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Electrostatic Testing of M52A3B1

H.H. Billon and L. Redman

DSTO Technical Report


Electrostatic sensitivity tests were coirducted oiz M52A3B1 primers using an electrostatic
discharge ( E S D )g u n to sinrulate hunrair static discharge. The data were analysed by the
Bruceton, probit, logit and A M C R teckiziques. The izo-fire threshold ( N F T )for
electrostatic discharge was deternziized.

Published by

DSTO Aeronautical and Maritime Research Laboratoy

GPO Box 4331
Melbourne Victoria 3001 Australia

Telephone: (03) 626 81 11

Fax: (03) 626 8999
O Commonwealth of Australia 1994
A R NO. 008-567



Horace Billon graduated from Royal Melbourne Institute

of Technolopj with a BSc in Applied Physics. He also has
a Graduate Diploma in Mathematical Metkodsfrom Royal
Melbozirne Institute of Tecknolopj. After working in the
XAAF Quality Asstirance Laboratories at Highett he
joined MRL in 1986. He works in the Explosives
Ordnance Division, and his primary areas of interest are
explosives rl~eolopjand electrostatics.

Lance Redman attended Royal Melbotirne Institute of

Technologj, graduating zuith a Diploma of Applied
Chemistry in 1971. He zuorked in the laboratories at
Carlton and United Breweries for huo years before joining
MRL in 1970. A t MRL he has gained a wide range of
experience in handling explosive materials both primaries,
secondaries and pyrotechnics. He is ctirrently zuorking on
high velocity inzpact sensitivity and laser ignition of
pjrotechnic conlpositions.


2.1 Materials 8
2.2 Apparattis 8
2.2.1 ESD Simrilator and Accessories 8
2.2.2 Mecllanical Apparatus 9
2.2.3 Electronics 12
2.2.4 Resistance Measurements 14
2.3 Firing Procedure 14
2.4 Bruceton [5] Procedure 14
2.5 Rundown Procedure 14


3.1 Brliceton Procedure 15
3.2 Rlindown Procedtire 15
3.2.1 Probit Analysis 15
3.2.2 AMCR Analysis 16
3.2.3 Logit Analysis 16
3.2.4 Chi-sqiiared Test 16
3.3 Conlparison of Test Methods 17
3.4 Conlparison with DC Firing Levels 17
3.5 Analysis of CRO Traces 17


Electrostatic Testing Of M52A3B1

1. Introduction
There is considerable concern w i t h the Australian Defence Force (ADF)
regarding tlie inadvertent initiation of electroexplosive devices (EED's). To
address tlie specific problem of electrostatic initiation, MRL has commenced a
task tlie &I of w h c h is to reconlnlend a structured electrostatic discharge
protection policy. One of the milestones for tl* task requires the correlatioil of the
DC and electrostatic sensitivities of EED's.
The DC sensitivity of an EED is the more readily available parameter [I, 21.
Until recently there was 110 suitable method available for testing EED
vulnerability to human static discharge. The US uses the 25 kV test [3] for
assessh~gelectrostatic sensitivity but this test does not give an indication of the
0.1% function level or of the no-fire t l ~ e s l ~ o lnor
d , does the test circuitry
accurately reproduce worst-case h~unandischarge. We have adequately
reproduced human static discharge by using a commercially available electrostatic
simulator (the KeyTek ESD-I).
Here we will describe the results of sensitivity tests wlucli were conducted on
M52A3B1 coliducti~~g composition primers. Tliese primers are used in 20 nun
anunulution. Australian weapon systems employing tlus ammunition are the
Phalanx Close-In Weapon System (CIWS) as well as the F l l l C and F/A-18A
aircraft cannon. The purpose of these tests was to detem~jllethe electrostatic no-
fire threshold voltage and energy for the primer. It would then be possible to
compare the electrostatic NFT energy with tlie NFT energy for DC discharge.
2.2.4 Resis taizce Measlireinelz ts
Primer resistailces were measured prior to the ESD tests by means of a Vall~alla
Scientfic 4314AN Digtal igniter Tester. ~ e a s ~ w e m e nwere
t s conducted b e b d a
safety screen.

2.3 Firing Procedzrre

An initial measuren~entwas made of the primer resistance before the cartridge
case was inserted into the breech block (see sectioi~2.2.4). After the cartridge case
was inserted into the breech block a second resistailce measuren~ei~t was made
between the outer surface of the breech block and the gold-plated electrode. T I 6
second measuremei~twas performed to test for electrical continuity.
Upoil activatioi~,the turntable brougl~tt l ~ egold-plated electrode to a distance of
11n1n fronl the DT-4 discharge electrode. System a l i g u ~ e nwas
t checked at tlus
point. T11e turntable was returned to the starting position. The ESD-I was
energsed and the firing box shut. T11e turnbable was then activated again and it
moved the gold-plated electrode to the discharge position. T11e discharge gap
increased wit11 increasing discharge voltage.
All the firings were conducted w i t l the
~ ~firing cabinet. In the event of a 'no-he'
the primer was disposed of by h i n g at a11 elevated voltage. Tlus voltage was
gei~erauy15 kV. The exhaust systellr was used to thoroughly clear the h i n g
cabinet of fumes after each firing.

2.4 Bmceton 153 Procedzrre

Primers were fired at 2 kilovolt intervals. An e s l h ~ a t ewas h s t made of the 50%

functiol~level. A primer was then subjected to tlus voltage. If the primer h e d
then furtl~erprimers were tested at successively lower voltages untd a 'no-fire'
occurred. If a 'no-he' occurred primers were tested at successively lugher
voltages until a ' h e ' was recorded. Tlus procedure was repeated in ail 'LIP-do~~11'
fasluon for 20 shots.

2.5 Rzrndozun Procedzrre

The ruildown test coilsisted of firing separate lots of primers at pre-assigned
voltages. T l ~ evoltage interval was estimated from the Brucetoil results. A record
was made of t l ~ enumber of ' h e s ' as well as 'no-hes' wluch occurred ~ Ieach
I lot.
Tlus information was the11 used to estimate distribution parameters. The data
were assessed either by the probit [5,6] method, the AMCR [7] method, or by the
lo@ method [6]. The lo@ method is siuular to the probit method but uses a
logistic h ~ i ~ c t i oinstead
n of a nornlal distributioi~h~i~ction.
3. Results and Discussion
3.1 Brziceton Procedure

The results of the Brucetoil hrings are listed in Table 1. Statistical analysis was
coilducted by means of a program written by one of the authors [8]. The analysis
indicated that the 50 % fuiiction level was 3.8 kV. The log mean and standard
deviation were 3.5581 and 0.1410, respectively. The Brucetoi~procedure had beell
conducted in t e m ~ sof coiistant voltage incremei~ts.The Bruceton analysis was
coi~ductedon the assumptioil that the voltage sei~sitivitieswere log-nom~ally

3.2 Rzinclozon Proceclzire

The h ~ data g from the rundowil procedure are tabulated UI Tables 2 to 10. These
data were analysed by using software packages written at MRL [9,10]. As
indicated in Table 5 and Table 6, additional b i n g s were coiiducted at a voltage of
4.2 kV. These additional firings improved tl~eprobit mid logit fits.

3.2.1 Probit Annlysis

A probit analysis of the results was u~ldertakeilby means of t l ~ esoftware in [9].

The logaritlm~of tl~evoltage was used as the random variable. Figure 10 is a plot
of t l ~ elogaritlm~sof tlie voltages against the empirical probits for tlus analysis. A
straight line fit to the data is possible. Tl~eresults of the analysis may be foui~din
Table 11. The in~portantresults are that the 0.1 X functioi~level and n o - b e
thresl~oldestimates are 1142 V aiid 799 V, respectively. By assuu~ingthat all the
energy stored in the discharge network's capacitor is released into the primer, i t is
possible to estimate the 0.1% FL and NFT energies as 98 FJ and 48 FJ respectively.

3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4 4.1

Log v
Figure 10: Plot of log voltages against enzpirical probits. Tlze straight line is the probit
regression line.
4. Conclusions and Recommendations
We have successfully concluded a series of firings and analyses to determine the
electros~aticdischarge characteristics of the M52A3B1 primer. The Bruceton,
probit, logit and AMCR methods have bee11 used to analyse the data. The probit
and logit analyses yielded the u ~ o srealistic
t results and the results of those
analyses wlll be quoted here. The emphasis has been on safety. The probit analysis
predicts that the voltage 0.1% fui~ctionlevel estimate and 110-he tlvesl~old(using
a single-sided 95% coifidei~ceinterval) are 1142 V and 799 V respectively. The
correspondi~~g values for the logit ai~alysisare 781 V and 477 V. The 0.1 % FL and
NFT energy were estimated as 98 pJ and 48 pJ by probit analysis. l11e
corresponding values for the logt ai~alysisare 46 pJ and 17 pJ. By coll~parisoi~ the
NFT for DC initiation has bee11 quoted as 2.2 pJ or 5 pJ.
We have, l~owever,take11 no account of the series resistance of the discharge
network ~ Idetermining
I the energy input to the primer. Taking tlus into account
would reduce the obtained NFT values. It would be useful i f the voltage across
the primer could be measured directly as a functioi~of h e . Even without a
precise knowledge of the energy input to the primer, the results obtained in tlus
work are useful in d e t e r n ~ t~l ~~ehazard
g level of the M52A3B1 primer (in terms
of discharge voltage). Tlus is because the data ~ I tlus
I report have bee11 obtained
from a simulator wlucl~replicates aclual human discharge. Further, tlus discharge
has been designed to reproduce what is coi~sidereda worst-case sceilario
involving discharge from a hand-held metal object.
It would also be useful if f u h ~ r ework could be coi~ductedto elucidate the effects
of factors such as temperature, 1111midity and barometric pressure on the
Ai~otherimportant factor is the approach speed of the electrode bearing the
electrostatic charge. It has bee11 sl~own[13] that a correlatioi~exists between
electrode approach speed and the rising slope of the discharge pulse. Tlus
phenomenoi~requires further investigatioi~~ Ithe I context of tlus work. It is
relevant because, in practice, there will be a varialion in the approach speed of e.g.
a person's 11ai1d to the ordi~ai~ce under ESD tlveat.
The different values obtained for the 0.1% FL and NFT whei1 they are calculated
by different methods is also a problem that requires further i~~vestigation.

5. References
1. Spear, R. J. and Redman, L. D. (1984). A Stridy of the Feasibilify of Developing
a Lozu Sensitivity CC Cap for Rarifoss 20 nznz Anznzrinition (MRL Report MRL-R-
948). Marib yri~ong,Vic.: Materials Research Laboratory.

2. Bentley, J.R. (1986). Condticting Conzposition Prinzers for 105 nznz Tank
Anznztinition ( U ) (MRL Report MRL-R-1001) (Restricted). Maribyrnong, Vic.:
Materials Research Laboratory.

3. MIL-I-23659C. Mhtary Specification. Initiators, Electric, General Design

Speclhcation for. August 1972.
4. Richman, P. (1985). Aiz ESD Circuit M o ~ f ezi~itlz
l Iizitial Spikes to Dtrplicate
Dischargesfronz Hands zoitlz Metal Objects, Application Note AN 150, KeyTek
hstrument Corp.

5. Culling, H.P. (1953). Statistical Metlzods Appropriate for Evaltiatio~zof Fuze

Explosive-Train Safety and Reliability (NAVORD Report 2101). Whiteoak,
Maryland: US Naval Ordnance Laboratory.

6. Finney, D. J. (1971). Probit Aizulysis, 3rd edition, Cambridge University


7. AMC Regulation AMCR 715-505. Ai~ziizuizitioizBallistic Acceptaizce Test

Methods Volt~ilze8. Test Procedures for 20 i i z ~ l zCartridges. October 1964.

8. Billon, H. Unpublisl~edwork.

9. Lam, C. (1993) Tlze application of a statistical analysis softzoare package to

explosive testing (MIIL Technical Report MRL-TR-93-42). Maribymong,
Vic.: Materials Research Laboratory.

10. Billon, H. Unpublisl~edwork.

11. Ordnance Board Proceeding 42413,ll Marc11 1986. LTK RESTRICTED.

12. Bentley, J. et al. Fulzctioiziizg Clzaracteristics of tlle M R L M K 2 CC Primer.

MRL internal report.

13. Daout, B. and Ryser, H. (1987). Tlle Correlation of Rising Slope and Speed of
Approaclz ii? ESD Tests, 7th International Symposium on Electromagnetic
Compatibility, Ziiricl~,Switzerland.
Table 1: Rest~ltsof Brl~cetonfirings for M52A3B1 primers

Temperature: 33"C, Relative Humidity: 37%

shot N ~ . Primer Resistance Rig Resistance Test Voltage Result

(kQ) (kQ) (kV)

Table 2: Rundown test V=1.0 k V

First 2 sl~ots:Temperature: 32.5"CI Relative humidity: 52%.

Other sl~ots:Temperature: 29"C, Relative l~urnidity:32%.

Shot No. Priiner Resistance Rig Resistance Result

Table 3: Rundorun test V = 2.6 kV

Temperature: 32.5"C, Relative hunlidity: 52%.

Shot No. Primer Resistance Rig Resistance Result

(kQ) (kQ) *
1 10.8 11.0 F
2 83.5 73.9 NF
3 17.6 12.3 F
4 11.3 7.8 NF
5 24.7 23.5 NF
6 39.9 39.9 NF
7 5.8 5.8 NF
8 13.7 14.3 NF
9 42.6 47.7 NF
10 8.4 7.9 NF
11 6.7 5.2 NF
12 18.7 20.1 NF
13 31.2 27.3 NF
14 30.0 26.9 NF
15 22.3 22.2 NF
16 54.9 53.5 NF
17 27.4 29.6 NF
18 10.3 10.6 NF
19 19.0 20.5 NF
20 58.0 56.5 NF

Table 4: Rundorun test V = 3.4 kV

Temperat~lre:36"C, Relative hurnidiky: 29%.

Shot No. Primer Resistance Rig Resistance Result

(kQ) (kQ)
Table 5: Rz~ndowntest V = 4.2 k V (initial 20 slzots)

Temperature: 29"C, Relative humidity: 40%.

Shot NO. Primer Resistance Rig Resistance Result

(kQ) (kQ) *

Table 6: Rundown test V = 4.2 k V (second lot of 20 shots)

Temperature: 32"C, Relative humidity: 44%

Shot No. Primer Resistance Rig Resistance Result

(kQ) (kQ) *
Table 7: Rundown test V = 5.8 kV

Temperature: 29"C, Relative humidity: 40%

Shot No. Primer Resistance Rig Resistance Result

(kQ) (kQ)

Table 8: R~indowntest V = 7.4 kV

For the &st 8 shots: Temperature: 29"C, Relative humidity: 40%

For the other shots: Temperature: 33"C, Relative humidity: 30%

Shot No. Primer Resistance Rig Resistance Result

(kQ) (kQ)
Table 9: Ru~idozo~i
test V = 9.0 kV

Temperature: 33"C, Relative humidity:30%

Shot No. Primer Resistance Rig Resistance Result

(kQ) (kR) *
1 17.3 16.7 NF
2 17.6 16.6 F
3 9.9 10.2 F
4 49.3 47.8 F
5 35.6 35.9 F
6 7.2 7.2 F
7 85 .O 84.5 F
8 17.2 17.2 F
9 23.6 22.9 F
10 6.6 6.7 F
11 12.6 12.6 F
12 23.2 23.4 F
13 12.3 12.2 F
14 23.2 22.5 F
15 23.6 23.5 F
16 8.4 8.3 F
17 15.6 17.7 F
18 44.7 41.3 F
19 27.3 27.1 F
20 18.1 14.6 F

Table 10: Ruiidowii test V = 10.6 kV

Temperature: 33"C, Relative humidity: 30%

Shot No. Primer Resistance Rig Resistance Result

(kQ) (kQ) *

* The rig resistance was measured after the cartridge case was inserted into the breech
block. See section 2.3 for details.
Table 11: Probit analysis results asstinling tlze voltage sensitivity is log-nornzally

Logarithmic Voltage Mean 3.620

Logarithmic Voltage Standard Deviation 0.182

Voltage 0.1% Function Level Estimate 1142 V

Voltage No-Fire Threshold Estimate (0.1%, 95% Confidence) 799 V

Table 12: Logit analysis restilts assrrnling tlze voltage sensitivity is log-logistically

Logarithmic Voltage Mean 3.616

Logarithniic Voltage Standard Deviation 0.190

Voltage 0.1% Function Level Estimate 781 V

Voltage No-Fire Threshold Estimate (0.1%,95% Confidence) 477 V



DSTO-TR-0029 AR-008-567 Unclassified


Electrostatic testing of M52A3B1 primers


H.H. Billon and L. Redman DSTO Aeronautical and Maritime Research Laboratory
GPO Box 4331
Melbourne Victoria 3001


June 1994 DST 91/178 DSTO


G6/4/8-4462 13 30


Chief, Explosives Ordnance Division


Approved for public release


Announcement of this report is unlimited


Electroexplosive devices Electrostatic initiation Conducting compositions

Primers - - -


Electrostatic sensitivity tests were conducted on M52A3B1 primers using an electrostatic discharge (ESD) gun to
simulate human static discharge. The data were analysed by the Bruceton, probit, logit and AMCR techniques.
The no-fire threshold (NFT) for electrostatic discharge was determined.


Electrostatic Testing of M52A3B1 Primers

H.H. Billon and L. Redman


Director, AMRL
Chief, Explosives Ordnance Division
Dr B.W. Thorpe
Mr H.H. Billon
Mr L. Redman
AMRL Library - Maribyrnong
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