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Cyclic Voltammetry Experiment

James J. Van Benschoten. J a n e Y. Lewis, a n d William R. H e i n e m a n

University of Cincinnati. Cincinnati, OH 45221
Daryl A. Roston' and P e t e r T. Klsslnger
Purdue University. West Lafayene. IN 47907

Cyclic voltammetry (CV) is a very useful modern elec- recorder, and an electrochemical cell (I). The potentiostat used is a
troanalytical technique; its principles and theories have been Bioanalyticsl Systems, Inc. CV-1R. Alternatively, any number of
discussed by Kissinger and Heineman (I). Despite t h e ad- commercially available instruments, or a homebuilt model con-
vantages of the technique a n d its widespread use, there is a structed from conventional operational amplifiers can be used ( 3 . 4 ) .
The current versus potential curves are recorded on a Hewlett-
lack of CV experiments in t h e literature for students. Thus, Packard model 7015B XY recorder, As mentioned in reference ( 1 ),
this experiment has been designed specifically for introducing
the ootential scan varies linearlv with time. thus it is feasible to use

CV to students who are a t t h e advanced undergraduate or

a rrrip chart recorder, even tho&h 11 is not ns wnvenienr as an X ) ' .

-- " maduate level. There are three oarts to this exueriment,
earlv I f an <,rcill~mcopeia nvailahlr, i t can be used in place of the rerorder.
each of which may be performed independently. The p~trntialoutput is fi~lhwedindependently wwlth n Keithley model
P a r t I uses t h e Fel1I(CN)c3-/Fe11(CN)s4-couule a s a n ex- 178 digital voltmeter.
ample of a well-behaveb e ~ e i t r o c h e m i c areversible
~i~ system A three-electrode system is used for the CV experiment (I). The
in aoueous solution. This exoeriment demonstrates deter- electrodes reauired are a Pt warkinc electrode (area = 2.5 mm2),a Pt
minition of t h e following: t h e formal reduction potential auxiliary electrode, and either a A ~ I A ~ CorI a saturated calomel
electrode (SCEI reference electrode. All ootentials in this exoeriment
(E"'): the number of electrons transferred in the redox process
~~~~ ~

are referenced veraur. %'E The cell used la a H~mnalyticalSystems.

in);the diffusion coefficient (D); electrochemical reveriibility; In,. \'('-2 ylaw wal with a t i t m l top. The u,p ha., iour hdes machmed
and t h e effects of varying concentration and scan rate. to nerommudate the three rlectn~desand a t u h for detrxygenating
P a r t I1 investigates t h e electrochemical behavior of acet- by bubbling with a stream of Ns.
aminophen, a n ingredient in many over-the-counter phar- Procedure. Pretreatment of the platinum working electrode surface
maceuticals (e.g., Tylenol*, Excedrin*, Nyquil*, etc.). T h i s may be required. Simply polishing the surface with powdered alumina
organic system is more complex, involving chemical a s well and rinsing thoroughly with distilled water should suffice. The elec-
a s electrochemical reactions. Principles t h a t are illustrated trode can be sonicated in an ultrasonic bath if available.
include: effect of a coupled chemical reaction on t h e appear- The cell, as shown in reference ( I ) , is assembled and filled with 1
M KNOJ just until the ends of the electrodes are immersed (Note:
ance of t h e CV; effect of p H on the appearance of the CV and avoid tilting the SCE; this may disturb the HgIHgnCln and result in
o n t h e mechanism of reaction; use of scan rate for elucidating incorrect potentialsl. The system is deoxygenated by purging with
mechanistic information; and quantitative determinationof Nz for approximately 10 mi". Following this, N2 is allowed to flow over
acetaminophen in a l'ylenolm tnhlet. the solution to prevent 0 2 from re-entering the eell for the remainder
P a r t 111-is designedto introduce t h e student t o practical of the experiment.
considerations in a cyclic voltammetry experiment. Instead While the system is beingdeoxygenated, the scan parameters can
of followine recommended conditions t h e student now is
persuaded t o investigate factors ~ u c has: t h e effect of 02 on
be set. The working electrode should be disconnected or switched off
during this procedure. The initial potential is set at 0.80 V, and the
scan limits at 0.80 V and -0.12 V using the recorder as a monitor. All
~ ~~ ~
.. . electrode: ~srablishinaPO-
the C'Y: choosinr the aoorooriate
scans are initiated in the negative direction with a scan rate of 20
tential $can lim& and studying Pt electrode surface waves. mV/s. These settings will be used unless otherwise specified.
It is honed that. uoon comoletion of this section, t h e student When deoxygenation is complete, the working electrade is switched
can effktively design a n eiectrochemical experiment for a n y on. After allowing the current to attainaeonstant value (in about 10
particular chemical system of interest. s), the potential sean is initiated and a background CV of the sup-
porting electrolyte solution is obtained.
Part I-Fundamentals of Cyclic Voltammetry After turning off the working electrode, the eell is cleaned and re-
T h e Fe111(CN)6"-/Fe"(CN)$L- couple is known t o be well- filled with 4 mM KaFe(CNI6 in 1M KNOs. Following the same pro-
behaved both chemically and electrochemically (2). As such, cedure as above, a CV of the Fe'1L(CN)i"/Fe1'(CN)8- couple is ob-
i t is often used a s a model system in electrochemical experi- tained.
The effect of the sweep rate ( u ) on the voltammoprams is observed
ments. I t can be used t o determine electrode areas a n d to by using this same soiutionand recording CV's at the following rates:
diagnose problems associated with new electrochemical cell 20,50,75,100,125,150,115,and 200mV/s. Retweeneach scan, initial
designs. In this experiment, t h e couple is used t o clearly conditions at the electrodesurface are restored by moving the working
demonstrate s o m e ~ i m p o r t a n tprinciples of cyclic voltam- electrode gently up and down without actually removing it from so-
metry. lution. Care should be taken that no buhbles remain on the elec-
Experimental ('wwenrration likewiseaffrcts the magnrtudr of thr penkcurrent.
Reagents. All chemicals are reagent grade and are used assuch. A This i seen by uhtainmg +cansof 2.6.8. and I d m A f K ,l.'t.tC'Fi~fi uang
10O-mlstock solution of apprnximateiy 10 mM K3Fe(CNk is prepared ~~~ ~~
nswwo rate uf 20 mV,s A \r,ltarnmoeram of tne unkn<,wnK8nCN)a
~~~ ~

solution should be ru'n as well.

in 1 M KN03. From this, 25 ml each of approximately 2,4,6, and 8
mM solutions in 1 M KN03 are made. In addition, a 25-ml K3Fe(CN)6 The affect of the supporting electrolyte on the appearance of the
solution of approximately 4 mM is prepared in 1 M NazS04.All so- CV isdemonstrated by recordingvoltammogramsof (1) 4 mM ferri-
lution concentrations must be accurately known. An unknown cyanide in 1 M KNOs and (2) 4 mM ferricyanide in 1M Na2S01.
KsFe(CN)fisolution should be provided by the instructor. Results and Discussion
Apparatus. The cyclic voltammetry apparatus consists of a po-
tentiastat with potential sean capability, a voltmeter (optional), a Using the data obtained, a number of simple calculations
can he done that will yield considerable information about the
Current address: Department of Chemistry. Northern Illinois Uni- ferri-ferrocyanide system. Anodic peak current (i,) cathodic
versity. DeKalb. IL 60115. peak current (iw), E"', and n can be determined as described

772 Journal of Chemical Education

0.8 04 00 ;-loL ' I
WTENTIAL V vr SCE 2.0 4.0 6.0 6.0 100
. . Cvcllc
F i a r e 2. IAl -
. voltammmam of KIF~CN). . .. In 1 MKNO*.Scan rate = 20
Figure 1. (A) Cyclic voltammograms of 4 mMKsFe(CN)sin 1 MKNOJ.Pi elec- mVls. PL elechade. Concentration = 2. 4, 6. 8, and 10 mM. (8)Plot of i, versus
bade. Scan rate ( 4 = 20. 50. 75. 100. 125. 150. 175. end 200 mVls. (8)Plot concentration and i, vsrsus concentration horn voltammograms in (A).
01 iw YBTSUI v ' ' ~and ,1 versus uU2 horn voltammogams in (A).

in reference ( I ) using the voltammogram of 4 m M tions should span the range of 0.10 to 5.0 m M ; 10-25 ml of each are
K3Fe"'(CN)6 in 1M KN03. needed.
The effect of the scan rate, v, on the appearance of the CV An unknown solution is prepared by dissolving a Tylenolm tablet
in 250 ml of pH 2.2 buffer. A workable concentration is obtained by
can be seen in Figure 1A. As described by the Randles-Sevcik diluting a 5-ml aliquot of this solution to 50 ml.
equation (I), ,i and ip, i n c r e m as u"~. A plot of this equation All APAP solution concentrations need to be accurately known.
(Fig. 1B) yields a straight line, the slope of which can be used Apparatus. The apparatus used in this experiment is identical to
to determine the diffusion coefficient (D in cm2/s) of the that in Part I with the exception of the carbon paste workii electrode
system. T h e area of the working electrode will either have to (area = 9.1 mm2).
be provided by the instructor or experimentally deter- ~ ~~~ ~ ~
. . as described in
Procedure. The carbon oaste electrode is ~renared
mined. the Hiuanalytirnl Sysrems. Inc. manual. Thw elrrtrc,dt must he
Evidence indicating that the system is electrochemically carefully parked tu avoid erroneous resulu and rare ;lhould c,e mken
reversible (discussed in reference ( I ) ) can he seen in Figure not to gauge it once it is ready for use.
Using the 3 m M APAP solution in pH 2.2 buffer, scan limits are
1A as well. T h e separation of the peak potentials (AEJ is established at 1.0 V and -0.2 V. Scans are initiated in the positive
i n d e ~ e n d e nof
t v. This can he discussed bv the student. direction at 0.0 V. Cvclic voltammomams of the 3 mM APAP solution
The Kandlrs-Sevcik equation ( 1 ) also indicates that i, and in each of the 3 buffers are then obcined at a scan rate of 40 mV/s and
...i are d i r e d v.. .
oro~urtionalto concentration. The effect of 250 mV1s. The solution should be stirred between each run.
increasing concentration on the appearance of the CV can be As was demonstrated in Part I, CV's can be used for quantitative
seen in Figure 2A. A calibration curve (Fig. 2B) can be con- analysis. A standard curve can be constructed using the series of 5
structed and used to determine the concentration of the un- APAP solutions in pH 2.2 buffer. From this, the concentration of
known ferricvanide solution. APAP in the Tylenol solution is determined.
A formal potential as reported in the literature is a working Results and Discussion
number that is dependent on the conditions of the experiment
The oxidation mechanism of APAP is as follows
(5).T h e effect ofthe particular supporting electrolyte used
is demonstrated by comparing CV's of K3Fen1(CN)6in KN03
and Na2SOa.
Part ll-Effect of Coupled Chemlcal Reactions
Acetaminophen (N-acetyl-p-aminophenol, APAP), the
active ineredient in Tvlenol". is commonlv used as an a s ~ i r i n
substitute. However, unlike aspirin, it is known to cause liver OH
11 111
and kidnev damaee when administered in laree amounts. I t NAPQI
is suspectld that :metabolite of APAP is the actual hepato-
toxic agent, thus APAP and its metabolites have been ex-
tensively investigated (6).
Voltammetric studies in aqueous solution have revealed
chemical as well as electrochemical steps (7). The APAP
system therefore is useful in demonstrating the mechanistic
information that can he obtained from CV's.
Reagents. All chemicals are reagent grade and are used as such. The APAP is electrochemically oxidized in a pH-dependent, 2-
fallowing supporting electrolyte solutions are needed: 500 ml of pH . . .
electron. 2-proton Drocess to N-acetvl-D-~uinoneimine
2.2 and 200 mlof DH6 Mcllvaine bufferwith an ionicstrenethof 0.6 (NAPQI') (step 1). ~ i occurrence
e of follow-up chemical re-
M (8); 200 ml of i.8 M HSSO~. actions involving NAPQl. is .
pH dependent. Bv . varving
. the pH
- .
A stock solution of approximately 0.070MAPAP is prepared in0.05 of the media and the scan rate ofthe cyclic voltammetry ex-
M perehlaric acid. This should be kept in the refrigerator when not periment, chemical reactions involving NAPQI can be
in use. Using the stock solution, 10-25 ml of an APAP solution is "mapped-out." At p H values 26, NAPQI exists in the stable
prepared in each of the three supporting electrolyte solutions. The
concentration of these APAP solutions should be approximately 3 unprotonated form (11). Cyclic voltammograms recorded for
N A P a t pH 6 are shown in Figure 3. Reasonably well-defined
~ ~

For the purpose of establishing a calibration curve, four additional anodic and cathodic waves are evident. The anodic current
APAP solutions in pH 2.2 buffer are needed. These four concentra- represents step 1in the mechanism detailed above while the

Volume 60 Number 9 September 1983 773

E,VOLTS vr Wepcl
roe // 70.4 r0.z

Figure 3. Cyclic voltammogramr of 3.6 mM APAP in pH 6 Mcllvsine buffer.

Carbon paste electrode.

cathodic current represents the reverse of this step. The

similarity in appearance of the p H 6 cyclic voltamm~grams
Figure 4. Cyclic voltammcqramsof 3.6 mMAPAP in pH 2.2 Mcllvaine buffer.
observed with 40 and 250 mV/s scan rates indicates that the
involved species are stable in the time domain of the cyclic Carbon paste electrode.
voltammetrv experiment. The large separation between the
anodic andcathodic peak currents &the pH 6 cyclic vol-
tammograms is a manifestation of sluggish electron transfer
Under more acidic conditions, NAPQI is immediately
protonated (step 21, yieldmg a less itablebut elrctn,cherni-
calls artivr species (1111ahirh rapidlv yields (step ;I) a hy-
clrnted firm- I,IYr, that is elertroch~~micallv
~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ inactiw at the ex-

amined potentials. Cyclic voltammograms shown in Figure

4 are consistent with this mechanism. The DH of the media
was 2.2. A small cathodic wave due to the reduction of pro-
tonated NAPQI " (111)
. . is evident when the scan rate of 250 mV/s
is employed. This wave is even more pronounced when faster
. " .however. faster scan rates reauire the
scan rates are emnloved:
use of an oscilloscope to record thk current-potential rksponse.
With a slower scan rate of 40 mV/s, a cathodic wave for the
reduction of protonated NAPQI is not observed. All of the
protonated NAPQI (111) is converted to the inactive hydrated
form (IV) before negative enough potentials are reached
durinz the reverse scan of the cvclic voltammetrv exoeri-
Hvdrated NAPQI (IV) converts (step 4) to benzoquinone;
however, the media has to he extreme& acidic for thk rate of
the process to be sienificant enough that reduction of benzo-
qui&ne is observed during the cyclic voltammetry experi-
ment. The media for the cyclic voltammograms detailed in
Figure 5 was 1.8 M HzS04. A poorly defined cathodic wave for
Figwe 5. Cyclic w l i a m w m m s of 3.6 mM APAP in 1.8 M W . . Cmbm psste
the reduction of benzoquinone (V) was observed when a scan electrode.
rate of 250 mV/s was employed. The reduction wave is broad
because the formation of benzoquinone (V) from hydrated
NAPQI (IV) occurs during the reverse scan. When the scan
rate is 40 mV/s, the increased length of time required to reach determining whether 02 is an interference. Generally, this is
negative enough potentials during the reverse scan allows for accomplished by some amount of trial and error. This effort
is justified, however, because as shown in parts I and 11, con-
the accumulation of benzoquinone (V). Consequently, a
well-defined reduction wave was observed for henzoouinone siderable information can be obtained from a relatively simple
experiment. This section demonstrates how these selections
( V ) when the slower scan raw wnsernployrd.The sermd scan
are made, thus giving the student insight on how todesign an
in thr nositive direction virld3 i u ~anodic wave in addition to
effirirnt C V experimrnt for almost anv chemical systtm of
that oE APAP which coriesponds to the oxidation of hydro-
quinone, the reduction product of benzoquinone.
Part Ill-Dissolved Oxygen, Potential Limlts, Surface Experimental
Elfects Reagents. All chemicals are reagent grade and require no further
purification. Solutions of approximately 25 ml1.0 M H2SO&and 25
When investigating a chemical system for the first time with ml 1.0 M KNOuare required.
cyclic voltammetry, there are several experimental conditions A~oarotus.The electrochemical aooaratus is described in Dart I
that need to be established. Among these are choosing the
appropriate electrode, solvent, and supporting electrolyte; and

774 Journal of Chemical Education


0.4 0.0 -0.4 -0.8 -1.2

Figure 6. Cyclic volternmqlrams ol 1.0 MKWsshowing effect of OZ.Oxygen
rernovd by deaxygenating wilh N2 fn 10 min. Au electrode. Scan rate = 50 v' ,
1.2 0.9 0.6 0.3 00 -0.3

Figure 8. Cyclic valtarnmqlram showing R eisctrDMt surface waves in 1 M

H2S0,. Scan rate = 50 rnV/s.

Plntinum makw a very interwing elcctrde i n that several surface

wnves npprar in a 1,ackgmund rean. Thmr wavra ran he investigated
in a dwrygmated solution of 1.0 M HJOI wing a pdirhed electnde.
A voltammogram is obtained by initiating the scan in the negative
direction at 0.30 V with potential limits of 1.425V and -0.225 V. The
positive potential limit is progressively stepped in to 0.825 V (in 0.15
~ ~
V increments) obtainine a CV at eaeh new limit. Leavine this limit
~ ~

at 0.825 V, the negativepotential limit is then likewisestepped in to


0.075 V (in 0.075 V increments) obtaining a CV at each new set-

Results and Discussion
Though a compound is not chemically altered by 0 2 (i.e.,
oxidized, degraded, etc.), the voltammogram of that com-
pound may nonetheless be subject to 0 2 interference. This
results from the fact that 0. is electrochemicallv active (i.e..
reducible to Hz02 and HZO~.These two process"es should h i
amarent from the CV's of oxveenated 1.0 M KNO* (see Fie.
f3j.'1f the compound of i n t e r e z e d u c e s in the samepktential
- . deoxveenation is a necessarv -~rocedure.
Choosing the appropriate solvent, supporting electrolyte,
I . and working electrode for a CV e x ~ e r i m e nreauirest
rtmsiderati(;n.s.The major requirements of the xivent are that
1.6 00 0.0 -08 -1.6
POTPITIAL, Y vr SCE the iveries of interest he soluble and stahle in it. The SUI>-
porting electrolyte must provide a relatively high ionic
F r g ~ e7 Cyclic voltarnmDgrams of 1 0 M <NOs d tlerenl wommg slsc- strength (>0.01 M ) and be compatible with the svstem. A
bmes (Alglassycarbon. IBicaman pase. ICIAU.ID1 Fi Cycilc vohmmogsm further consideration is the window that is available.
01 1 0 MH,SO. mng IE) Au electrode Scan rate = 50 mVls
In aqueous solution, this is often limited on the negative end
by the reduction of HzO to H2 and on the positive end by the
9.1 mm2),and an Au electrode (area = 2.5 mm2)are used. Any or all oxidation of Hz0 to 0 2 . It is influenced by the choice of
of these electrodes may he investigated depending on availability. working electrode, solvent, and supporting electrolyte. Elec-
Procedure. The effect andlor interference of dissolved 01 " in the

trolysis of the species of interest must occur within this range

supporting electrolyte is readily determined. Using the Au working
electrode (polished as was the Pt electrode in part I) acyclicvoltam- for a CV experiment. Figure 7 (A-D) shows the potential
mogram of 1.0 M KN03 with scan limits of 0.7 V and -1.0 V is run. windows provided by several working electrodes in 1M KNOs.
This is initiated at 0.40 V in the negative direction with a scan rate Figure 7C and 7E demonstrate the influence that two different
of 50 mV1s. The solution is then deaxygenated for 15 min as described supporting electrolytes, 1 M KN03 and 1.0 M H2S04 re-
in part I, and a CV of the oxygen-free solution is recorded. spectively, can have. These illustrate the pH dependence of
The potential window for variouselectrodes can be just as readily the Hz0 electrolysis waves.
determined. At the low current settines.. tvoicallv
. , used in CV.. this is Metals such as Au and Pt are not totallv inert as once
generally l~m~red m either end hg large offrcnlr wnwz ['ring n 1.0 M thought ( 9 , l O ) .When used as electrodes, ~ t a n d exhibit~ u
K N h sdutim, n scan rntr oi 50 my s,and a current range of ap- surface waves which limit the usable votential ranee. At an
proxmately hll pA in.. the worknhlr pute~,tialrange can be deter-
mined for eaeh electrode. Au electnde (as shown in Fig. 7 E ) these waves are atrributed
Not only is the potential range dependent on the particular elec- to adiorhed oxide furmation and redurtion at low pH. Figure
trode used, but alsoon the suppurtingelectrolyteused. This isdem- H illustrates the numerous l't surface waves. At negative po-
onstrated by comparing the potential limits available on an Au tentials, fmnation and oxidation ol adsurhed Hv UCCUW: in
working electrode in 1.0 M KN03 and 1.0 M H2S04. the positive region, formation and reduction of adsorbed oxide

Volume 60 Number 9 September 1983 775

14) Kimingcr, P. T., in "Labcrstory T ~ h n i q u e ain E l e c t r 4 y f i c a l ChemhV/."KYsbger.
is observed. These waves have been studied and can be used P. T,and Heineman. W. K. IEditomI Marrel Dakkar, New York, in pma. Chapt.
to determine accurately electrode area (9,10). As demon- E.
strated in Figure 8, if the potential range is sufficientlylimited, (51 ~ d t h o f fI.
. ~ . . ~ n m a i e cW
k ,. J . J ~ h y chem.
s 39.945 (1935).
(fil Miner. I). .I.. Rice. J. H..Rimin. R. M.. Kiasin~or.P. T.. Aml. Chsm.. 53. 2258
a very clean workable background can be obtained. 119811.

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776 Journal of Chemical Education

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