in the way when his opinion didn't even matter, interfering in a pack conflict -

A sharp pain flashed across Jungkook's chest and he cried out. Something was wrong. Something
was horribly, horribly wrong.

"Hey!" Someone was shouting. Who was shouting? Jungkook wasn't even 100% sure of where
he was right now, let alone why he was in so much pain.

"Hey, hey, you're alright," a pair of strong arms wrapped around him, and a comforting aura
seeped around Jungkook as the stranger continued to rub his back. The stranger smelled of
flowers and honey tea, and Jungkook somehow knew without thinking about it that the person
holding him was a Beta.

"Aish, who hurt you?" The stranger pulled away, wiping away Jungkooks tears with his sweater
paws. Jungkook looked up, finally putting a face to the stranger, who was, in fact, not a stranger at

"Siwoo?" Jungkook asked in a watery voice. Siwoo was a trainee at their company, and he and
Jungkook had hung out a few times when the latter had free time. They were't especially close,
but they were as close as they could be given their lifestyles as entertainers.

"Jungkook-ah, I thought you weren't presented?" Siwoo asked, continuing to gently wipe away
Jungkook's tears he didn't realize he was still shedding.

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "I'm not, hyung."

Siwoo cracked a small, sad smile. "Well, someone's distressed Omega hormones are screaming at
me right now, and you're the only one in here..." Siwoo attempted to joke, but stopped as soon as
he saw that the information wasn't relieving Jungkook.

Instead, the boy cried harder.

"No, no no no." Jungkook cried, burrowing his head back into Siwoo's neck.

What a big 'fuck you' from the universe. Making Jungkook wait five years to present and then
giving him what he wanted at literally the most inopportune time. Now that at least one of his
potential Alphas hated him, what a perfect moment to finally find out he's an Omega?

"Jungkook, what happened?" concern was lacing Siwoo's caring tone, and selfishly, Juungkook
basked in it. At least someone was finally letting him know they care.

"H-hyung yelled at me and now e-everything hurts."

Siwoo opened his mouth to answer, but Jungkook began rambling before he had a chance. "I t-
tried to help Yoongi hyung see that Taehyung hyung wasn't being m-mean on purpose and he, he-
" Jungkook cut himself off with a hiccup, "he told me to stop interfering with pack business and
to-to go away. He was, he was so angry at me."

Siwoo could barely understand Jungkook through how much he was crying now.

Siwoo, unfortunately, knew exactly what was going on. Jungkook must have been close to
presenting, and then having an Alpha yell at him sent him over the edge. Now he felt rejected and
alone, the opposite of what an Omega should be feeling when they present. Presenting is a very
vulnerable time for everyone, but especially for Omegas.

"Jungkook, we need to find your hyungs." Siwoo began gently.

"No!" Jungkook shot up, eyes wide in fear. "No! They hate me, they don't want me in the pack,
they can't know."

Jungkook was babbling brokenly, gasping out protests as Siwoo pulled him up and out of the
practice room. Jungkook was about to book it and run until he realized that Siwoo wasn't taking
him to his hyungs, he was taking him to the nurse.

Each entertainment company was required by law to have doctors on staff that are trained to deal
with kids that are presenting. Wordlessly, Siwoo led Jungkook into the room and towards the
nurses station. One of the nurses spotted them right away, jumping up immediately to help
Jungkook in whatever way she could. Siwoo squeezed Jungkook's shoulder reassuringly as
Jungkook walked away from him and into the exam room.


Jungkook was completely numb when he left the nurses office.

He had lied the entire time. Told the nurse that he was so worked up because he had an important
show coming up, and needed to be put on suppressants and scent blockers immediately. Usually
that's frowned upon, as an Omegas first heat is the most important one and needs to be spent with
their pack. Jungkook had assured her that yes, he would only be on them for a short time and that
his pack would be completely in the know about everything and keeping an eye on him. He told
her that yes, he knew the scent blockers were an odd request, but that he was a late bloomer and
wanted to break the news of his presentation to the public at a time less busy for their group.

The nurse had agreed, and Jungkook had left the office with a bag of blockers and suppressants in
his hand - smelling sterile and utterly and completely normal.

All traces that Jungkook had recently presented had vanished, leaving the maknae feeling sad,
alone, and empty.

He pushed those feelings aside, ducking into the restroom to make sure he looked presentable
before heading to practice and finally facing the others.

Jungkook had almost forgotten the events that had happened earlier in the day with Taehyung and
Yoongi until he entered the practice room. He saw Namjoon first, who was pacing and looking
down at his phone anxiously. Hoseok was huddled up with Jimin and Taehyung in the corner of
the room, the two Omegas wrapped around each other. Obviously, the two had finally made up,
but for some reason, everyone still looked... sad?

Jin was heading to Namjoon to comfort him when he noticed Jungkook standing in the doorway.
A wave of relief washed across Jin's features, much to Jungkook's confusion. "Jungkook! Oh,
thank God," Jin nearly ran to him, startling him with the strength behind the embrace he wrapped
the maknae in.

Jungkook was still confused. Why hadn't they just started practice as usual? Why did everyone
look so stressed out?

And most importantly, why the hell hadn't the nurse mentioned that even though Jungkook wasn't
going to smell like an Omega to anyone else, that he would still be able to smell the others?

Jungkook, who was still being held by Jin, was nearly being choked by a smell he could
somehow describe as concern. Jin's lavender scent was magnified so much it was nearly choking

So that's what hyung smells like. Lavender.

"Where were you? We were so worried!" Jin continued, holding the maknae away from himself
slightly to inspect the younger for injury.

"Jimin told us what happened, and you wouldn't answer your phone." It was Namjoon speaking
this time. He had gotten closer to Jungkook and Jin, and Jungkook had to take a step back
because wow.

Namjoon smelled like the earth. Firm, ground, steady. Strong.

Jungkook took several more steps back because he was so overwhelmed.

Namjoon backed off as well, taking Jungkook's reaction as one of fear. "Jungkook?" Namjoon
asked, hurt and confusion lacing his tone.

"I'm fine. Let's just start practice, yeah?" For the first time since entering the practice room,
Jungkook lifted his gaze to look Namjoon in the eyes, fake smile plastering his lips.

Jungkook headed to the back wall, towards his bag that one of the others must have brought from
the dorm. He sat down and started to lace up his dance shoes.

"Jungkookie?" Jungkook looked up to meet the eyes of Jimin. Despite being older, Jimin looked
so small. Looking at him with wide, sad eyes and the puppy dog look that could bend the will of
the strongest of Alphas.

"Yeah, hyung?" Jungkook asked, forcing the fake smile once again. He was purposefully
avoiding breathing through his nose to avoid any more sensory overload.

"A-are you okay?" Jimin asked so softly, so sweetly, that it was almost enough to crack
Jungkook. Almost.


"Yoongi hyung didn't mean it, Kookie." Despite his efforts, Jungkook still flinched when Jimin
said Yoongi's name. This didn't go unnoticed by anyone else in the room.

"Yeah, I know he didn't. It's fine. I'm fine."

And with that, they began practice. Jungkook had absolutely no desire to ask where Yoongi even
was, as he had apparently decided to skip practice.
The other members shared a look with each other when Jungkook was otherwise occupied.
Something was off.


Practice was going well, all things considered, and Jungkook was proud of himself.

Until Yoongi came back to the practice room.

They were in the middle of running their new choreography. Jungkook had smelled the Alpha
before seeing him enter the room.

Jungkook had stuttered, steps falling out of line, ankle rolling painfully. He was quick to recover,
jumping right back in, silently grateful for the pain as it served as a welcome distraction.

Yoongi said nothing, just walked to the back of the room and leaned against the mirror, waiting
until the song was over to join into the next. Jungkook was hyper-aware of the Alpha's gaze
trained sharply onto his back.

He pushed down all emotion - throwing himself whole-heartedly into the choreography, leaving
no room to feel or think anything else.

The rest of the practice ran the same way. Jungkook concentrating solely on perfecting the
choreography - tuning out the concerned gazes of literally everyone else in the room.


The rest of the week went by with no bumps in the road.

But for Jungkook, literally everything was harder.

His new biology was screaming at him. He needed attention. He needed to not be shut out of the
pack nest anymore, his inner Omega howling in dismay each night when he curled up to attempt
to sleep by himself.

Every time he would see Yoongi or Namjoon wrap their arms around Taehyung or Jimin, or pull
them in to cuddle during movie night, Jungkook's heart would break a little bit more.

Each time he would have to watch Hoseok and Jin shoot the other members one of those caring
glances, he felt like he was being punched in the chest.

By the end of week three, Jungkook was sure his inner Omega was going to go insane if he didn't
do something - anything.

Jungkook had woke up the morning of day 26 of being presented (but who's counting?) with a
plan. He was sick. He could feel how sick he was, how hurt and neglect had taken its toll.

It wasn't like the others hadn't noticed the shift in Jungkook's behavior. The others had tried
countless times to get through to the maknae. Just a few nights prior, Jimin had entered the pack
nest with watery eyes, shaking all over. Namjoon had immediately opened his arms, and Jimin
had sagged into them.

"Something is wrong," Jimin practically wailed into Namjoon's chest. "He keeps acting like he's
fine and he's not, he's hurting, hyung, what do I do I don't know how to make it stop," Jimin was
babbling, distraught that one of his closest friends was in pain and shutting him out.
Namjoon just held him closer, unsure of what to do himself.

Chapter End Notes

*cue the shameless self promo*

If you're new here, I also write for Monsta X and have three other fics (hybrid, little
space, and ABO AU's) posted!
Chapter 3
Chapter Notes

Hi once again!!!! As promised, here's todays update :) Tomorrow's chapter will be

the last!

Jungkook stood outside of Namjoon's studio door, uncertainty seeping in. The suppressants and
scent blockers were taking their toll on Jungkook, and he knew that he wouldn't be able to take
much more. Neglect sickness, something Jungkook had only read about, was beginning to set in.

When an Omega first presents, they need to spend time with a trusted Alpha or other pack
member. They need to experience scenting, bonding, and pack first-hand. And most importantly,
their first heat needs to be spent with a trusted pack member.

Jungkook had done literally zero of those things, and his body was giving him hell for it. He knew
that things were only going to get worse if he didn't come clean.

Which is why he was currently outside of Namjoon's studio, hands shaking as he reached to
knock on the door.

The first knock was all but silent, so it was understandable that it went unanswered. The second,
slightly louder. Jungkook held his breath.

He knew that the sooner he had this conversation with Namjoon, the better. Jungkook knew that
Namjoon didn't want him in his pack - that much had been made clear through their years spent
together. He knew that Namjoon loved and cared about him, just not in the way that Jungkook
needed him to.

He figured the sooner he tells Namjoon, the sooner he can find an Alpha to help him. Maybe
Namjoon knows someone.

Jungkook's trail of thought was cut off by the door opening. Inside, not only Namjoon, but also
Yoongi were sitting in front of a monitor, reviewing a new track.

Jungkook's confidence wavered. He had been prepared to talk to Namjoon, but not to Yoongi.
Definitely not to Yoongi.

The two had barely said two words to each other since Yoongi had yelled at him. Yoongi had
approached him the night it happened, whispering an apology which Jungkook had said he
accepted, mainly just to appease the guilt he could smell in Yoongi's scent.

Jungkook faltered, stepping away from the studio door.

"Jungkook?" Namjoon asked, noticing Jungkook's shaking demeanor.

"I-um, n-nevermind, hyungs. I didn't mean to disturb you."

Jungkook makes to walk away, he really does, but his inner Omega knows its close to two fully
capable Alphas, and suddenly Jungkook's legs aren't working, and then he's eye-level with
Namjoon's knees instead of his face.

Jungkook is shaking, and he is scared. He knows he's releasing a ton of hormones right now,
scent blockers be damned. Theres absolutely no way Namjoon doesn't know now, but despite his
hormones practically screaming that he needs help, he's still alone on the floor, curled down and
into himself in submission.

Jungkook is sure this is it. Namjoon is rejecting him, not even willing to help him complete his
transition. He feels like he's dying.

His insides are screaming.

"A-alpha," Jungkook sobs out. He doesn't even realize he's said it, but it's what finally snaps
Namjoon out of his shock.

Namjoon crouches down, scooping Jungkook up and into his arms. He brings him into the studio
and sets them both on the sofa. Jungkook is trembling all over, hands desperately clutching at

"Hush, baby, I'm right here, we're right here." Namjoon reassures, but Jungkook keeps sobbing
and shaking in his grip.

Namjoon is in shock. How the fuck had they all not noticed? How long had Jungkook been
hiding this for? Why hadn't he felt safe enough to come to his hyungs?

"Oh, baby," Namjoon's head shoots up to confirm his suspicions. Yoongi wasn't crying, but his
voice was watery.

Yoongi slowly reaches forward to place a hand on Jungkook's back, the action seemingly helping
to calm the Omega.

"We need to get him home. He needs the whole pack right now." Namjoon utters to Yoongi,
moving to pick Jungkook up again.

"No," he manages to get out, "Please, no, it'll just make it harder." Jungkook chokes on the rest of
his words. He doesn't want to go home to force a bunch of people to bond with an Omega they
didn't want.

"What?" Yoongi asks, completely at a loss.

"You-you don't want m-me in the pack, I'm not going to force-"

"Jungkook." Namjoon says sternly, then curses himself for using such a tone. "Baby, what on
earth makes you think we don't want you?"

Jungkook doesn't lift his head, just shakes it back and forth and whines helplessly. "D-don't, don't
lead me on, please, I can't."

Despite his protests, Namjoon still lifts the struggling Omega up and begins to carry him home.

Jin will know what to do. Jin will know what to do. The phrase repeats itself over and over in
Namjoon's mind like a mantra.


Jin was their lead beta for a reason.

When Namjoon had entered the dorm carrying a clearly distressed Jungkook, Jin had shot into
action. He stepped up to Namjoon, placing a hand on the back of Jungkook's neck to settle him.
He helped Namjoon get to Jungkook's room, but only faltered for a moment when Namjoon
passed Jungkook's room and entered the nest.

When they finally set Jungkook down on the nest (an obnoxiously oversized bed set to fit six
people comfortably, covered in blankets) Jungkook turned away from them all, curling into
himself and burrowing under the blankets.

A cocoon of warmth and comforting scents surrounded Jungkook, and for the first time in weeks,
he relaxed. He could smell rather than hear when Yoongi and Namjoon left the room, leaving
only Jin.

"Oh, baby," Jin said, curling up on the bed next to the lump that was Jungkook. He massaged
what he knew to be Jungkook's back, still keeping some distance between them.

Outside the room, Jin could hear commotion. He heard Taehyung panicking, asking for answers.
He couldn't hear Jimin, but he knew the younger was probably crying, clinging to either Hoseok
or Namjoon, just as concerned as Taehyung.

"Y-you can leave, hyung. I'm okay." Jungkooks voice breaks, unable to stop the tears from
resurfacing. He wants Jin to leave, doesn't want to force his Omega needs on the older when he
wasn't even a welcome addition to the pack. But he also has no idea what he'll do if Jin actually
does leave.

"I'd like to see you try to get rid of me, Jungkook."


The next day continues in much the same way. Jungkook would accept affection and cuddles
from Jin and Jin only, but then would shy away and ask the older to leave.

Jin never left.

Holding Jungkook as he finally fell asleep, Jin stared up at the ceiling. How had this happened?
How had Jungkook convinced himself so thoroughly that they didn't want him in their pack?

The others had all been talking about it for years. Taehyung would enter the nest after passing
Jungkook's room and curl up with Hoseok and ask no one in particular when Jungkook could join
the pack. They had even discussed Jungkook joining without being presented. Taehyung would
frequently sleep in what was supposed to be his and Jungkook's room, just to help Jungkook feel
less lonely. Jungkook would never say it, but they all knew how desperately he wanted to be a
part of the pack. They never missed the longing stares.

They each thought that Jungkook knew that he would become a part of the pack the second he
presented. But all this time, Jungkook had been doubting himself, taking their silence about the
matter as rejection. Jin was beating himself up. Had he not done good enough of a job taking care
of their maknae that he really, truly, believed that he wasn't wanted?

The pack had agreed not to bring the subject up in order to avoid hurting Jungkook. They each
knew how sensitive he was about not being presented yet, and figured it would be better to just
cross that bridge when they got to it, rather than upsetting Jungkook.

Jin now realized how much of a mistake that had been.

"Baby," Jin began soothingly, running his hands thought their youngest's hair. "Baby, you know
how much we love you, don't you?"

Jungkook didn't answer, just sniffled.

"We all love you so much." Jin started, "We didn't talk about you joining the pack like we should
have. We all thought that all it would do it hurt you, so we agreed not to talk about it. We all knew
how much you wanted this, and I-" Jin chokes up, "I should have known, I should have made
sure that you knew how much we love you, and that the second you presented you would be

Jungkook makes an audible whimper, curling tighter into Jin.

"Taehyung slept in your room all those times so that you wouldn't be alone. Jimin is constantly
looking for a way for an unpresented to join the pack. Hoseok curls up at night sometimes with
Namjoon and cries because he can feel how sad you are, but he couldn't do anything to help you.
I looked at you every single day and wanted to pull you close, but I thought that it would do more
harm than good, and the last thing any of us ever wanted was to hurt you, but that's all we did."

Jin reaches up to wipe the tears from his eyes. Jungkook is crying now too.

A knock at the door breaks the moment. Jungkoook's head shoots up, grip tightening on Jin's shirt.
Jin pulls him closer protectively.

It's Namjoon. He looks a mess. Jin instinctively knows everyone else isn't fairing any better.

Jin eyes Namjoon worriedly. "It's Jimin."

Jin stiffens, and Jungkook's head shoots up again.

"Kookie, is it okay if Jimin comes in? He's really worried." Namjoon asks softly.

Jungkook nods, concern bubbling up in his chest for the other Omega.

Namjoon ducks out of the room briefly, before returning with the heart-breaking sight that was

He was engulfed in one of Jungkook's hoodies, eyes red and hair a mess.

Jin sighed. He knew Jimin would be distraught. Jimin was one of the most sensitive, empathetic
people Jin has ever known.

Jungkook made eye contact with Jimin, who was stood shaking with uncertainty in the doorway.
Jungkook let out a distraught sound, arms reaching out for the other Omega.

Jimin let out an equally painful sound, lunging across the room to dive into Jungkook.

For a while, the two Omegas just held each other and cried. Despite the appearance of the
situation, Jin knew this was a good thing. The two Omegas were bonding.

Jimin's hand reached up to smooth down Jungkook's hair. "I love you so much, Kookie." Jimin
sobbed into the younger's neck. "So much."

The two Omegas continued to nose at each other and communicate in their own language. Jin had
always been in awe of how effortless it was for Omegas to communicate with and comfort one

After a while of scenting, Jimin giggled. "Kookie smells like cookies."

After a while of scenting, Jimin giggled. "Kookie smells like cookies."


It was a day and a half later before Jungkook fully came back to himself. Jin continued to murmur
reassurances of how loved he was, and Jimin remained curled next to him at all times.

When Jungkook finally left the nest to shower, Jin and Jimin wandered into the living room

The sight that met them sent a pang of guilt through Jin for not communicating to the others better
about what was going on with Jungkook.

Namjoon and Yoongi were a mess. Jin knew how hard it must have been for them to keep their
instincts in check and not overwhelm Jungkook with bonding with two Alphas at once.

Hoseok, although he was in better shape than the two Alphas, was still a mess. Taehyung was
sleeping fitfully in his lap.

Upon hearing footsteps, Taehyung sat up, blinking at Jin and Jimin.

"He's okay." Jin reassured them all. "He's just really, really vulnerable right now."

Jin answered as many questions about the maknae as he could before Jungkook shyly entered the

He stood unsure, arms holding himself tightly. His eyes were downcast, and Taehyung couldn't
help the distressed chirp that left his throat upon finally seeing the younger Omega.

"I'm sorry." Jungkook muttered so quietly that the others would have missed it if all of their
attention wasn't on him.

"You have absolutely nothing to be sorry for." Jin began. "It was us that didn't communicate
properly with you. There isn't a person in this room that doesn't love you as much as you love
them. Each of us want you here, with us, in our pack."

Across the room, Hoseok stiffened. Had Jungkook really thought, for all this time, that they didn't
want him?

Jungkook slowly crept around the back of the couch and sat down, space between him and Jin,
who was on the other cushion.

"When did you present?" Hoseok asks softly.

Jungkook falters, pondering whether or not to tell the truth.

"Three weeks ago."

Namjoon manages to just barely contain the sound that was threatening to leave his throat. "How
did it happen? Why didn't you tell us, baby?"

"I, u-um." Jungkook hesitates again. The last thing he wants to do is hurt anyone. "The day that
Taehyung changed suppressants. I think it was going to happen that day on its own, but then
Yoongi hyung, um," across the room, Yoongi flinches as though Jungkook had actually hit him.
Jungkook blinks down the tears and continues. "I ran to the practice room, but I felt really, really
wrong, and scared, and all I knew was that hyung hated me and I thought the rest of you did too,
but then Siwoo came, and forced me to go to the nurse. I lied to her to get heat suppressants and
scent blockers so you wouldn't know. I just wanted time to find another Alpha or pack or
something because I knew-well, I thought you all didn't want me. It was easier to just hide it than know..." Jungkook trails off quietly.

Yoongi isn't breathing. A nudge from Namjoon is what it takes to remind him that he actually
does need to breathe. Yoongi's vision is blurry. He goes to stand up, feeling as though he's about
to either pass out or vomit, quite possibly both, before the sweet scent of vanilla cookies engulfs

"Hyung, no, hyung, it wasn't your fault. It was going to happen anyway, and you didn't know. I'm
not mad, I know you don't hate me, hyung."

Yoongi doesn't know how Jungkook is anywhere near him right now. He should be hitting,
kicking, screaming at him, not hugging him.

Yoongi doesn't know why he's shaking until he feels how damp Jungkook's shirt has become.

"Jungkook, I-I'm,"

"Shh, hyung."


Things get better after that.

Jungkook finally starts to accept that the others had loved him all along. He's kind of shocked that
he missed it, actually.

It was there the whole time.

Even when he starts to doubt it, one of the others, one of his pack is always there to keep him

Jungkook is loved. He was always loved, and now he knows it.

Chapter 4
Chapter Notes

Welcome to the final chapter! I hope you all have enjoyed, and I have truly loved
hearing what you guys think about this story!

Warning: There is sexy time in this chapter. Take caution if you need to. <3

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Jungkook can feel the inevitable creeping up behind his eyelids when he wakes up in the middle
of the night a month and a half later.

The pack had had this conversation with him. Had told him how his first heat would be coming
soon, and that the first is the worst. Taehyung and Jimin had repeatedly held Jungkook while he
freaked out at the concept of slick and how it was going to come out of where?! The two Omegas
had reassured him that whoever he chose to spend his heat with would take care of him, and that
he would be okay. It would be uncomfortable, he would feel like he was on fire but the hard part
would pass soon enough, and then he would just feel good.

Jungkook had whined in embarrassment when Taehyung had explained how good a knot feels.
Had hid his face behind his hands when Jimin had explained how the pack bite mark works.

But overall, Jungkook felt as prepared as he was ever going to feel.

That was, until he felt it actually start to happen.

He had been able to play it off through the morning. But as early afternoon crept in, and the group
was starting to get ready to leave for practice, Jungkook had faltered. He tugged on Jimin's sleeve,
begging the other Omega to understand without him having to say it.

Jimin's eyes widened. He sent him an encouraging smile, gripping Jungkook's hand tightly.

"Come on guys, lets- Jimin, why aren't you ready?" Namjoon asks, but stops when he sees the
bubble of anxiety Jimin is dragging behind him.

"Jin, call management. We're all out for three days." Namjoon said, and Jungkook's knees nearly
buckled because fuck, had Namjoon's voice always sounded like that?

Jungkook whined, unable to push aside the feeling of heat creeping up his spine any longer. He
shifted his weight back and forth.

"Come on Kookie, lets get you settled." Jimin says soothingly, pulling Jungkook into the nest.
Jungkook just kind of stands there and stares helplessly as Jimin arranges and then rearranges the
blankets. When he finally deems them good enough, he beckons for Jungkook to climb in.

"You should probably take your clothes off, you're starting to get hot." Jimin says.

Jungkook freezes. Until then, Jungkook hadn't realized that this would actually happen. That he
was an Omega, and he was going to get his first heat any day now. He was going to have to get
naked. And then he was going to have sex. And then he was going to be knotted and claimed.
Jungkook flushed, panic lacing his scent. Jimin seemed to understand.

"Baby, you'll be just fine. Namjoon, or Yoongi, or whoever you want is going to be so gentle and
sweet, and no one is going to do anything you don't want to do."

Jungkook nods. This he knows. He had had this conversation with each member of the pack.

"Who do you need, Kookie?"

And there's the question. Jungkook still doesn't know. He thought he would know when the time
came but he still doesn't and how the hell is he supposed to do this he can't-

"Hey," Jimin breaks the train of thought. "I spent my first heat with Jin until I needed an Alpha.
Between you and me, he's kinda the best."

Jungkook misses the joke entirely, shakily nodding and now that the idea of Jin had been planted
into his head, he couldn't think of anyone else.

"Jin." Jungkook repeats, and Jimin nods, quickly hugging Jungkook before he leaves to get their

Jimin walks into the living room, and all eyes train on him expectantly.

"Jin hyung." Jimin says.

Jin's eyes widen. He had expected Jungkook to choose Namjoon.

Jin stands, heading to Jungkook.


Jungkook is panting. He is entirely way too hot and it's suffocating in here, and why is he alone?

And then Jin is there, lavender filling his nostrils and soothing him immediately.

"Hyung, p-please," Jungkook begs, but he doesn't even know what he's begging for.

Jin understands. Slowly, he peels off Jungkook's shirt. Jungkook sighs, momentary relief in the
form of cold air hitting his chest. Jin moves lower, towards the button of Jungkook's jeans, and
Jungkook instinctively bucks up, causing Jin's hand to travel just that much lower -

Jungkook moans brokenly, then shifts away from Jin, "I-I'm sorry, I don't-"

"Hush, Jungkook."

And then Jungkook's head is hitting the pillow and his eyes are rolling back into his skull because
Jin is removing his pants, and every so often he'll rub the growing bulge in Jungkook's boxers.

And then Jungkook feels it.


He blushes, attempting to move himself away from Jin once again out of embarrassment, but Jin is
having none of it.

Fuck, that tone was doing things to Jungkook, and if things were this intense with a Beta, how the
fuck was he supposed to deal with an Alpha?!

Jin removes Jungkook's boxers in one swift motion, causing Jungkook to let out a broken sound.
Cold air hits the most sensitive spots on his body, and Jin just keeps on touching him, running the
boys nipples between his thumb and index finger, wrapping a hand loosely around Jungkook's
aching member.

Jungkook's hips thrust upward, panting in desperation, "Hyung, please, please,"

"Shhh, baby. I've got you." Jin moves his hand further south, thumb teasing along Jungkook's

Jungkook thought he would freak out at this part. The thought of something going in there seemed
impossible, but when Jin slipped his first finger in, Jungkook saw white.

Jungkook came for the first time in thick spurts across his stomach. At this point, he was too far
gone to be embarrassed.

He barely had time to be confused about how the fuck he could possibly still be horny before Jin
was adding a second finger, then a third.

Jungkook was a whining, crying, writhing mess under Jin and the older was living for it.

"Okay, baby. You need an Alpha now, sweetheart. Who do you want?"

Jungkook doesn't think before blurting out, "Both, hyung, I need both, please, I-"

Jin leans away from Jungkook slightly to reach for his phone and send a text to their group chat.

Yoongi and Namjoon. Now.

Jin hits send and only has to wait a few moments for Namjoon and Yoongi to enter the room.
Yoongi seems hesitant, but Jungkook is quick to shut that shit down.

"Hyung," Jungkook cries brokenly, reaching for Yoongi. Namjoon takes Jin's place on top of
Jungkook, running his hands up and down Jungkook's sides.

Jungkook is already far too fucked out to care that he's stark naked in front of three of his hyungs,
legs parted and begging for something, anything. Jungkook will have time to die of
embarrassment tomorrow, but there's no time today.

Yoongi approaches the bed as Jin leaves, the door clicking shut behind him. Namjoon is already
undressing. Yoongi climbs up to the head of the bed, running a hand through Jungkook's sweaty
hair. Yoongi's campfire scent furls into the air around him. Namjoon's earthy scent is quick to go
to Jungkook's head as Jungkook writhes when Namjoon finally, finally touches him.

Jungkook doesn't know what to do with his hands, but Yoongi has it covered. In one swift
motion, Yoongi grabs both of Jungkook's wrists and yanks them above his head and holds them

Jungkook pulls against the hold once, moans, and cums again.

Jungkook whines in embarrassment, attempting to hide his face under his arm. Namjoon cups his
jaw in his hand, keeping Jungkook's gaze on him.
"You're doing so good, baby."

Jungkook preens. "Hyung, hyungs, please."

Namjoon slides lower, and Jungkook is confused as to what the actual heck Namjoon is doing
with his face so close to-

Oh, fuck.

Jungkook thinks he's broken. He is incapable of thinking anymore as Namjoon does things down
there with his tongue that should not be legal.

Jungkook thrashes around, giving Yoongi a run for his money as he attempts to hold him down.

And Jungkook has no idea how, but he's cumming again.

And then Namjoon is lining himself up against his entrance, and Jungkook's eyes are bulging out
because fuck it's huge how is it going to fit -

Namjoon smirks, but still leans down to mouth along Jungkook's jaw, asking, "Are you sure this
is okay?"

And of course it is okay. It's okay because this is Namjoon, and Jungkook trusts him.

Jungkook nods, and then Namjoon is pushing himself inside, slowly, inch by inch. He stops and
waits for Jungkook's nod before he begins thrusting in and out, Jungkook's head thumping back
against the pillow, lust filled eyes looking up at Yoongi who looks just as blissed out as Jungkook

Yoongi leans down to continue what Namjoon started; licking along Jungkook's jaw and sucking
on his scent gland. Yoongi can tell Namjoon is getting close, and that it's almost time for
Jungkook to take the bite.

Yoongi moves out of the way when Namjoon leans down, hips stilling as he moans, biting down
on Jungkook's scent gland, claiming Jungkook.

Jungkook is on an entirely different planet. He feels like he's floating. He feels safe, warm, and

Jungkook peels open his eyes to blink lazily up at Namjoon who is running a wet cloth over
Jungkook to clean him up. Yoongi isn't in the room anymore, and Jungkook feels a little lost.

"Hey, baby. You with me?" Namjoon asks, pausing his actions to grab Jungkook's hand.

As if on cue, Yoongi enters the room once again, water bottle and protein bars in hand.
Jungkook's stomach rumbles.

"Here, let's get you dressed." Namjoon says, lifting up Jungkook's torso to slip a hoodie over his
head. Jungkook blushes as the older puts boxers on him as well.

"How are you feeling?" Yoongi asks, climbing into the bed with the other two.

Jungkook simply hums.


A few days and several cuddle piles later, Jungkook is pulling on his shoes as their manager
ushers them out of their dorm. Jungkook is revealing his subgender and how he has joined the
pack today, and he's nervous.

Namjoon slips his hand in the maknae's and walks with him out to the van.

"You've got this, baby. We're all right here with you."

Jungkook smiles, eyes darting around to take in each of his hyungs.

"I know." he breathes.

Chapter End Notes

Hope you've enjoyed :). Please let me know in the comments. If you would like to
see me write more of this universe or another, let me know as well!

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